PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Knack, and Killzone are the only launch games? 

Any multi platform games worth it?

I need Destiny, and The Division to hurry up... If there is nothing coming out good until March I might have to wait.

i dont remember seeing the option for launch or standard yesterday when i pre-ordered. I'm assuming i got the launch since that is the one that is sold out?
If there wasn't an option for a "launch" edition, you got the launch edition. I just chatted with an Amazon rep because I was in the same boat and she confirmed that I did, indeed, get the launch edition. You can double check by going back to the PS4 page and seeing if it shows "instant order update" at the top when you click on the launch edition.
Dude thanks for your post. Someone else mentioned the instant order update, but didnt say where it was. I looked all over the damn page and never saw it at the top (Forrest for the trees i guess...)

Any rate, when i click on launch edition, its there, so I should get one day one around 5pm when my UPS guy shows up.

Only bad thing about ordering from amazon, gotta wait till later in the day to get it. Do save 40 bucks in tax though, so makes up for it. That and its one less day I have to take off work to play it, no need since I wont get it till I get off anyways. Will be the longest day of work ever though...

Knack, and Killzone are the only launch games?

Any multi platform games worth it?

I need Destiny, and The Division to hurry up... If there is nothing coming out good until March I might have to wait.
To be fair I've heard most cross-gen titles (ACIV, Watchdogs, BF4) look like complete ass on current gen compared to next gen, but I can wait on those.

gs selling ps4 bundle with ghost in it so means ps4 will either come out on release date of ghost or after my guess is one system will come out week after ghost and other the week after that right before black friday.

Knack, and Killzone are the only launch games?

Any multi platform games worth it?

I need Destiny, and The Division to hurry up... If there is nothing coming out good until March I might have to wait.
To be fair I've heard most cross-gen titles (ACIV, Watchdogs, BF4) look like complete ass on current gen compared to next gen, but I can wait on those.
ac 4 will run 60 fps on 360 and ps3 same with next gen and pc that will not look much dif ac games look great on current gen. watchdogs im sure will be bad and bf4 only runs 30 fps on current gen just like bf3. i played ac4 on 360 today on show floor and it looked great i might ad.

I mean I have both systems Preordered at gamestop, to give sony a chance to find a reason that I MUST have this console. Here are my big beef's so far, anyone with some common sense can tell you that microsoft will just throw money at it until they get the best exclusives, I mean that is what they do, they do it with timed exclusives, and with actual exclusives, even Kingdom hearts, and Metal Gear Solid are coming to the Xbox One, I have seen MANY exclusives end up going to the 360, but not many vice versa, people can say a number like 14 in the first year all they want but until I actually see those games or know what games those 14 are, that is pointless to me. The consoles themselves regarding graphics and such are pretty much identical at this point, so there's no real selling point there, and I mean Microsoft servers have always been so much better (This isn't some random fanboyism, it's why live cost's $ but you get what you pay for, they use that money and it shows.) Not to mention this past gen, SOOO many games I have seen people say "Careful the ps3 version Bugs/Crashes/Glitches/ETC. now that isn't a knock against sony but more to the fact that for whatever reason sony ends up with the short end of the stick, and I don't want to sign up for the same experience alot of people had when they bought Skyrim for the PS3. The region free-ness seem's pretty cool, although I don't speak a scribble of japanese (zing!)

I have a PS2 and a PSOne that I use to this day, sitting right next to my 360, If I came off sounding a little biased It wasn't intended, I actually am pretty concerned for those point's I made.
  • Sony doesn't need to throw money at third parties to get exclusives, they have 13 first party studios worldwide. They also have third parties like quantic dream, level 5, ready at dawn, united front games, housemarque, thatgamecompany, etc... making IPs for them.
  • Sony may have lost some exclusives(Final Fantasy Xiii, Devil May Cry 4, Grand Theft Auto IV) but so did Microsoft. Mass Effect, Ninja Gaiden, Bioshock, Dead or Alive, Splinter Cell, Lost Planet, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia. Some of Microsoft's exclusive titles like Gears of War and Alan Wake are on PC, too.
  • You probably won't see a difference in graphics around the 1st year between PS4 and Xbox one. I think it was Guerilla Games who said the games coming out on PS4 during the 1st year were developed on non-final dev kits with the original 4GB Ram limitation until Sony announced at the February event that the final specs will have 8GB Ram.
  • I agree with you xbox live download speeds and uptime is better than PSN(Hey it's free so I can't complain). But things are changing with PS4, PS+ will be required for online play, so hopefully Sony can use that revenue to add more/improve the servers. Microsoft had a headstart on Sony since Xbox Live was born with the original 1st Xbox. PSN wasn't created until the PS3's launch. I have been using PSN since 2007 and Sony has come a long way in the past 7 years (You can see that with the Vita, it has cross game chat, and fast trophy syncing unlike the PS3).
  • Sony had the short end of the stick due to the nature of how the architecture in the PS3 works. Developers didn't think it was worth the effort, money, or time to make it look the same as the xbox 360. This shouldn't be a problem for the PS4 since it's a PC with off the shelf parts now. I haven't read anything from developers yet knocking on the PS4, they seem to like it very much especially that 8gb gddr5 ram.

PS4 is going to ship with a headset?

Mute lobby except for party is going to be needed in every game.

^That will be the headset being bundled with the PS4.

Knack, and Killzone are the only launch games?

Any multi platform games worth it?

I need Destiny, and The Division to hurry up... If there is nothing coming out good until March I might have to wait.
I think it was Knack, Killzone Shadow Fall, DriveClub, Infamous Second Son, Planetside 2, Blacklight, DC Universe. The last 3 are free to play.

Multiplatform: *Indie titles are exclusive to PS3/PS4*

  • Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
  • Battlefield 4
  • Blacklight: Retribution
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts
  • Carmageddon: Reincarnation
  • Contrast
  • The Crew
  • Cyberpunk 2077
  • Daylight
  • DC Universe Online
  • Deep Down
  • Destiny
  • Diablo III
  • Doki-Doki Universe
  • Don't Starve
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Dying Light
  • The Elder Scrolls Online
  • The Evil Within
  • FIFA 14
  • Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn
  • Final Fantasy 15
  • Galak-Z
  • Hohokum
  • Just Dance 2014
  • Kingdom Hearts III
  • Lords of the Fallen
  • Mad Max
  • Madden NFL 25
  • Marc Ecko's Getting Up 2
  • Mercenary Kings
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
  • Mirror's Edge 2
  • NBA 2K14
  • NBA Live 14
  • Need for Speed: Rivals
  • Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New N' Tasty!
  • Outlast
  • The Pinball Arcade
  • PlanetSide 2
  • Primal Carnage: Genesis
  • Project: Heart and Soul
  • Ray's The Dead
  • Rocketbirds 2: Evolution
  • Shadow Warrior
  • Skylanders: Swap Force
  • Sniper Elite 3
  • Super Motherload
  • Thief
  • Tiny Brains
  • Tom Clancy's The Division
  • Transistor
  • Trials Fusion
  • UFC
  • Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
  • War Thunder
  • Warframe
  • Watch Dogs
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • The Witness
  • Wolfenstein: The New Order
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The Order:1886 and quite a few Indies have been announced for the PS4 already. Sony will likely show a few more at TGS and before launch. They've been doing a good job this year at keeping the momentum going. Much better than in the past.
We can assume that pretty much all indie devs will be flocking to the PS4, since MS basically said "Indie devs aren't important enough to us, only games with *real* publishers matter." And it's really their own damn fault they feel that way, since the indie section on the 360 was so poorly managed.

Personally I think some of the best experiences this gen have come out of indie studios, so knowing I'll never have to worry about missing out on one is great.

Second Son is launch window not launch (which is like the first 6 months) DC Universe is not exclusive (on PC and PS3) and none of those F2p games are confirmed launch at this point (also not exclusive, on PC). 1886 is a LONG ways off.

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I had a 360 this gen and now I'm 100% certain I'm going to get the PS4 this gen.


Is this what heaven feels like?
When the specs first leaked last year, I was in denial that the PS4 was more powerful. Now after the announcements, I've accepted MS has completely changed leadership and vision and it's time to jump ship.

I had a 360 this gen and now I'm 100% certain I'm going to get the PS4 this gen.


Is this what heaven feels like?
When the specs first leaked last year, I was in denial that the PS4 was more powerful. Now after the announcements, I've accepted MS has completely changed leadership and vision and it's time to jump ship. :nottalking:

Sony Raises Its Sales Forecast For PlayStation 4

"Demand may well outstrip supply."
by Colin Moriarty
June 13, 2013


To many gamers, Sony’s PlayStation 4 won E3 2013 decisively, with a competitive price, no used games restrictions, no online connection requirement, and a slew of games. And it’s apparently showing in the strong pre-order numbers for the console.

In a conversation with the Wall Street Journal, such a response was seemingly unexpected, and as such, Sony has increased its sales forecast as a result.


“Sony Corp is raising internal sales projections for the forthcoming PlayStation 4 videogame console amid positive signs about demand for the device,” according to the WSJ.

Unfortunately for those that didn’t pre-order early, however, Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Andrew House admitted that “demand may well outstrip supply.” GameStop echoed this “sentiment” to the Wall Street Journal.

Did you pre-order a PlayStation 4? How about an Xbox One? Or are you waiting to see more before putting your hard-earned money on the counter?

I really hope Sony puts most of their PS4 models in North America for launch so they can try to gain a good lead here since they're already ahead in Europe & they will own Japan. They should delay launch in Japan until late December if not next year. Neogaf is saying Gamestop has a lot more PS4's available than Xbox Ones, in terms of preorders available. Something like 8-12 Xbox One per store and 24-36 PS4 per store.

Xbox One seems to have production difficulties on producing enough eSRAM and having heating issues. They will either be supply constrained or have to downgrade the CPU. Kind of explains why the Xbox One is so huge with that gigantic fan...

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Gamestop is also simply not ordering a big stock of Xbox Ones because they arent sure how well its going to do.
I highly doubt that. Gamestop wants as many consoles they can get their hands on for the launches. I remember reading they would buy every PS4 available if they could.

What we need to find out is where Gamestop stands on the Xbox One policy versus the PS4 policy. Does Gamestop want Xbox One to do better since they will be one of the few places people can sell/trade their X1 games or do they want PS4 to do better because they can continue to buy/sell those games without any hoops to jump through like dealing with MS' servers.

One person on Gaf was saying that at the Gamestop he was at they were advertising PS4 preorders but not X1's unless asked. From his past experiences with the employee he did not think it was the employee dictating that.

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I think its been reported that they are holding back on X ones atm because they don't want to end up with a bunch of them sitting in warehouse not selling.

If they start to get a lot of pre-orders for X one im sure they will order more but from everything ive seen and heard, they arent getting a lot of interest in it right now.

And yes, they are on record saying they would take every PS4 if they could.

I think Gamestop is going to support which ever one sells better which atm appears to be PS4.

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i left e3 today and i deleted my x1 order on amazon and x1 games and got ps4 games and kept my launch day system i have jumped ship sorry ms

i would not be shocked if x1 is having heating issues. i know today i touched one for heck of it and my god it was just as hot as the org 360 before slim came out. i was playing on one yesterday and it locked up while i was playing ryse :facepalm:

the cockyness of that xbox 360 thing that came out yesterday struck a nerve in me and decided i was DONE i will keep my 360 because all my friends are not getting next gen system right away will buy all my mp games on that for now. i will not buy a x1 till price drops close to 350 or 300

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I just can't see Gamestop holding back on ordering X1's because of worrying about them selling. Not at launch, especially when there's not many available for launch. Maybe sometime next year they won't want tons. I gotta go with what I've heard about MS having production issues with eSRAM and heating issues with the CPU.

i left e3 today and i deleted my x1 order on amazon and x1 games and got ps4 games and kept my launch day system i have jumped ship sorry ms

i would not be shocked if x1 is having heating issues. i know today i touched one for heck of it and my god it was just as hot as the org 360 before slim came out. i was playing on one yesterday and it locked up while i was playing ryse :facepalm:

the cockyness of that xbox 360 thing that came out yesterday struck a nerve in me and decided i was DONE i will keep my 360 because all my friends are not getting next gen system right away will buy all my mp games on that for now. i will not buy a x1 till price drops close to 350 or 300
That's pretty cool that you switched over. I've read a lot of rumors about X1 having heat issues and that fan is just huge so it certainly seems it's true. I remember my original 360 launch model how hot it felt where the fan blew out. It heated up the power cord and got me worried.

I really hope Sony puts most of their PS4 models in North America for launch so they can try to gain a good lead here since they're already ahead in Europe & they will own Japan. They should delay launch in Japan until late December if not next year. Neogaf is saying Gamestop has a lot more PS4's available than Xbox Ones, in terms of preorders available. Something like 8-12 Xbox One per store and 24-36 PS4 per store.

Xbox One seems to have production difficulties on producing enough eSRAM and having heating issues. They will either be supply constrained or have to downgrade the CPU. Kind of explains why the Xbox One is so huge with that gigantic fan...
Yeah... They really need to focus on winning back North America, but I don't know if I would go that far. The Xbox 360 did dominate the PS3 in North America and I think a big part of that is because Microsoft was able to effectively make themselves the cool brand. They had lots of great promos where if you were in college you could get a free Xbox 360 with the purchase of a PC and they made sure they were the ones focused on when it came to multi-platform releases like Call of Duty and Madden.

I think what their E3 promo on used games was brilliant and I hope we see more of that type of advertising. I also thought the Greatness Awaits advertisement was pretty good as well. It seemed to harken back to the earlier Playstation days when they were the newcomer and underdog.

I think they should hammer Microsoft with regards to used games and the always on issue. I would love to see a Sony ad with a similar spot in front of Microsoft Headquarters.

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I'd be nice if they buried the hatchet (I don't think the actor was trying to be vindictive with the  Bridgestone Tire/Wii ad), but I like greatness awaits guy too.

I think its been reported that they are holding back on X ones atm because they don't want to end up with a bunch of them sitting in warehouse not selling.

If they start to get a lot of pre-orders for X one im sure they will order more but from everything ive seen and heard, they arent getting a lot of interest in it right now.

And yes, they are on record saying they would take every PS4 if they could.

I think Gamestop is going to support which ever one sells better which atm appears to be PS4.

This is absolutely correct and I've heard it from managers at a few GS stores (off the records). Each store was taking just a fraction (1/3 to 1/4) of X1 preorders as the were PS4. I was told that GS Coporate was going to luck at the numbers in a week or so and perhaps open a second wave of X1 preorders. They are trying to avoid having warehouses full of X1 consoles if they do not sell well.

i left e3 today and i deleted my x1 order on amazon and x1 games and got ps4 games and kept my launch day system i have jumped ship sorry ms

i would not be shocked if x1 is having heating issues. i know today i touched one for heck of it and my god it was just as hot as the org 360 before slim came out. i was playing on one yesterday and it locked up while i was playing ryse :facepalm:

the cockyness of that xbox 360 thing that came out yesterday struck a nerve in me and decided i was DONE i will keep my 360 because all my friends are not getting next gen system right away will buy all my mp games on that for now. i will not buy a x1 till price drops close to 350 or 300
Damn, I hope the PS4 doesn't get hot like that too. I'd hate to see a RROD and YLOD part 2. Luckily I never dealt with either, I had a X360 Pro from 2008 to 2011 and it never gave me problems. Now I have a X360 Slim and it's been fine, my PS3 Slim from 2011 has been fine for me also. They both freeze every now and then, but that's from game glitches (i.e. Assassin's Creed III, Fallout).

The PS4s and and especially the X1s at the show were all dev units. (X1 systems were crashing back to Window desktops for example)
Can't really judge those on how hot they were.

I'm favoring the PS4 too for all the same reasons, but I will say that the angled case is kind of stupid looking. Angled for the sake of being angled. Not that this is a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but still.

Also that gamerhorizon article is dumb: "We think we know". So basically it's all just a bunch of bullshit.

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I'm favoring the PS4 too for all the same reasons, but I will say that the angled case is kind of stupid looking. Angled for the sake of being angled. Not that this is a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but still.

Also that gamerhorizon article is dumb: "We think we know". So basically it's all just a bunch of bullshit.
Look at the PS4 logo and you will know why it's angled.

I'm favoring the PS4 too for all the same reasons, but I will say that the angled case is kind of stupid looking. Angled for the sake of being angled. Not that this is a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but still.
Also that gamerhorizon article is dumb: "We think we know". So basically it's all just a bunch of bullshit.
Well, the article does make for a good story either way. I can definitely see Sony psyching Microsoft out.
bread's done