Political conservatives to do their own translation of the Bible


92 (100%)

And their website: http://conservapedia.com/Main_Page

Why would conservatives think it's OK to change the Bible instead of changing their "Bomb everything. Brown people are evil. All liberals are dirty communists" view of the world?

In this new Bible, Jesus won't say "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." It's one of Jesus' most powerful messages in the Bible. The fact that he could forgive his own murderers and people that came to mock him should be the cornerstone of any Christian Church.

Now, we'll see the systematic wiping of any sort of compassion or forgiveness from the Holy Writ. I'm hoping this doesn't lead to more "Christian Soldiers" that believe that anything is justified in the name of the Lord.
Yeah I actually went on conservapedia and saw that a long time ago. He's clearly one of the stupidest people alive. Translations made hundreds of years ago also apparently suffer from a contemporary liberal bias.
I hope they drop the "look out for false prophets" lines. OR leave them in. It's really a win win situation for hilarity.
"The best of the public is better than a group of experts," said Schlafly, whose mother, Phyllis, is a longtime conservative activist known for her opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment.
Really. It's the public who wanted Jesus to be killed. It's the public God wiped out with the flood. It's the public who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah.

Even on a simple logical level, these people are troglodytes.
Phylis Schlafly's daughter is working on this?

Take 1 part 'woah,' add a jigger of 'no shit,' shake gently and pour over ice.
How come you guys only make fun of conservatives? How come you only make fun of christians? Liberalbiasmuch?

This country is turning into something and you guys have fucking blinders on. Have fun in your communist country you pinkos.

I'm moving to Russia so I can at least keep an eye on Sarah Palin keeping an eye on me. Call me in 3 years so I can vote out the marxist socialist fashists that are running this country into the ground.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Why don't they just convert to Judaism or Islam already? They'd feel right at home in the old testament or Qu'ran.[/QUOTE]

*IDF blood kicking in* What are you trying to say?
[quote name='camoor']I can't think more then a handful of people will subscribe to this malarky.[/QUOTE]

You underestimate the stupidity of the general population.
bread's done