PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Yea I put my 2tb drive in August 2014 and I have about 350gb free. I always hated deleting games on ps3, just to add new games. I'm sure next year I'll have to delete some games that I haven't touched in awhile. I also have 15+ games that I haven't even opened yet either. Lol. On the plus side, my son is getting his own ps4 for Xmas, he should have plenty to pick from. I shouldn't have to ever purchase games just for him anymore. My last count, I'm around 46ish ps4 retail discs. Also have all PS+ games since launch and own about another 15 or so digital titles. Now if I could only find the time to play some games.
kind of sad no plus deals this year my two years are already up in couple months
I feel like theres been one every week or two in the past month. I grabbed it for $40 through eBay like...2 weeks ago?

There was one today (no longer available) for $37, so they keep coming up.

Just stay on the lookout, because theyve been happening.
Yes! Went last year, too. So excited! Signed up for the neogaf meetup they're doing.
Ugh I went to PSX last year and nobody met up when I mentioned it in multiple threads. If I go, I'd be down to meet up with you and any other fellow cags. I'm still debating about going. I already went last year and that was the big one. This year, I don't see as many surprises being hyped up for this one. They already did the 20th Anniversary console giveaway last year so from a collector's standpoint I just don't see as big of a draw for this year since it hasn't been as hyped as last year's was. But I'm mainly considering to just go for Saturday since I live an hour away. There will be some collectible stuff there. They've at least announced the limited edition deck of cards for the weekend and full sets of those were going for hundreds of dollars on eBay. With how long the lines were for each of the exhibits, it is going to be a pain in the ass to get those.

This isn't a surprise but last year it was made public that SSM was going to work on God of War 4. This event seems like a logical place to debut a teaser or trailer.
Ive been playing it all afternoon and Im liking it. The maps are great, the radar addition works well, and I like how they did away with the sprint mechanic.The sidekicks and mysticals aren't as bad as I thought they would be outside of the dude with the heavy machine gun, he's too OP.

Enemies seem like bullet sponges to me and the fact that people keep rolling and jumping around all over the place makes it worse, maybe Im just use to Call of Duty and Battlefront right now ha

As someone that loves the Uncharted series but am not into multiple at all, I might check it out tonight. Never played any of the other multiplayers.

Please do. As someone who never EVER plays or enjoys any kind of MP whatsoever, Uncharted 3's hooked me for 30-40 hours.

Enemies seem like bullet sponges to me and the fact that people keep rolling and jumping around all over the place makes it worse, maybe Im just use to Call of Duty and Battlefront right now ha
That's part of the charm for people like me, it's not twitchy and too quickly paced. When you die it doesn't feel too cheap, making it less frustrating if you happen to die a lot. Going 2-5 in Uncharted MP would be like being 3-16 in CoD. It's less off putting to those that don't want to pour a lot of time and effort into it.
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would like to say hi officially to the ps4 forum, a new owner of a ps4. cant wait to catch up on all the troll posts & other posts that usually make up a ps thread :ps4:

would like to say hi officially to the ps4 forum, a new owner of a ps4. cant wait to catch up on all the troll posts & other posts that usually make up a ps thread :ps4:
It's not too bad here lately, it was much worse 6 months to a year ago... The trolls still pop in every now and again though.

Oh, welcome to the club. :)
So I after 2 weeks I got my replacement PS4 remote and I think it works properly now.  Only got to test my system once but so far so good.  The problem I had with the remote was that after pairing it with the system, it wouldn't respond to turning the system on and needed to re-paired.  PDP made some faulty remotes when you look up the reviews online.  I just went through a warranty claim request so I could avoid the whole Amazon returns process.  That's two claims in the last year for me.  They made a shitty MKX fight pad and a shitty PS4 remote.  What kind of monkeys do they hire up there?

On an related note, I'm still waffling on making the one hour drive to SF tomorrow. So I still might make it to PSX... bitcheeeeeeees.
Uncharted 4 looks insane. FFVII Remake voice acting is terrible and hopefully that was just a placeholder just for the trailer.

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Seriously what the fuck did I just watch? How did Sony's own conference have their worst showing of the year.

I thought they'd at least mention the ps2 stuff.
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Seriously what the fuck did I just watch? How did Sony's own conference have their worst showing of the year.
I thought they'd at least mention the ps2 stuff.
Ni No Kuni II alone made it worth it for me, and I'm already insanely excited for that game. However, I have to say that even as a huge PS fan, I was disappointed. I was looking for at least one major first-party announcement (where are SSM & Bend's games?!). Also, even though I will buy it day one, I thought the VR showings were trash outside of Rez and maybe golem.

I'm with you though, as a whole it was a let down and not even on the same level as last year's show.


I also can't believe they ended with Paragon. Another "mainstream" MOBA? It looks even more generic than Battleborn. Definitely ended on a yawn. That was where I was expecting the bomb.
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I should probably know the answer to this, but I will ask. First question, if I bought Arkham Knight Premium or Far Cry 4 Complete, and I already had progress saved playing the normal editions, would it just add what I don't have (like DLC's) and keep everything else the same? Would it need to re-download/install the game (the new version)? Or if I deleted the original version's application from my storage space, it wouldn't save my progress? This might help me know what to do under the scenario I need to download and I don't have room on my Ps4.

Also, semi related, if you download games like digital, dlc, etc., is that linked to the PSN account or the Playstation system? My gut is telling me it is linked to the PSN account but I want to be sure. I'm assuming the progress of disc games don't carry to a new Ps4 unless the progress is stored in a cloud or something but I doubt it works like that. I'm guessing to transfer that over, you would need to copy it onto a hard drive and do it manually.

Reason I'm asking is because I'm running out of space and considering the possibility of how I could transfer all of my stuff to a new Ps4 seamlessly. I also have an old version of the Ps4 and wouldn't mind the new version. Mine works absolutely fine too, no problems other than the lack of space. So maybe it won't even be worth it if the upgrade is too much or too difficult.

Also, it is weird because people sell Ps4's with digital games included, so I'm assuming they are letting people play under their account?

Bonus question while I'm at it: What is the best Ps4 headset for around 30 bucks or less. I found some that look good but I suppose I will ask recommendations from your personal experience.

When you have 4 big shows in a year its hard for all of them to be amazing. E3 was pretty huge this year and Paris games show had a lot of good stuff. Toyko Game show had a lot of stuff too.

12 month PS Now subscription for $99, not too bad. At under $9 per month, it's basically the same price as Netflix/Hulu. Still not for me, but great move, they should've announced that at the keynote.

I have too many new games I don't have time to play lol.
after putting a good chunk of time into the uncharted 4 beta, its better than 3 but no where near 2 imo

they fixed quite a few things that i had gripes with in u3 (blind fire blind fire blind fire melee, rubber banding melee attack, not being able to roll away from melee, run mechanic, etc...). mysticals arent too terrible (although the djinn is OP and needs some tweaking), the sidekicks are kinda meh. i dont mind the revive mechanic from TLOU but there needs to be situations where you cant get revived (like if you were downed by a headshot, there should be no revive state)

they took out stealth kills though, which is strange. i dont really get why they did that.

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Only had enough time for a few rounds of Uncharted MP this weekend but I can already tell I'm going to get hooked again.

-Not a big fan of the sidekicks, I already see them being spammed way too much.
-The revival system is nice.
-I can take or leave the Mysticals, but I do like them more than the sidekicks.
-I really hope the arena/horde stuff comes back.
-Grappling hook is pretty cool, interested to see the rest of the map designs.
-Graphics look fantastic.
-Controls feel nice and tight.
I think grenades need to restore quicker, I know you can upgrade the time but its still kinda slow. It would be better if you could pick them up off the map like in previous games.

I think grenades need to restore quicker, I know you can upgrade the time but its still kinda slow. It would be better if you could pick them up off the map like in previous games.
it was weird not spawning with a nade like in the past. i actually dont mind it though because uncharted 2 grenade martyr was one of the few downsides. so having it on a timer stops that a little bit. upgrading my nades is what i always use my first $600 on.

Sony reporting this is the most successful black friday in the history of sony consoles.
I can see this. I went to Best Buy on black friday to pick up a game ($20 for Until Dawn? I'm there!) and it looked like every other person was buying the Uncharted bundle ps4. Black friday was pretty good for me this year: Until Dawn, AC Syndicate and The Old Blood for under $60 combined was unbeatable!

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Yea I remember in the BB Black Friday thread someone posted an old ad with PSone games on sale.

This year I purchased two ps4s from BB. Still at Walmart on Thanksgiving, everyone was getting a XB1. I'm guessing it's just my area, but it's like this every year. I remember the original Gta5 launch, I was 1 of 2 picking up the ps3 version at Gamestop. While the 360 line was over 200 people long.

Still record black Friday sales, is a great accomplishment. I remember seeing the Uncharted Bundle was one of the top items BB sold black Friday week.
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Having time exclusivity with COD and having the PS4 be the console of choice for COD surely helps. Besides the 1TB LE COD console there is also a 500GB standard PS4 console with Black Ops 3 included. Not up on Amazon yet but Newegg is selling it:

That being said I don't know how MS can gain any ground. They have already lost globally this generation (as they did last generation) and their exclusives don't seem to be as well received as planned.

Short of dropping prices for the X1 one to $249.99 (500GB)  / $299.99 (1TB) I'm not sure what they can do.

It's crazy though that the Uncharted Bundle was the advertised Black Friday / Holiday bundle and there are stores that can't keep it in stock. That and the Star Wars LE and COD 1TB consoles are nearly all sold out.

[quote name="8bitArtist" post="13093117" timestamp="1449764603"]the ps4 is currently outpacing the ps2 in sales. ps4 sold 30 million in its first 2 years. ps2 didnt sell that much its first 2 years.[/quote]
You didn't answer my question.

Thank you Deader.
[quote name="Deader2818" post="13092672" timestamp="1449732059"]Black Friday has existed since the 30s. lol[/quote]
Maybe because I was a bit younger, I just don't remember their being such a craze about it growing up.
Maybe because I was a bit younger, I just don't remember their being such a craze about it growing up.
Oh it most definitely was... I can remember going with my mother to WM once (maybe this was 2000? I think that was when those were booming) and witnessing 3 ladies fight over the last generic brand Razer scooter.

That was the first and last time I went out on a BF.
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Great. Poser hacker groups of poser hacker groups.

What's the word coming to?
ill just make sure to have single player games to play.

if it makes you feel any better, Kojima just announced that his new franchise post Konami will be playstation exclusive

How to redownload PT if you have the license before. Use at your own risk but I can report that it is working!
Cant you get banned for doing that?

if it makes you feel any better, Kojima just announced that his new franchise post Konami will be playstation exclusive
Its coming to PC too so its not a PS4 exclusive. Im using X1 haters logic here ha.

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Found this on neogaf. I am just happy that Kojima is still wanting to make games after what happened. 


Can anyone tell me how warranties work for the Ps4? I just got a Ps4 from ebay, which he apparently opened but never used. I don't think he sent everything that was supposed to go with it either. But is this covered with a warranty and how do I find the warranty on it?

Can anyone tell me how warranties work for the Ps4? I just got a Ps4 from ebay, which he apparently opened but never used. I don't think he sent everything that was supposed to go with it either. But is this covered with a warranty and how do I find the warranty on it?
I would guess the serial number, maybe on the site or call. Being as you purchased it on eBay, I'm not sure how the warranty works though.
bread's done