PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Also, secret announcement from the conference yesterday, but Quantic Dream announced Heavy Rain and Beyond 2 Souls will officially be coming to PS4.  No release date just yet.

Uncharted 4 multiplayer will have no dedicated servers

Naughty Dog confirmed last night that Uncharted 4’s multiplayer won’t be using dedicated servers.

Play will instead use a client host.

Lead multiplayer designer Robert Cogburn said: “We’ll still have a host, it’s still peer-to-peer.”

He didn’t elaborate on how host-switching would work in the event of players dropping out either intentionally or as a result of network problems.

Matches, he confirmed, would remain as five-versus-five, allowing for a maximum of ten players simultaneously.

The first chance to try out Uncharted 4’s multiplayer will be in the beta on December 4. Only one mode, Team Deathmatch, will be included in the test.
uncharted 4 will also have microtransactions -____-

So the Blu Ray remote for the PS4 is utter trash.  I had problems getting it paired and after many tries I got it to work.  Only for it to lose the connection after trying it again a couple of days later.  WTF.  I think I might have to just return this thing to Amazon.  How did this pass QA?  PDP fucked this up big time.  Apparently I'm not an isolated incident.  If you look at the reviews on Amazon the remote control is consistently shitty.  I blame PDP mostly but Sony deserves some blame too. 

So the Blu Ray remote for the PS4 is utter trash. I had problems getting it paired and after many tries I got it to work. Only for it to lose the connection after trying it again a couple of days later. WTF. I think I might have to just return this thing to Amazon. How did this pass QA? PDP fucked this up big time. Apparently I'm not an isolated incident. If you look at the reviews on Amazon the remote control is consistently shitty. I blame PDP mostly but Sony deserves some blame too.
I'm glad I passed on it then. I need a remote but I guess I'll be waiting.

Just finished up MadMax, pretty decent game. Starting Uncharted Collection today. I played and beat all 3 games a few years ago, but figured I'd play these before Fallout 4. After playing FarCry4, Gta5, Dying Light, The Witcher3, Arkham Knight, Mgs5, and MadMax in a row, I need something not open world before Fallout4 and Just Cause 3. Seems Open World is something we will see a lot this gen. As my favorite type of game, I can't complain.
Black Ops III is on more platforms, will sell more.
I have to agree. Undoubtedly FO4 will be the better game and it may be the most anticipated, but COD appeals to a wider audience. More people will play COD than those that will play a giant open world RPG.
I haven't even turned on my PS4 since Feb. Been waiting for that special exclusive that the PC doesn't have but so far nothing has been as good as hoped. DriveClub, Destiny and a few others was a major disappointment for me. Maybe the new Madden will finally appeal to me, haven't cared too much for any NFL title since the Sega 2k days. ATM I'm almost wishing I got an Xbox because Halo looks really good but I have PC for everything else.

I haven't even turned on my PS4 since Feb. Been waiting for that special exclusive that the PC doesn't have but so far nothing has been as good as hoped. DriveClub, Destiny and a few others was a major disappointment for me. Maybe the new Madden will finally appeal to me, haven't cared too much for any NFL title since the Sega 2k days. ATM I'm almost wishing I got an Xbox because Halo looks really good but I have PC for everything else.
Cool. Why not trade your PS4 in for $250 at gamestop and pick up an Xbox One?

I haven't even turned on my PS4 since Feb. Been waiting for that special exclusive that the PC doesn't have but so far nothing has been as good as hoped. DriveClub, Destiny and a few others was a major disappointment for me. Maybe the new Madden will finally appeal to me, haven't cared too much for any NFL title since the Sega 2k days. ATM I'm almost wishing I got an Xbox because Halo looks really good but I have PC for everything else.
Cool. Why not trade your PS4 in for $250 at gamestop and pick up an Xbox One?
I gotta say, if you really haven't had a reason to turn on your PS4 in over 6 months, you probably shouldn't own a console. There could always be more games (It's not the barren wasteland people make it out to be), but if you haven't used it in that long it's no one's fault but your own. You need to trade/sell that thing before values tank any more due to any BF deals.
Yeah honestly if the system isn't for you then its just not for you. $250 is the best value you're going to see in a while unless you sell it locally. Might as well just cut your loses while you can.

First, you have to make sure you're a stain on humanity. Second, you abuse the shit out of their 7 day return policy.
a stain on humanity? lol :rofl: its really no different than borrowing a game from your friend. except my friend is gamestop. i buy games im really looking forward to, but why use gamefly or redbox when gamestop is right there and probably has what youre looking for. get off your pedestal.

a stain on humanity? lol :rofl: its really no different than borrowing a game from your friend. except my friend is gamestop. i buy games im really looking forward to, but why use gamefly or redbox when gamestop is right there and probably has what youre looking for. get off your pedestal.
Of course you see nothing wrong with it, just like you don't see the immorality in profiting off of others' intellectual properties.

Of course you see nothing wrong with it, just like you don't see the immorality in profiting off of others' intellectual properties.
buying used off ebay/craigslist or trading here on CAG is no different. which almost everyone on here has done at some point, which also makes them "stains on humanity". talking about my art is hilarious since there's literally thousands of people who do fan art that sell at cons. if someone wants to pay me hundreds of dollars to make them a painting of a game they love, i will. i was in nintendo power a long time ago, if they hated what i did, they would have done something about it. keep on hatin' bud! <3

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I gotta say, if you really haven't had a reason to turn on your PS4 in over 6 months, you probably shouldn't own a console. There could always be more games (It's not the barren wasteland people make it out to be), but if you haven't used it in that long it's no one's fault but your own. You need to trade/sell that thing before values tank any more due to any BF deals.
Why? I don't need the money. $400 for a system isn't jack, in fact gaming is one of the cheapest hobbies you could have. I know guys who spend more on fishing each year than I ever have on gaming. A friend of mine spent $400 for just a motor for his RC car, I mean if you take any hobby seriously, you're going to spend a lot more than you typically would on games so it's not like it really matters how often or not I play the system. Just mentioning that I personally haven't been impressed with the exclusives so far...doesn't mean there won't ever be.

buying used off ebay/craigslist or trading here on CAG is no different. which almost everyone on here has done at some point, which also makes them "stains on humanity". talking about my art is hilarious since there's literally thousands of people who do fan art that sell at cons. if someone wants to pay me hundreds of dollars to make them a painting of a game they love, i will. i was in nintendo power a long time ago, if they hated what i did, they would have done something about it. keep on hatin' bud! <3
Ha! Trading with someone or selling on eBay is totally different... Apples and oranges, dude.

You're "buying" a game with no intention of keeping it, and to make matters worse you aren't paying a rental fee either. To counter your "if they don't like it they would change their policy" argument, they can't. They're selling used games. If a game doesn't work they have to give people a chance to bring it back (which is the sole purpose of the return period). They can't screw people over and sell items as-is. That would be a major case of anti-consumerism. You're taking advantage of a system that HAS to exist for your own purposes, and many Gamestops would not let you do what you do if they caught on.

Calling you a stain on humanity is a bit overboard, and for the record I couldn't care less what you do. Just pointing out the flaws in your logic.
Ha! Trading with someone or selling on eBay is totally different... Apples and oranges, dude.

You're "buying" a game with no intention of keeping it, and to make matters worse you aren't paying a rental fee either. To counter your "if they don't like it they would change their policy" argument, they can't. They're selling used games. If a game doesn't work they have to give people a chance to bring it back (which is the sole purpose of the return period). They can't screw people over and sell items as-is. That would be a major case of anti-consumerism. You're taking advantage of a system that HAS to exist for your own purposes, and many Gamestops would not let you do what you do if they caught on.

Calling you a stain on humanity is a bit overboard, and for the record I couldn't care less what you do. Just pointing out the flaws in your logic.
so you have no qualms with the dev/publisher not getting money, but with gamestop not getting any money? ive went to same gamestop for 5 years before moving to a different state. no one ever said anything. i also never said anywhere that if they didnt like it they should change their policy. now youre putting words in my mouth.

the stain on humanity comment is hilarious. a stain on humanity was that dude that bought the rights to that HIV pill and jacked the price up 7000%. not someone using gamestops own return policy to their advantage.

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so you have no qualms with the dev/publisher not getting money, but with gamestop not getting any money? ive went to same gamestop for 5 years before moving to a different state. no one ever said anything. i also never said anywhere that if they didnt like it they should change their policy. now youre putting words in my mouth.

the stain on humanity comment is hilarious. a stain on humanity was that dude that bought the rights to that HIV pill and jacked the price up 7000%. not someone using gamestops own return policy to their advantage.
Apologies, it must have been something someone else said in a different thread, since the talk was also going on in here I just assumed it was you.
im still interested in hearing your answer to that first question i asked.
Oh, right. I have no qualms with buying/selling used games, though I buy new almost exclusively and trading or selling is extremely rare for me. I think most people take issue with what you're doing because no one is getting paid anything when the route you go is being taken. It's just ethics.

But like I said, I'm not interested in arguing because I really don't care. It's just not something I would do myself. Fun fact though, the only time I ever returned used games to GS I was interrogated pretty hardcore, lol. I guess they though I was trying to rent the games... I had just managed to find new copies cheaper than I paid for used. You're GS probably doesn't care because they know you, or maybe you spend enough money other times to ignore it. I'm not going to pretend I know your situation.
Oh, right. I have no qualms with buying/selling used games, though I buy new almost exclusively and trading or selling is extremely rare for me. I think most people take issue with what you're doing because no one is getting paid anything when the route you go is being taken. It's just ethics.

But like I said, I'm not interested in arguing because I really don't care. It's just not something I would do myself. Fun fact though, the only time I ever returned used games to GS I was interrogated pretty hardcore, lol. I guess they though I was trying to rent the games... I had just managed to find new copies cheaper than I paid for used. You're GS probably doesn't care because they know you, or maybe you spend enough money other times to ignore it. I'm not going to pretend I know your situation.
i feel like more people would take issue that the devs arent getting any money compared to gamestop, which lets face it, is a horrible company that has a notorious reputation of screwing over costumers or being rude to them. the only people that would really stand up for gamestop are gamestop managers or people who own gamestop stock.

saying its apples and oranges though is a considerable stretch considering the ONLY difference is gamestop isnt making any money along with devs/publishers. buying used off craigslist/ebay is just cutting out a middle man. everything else is the same.

also, gamestops used policy clearly states (unless they changed it) you can return it within 7 days if it doesnt work or you dont like it. if its past 7 days, im guessing youre just shit out of luck. ive never been interrogated for returning something, but you did, which just reinforces my point of their reputation of being rude to customers.

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Finally spent $100 this month to get the $15 credit. I was $40 away and used a 20% off coupon to get wwe2k16 for $48. Not too bad.
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I spent so much on the psn a few years back when they were offering $10 for every 50 spent that I got AC4 Gold Edition free. Yeahhh  I went a little overboard. Not even close this time around though.

I haven't even turned on my PS4 since Feb. Been waiting for that special exclusive that the PC doesn't have but so far nothing has been as good as hoped. DriveClub, Destiny and a few others was a major disappointment for me. Maybe the new Madden will finally appeal to me, haven't cared too much for any NFL title since the Sega 2k days. ATM I'm almost wishing I got an Xbox because Halo looks really good but I have PC for everything else.
But rumor is Halo 5 may come to PC... just fyi.

Hey everyone. Thanks to the recent Target deal, I have a PS4...or will on Christmas Day! I've been looking at install sizes for some games and the 500gb drive doesn't seem like it will be good for very long! So...what to do?

I've seen reference to hybrid/SSHD drives, but they seem to only be 1tb? Other recs are for the external Seagate backup drives in the 2tb size. Is this the best option?  I think I read in one spot that WD external backup drives are soldered in such a way that the connection won't work. Is this true? Anyone have any particular input?

Hey everyone. Thanks to the recent Target deal, I have a PS4...or will on Christmas Day! I've been looking at install sizes for some games and the 500gb drive doesn't seem like it will be good for very long! So...what to do?

I've seen reference to hybrid/SSHD drives, but they seem to only be 1tb? Other recs are for the external Seagate backup drives in the 2tb size. Is this the best option? I think I read in one spot that WD external backup drives are soldered in such a way that the connection won't work. Is this true? Anyone have any particular input?
I used the Seagate external 2tb in mine. And I'm pretty happy with it. I don't think any other external drives will work. It has to be a 2.5 hdd.

Side note: just finished a play through of Uncharted Collection. Games are so epic, glad I replayed them. Now to start Fallout.
I used the Seagate external 2tb in mine. And I'm pretty happy with it. I don't think any other external drives will work. It has to be a 2.5 hdd.

Side note: just finished a play through of Uncharted Collection. Games are so epic, glad I replayed them. Now to start Fallout.
I will definitely be replaying UC. I watched a couple vids on YT and they look soooo good. I just wish Rise of the Tomb Raider wasn't temporarily exclusive to X1.

I will definitely be replaying UC. I watched a couple vids on YT and they look soooo good. I just wish Rise of the Tomb Raider wasn't temporarily exclusive to X1.
Yea I picked up Tomb Raider also, but have been dying to start Fallout since I got it Monday. I just knew if I didn't finish the Uncharted games, they'd get lost in the shuffle. If anyone hasn't played Uncharted, you need to get them on PS4. 3 games for the price of one with a decent amount of replay value. Loved being able to compare stats with friends while playing.
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Speaking of Tomb Raider, the listing for the PS4 version is already up on amazon:

Yeah I don't think that it is ever a great idea to release any new game the same day as Fallout 4. Even if the PS4 version was released the same day as the Xbox One it will still get slaughtered.
Wouldnt have hurt at least. As I said in another thread we only had 4 people pick up tomb raider at my store when it came out but we had at least 10 come in that wanted it not knowing it wasnt on PS4. Its a real shame too since from what ive heard its a great game.

Im debating waiting for it to come out for PS4 or just try and find it cheap for 360.

Gaf posted first week numbers for EU and they are abysmal..  you can read the thread here.

Side note:  Mad Max is a ton of fun, highly recommend it.

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Gaf posted first week numbers for EU and they are abysmal.. you can read the thread here.

Side note: Mad Max is a ton of fun, highly recommend it.
To be fair, we knew that the numbers would be low with it launching on only one platform. With the money Microsoft gave them and with the PS4 PC releases next year I think they will be alright sales wise.

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bread's done