PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Coming from someone who's never played a Battlefield game before, I love the beta. It lived up to my lofty expectations I developed upon seeing the video during the EA event. I only stopped playing since my controller was dying.
Supposedly more Uncharted 4 is being shown behind closed doors to the press only.
Lucky bastards!!!

Yeah it sounds good on paper but it doesn't play like that. It play's like BF4 with new game modes, imo.
I've been playing Heist and I love it, it definitely feels like it should have been some sort of expansion though rather then a retail game. Also, the sprinting feels too slow to me.

Lucky bastards!!!

I've been playing Heist and I love it, it definitely feels like it should have been some sort of expansion though rather then a retail game. Also, the sprinting feels too slow to me.
Its a 60 title? Sounds more like a 40 or less game.

Gotta love EA....

Yeah, 60 bucks. Then again there's also a SP campaign so its not like you're paying full price for just MP. If you like BF4 then you'll like this. I'll probably pick it up if my friends get it.
Oh thought it was just the mp only.

SP makes it a little better.

will give it a go when i get my beta code.

Destiny Alpha tomorrow, excited for that.

Oh thought it was just the mp only.

SP makes it a little better.

will give it a go when i get my beta code.

Destiny Alpha tomorrow, excited for that.
yeah, I mean... it's just a beta. The download was only 6GB and it is free. Of course it is just going to feel like a DLC right now.

[quote name="kilik64" post="11833576" timestamp="1402493418"]Lot of haters on this game around the Net.

Dont care. Excited as fuck still for this game.[/quote]
I'm excited for it too, but I have to admit the gameplay we've seen so far makes it look more like an on rails QuickTime event game.
[quote name="kilik64" post="11833477" timestamp="1402488689"]Oh thought it was just the mp only.

SP makes it a little better.

will give it a go when i get my beta code.

Destiny Alpha tomorrow, excited for that.[/quote]
I'm bummed that the destiny alpha is is just for this weekend only and shuts off on Sunday.
I like how the picture at the top of the article (looks like a background from Sony's presser?) has the Vita front and center, like they give any fucks about it anymore.
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It really wasn't much of a contest... as much bitching as I was doing during the presentation, besides that point in the middle, Sony basically when from game after game, even if a vast majority of them were multiplatform games.

It's too bad that the Vita basically got no love, outside of them saying they have 100 games in development and yet, only showed a few (which were indie PSN games).

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I personally just don't care who wins anymore.  All I want is good games.

If I could own all 3 systems, I would...  Eventually, I probably will.

All I can say is as a Sony gamer, I am happy!  Good games coming... and the best part?!  Not all of Sony's Studios announced their next gen games they are working on.  No Quantic Dream, No Sony Santa Monica, No Sony Bend.... there is still plenty to hear about and plenty of more exclusives on the way.  It is why I love Sony so much, they have the best first party studios in the Biz!

Timbo, which game did you get? Knack? Lego Marvel? Since you said it doesn't have online multiplayer...

I can recommend a great cheap headset- the Microsoft LifeChat was $20 on Amazon. It's a set of over-ear stereo headphones that sound great when used for chat, game audio, or both. Easy mute and long USB cord. Highly recommended if that's what you're looking for.
I got mlb and second son is coming thurs I don't play mlb online
It really wasn't much of a contest... as much bitching as I was doing during the presentation, besides that point in the middle, Sony basically when from game after game, even if a vast majority of them were multiplatform games.

It's too bad that the Vita basically got no love, outside of them saying they have 100 games in development and yet, only showed a few (which were indie PSN games).
But Microsoft went from game after game except without that annoying TV BS in the middle.....

All I can say is as a Sony gamer, I am happy! Good games coming... and the best part?! Not all of Sony's Studios announced their next gen games they are working on. No Quantic Dream, No Sony Santa Monica, No Sony Bend.... there is still plenty to hear about and plenty of more exclusives on the way. It is why I love Sony so much, they have the best first party studios in the Biz!
Which is why I had ps3 now ps4. Sony has great 1st party games.
MS was also only 90 mins after that stupid 30 min green carpet crap.

So basically a wash.
That Green Carpet crap wasn't their show it was pre-show and that doesn't change my point.

He says Sony did better because they showed exactly what Microsoft did....except Sony showed a lot of TV crap. I know I'm in the PS lobby but that's still fanboy as hell.

my feel about mlb is that it looks great and plays little better but can tell it's not built on next gen engine. it seems hitting is better because you can see the ball coming and it's not fuzzy from being low res. i can't wait until we get the show on a legit next gen engine hope we get that next year.

That Green Carpet crap wasn't their show it was pre-show and that doesn't change my point.

He says Sony did better because they showed exactly what Microsoft did....except Sony showed a lot of TV crap. I know I'm in the PS lobby but that's still fanboy as hell.
But again you missed his point.. MS showed games for an hour and a half, Sony showed just games for an hour and a half with 30 extra minutes dedicated to tv shows, and hardware updates. The only thing Sony messed up was the pacing. They could have just done the hour and a half of games and they would have killed. But it is not like the games portion suffered because of the TV stuff taking that time seeing as they showed as much game stuff as Microsoft.

It really wasn't much of a contest... as much bitching as I was doing during the presentation, besides that point in the middle, Sony basically when from game after game, even if a vast majority of them were multiplatform games.

It's too bad that the Vita basically got no love, outside of them saying they have 100 games in development and yet, only showed a few (which were indie PSN games).
The Vita shunning is what annoys me the most about Sony right now. Look, I get it the thing's not doing well but you aren't going to improve it by letting it sit there. They were just starting to ramp up again with Borderlands and the new model yet right after that we're back to "oh there will be stuff coming, just not right now".

I know it's a console so it's a slightly different beast but look at Nintendo's handling of Wii U. That thing keeps taking a beating yet they're throwing everything they can at it. Right now 3DS is their top seller and yet rather than just focus on that they look like they're actually committed to getting it running and supporting it with software. It just feels like Sony isn't giving any effort with Vita anymore.


Sony going for the jugular. :rofl:

Sony had the edge this year IMO. MS best game was an HD collection that got leaked months before.

But again you missed his point.. MS showed games for an hour and a half, Sony showed just games for an hour and a half with 30 extra minutes dedicated to tv shows, and hardware updates. The only thing Sony messed up was the pacing. They could have just done the hour and a half of games and they would have killed. But it is not like the games portion suffered because of the TV stuff taking that time seeing as they showed as much game stuff as Microsoft.
Take out 30 Minutes for the TV&Movie crap and I still don't understand your point or his article.

Sony wouldn't have hardly "killed" anything the conference wasn't that great and I wasn't the only one thinking that as it went on. Sure they had a lot of games to show, but so did Microsoft. Now don't get me wrong watching the Arkham Knight and Far Cry 4 gameplay videos was great, but aside from those two and Little Big Planet 3 nothing else was that exciting.

Compared to Microsoft you can't simply say Sony showed more games..because they didn't and like Microsoft Sony showed a lot of unready games through GCI trailers which is something that article doesn't even mention against them but he does smack Microsoft for it. Even the GTA 5 trailer wasn't ready since it was a cinematic trailer and nothing more, and no offense but it's hard as hell to get excited about a game that "just" game out last year.

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Sony going for the jugular. :rofl:

Sony had the edge this year IMO. MS best game was an HD collection that got leaked months before.
And what's Sony's best game this year.....a game that's also coming to the PS3? Seriously might want to look at the bigger picture there before you smack talk Microsoft.

And what's Sony's best game this year.....a game that's also coming to the PS3? Seriously might want to look at the bigger picture there before you smack talk Microsoft.
Might be coming to the PS3, but at least it's a NEW game coming to the PS3.

If the biggest "bomb" from your conference is an HD collection that everyone knew was coming...that says something about the conference as a whole...

And what's Sony's best game this year.....a game that's also coming to the PS3? Seriously might want to look at the bigger picture there before you smack talk Microsoft.
How am I smack talking Microsoft? I just stated my opinion and said that Sony had the better conference. Microsofts E3 was a letdown for me with all the leakes they had months prior. The Xbone will be fine, dont worry. Gamestop said the new $399 model is "flying off the shelves". :lol:

The reason Sony was better in my eyes was because they showed a lot more games I care about.  BloodBorne, The Order, LBP3, No Man's Sky, Uncharted...

How am I smack talking Microsoft? I just stated my opinion and said that Sony had the better conference. Microsofts E3 was a letdown for me with all the leakes they had months prior. The Xbone will be fine, dont worry. Gamestop said the new $399 model is "flying off the shelves". :lol:
This! Media Molecule had said they weren't even going to be there! And like I have said, 4-5 Sony studios weren't even there. That gets me excited that they can announce all these great games, yet there are several more exclusives that I know are being made but haven't been officially announced!

This! Media Molecule had said they weren't even going to be there! And like I have said, 4-5 Sony studios weren't even there. That gets me excited that they can announce all these great games, yet there are several more exclusives that I know are being made but haven't been officially announced!
Yes! The future is bright!!

Might be coming to the PS3, but at least it's a NEW game coming to the PS3.

If the biggest "bomb" from your conference is an HD collection that everyone knew was coming...that says something about the conference as a whole...
Microsoft can't be blamed for the leaks that occurred it was outside their control, and very unfortunate to have happened. That beeing said there were other exciting things like the new Platinum Games exclusive. Also I like how you guys are now saying it's fine since it is a new game anyway yet not long ago pretty much the entire sony fanboy force was bashing Microsoft when it was announced Forza was also coming to Xbox 360. *Shrug*

The reason Sony was better in my eyes was because they showed a lot more games I care about. BloodBorne, The Order, LBP3, No Man's Sky, Uncharted...
Guess showing GCI trailers is enough....ya'know unless it's Microsoft doing it then you get bashed.

This! Media Molecule had said they weren't even going to be there! And like I have said, 4-5 Sony studios weren't even there. That gets me excited that they can announce all these great games, yet there are several more exclusives that I know are being made but haven't been officially announced!
Microsoft can't be blamed for those leaks and they didn't suddenly make the conference a complete waste. A bunch of Microsoft studio's weren't at E3 either so I'm not sure why that even matters to mention it.

Sony conf was 2 hours, with roughly 30 mins for tv etc. 

The hardware part (playstation tv and white Quad) was very brief.

MS conf was 90 mins. So they both spent about the same time showing off games.

I was mostly bored with the MS presentation, Sony did a much better job of showing off stuff. The whole LBP3 showcase was great, pretty funny watching them really play the game. 

Sony, to me, has much better first party support than MS. MS only showed Halo, where was Gears etc? They brought back some random IP that most people had never heard of.

Sony showed actual gameplay for MKX as well, looked great, not sure why there is no buzz for that.

Microsoft can't be blamed for the leaks that occurred it was outside their control, and very unfortunate to have happened. That beeing said there were other exciting things like the new Platinum Games exclusive. Also I like how you guys are now saying it's fine since it is a new game anyway yet not long ago pretty much the entire sony fanboy force was bashing Microsoft when it was announced Forza was also coming to Xbox 360. *Shrug*

Guess showing GCI trailers is enough....ya'know unless it's Microsoft doing it then you get bashed.

Microsoft can't be blamed for those leaks and they didn't suddenly make the conference a complete waste. A bunch of Microsoft studio's weren't at E3 either so I'm not sure why that even matters to mention it.
U mad bro?

How am I smack talking Microsoft? I just stated my opinion and said that Sony had the better conference. Microsofts E3 was a letdown for me with all the leakes they had months prior. The Xbone will be fine, dont worry. Gamestop said the new $399 model is "flying off the shelves". :lol:
Speaking of shouldnt May NPD numbers bet out in the next few days?

I know new sku for xone wont be included but should still be interesting

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Microsoft can't be blamed for the leaks that occurred it was outside their control, and very unfortunate to have happened. That beeing said there were other exciting things like the new Platinum Games exclusive. Also I like how you guys are now saying it's fine since it is a new game anyway yet not long ago pretty much the entire sony fanboy force was bashing Microsoft when it was announced Forza was also coming to Xbox 360. *Shrug*
No, I agree that there was some good stuff shown at Microsoft. Platinum knows how to make some amazing games (I'm not a fan of that genre), and their game will probably turn out really great. Ori and the Blind Forest looks like something I would enjoy, and Crackdown is easily my favorite Xbox franchise.

Did anyone complain about Forza coming to Xbox 360? I must have missed it, because I see no problem with supporting the last gen. The only time one has a valid argument is when it comes to convincing someone to purchase a new system if said game is on last gen as well.

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Just trying to respond to the argument at hand.

Although I kind of am since it's painfully clear Sony gets a free pass from it's fanbase from doing anything while Microsoft gets criticized just for blinking.
Yea well try and kill off used games and thats what happens. ;)

Back to NPD, June 16th is date they come out, due to E3 being this week.

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Just trying to respond to the argument at hand.

Although I kind of am since it's painfully clear Sony gets a free pass from it's fanbase from doing anything while Microsoft gets criticized just for blinking.
Gamers are a fickle bunch, I'm sure you know. Nobody is going to forget what MS did last E3 (and how Sony countered them), regardless of how much they want to change that perception. Most of us get that both companies are trying to make money however they can, but Sony did it in a much more reasonable manner. It was the same way with Sony and the PS3 launch and the first few years after that.

Looks like the rumor of more Uncharted 4 being shown behind close door was false.
Assuming the game comes out late 2015, it's not too surprising if they don't want to show anything too detailed, given it's their first PS4 title. I still wanna know what resolution and FPS they're aiming for though.

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Gamers are a fickle bunch, I'm sure you know. Nobody is going to forget what MS did last E3 (and how Sony countered them), regardless of how much they want to change that perception. Most of us get that both companies are trying to make money however they can, but Sony did it in a much more reasonable manner. It was the same way with Sony and the PS3 launch and the first few years after that.

Assuming the game comes out late 2015, it's not too surprising if they don't want to show anything too detailed, given it's their first PS4 title. I still wanna know what resolution and FPS they're aiming for though.
Didn't they say 1080p and 60FPS?

I would be shocked with the way Naughty Dog is that it wouldn't be 1080 P 60fps.  they always are ahead of the game when developing and push everything to the limit. 

bread's done