Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2: EOT/EOD

Phoenix Audubon

Hey, y'all.

So, anyone else picking this up? I thought the first one was okay--I didn't bother playing after I beat Rayquaza--but my friend in NY said she was totally gonna' get it, so I went ahead and pre-ordered it to share FC with her.


...I thought I was supposed to get the mini strategy guide with the pre-order at Best Buy (according to pokemon-games.com). However, I didn't get anything, and no one mentioned anything. In fact, I went to 3 different BB's before I found the PO slips. I'm gonna' go back there today with a printout from PKG, and see if they don't have them...or perhaps, they'll give it to me when I pick it up (as I think GameStop's doing)...

EDIT: Went to BB. They said I'll get the guide when I pick up EOT...they told me to hang on to my printout.

I'm cool with that.
I have it pre-ordered at Target. I love the giftcard pre-order slips they got for them. I preordered Darkness since I like it's legendary exclusive and I can get Lucario by doing a mission with him.
I enjoyed the original (got about 30 hours out of it) but I have too much to play right now to consider this game at launch.
Did this get pushed back? I could have sworn it came out this week. I want to get this game at launch, but I'm not sure which version to get. I haven't received a Nintendo Power in a while (subscription/mailing issues) so I'm sure I've missed a detailed preview with game differences mentioned. I believe I read something about Lucario being offered in one of the games, but I really don't the differences between them. Can someone elaborate?
[quote name='utopianmachine']Did this get pushed back? I could have sworn it came out this week. I want to get this game at launch, but I'm not sure which version to get. I haven't received a Nintendo Power in a while (subscription/mailing issues) so I'm sure I've missed a detailed preview with game differences mentioned. I believe I read something about Lucario being offered in one of the games, but I really don't the differences between them. Can someone elaborate?[/quote]

The release date's been the same since February; I hadn't heard of any delays, so I had to look at press releases...

As for exact features, I'm not finding much out there myself...but I'm supposed to get the Explorer's Guide with the game, so that should help. :roll:
I'm getting both they only had the Darkness explorer's guide so I pre-ordered Darkness there, but some reasion the employee there got the time giftcard instead of the darkness I didn't really notice till I got home so do you think they'd give me darkness if I explain what happened or do I have to go back to the store and have them switch cards though I'm sure they should have plenty of the games for customers who didn't pre-order...

I'm pre-ordering time at a GS near me I know it's crazy to get both versions, but I want both time and darkness books, and I'd like to start as mudkip leader /chimchar partner in darkness and in time piplup and charmander.

I'm into the mystery dungeon type of games so I really would like to play this one I liked the last one pretty good.

This site has info on exclusive pokemon to each version though you can get them through connection or going wifi with the other version or something like that there's also some defference in items some are common in time and uncommon or rare in darkness while there's some items that are common in darkness and uncommon or rare in time and there's two items that are version exclusive it's on the explorer's guide, but I'm not sure what it is..


Mewtwo is exlusive to darkness and celebi is exclusive to time there's rumors going around you can get them somehow on wifi, butI won't trust it till I can do it myself..
Just out of curiosity, is this by the typical "Mystery Dungeon" company? Is it much different from the first one?
For those of you who pick this up tomorrow (or today), please post how it is. I've never played red or blue rescue team, but Ive heard they took those games and fixed all the parts people hated to ultimately make a great game. I've been on the fence partly due to the limited coverage this game has had, I mean even this thread hasn't even filled up two pages yet.

I've been looking for another good pkmn game since pearl, so let us know!
am I crazy or is this game just more of the same from the original, what's new in this one aside from new pokemon? If there's nothing else new (and the wifi thing doesn't count) I'm gonna pass til its cheaper
^ It seems there's significantly more mission variety this time. Not only do you do rescues, but you also catch fugitive Pokemon, and you go out on exploration missions. One of the NoA guys said on GameSpot that all of this was to give it a much more open-ended feel, where you can pick and choose exactly what you want to accomplish. Plus, the graphics seem to be a bit better. Not significantly better, but better than the direct GBA port that was the Blue Rescue Team. In addition, it's obviously got the full Diamond/Pearl cast in there this time around, making for a complete roster of possible Pokemon to have join your party.

Anyway, picking mine up today...can't wait.
The thing that killed the first game for me was that you had to beat the game before you could evolve. Does that carry over into this one?
*sighs* Why is pre-ordering never as easy as they advertise?

So, I went to the Best Buy in Orange earlier today; last night, I checked to see if they had EOT in stock--it said they did. But, when I roll into the store...it's nowhere on display. I was about ready to leave, but this one associate asks me if I need help. I take my copy of the Sunday ad, and point to EOT, and ask if it was in. After some confusion about which game I was pointing at, he comes out of the back with a copy. Now, I had pre-ordered, so I was expecting to get the Explorer's Guide, but I decided to ask at the register. I had also wanted to get the Strategy Guide, but I didn't see those, either, and I didn't feel like asking again.

So I went to the checkout line with EOT. I tell the cashier that I pre-ordered; she says that I have to get rung up at the Customer Service desk, so she leads me there and starts to ring me up. At this point, I pull out the printout from the Poké Mystery Dungeon website that mentions the Explorer's Guide, and shows Best Buy's logo as offering it. She asks the first associate to check the back again. This time, he comes out with the Strategy Guide. I say that while I did want to get that, that wasn't the Explorer's Guide. So she goes and asks the Customer Service manager if they have it. After some waiting by myself, feeling frustrated, and a little embarrassed, she comes back and says they can't find the Explorer's Guide. So, she offers two resolutions:
  1. She takes down my name and number, and makes a copy of my printout. She says they'll finish unpacking the rest of the EOT/EOD games, and see if they aren't still in there. If they find it, they'll call me.
  2. She gave me a $5.00 discount on the Strategy Guide (on top of the $5.00 off sale mentioned in the circular).
I haven't actually played the game yet--I have some studying to do first. But already, the experience has been soured a bit...:cry:
This game is an interesting idea, but I need to find out more about how combat works. I didn't really get much from the few videos I saw of it.
Phoenix, that absolutely sucks. I said earlier, it seems this game isn't getting the coverage one would expect from a Pokemon game. This proves it by not even being ready for the pre-orders and not a single website I've seen has posted a review yet.

Nonetheless, let us know your first impressions. Im on the fence with this one.
Well, I played a little bit of EOT last night, before I went to bed.

The game starts out just like BRT--you take a personality quiz, and then you're Poké-self is chosen. Then, you choose your partner. I forgot how it was in BRT, but in EOT, you can only pick Pkmn from a given list. (I took the quiz 3 times before I got to be a Pkmn I wanted, Piplup.)

Then, the intro movie plays. The graphics in EOT are improved from BRT, so I guess that's a plus.

Then, Chapter 1 started. Yes, that's right--it seems this time, the game is split into chapters, so as to provide a better sense of progress, I presume. But other than that, it played exactly like BRT. No new fighting tactics or anything so far. In fact, I asked my friend in NY, who also has EOT (and also only played a little bit), and she said it was just like BRT for her.

So, I don't know if I've played enough to recommend or not. But, if you like RRT/BRT, I think you'll like EOT/EOD. If you haven't--and it isn't necessary to play RRT/BRT to play the new games--well, if you like exploring and adventuring, and you like Poké-verse, then you may want to give this game a try.

Friend Code to follow.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Here's my FC, feel free to add me; I'll add anyone who posts theirs here.

0946-2541-3730[/quote]I have no wifi do they still do codes on the new ine i didnt get a chance to pick it up yet.
[quote name='spongebobgangster']I have no wifi do they still do codes on the new ine i didnt get a chance to pick it up yet.[/quote]

Yep, they do codes AND wi-fi. Wi-fi is the much more convenient option, but everything is still able to be done via passwords too, for people who don't have an easy wi-fi spot to utilize.

I think the only features you can do on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection but not via password are a) team trading and b) using the e-mail rescue notifications.

So yeah, you'll be fine with just password usage.
So what can you do on Wifi?
What can you do with a friend who has a DS + the other game? (Meaning if you have EOT and your friend has a DS and EOD)
[quote name='lilboo']So what can you do on Wifi?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure these are the available things to do via NWFC:
  • You can maintain a list of friends, via friend code. So when you go to search for rescue missions to accept, you can filter 'Friends Only' and see missions on which only your friends need help.
  • You can also associate an e-mail account with your NWFC friend code, so when one of your friends sends out an SOS call via NWFC, you'll get an e-mail notification instantly. Or, if your cell phone is one of the many that also accept e-mails, you can associate THAT address with your game and receive text messages that way...or you can use your Wii's built-in e-mail address by using wyourSystemCodeHere@wii.com to get these notifications on your Wii.
  • You can download Wonder Mail missions from Nintendo. You can't trade Wonder Mail codes over NWFC, though. Right now, there are two missions available on this service, but I assume more and more will be posted over time. Maybe weekly?
  • You can trade teams with friends. You go to the Trade Teams dialog in the game, register your team online, and then you download one of your friend's teams and play with that team instead of your own. Your other team is still registered online, and you can only register one team online at once.
What can you do with a friend who has a DS + the other game?

You can do all of the basics: going on friend requests by sending/receiving SOS mail wirelessly, exchanging Wonder Mails without having to use passwords, trading teams (you can send a team to your friend's system that they can train with, or you can exchange teams altogether).

The one feature unique to wireless play is Trading Items. That's not available over NWFC or via password. You choose an item in storage, pick to send it wirelessly, then the other person does the same and the item they've sent you goes to your storage.
Wow, that does sound pretty neat.
I like how you can get notifications on your Wii! very cool!

When you say passwords, do you mean like the passwords used for Animal Crossing (Gamecube)?
[quote name='lilboo']Wow, that does sound pretty neat.
I like how you can get notifications on your Wii! very cool!

When you say passwords, do you mean like the passwords used for Animal Crossing (Gamecube)?[/quote]

Yep, pretty similar.

Here's a sample password, it's a Wonder Mail password that was being sent out with review copies of PMD2: @54#T36MJ93PWQM&F&8T7QFX. Every mission you encounter in the game has one of these passwords, so you can share them with people. When you get to the point in the game where it lets you input Wonder Mail codes (I think it's when you get to Level 10 - at least, that's where I was when I could first enter them), you just go in, pop in the password at the job board, and the Wonder Mail mission is added to your list of jobs.

So, say you've got Time, like myself, and your buddy has Darkness. If he gets a mission to rescue one of the Pokemon exclusive to Darkness, he can look at that mission's Wonder Mail code, send it to you, and you can then enter that code and play the mission to rescue that very same Pokemon.

The same type of codes exist for when you get killed in a game and have to send an SOS mail. If you choose to send a SOS request via password instead of wirelessly or over the internet, you'll get a password on your screen similar to the one I posted above. You then send that to someone and ask them to rescue you. When they reach the point in the dungeon you were when you got killed, they will have rescued you, and an A-OK password will pop up on their screen. Your buddy then sends that to you, you input that into your game, and boom - you can get back on your feet without losing any coins or items.
Ohhh! So THAT'S how you can collect the Pokemon that's not exclusive to your version!
Oh this is neat. If I can snag a deal on this/these, I'll be picking them up because I know my BF would play them too.
I didn't think the Pokemon formula could get any simpler.

I've been proven wrong.

The personality quiz at the beginning is the best part of this game. Its over quick.
[quote name='lilboo']Ohhh! So THAT'S how you can collect the Pokemon that's not exclusive to your version!
Oh this is neat. If I can snag a deal on this/these, I'll be picking them up because I know my BF would play them too.[/quote]

Also, I haven't actually tried this yet, but I noticed last night after I saved someone on their rescue mission: it gave me the option to attach a Pokemon to the SOS mail I sent them.

So I guess you can get Pokemon from one version or another that way too, which would be great if you've got multiple versions of them at the guild waiting to be used.
I'm amazed at how close this game resembles Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer. From the map overlay, button layout, and weird 'speed' movement offered by the "B" button.

I know both games are Rogue inspired, but the likeness in uncanny.
Well i finally got the game. Currently on Chapter 5. Recruited a Starly.

Does anyone know if you can still get exclusives by entering a Wondermail code that is cliented by said pokemon?
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']I'm amazed at how close this game resembles Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer. From the map overlay, button layout, and weird 'speed' movement offered by the "B" button.

I know both games are Rogue inspired, but the likeness in uncanny.[/QUOTE]

My understanding is they're by the same developer. They've been doing this same basic game a trillion times over the years. It's had forms as Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon, a Dragon Quest tie-in, etc. I'm not sure I've ever actually played one, so I am kind of curious, but they never seem to get good reviews.
Rouge games are DEFINATELY not for everyone. They are one type you shouldn't listen to reviewers because you either love them or loath them.
Maybe. I'm not sure though, as a lot of its decendents do review well, or pretty well, and it's just this specific company's games that always do poorly. So I'm not completely sure it's to do with it being like that. Heck, Nethack usually makes the top of "best game ever" lists. (Of course Nethack makes it hard for me to play other games of that type...)
[quote name='Wolfpup']My understanding is they're by the same developer. They've been doing this same basic game a trillion times over the years. It's had forms as Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon, a Dragon Quest tie-in, etc. I'm not sure I've ever actually played one, so I am kind of curious, but they never seem to get good reviews.[/QUOTE]

Hence the "Mystery Dungeon" moniker. Chunsoft, I think, is the one that makes both, the Pokemon one is like the easy version.
Hmm...easy version sounds good! Maybe it's the one I want to try if I ever want to try a Chunsoft RPG.
The entire game feels like the dev started it, then decided it was a bad idea, leaving it unfinished. It feels like an alpha version of a mediocre game, except less buggy. Inferior to most homebrew.

I've never played one of these before, and will likely never play another.
I started a game file the other day and answered the questions as honestly as I could given the zaniness of the questions and their applicable answers. The first PMD game, I answered the questions in just such a way to play as Cubone, but I decided to take the personality test to the fullest and got matched as a Mudkip. I picked my partner as a Charmander. The game's initial presentation feels different from the first title, although I know once I spend more time in dungeons, it'll likely become largely same-old. During the intial dungeon where you're rescuing your partner's "treasure" (I'm assuming this happens in both versions), I was a little turned off at returning to the game's dungeon formula. But what am I expecting? This is a Pokemon title, after all, and they breed repetition.
[quote name='Koggit']The entire game feels like the dev started it, then decided it was a bad idea, leaving it unfinished. It feels like an alpha version of a mediocre game, except less buggy. Inferior to most homebrew.

I've never played one of these before, and will likely never play another.[/QUOTE]

Woah, slap that quote on the back of the box, stat! :lol:

[quote name='utopianmachine']I started a game file the other day and answered the questions as honestly as I could given the zaniness of the questions and their applicable answers. The first PMD game, I answered the questions in just such a way to play as Cubone, but I decided to take the personality test to the fullest and got matched as a Mudkip. I picked my partner as a Charmander. The game's initial presentation feels different from the first title, although I know once I spend more time in dungeons, it'll likely become largely same-old. During the intial dungeon where you're rescuing your partner's "treasure" (I'm assuming this happens in both versions), I was a little turned off at returning to the game's dungeon formula. But what am I expecting? This is a Pokemon title, after all, and they breed repetition.[/QUOTE]

I assume the versions are basically the same again, right? (Despite their very different sounding names.) You know, I guess this is supposed to be easier than other Chunsoft games, and improved from the original, and I like cute games, and I like Rougelike gameplay...so I think I'll give it a shot when it comes down in price (or in the extraordinarily unlikely chance I run out of games in my backlog any time soon...yeah, that'll happen ;) )
So I caved in and bought it. I picked it up at Walmart and it came in a little cardboard box with the explorer's guide with it, so I thought that was pretty neat. I'm not too far in, but it feels like the old one did, which isn't a bad thing IMO. I still don't like that to evolve you need to beat the game, but I suppose I can handle being Charmander for a while. I picked Totodial as my partner, because we all know he rules. But the only thing I'm having trouble doing is getting wild Pokemon to join my team. Anyone have any tips on how to pull that off?
got this off Blockbuster and glad i didnt buy it... Too much like the first one... I only put around 4hours into the first one after buying it on day one..... Since i have 5 FREE GAME COUPONS From blockbuster i probally keep it 4 a month....

maybe it will grow on me but doubtful. Then again nothing else coming out till Mid may

well I started this one and only having played the first one for about 30 minutes, I still have a pretty good idea of how things go.

Can't say I'm impressed with it though, guess I'll play more and decide if it's worth it to keep chugging along or not. I started as a Pikachu (oddly enough that's what I was in the last game as well) and Mudkip is my travel buddy.

and the proverbial "So I heard you liek mudkips?" quote.
:robot: save me on pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time my FRIEND RESCUE PASSWORD is

6 0 = Q 9 @ X 2 M @ % N 9 Q K M K 4
W S 6 & M 0 8 T @ Q R H 0 = 7 T S 5
F J 5 8 W M 7 = R K # J M J - M 6 K
bread's done