Please lock and delete

PMed you, humakti.

Joevan -
The intec screen has pretty good quality. It's difficult to try to compare it to the GBA, since the GBA's games were made for that resolution screen. I only played Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid Substance on it. It is slightly difficult to read the text on the screen since the game is programmed to make the text small. MGSS played pretty well on it since I could turn up the brightness in dark areas.

I haven't had much luck taking pictures of the screen for either this or the afterburnered gba, but I could take a video and post it like I did for the gba.

Makai Kingdom guide GONE - thanks humakti

PMed Tmorg.

House update: An offer is on the way in..... I need to find a house to move into...... google search : Cheap Ass Homeowner....
Contracts are all signed. Gonna give this a few more days (maybe until Thursday or Friday) then it's off to Ebay or Gamecrazy and the local used bookstore!
Put in an offer on a house. Maybe I'll get it (fingers crossed).

I'm not taking this stuff to my new house. I'm going to be taking pieces of the trade list to Ebay. I'll start an auction thread and link to it in the OP.

If anybody had been watching anything, give me a PM with a price. I's rather sell stuff here than on Ebay....
bread's done