PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

These l33t h4x0rz must be Xbox fanboys, because they hit Xbox less hard?

Just putting that out there . . . discuss!

*Hides gas can behind back*

I swear, I'm not pouring gas on the flames!  This just happened to be sitting here . . . I swear! ;)

I officially have a 2TB HDD in my PS4. It was a super easy process, even removing the drive from the enclosure. The most difficult part was downloading again and reinstalling everything. I'm glad I upgraded now instead of waiting a couple years. I currently have 14 disc based games and about 10-12 digital games. My stock drive only had 40GB free. I don't think I will ever need more than 2TB. At the point when 2TB of games are installed, it may be time to remove a couple.

To anyone on the fence, I highly recommend doing this. Even if your worried about opening the system or enclosure up, it's not very hard. Sony has made upgrading the HDD really simple. And there are many guides and tutorials online that walk you right through it.

That is the drive I bought. For $99, I upgraded my PS4 HDD and also gained a 500GB external for anything I want. Mine is going to be hooked up to my Xbox One.
I went with your recommendation. Thanks. Now I have a 2 TB PS4 and a 500 GB external hard drive. It's going to be nice not having to worry about disk space after all the storage management I do on the Xbox 360.

I went with your recommendation. Thanks. Now I have a 2 TB PS4 and a 500 GB external hard drive. It's going to be nice not having to worry about disk space after all the storage management I do on the Xbox 360.
Nice! I agree it's nice to not have to worry about space now. With PS+, on PS3, I had to pick games to delete so I could download the newer ones. I don't plan on getting to that point with the PS4.
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When will fifa 15 show up on the store for preorder?   Think I will get digital copy this time around since game has only left my tray once since nov 15th.  Also can someone link me to psn tax policy?  I don't think I paid any taxes on second son when i bought it on psn

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September PS+ Games


I must say I am kind of disappointed. The IGC has been kind of lacking ever since the change of format. I don't care about getting Indie games but make them something a little more interesting.
was coming here to post that. At this point sony needs to give us ps4 people at least one legit retail game. I understand free game is free game but at this point i enjoy x1 game with gold more then ps plus for ps4. 

my opinion taking away igc collection took away some value on ps3 seeing alot of times those were big great games. 

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was coming here to post that. At this point sony needs to give us ps4 people at least one legit retail game. I understand free game is free game but at this point i enjoy x1 game with gold more then ps plus for ps4.

my opinion taking away igc collection took away some value on ps3 seeing alot of times those were big great games.
Why does Sony need to give people a legit retail game? Not like the competition is doing it, or at least not that we know of since they haven't announced their games for September yet. I think the month looks great, Velocity 2X is a day one release and the first one was excellent. I don't know much about Sportsfriends, but it is a highly reviewed couch co op game so cool if you're into those. PS All Stars is a decent retail game, and Hoard looks okay. Joe Danger and TxK are excellent games.


Just for reference metacritic scores:

Velocity Ultra: 87

Velocity 2X not yet rated

Sportsfriends 82

Playstation All Stars Battle Royale 74

Hoard 75

Joe Danger Vita Some reason no review on metacritic, but 9.5 on IGN

TxK 84

Great month, not sure why some are so down about it.

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This is why PS+ sucks.  People are always at the mercy of Sony's pick of titles.  No thanks.  Give me the ability to purchase online play separately for $1 a month or something.  Sheesh.

ps all stars was a lame attempt at super smash bro's. Also not doing retail games at this point was hit on ms and sony You are 9 months past release you can't give us ONE launch title for free

That's not happening lol.
Of course it's not. When people continue to pay for this laughable 'value' why should Sony nudge? That's why I'm still a firm believer of vote with your dollar. They won't get a single penny from me when it comes to playing online.

should have realized once we found out ps plus is needed to play online that the free game value over all would have started to get low.
PS+ started 5 years into the PS3s life, I imagine in 5 years we will have a plethora of old PS4 retail games on PS+, in the meantime this is what it is and I prefer it this way as digital games are always at a fixed price whereas retail games can be borrowed, rented or even purchased beaten then resold.

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The market sets the value.  

Don't be surprised if at some point Nintendo even begins charging for online services once there is a upgrade in their online infrastructure. 

Oh you still going on about the ddos attack that affected several large companies? How adorable
no im going off of them saying they tried to take xbox live down and that ms has legit top notch ddos attack protection that don't allow it to fully go down for a full day. The issue is sony seems like learned nothing from 2011 and neve rupgraded servers

Also it's a issue with other companys as well. Maybe this will make these bigger companys realize ddos/hacking is a real thing and need to spend money upgrading servers. Also how they described more about sony network is kind of scary how little security they really have and if you know computers and networking and read that you would feel the same.

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Its not a real thing. Its kids just being dumb and it hardly ever happens.

I know you love Microsoft and they can do no wrong in your eyes but this amount of trolling you are doing lately is starting to get out of hand.
The market sets the value.

Don't be surprised if at some point Nintendo even begins charging for online services once there is a upgrade in their online infrastructure.
Yup, and sadly lemmings continue to pay for this useless service to drive up the market value. If people are smart they'd steer away from these cash grabs and instead save up for a PC to play free online games there. Consoles are still good for their respective exclusive titles you can't play elsewhere though.

Its not a real thing. Its kids just being dumb and it hardly ever happens.

I know you love Microsoft and they can do no wrong in your eyes but this amount of trolling you are doing lately is starting to get out of hand.
dude what im i trolling about im going off what these guys have said on twitter :wall: it's not sony it's other companys like blizzard. you would be shocked how much ddos goes on in this world. I have a website that you can see internet attacks on a map and have seen companys get ddos non stop. Only way you hear about them is if things like this happen.

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September list does suck though in my opinion. But it doesn't matter to me because I play online on my PS4 anyway. TLoU MP has been my crack for the month. Y u do dis 2 me Naughty Dog? Y?
[quote name="TimboSliceGB" post="12043225" timestamp="1409159156"]dude what im i trolling about im going off what these guys have said on twitter :wall: it's not sony it's other companys like blizzard. you would be shocked how much ddos goes on in this world. I have a website that you can see internet attacks on a map and have seen companys get ddos non stop. Only way you hear about them is if things like this happen.[/quote]
Because we only see you do this to Sony. Take this attitude on the Xbox thread and you regain credibility here. You're not an impartial critic.
So I finally got the chance to gamefly 2nd Son.  What a great game.  Too bad First Light is digital only.  Will probably import the EU physical version.  Personally I thought it was a much better game than Last of Us.  You take out the story of both games and 2nd Son is the better game.  

So I finally got the chance to gamefly 2nd Son. What a great game. Too bad First Light is digital only. Will probably import the EU physical version. Personally I thought it was a much better game than Last of Us. You take out the story of both games and 2nd Son is the better game.
You are comparing apples and oranges. One is an open world game and the other is a pretty linear TPS. The story, atmosphere, environments and characters are what made The Last of Us great.

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Personally I feel Last of Us should've just been a movie(which it IS becoming) and not a game.  To me Uncharted was a better game overall than Last of Us.  But, that's just my opinion.  If you loved it, more power to you.  

Well it is partly based off a book and movie already.

Uncharted has better gameplay for sure, still can't beat what is presented in the full package of TLOU.

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The Last of Us would look like a much better game if you disregard the things that make Infamous a good game lol.
I don't understand this statement. So if you take out the 'fun' from Infamous 2nd Son in Last of Us? To me Last of Us have 0 fun for me, so I don't think this applies. But, as I've stated there's mere a difference in opinion here. I just feel LoU was over-hyped and just wasn't all that great as a game.

Personally I feel Last of Us should've just been a movie(which it IS becoming) and not a game. To me Uncharted was a better game overall than Last of Us. But, that's just my opinion. If you loved it, more power to you.
Uncharted is nothing more than Indiana Jones. It's basically one set piece after the other with the occasional bit of platforming and puzzles. The truth is that the vast majority of popular games last gen implemented many cinematic and storytelling mechanics in them because that's what we like (ie that's what sells).

COD, AC Series, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Gears, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, God of War, Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls to name a few are all games that mimic movies and get by on set pieces and solid gameplay mechanics.

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Uncharted is nothing more than Indiana Jones. It's basically one set piece after the other with the occasional bit of platforming and puzzles. The truth is that the vast majority of popular games last gen implemented many cinematic and storytelling mechanics in them because that's what we like (ie that's what sells).

COD, AC Series, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Gears, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, God of War, Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls to name a few are all games that mimic movies and get by on set pieces and solid gameplay mechanics.
Story-wise yes, but if you take that out it's still a very solid 3rd person action game with tight controls and great combat mechanics.

It's funny you mention CoD because most people that purchase CoD actually only play the multiplayer which doesn't have any story.

Story-wise yes, but if you take that out it's still a very solid 3rd person action game with tight controls and great combat mechanics.

It's funny you mention CoD because most people that purchase CoD actually only play the multiplayer which doesn't have any story.
nope, I don't go near COD multiplayer... I love single player in my games more! However TLOU has surpassed everything I hate about games. I absolutely love the multiplayer of TLOU, and the story is amazing. The game play it self is a whole new take on these games and i implore you to find a similar game. The see through walls mechanic, the clickers, the variation from human to other enemies. Sorry but if you don't understand the deeper aspect to all of it you are just simply a shallow meat head gamer that simply wants and open world AAA title and could care less about the deeper aspects of games. I am going to assume you also hate "indies" and think the PS4 is no good because it is nothing but an Indie system?

Story-wise yes, but if you take that out it's still a very solid 3rd person action game with tight controls and great combat mechanics.

It's funny you mention CoD because most people that purchase CoD actually only play the multiplayer which doesn't have any story.
How many times are people going to post that nonsense without figures backing it up?

How do you define most?

If most people didn't play the campaign then they'd axe it and start building the "system sellers" that "aren't" like Titanfall.

I am going to assume you also hate "indies" and think the PS4 is no good because it is nothing but an Indie system?
You know what they say about just makes an ass out of you and me. If you actually took the time read, I actually play a lot of indie games....just not on consoles. But hey whatever makes you happy dude.

Says the guy who recommended that everyone save up for a good gaming PC for free online multiplayer. You guys clearly don't understand his point! Because paying $40 a year for PS+ is stupid and not worth it!

It obviously makes much more sense to forgo purchasing a $400 console in favor of spending 2-3 times that amount on a comparable or moderately superior gaming PC in order to avoid the mortal sin of paying an evil corporation a small fee to play games online and get a bunch of free games every month.

You all simply fail to see the big picture! Now excuse me while I go back to my PC, a gaming platform known the world over for ease of use which definitely never, ever has any errors, crashes, or compatibility issues. Losers!
It obviously makes much more sense to forgo purchasing a $400 console in favor of spending 2-3 times that amount on a comparable or moderately superior gaming PC in order to avoid the mortal sin of paying an evil corporation a small fee to play games online and get a bunch of free games every month.

No fees to play online after internet fees(does not included pay to play MMOs of course).

You're welcome. :)

If you actually took the time read, he said "moderately superior," but hey whatever makes you happy dude.

So sad, can't even find your own words and have to plagiarize. I wonder if you even know what that word means. Hm.

If you actually had a grasp on the English language, he was actually being 'sarcastic' but oh wait, you're too ignorant to notice that because sir are an ignorant individual.

Have a nice day!

Touché. I did not think about building a computer, and I also didn't realize you could put one together quite that "cheaply" (relatively speaking). But not everyone is able to put one together. Upgrades are one thing, but I wouldn't trust myself to properly assemble a PC. I'm just not very skilled on that side of things.
bread's done