Pointless but what the heck complaint - XBL HEADSET

I don't know, I had mine for 2 years and never broke it. Went to the Plantronics X20 so I could lean back on the couch during late night Halo 2 matches though, and don't regret that at all.
Yeah they are pretty flimsy, I myself haven't broken one, but I like to break controllers. My friend however is one his second or third one.
I've broken one and now use the Rainbow Six 3 headset (which came in the RS3 bundle I got at CC for $25) made by Thrustmaster . I highly recommend it since its way more stable and comfortable than the Official Xbox one.
I think anyone that has one of those shitty mics has noticed that flaw. Myself, I've gone through three of them, all of them broken. I finally gave in and bought the Halo 2 mic for $50. I figured it'd better than buying another $30 mic and possibly another one after that. Plus, I was Halo 2 crazy at the time and it just looked so damn cool.
I'm just waiting on a perfect wireles head set.. that won't tick tick, crack crack.. nosie... yes the logitech one is shit...
I broke 2 Microsoft headsets. After that I said the hell with them. My girlfriend bought me the Halo 2 one for Christmas, and it's ok, it just feels like it's falling out all the time.
I've broken two official Microsoft ones and my roommate broke one. Here's advice for anyone who has one still working fine - do NOT try to move it from left side to right side, etc. If you do, eventually you'll break that clip.

Now I still use the official MS ones, but because I'm a true cheapass I rigged it up with twisty-ties to keep the mic attached to the headset.

I guess eventually if I find a deal on the Halo 2 headset I'll buy that.
I've broken the official MS and the Rainbow Six 3 headset. I don't plan on spending more than $5 for my next headset.
[quote name='Spoon_si']I'm just waiting on a perfect wireles head set.. that won't tick tick, crack crack.. nosie... yes the logitech one is shit...[/quote]

Nyko is releasing their own wireless headset... doesn't look to bad. They have pictures of it on their site and I've seen it in magazine ads here and there.

According to their site most retailers are supposed to have it, but I have yet to find a place that has even heard of it. I would really like a solid wireless myself to use with my logitech wireless gamepad.

Hopefully it will be released soon so somebody can review it.
The Mad Catz is okay if you play for less then an hour at a time. I sometimes play for hours on end and that headset killed my ear because of the hard plastic. I got a $30 Plantronics headset and it works like a dream.
The Madcatz one is crap, sure it might sound alright for you, but it picks up so much background noise that it will possibly annoy people you're playing with. When I used to play PGR2 I would get bitched at because the in game music would come through, even though I had the damn surround system turned way low.

I ended up getting the Halo 2 headset and have never looked back. The noise filter on it is great, I can listen to surround sound as loud as I want and it doesn't pick up the background noise.
[quote name='ImmortalfWd']The Madcatz one is crap, sure it might sound alright for you, but it picks up so much background noise that it will possibly annoy people you're playing with. When I used to play PGR2 I would get bitched at because the in game music would come through, even though I had the damn surround system turned way low.

I ended up getting the Halo 2 headset and have never looked back. The noise filter on it is great, I can listen to surround sound as loud as I want and it doesn't pick up the background noise.[/quote]

You beat me to it.

That's exactly right. You may think everything is ok with the MadCatz $5 POS one, but all it does is give others static and echoing.

I know we're all cheapasses here, but there's a REASON its only $5.
bread's done