POLL #2: OFFICIAL CAG Presidential Election 2004 POLL: The Sequel

[quote name='bmulligan'][quote name='extzed']not to get everyone all riled up, but it seems to be that the "richer" or "more wealthy" a person is they tend to be more republican in there views and the higher level or education obtained tends to vote more decomcratic.... that being said I know it is not true in all cases and whatnot[/quote]

It's not true at all. Considering the fact that 1/2 the voting public are republican voters seems to discount your theory. Based upon the Democrat premise that most of us are poor, downtrodden souls, you'd think a Democrat would be a shoe-in for president. You don't have to be rich to have republican values. Actually that's not true either, I should have said "consrervative" values. Republicans don't have much to do with conservatism. They are just as much about obtaining power over anything else- just like Democrats.

AND considering that the higher educated tend to me more wealthy, it also contradicts your theory. Perhaps you mean the educated in acedemia tend to lean democratic. If you've been to college, you know what I'm talking about.[/quote]

I agree. It has less to do with wealth and more to do with how you think you fit into society. What do you owe those around you and what do they we you? People that believe that you are what you make yourself to be are going to be more conservative compared to those that think people are what society has formed them into.
Thought you guys might find that interesting. Shows the current up to date status of what state is going which way. It takes 270 electoral votes to have the majority. Notice that neither currently has the majority? That's because of the current swing states (FL, NV, and ME).

I personally am gonna vote for Nader. Not because I want him to win, but because I know that my state is so republican that my vote is worthless towards actually deciding who is president. So I'll put my vote towards attempting to abolish the 2 party system that I so despise.
[quote name='bmulligan'][quote name='Cracka']too bad 0% of CAGer's are in the electoral college, or Kerry might have a chance of winning.[/quote]

No, that's actually a good thing.[/quote]

Very good.
I'll still vote even though my vote is meaningless in pro-Republican Kansas. Makes me wish I lived in one of the swing states where a presidential vote mattered. Damn you electoral college!

At this point, swing states don't even matter... As of Friday (after the RNC's bounce plus the CBS scandal that turned out a fraud), most swing states have Bush as the majority vote and most liberal states are running pretty even. Dan Rather sure didn't help his cause with that crap. It's bologna and the public knows it.

extzed wrote:
not to get everyone all riled up, but it seems to be that the "richer" or "more wealthy" a person is they tend to be more republican in there views and the higher level or education obtained tends to vote more decomcratic.... that being said I know it is not true in all cases and whatnot

That's not true at all. Out of the four in the race (Bush/Chenney, Kerry/Edwards), Bush is the least wealthy. And it depends on your definition of highly educated. I won't say what I want to about that, only to keep from spewing forth political rhetoric. But considering the point of colleges being liberal that someone brought up, also consider the fact that this is the age where kids are able to think for themselves for the first time. They are out on their own and they are rebelious (many of them, anyway). When I was in my earlier education years, Bush won over Clinton and Dole won over Clinton in all of my honors and AP classes. Whereas the reverse was true in your run-of-the-mill required classes which had everyone in there.

I personally think that both guys are honorable guys who have both served their country well. The difference isn't whether or not one of them is going to atke care of the country or not, they both just have different views on how it should be done, not whether or not it should be done.
Bush cost me everything!!

Bush cost me my job, my kids and my houses.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak my mind. I lost my job this past year. When Clinton was president I was secure and prosperous, but in the last year, we had to close our operations. We simply could not compete with foreign labor. This foreign labor worked for low pay under very bad conditions.

They worked very long shifts, and many even died on the job.

This competition could hardly be called "fair." I was forced out of the place where I had worked for 34 years.

Not a single government program was there to help me.

How can Bush call himself "compassionate?" Far worse, I lost two of my sons in Bush's evil war in Iraq. They gave their lives for their country, and for what? So that Bush's oil buddies can get rich. My pain of losing my sons is indescribable.

While it is trivial next to the loss of my sons, I regret to say that I also lost my home. I simply have nothing left. How can Bush call himself a Christian when he neglects people like me? I am a senior citizen with various medical problems. I'm not in a position where I can begin a new career. I was reduced to the point where I had to live in a hole in a ground, all because of President Bush.

And when the authorities found me there, did they have any compassion for my misfortune and ailments? No, I was arrested. Mr. Bush, I dare you to look me in the face and tell me you are a compassionate man! I dare you to look me in the face and tell me you are a Christian. If I had any money left, I would donate it to the Democrat Party.

If Al Gore had been elected in 2000 I would still have a job, a home, and most importantly, my dear sons!

Saddam Hussein

Bush Cost Me Everything...
A father's letter to Bush
read by Pat Frisch
Friday, March 26, 2004
^^^^ Nice.

[quote name='ElfAngel7'][quote name='Moxio']Well, Kerry certainly has a strong lead.
Not surprised. Many gamers are younger and the democratic party has a strong hold on the younger folks.[/quote]

Keep in mind there are probably people outside the U.S. on this board voting for Kerry, as Bush is apparently Satan to everyone in Europe, etc.

The election will probably be pretty close, although not as close as Bush/Gore was, with Bush coming out on top.
[quote name='Quackzilla']If Farenheit 9/11 has so many lies, why don't you prove it and claim the $10,000 prize offered by Michael Moore?[/quote]

I didn't even know about that, but I'm sure that jackass would just deny them when confronted.
[quote name='Quackzilla']If Farenheit 9/11 has so many lies, why don't you prove it and claim the $10,000 prize offered by Michael Moore?[/quote]

Thank you! I don't understand why brain-washed right-wing drones keep denying it: Farhenheir 9/11 is full of HARD FACTS. Watch the movie with an open mind. You'll see the truth.

Down with America! Heh. Or at least, the dumb part of it.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge'][quote name='Quackzilla']If Farenheit 9/11 has so many lies, why don't you prove it and claim the $10,000 prize offered by Michael Moore?[/quote]

Thank you! I don't understand why brain-washed right-wing drones keep denying it: Farhenheir 9/11 is full of HARD FACTS. Watch the movie with an open mind. You'll see the truth.

Down with America! Heh. Or at least, the dumb part of it.[/quote]

It's full of what once might have been facts, in their native state. Then Michael Moore got his greasy little hands on them and destroyed all credibility by distorting them into what may be considered lies.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge'][quote name='Quackzilla']If Farenheit 9/11 has so many lies, why don't you prove it and claim the $10,000 prize offered by Michael Moore?[/quote]

Thank you! I don't understand why brain-washed right-wing drones keep denying it: Farhenheir 9/11 is full of HARD FACTS. Watch the movie with an open mind. You'll see the truth.

Down with America! Heh. Or at least, the dumb part of it.[/quote]


How come all the left wing wacko's are always trying to take america down? Why are we always the bad guys? There in no other nation in this world that has more power and has used it more for the good and freedom of other nations than for bad. God bless America and all the soliders :twoguns: fighting for her. God bless George W Bush! And may God continue to bless this great nation.
[quote name='eddiesteel'][quote name='CoffeeEdge'][quote name='Quackzilla']If Farenheit 9/11 has so many lies, why don't you prove it and claim the $10,000 prize offered by Michael Moore?[/quote]

Thank you! I don't understand why brain-washed right-wing drones keep denying it: Farhenheir 9/11 is full of HARD FACTS. Watch the movie with an open mind. You'll see the truth.

Down with America! Heh. Or at least, the dumb part of it.[/quote]


How come all the left wing wacko's are always trying to take america down? Why are we always the bad guys? There in no other nation in this world that has more power and has used it more for the good and freedom of other nations than for bad. God bless America and all the soliders :twoguns: fighting for her. God bless George W Bush! And may God continue to bless this great nation.[/quote]

hear hear
I was gonna post some politcial opinion here, but then I decided to refrain as half the folks here are morons, half are idiots and half :) don't care.
[quote name='Lootr2Core']I was gonna post some politcial opinion here, but then I decided to refrain as half the folks here are morons, half are idiots and half :) don't care.[/quote]

So are the ones who don't care idiots or are they morons?
[quote name='Lootr2Core']I was gonna post some politcial opinion here, but then I decided to refrain as half the folks here are morons, half are idiots and half :) don't care.[/quote]

And which half are you? Please speak for yourself.
[quote name='Lootr2Core']I was gonna post some politcial opinion here, but then I decided to refrain as half the folks here are morons, half are idiots and half :) don't care.[/quote]

Its a good thing there are people that do care. We would not have a country if not.
[quote name='eddiesteel']

How come all the left wing wacko's are always trying to take america down? Why are we always the bad guys? There in no other nation in this world that has more power and has used it more for the good and freedom of other nations than for bad. God bless America and all the soliders :twoguns: fighting for her. God bless George W Bush! And may God continue to bless this great nation.[/quote]

Are you high... or just incredibly stupid?
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='Lootr2Core']I was gonna post some politcial opinion here, but then I decided to refrain as half the folks here are morons, half are idiots and half :) don't care.[/quote]

So are the ones who don't care idiots or are they morons?[/quote]

nope separate catagory.

there are idiots.

there are morons

there are those that don't care.

someone asked which group I fit into......clearly moron.
How come all the left wing wacko's are always trying to take america down? Why are we always the bad guys? There in no other nation in this world that has more power and has used it more for the good and freedom of other nations than for bad. God bless America and all the soliders :twoguns: fighting for her. God bless George W Bush! And may God continue to bless this great nation.

hear hear

Wow...do you guys thrive on being ignorant, brainwashed lemmings? :?

How come all the right wing wackos are always trying to defend this country? Why are we always the good guys? The US has used it's power for so many awful things recently and throughout it's history, there's simply no way to overlook it. It's not the country necessarily. The country could be fine. But it's the warmongers and right-wind/republican extremists that are making this country the laughing stock of the entire planet.

And the soldiers...They're not fighting to protect us...they're fighting to get us oil.

Glad to see Bush sorely beaten on this poll. :)
Don't go there, most conservatives on this board say that the US did not commit war crimes in Vietnam, but that John Kerry and other liberal veterans committed war crimes in Vietnam because Kerry (a liberal) delivered the statements of many soldiers to congress, statements of soldiers claiming to have witness crimes against humanity perpetrated by many soldiers* and accusations against the Nixon administration of war crimes.

*Not all, not even most


Did that makes sense? I hope not, because I don't understand that 'logic' and worry about people who do.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']
How come all the left wing wacko's are always trying to take america down? Why are we always the bad guys? There in no other nation in this world that has more power and has used it more for the good and freedom of other nations than for bad. God bless America and all the soliders :twoguns: fighting for her. God bless George W Bush! And may God continue to bless this great nation.

hear hear

Wow...do you guys thrive on being ignorant, brainwashed lemmings? :?

How come all the right wing wackos are always trying to defend this country? Why are we always the good guys? The US has used it's power for so many awful things recently and throughout it's history, there's simply no way to overlook it. It's not the country necessarily. The country could be fine. But it's the warmongers and right-wind/republican extremists that are making this country the laughing stock of the entire planet.

And the soldiers...They're not fighting to protect us...they're fighting to get us oil.

Glad to see Bush sorely beaten on this poll. :)[/quote]

can't you just be accepting of other peoples opinion with out resorting to negitive statments. I think we should stick to facts in this thread form now on. It is turning into a flame war.
I actually have a opinion on this one, so I'm going to vote. I'm flaberghasted that Kerry is winning on this site. Democrats have always been the big spenders and big taxers. I want to save money for video games. Still, please guys, go out and vote. I don't know the percentages but I know they are pretty low for 18 to around 25 year olds.
[quote name='DangerDave']I actually have a opinion on this one, so I'm going to vote. I'm flaberghasted that Kerry is winning on this site. Democrats have always been the big spenders and big taxers. [/quote]

I didnt know Bush was a democrat.....and besides, CAGS are big spenders, just because we get good deals doesnt mean we arent throwing away more than most on videogames.
[quote name='drunken_master']
can't you just be accepting of other peoples opinion with out resorting to negitive statments. I think we should stick to facts in this thread form now on. It is turning into a flame war.[/quote]

Umm...ditto? And in case you didn't notice, this entire thread is an OPINION POLL.

And anyway, I think you mean "tolerate," not "accept." "Accepting" something means you think it is right/correct. And I obviously do not think that those opinions are correct. Get your terms straight.

And you point out my so-called "negative statements," and it's obvious that you only did so because I am a pronounced liberal, but not the rediculously right-wing statements of eddiesteel, who, via emoticon, called me "stupid"? Do I smell the reek of bias? Of course!

And what are your "facts"? "George Bush is doing everything right, America is the greatest, America isn't doing anything wrong, and Michael Moore is a moron with no facts," right? Jeez.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge'][quote name='drunken_master']
can't you just be accepting of other peoples opinion with out resorting to negitive statments. I think we should stick to facts in this thread form now on. It is turning into a flame war.[/quote]

Umm...ditto? And in case you didn't notice, this entire thread is an OPINION POLL.

And anyway, I think you mean "tolerate," not "accept." "Accepting" something means you think it is right/correct. And I obviously do not think that those opinions are correct. Get your terms straight.

And you point out my so-called "negative statements," and it's obvious that you only did so because I am a pronounced liberal, but not the rediculously right-wing statements of eddiesteel, who, via emoticon, called me "stupid"? Do I smell the reek of bias? Of course!

And what are your "facts"? "George Bush is doing everything right, America is the greatest, America isn't doing anything wrong, and Michael Moore is a moron with no facts," right? Jeez.[/quote]

Damn! I think he has it down.
[quote name='eddiesteel'][quote name='CoffeeEdge'][quote name='drunken_master']
can't you just be accepting of other peoples opinion with out resorting to negitive statments. I think we should stick to facts in this thread form now on. It is turning into a flame war.[/quote]

Umm...ditto? And in case you didn't notice, this entire thread is an OPINION POLL.

And anyway, I think you mean "tolerate," not "accept." "Accepting" something means you think it is right/correct. And I obviously do not think that those opinions are correct. Get your terms straight.

And you point out my so-called "negative statements," and it's obvious that you only did so because I am a pronounced liberal, but not the rediculously right-wing statements of eddiesteel, who, via emoticon, called me "stupid"? Do I smell the reek of bias? Of course!

And what are your "facts"? "George Bush is doing everything right, America is the greatest, America isn't doing anything wrong, and Michael Moore is a moron with no facts," right? Jeez.[/quote]

Damn! I think he has it down.[/quote]

You're damn right I do. :p
[quote name='CoffeeEdge'][quote name='eddiesteel'][quote name='CoffeeEdge'][quote name='drunken_master']
can't you just be accepting of other peoples opinion with out resorting to negitive statments. I think we should stick to facts in this thread form now on. It is turning into a flame war.[/quote]

Umm...ditto? And in case you didn't notice, this entire thread is an OPINION POLL.

And anyway, I think you mean "tolerate," not "accept." "Accepting" something means you think it is right/correct. And I obviously do not think that those opinions are correct. Get your terms straight.

And you point out my so-called "negative statements," and it's obvious that you only did so because I am a pronounced liberal, but not the rediculously right-wing statements of eddiesteel, who, via emoticon, called me "stupid"? Do I smell the reek of bias? Of course!

And what are your "facts"? "George Bush is doing everything right, America is the greatest, America isn't doing anything wrong, and Michael Moore is a moron with no facts," right? Jeez.[/quote]

Damn! I think he has it down.[/quote]

You're damn right I do. :p[/quote]

Well, I'm glad we all have an agreement. George Bush is doing everything right, America is the greatest, America isn't doing anything wrong, and Michael Moore is a moron with no facts
[quote name='Drunken_Master']Well, I'm glad we all have an agreement. George Bush is doing everything right, America is the greatest, America isn't doing anything wrong, and Michael Moore is a moron with no facts[/quote]

Oh, DM, You're so funny, what with your brilliant arguments and deductions. Notice the quotes, smart guy.

Let me give me MY version: America sucks, is commiting some of the worst acts I've ever seen, is acting rediculously out of line with world standards, is totally ignoring all of the rest of the world's protests, and has a war-fetishist president who refuses to even listen to all but the most far-right opinions and proposals. Michael Moore is a beacon of truth, wheather you like it or not. And Ronald Reagan was a total and complete dipshit. May he rest in total misery in whatever hell he's in.
Just because he is Pro-Bush(hehehe) it doesn't mean that he is un-american, and he's in cahoots with Osama Bin Laden, and hes a miserable failure.

He did say stupid things, such as "George Bush is doing everything right", (hehehe) and Michael Moore is a moron with no facts, because YOU CANT PROVE IT. Prove it stupid.

i have said everything i need to say...........Pro-Bush(hehehe)
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']And Ronald Reagan was a total and complete dipshit. May he rest in total misery in whatever hell he's in.[/quote]

I delieve 'trickle down economics' placed him in the fourth level of hell.
Wow...do you guys thrive on being ignorant, brainwashed lemmings?

How come all the right wing wackos are always trying to defend this country? Why are we always the good guys? The US has used it's power for so many awful things recently and throughout it's history, there's simply no way to overlook it. It's not the country necessarily. The country could be fine. But it's the warmongers and right-wind/republican extremists that are making this country the laughing stock of the entire planet.

And the soldiers...They're not fighting to protect us...they're fighting to get us oil.

Glad to see Bush sorely beaten on this poll.

Move to France if you don't like it.

Let me give me MY version: America sucks, is commiting some of the worst acts I've ever seen, is acting rediculously out of line with world standards, is totally ignoring all of the rest of the world's protests, and has a war-fetishist president who refuses to even listen to all but the most far-right opinions and proposals. Michael Moore is a beacon of truth, wheather you like it or not. And Ronald Reagan was a total and complete dipshit. May he rest in total misery in whatever hell he's in.

Hey, move to France.

And anyway, I think you mean "tolerate," not "accept." "Accepting" something means you think it is right/correct. And I obviously do not think that those opinions are correct. Get your terms straight.

And as for that fallacious idea of the term accepting:
ac·cept - 4. To endure resignedly or patiently: accept one's fate.

Get a dictionary before you put your foot in your mouth.
If Farenheit 9/11 has so many lies, why don't you prove it and claim the $10,000 prize offered by Michael Moore?

The freakin' film dropped out of site in the French box offices as quickly as it rose, just like in the U.S. No one with any credibility backs that crap. Why has Moore refused to go on any shows that won't let him get away with lying, like maybe The O'Reilly Factor. Sure, you probably don't believe that Bill is really fair and balanced, but wouldn't Moore be able to prove that what he says is true if he has such a strong case? Well, Moore finally did come on The Factor during the RNC, only because O'Reilly ran into him in person on the streets and challenged him to come in. But even then, he spun everything he was faced with and wouldn't answer a single question.

Furthermore, Moore has been invited to speak at Utah Valley State College in October and is being paid $40,000 to do so. The student body is outraged that their student fees are going to be lining Moore's pockets. So the college President has proposed that Sean Hannity come the same night and that they have a straight-forward debate. Hannity said he would do it, and only for travel costs, he is asking nothing more! But will Moore do it? Of course he refuses! He knows he would be blown out of the water!

Have Moore defend his garbage to someone who can give him credible opposition. Until then, it is nothing more than propaganda.

Besides, Moore is offering the accusations. It is not the innocent's job to prove themselves so. It is the accuser's job to prove one guilty.
Anybody who could not see that Farenheit 9/11 was pure propaganda and entertainment, not a documentary, scares me.

But, that movie wasn't made to change anybody's mind. You take out of it what you want to take out of it. So, I probably shouldn't even waste my time posting this.

But, just because you hear what you want to hear doesn't make it correct. (Of course, the opposite IS true as well...but there is no denying that the movie was a manipulation of facts, not a presentation of facts.)
He had one or two good points, but they were awash in a sea of bullshit. To use the people in his movie the way he did is a travesty. I felt no compassion from the man, he merely used the suffering of those presented to try to win a little argument and make a little money. To fight propaganda with propaganda, and to try to play it off as fact, is to be guilty of that which you're fighting against.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Michael Moore is a beacon of truth, wheather you like it or not. And Ronald Reagan was a total and complete dipshit. May he rest in total misery in whatever hell he's in.[/quote]

OMG your so hardcore roffle.

(grammar/spelling/various other mistakes done for effect)
[quote name='MorPhiend']
If Farenheit 9/11 has so many lies, why don't you prove it and claim the $10,000 prize offered by Michael Moore?

The freakin' film dropped out of site in the French box offices as quickly as it rose, just like in the U.S. No one with any credibility backs that crap. Why has Moore refused to go on any shows that won't let him get away with lying, like maybe The O'Reilly Factor. Sure, you probably don't believe that Bill is really fair and balanced, but wouldn't Moore be able to prove that what he says is true if he has such a strong case? Well, Moore finally did come on The Factor during the RNC, only because O'Reilly ran into him in person on the streets and challenged him to come in. But even then, he spun everything he was faced with and wouldn't answer a single question.

Furthermore, Moore has been invited to speak at Utah Valley State College in October and is being paid $40,000 to do so. The student body is outraged that their student fees are going to be lining Moore's pockets. So the college President has proposed that Sean Hannity come the same night and that they have a straight-forward debate. Hannity said he would do it, and only for travel costs, he is asking nothing more! But will Moore do it? Of course he refuses! He knows he would be blown out of the water!

Have Moore defend his garbage to someone who can give him credible opposition. Until then, it is nothing more than propaganda.

Besides, Moore is offering the accusations. It is not the innocent's job to prove themselves so. It is the accuser's job to prove one guilty.[/quote]

Why did you quote my post then spew a load of crap to avoid answering it?

If you are going to avoid a questoin, instead of quoting it, just shut up.
I thought you wouldn't need that specific of an explanation. The point is, he avoids anyone who has the capability to debunk him. And these people I mentioned have much more ability and power to get him to talk to them than I do, and he won't talk to them. Why would he talk to a 'nobody' like me. Face it, your hero is a coward who hides behind lies.
[quote name='MorPhiend']I thought you wouldn't need that specific of an explanation. The point is, he avoids anyone who has the capability to debunk him. And these people I mentioned have much more ability and power to get him to talk to them than I do, and he won't talk to them. Why would he talk to a 'nobody' like me. Face it, your hero is a coward who hides behind lies.[/quote]

Again, you say "lies". What are they? Moore got his information from news reports and strung it together into a documentary. You can go to his website and see where he got his references, line by line.
And statistics also show that over 80% of the "elite media" are far left bomb-throwing sympathizers. So of course there are going to be those who would be able to be "sources". Just look at this CBS scandal. Rather was far too eager to slap Bush around with some so-called documents. And now they have had to retract and give a general apology. And it turns out that their source was someone who has been trying to destroy Bush for years, and everytime, he gets debunked. Don't believe everything you hear.

And I'm not far-right, just to assure you. I also believe that the Swiftboat Vets need to straighten up as well. I take things on a case by case situation. And just like the SB Vets, Moore is full of crap.
What statistics? State your source.

The fact that these brain-dead freepers and ditto-heads have the uncontrollable urge to attack Michael Moore every chance they can in any political discussion on the internet proves just how effective Fahrenheit 9/11 was at exposing the MOUNTAIN OF LIES AND STUPID republicans/conservatives are forced to believe today in order to cling to their bankrupt ideaology.

I also love whoever it was that said Fahrenheit 9/11 flopped at the box office.... try actually looking it up next time, chuckles :twisted:


$118 million is good for any movie, record-smashing for a documentary.

As far as I'm concenred, democrats/liberals/progressives can't lose in the upcoming election. If Kerry wins, theres a small ray of hope that this country won't be completely sucked into hell and the rebuilding can begin. If Bush wins.... sayonara.

All you knee-jerk psuedo patriots who tell those who actually hold their own nation responsible for its actions to "go to France".... well I'll be more than happy to move to Canada or Europe.

You can stay here as the US slides into the cess pool of debt and chaos that Too-Stupid-To-Be-Preisdent Bush and his cabal of oil and defense industry handlers have created.
The fact that these brain-dead freepers and ditto-heads have the uncontrollable urge to attack Michael Moore every chance they can in any political discussion on the internet proves just how effective Fahrenheit 9/11 was at exposing the MOUNTAIN OF LIES AND STUPID republicans/conservatives are forced to believe today in order to cling to their bankrupt ideaology.

I also love whoever it was that said Fahrenheit 9/11 flopped at the box office.... try actually looking it up next time, chuckles


$118 million is good for any movie, record-smashing for a documentary.

As far as I'm concenred, democrats/liberals/progressives can't lose in the upcoming election. If Kerry wins, theres a small ray of hope that this country won't be completely sucked into hell and the rebuilding can begin. If Bush wins.... sayonara.

All you knee-jerk psuedo patriots who tell those who actually hold their own nation responsible for its actions to "go to France".... well I'll be more than happy to move to Canada or Europe.

You can stay here as the US slides into the cess pool of debt and chaos that Too-Stupid-To-Be-Preisdent Bush and his cabal of oil and defense industry handlers have created.

First of all, you either need to learn how not to spin/lie or you just need to learn how to read. Try it again:

The freakin' film dropped out of site in the French box offices as quickly as it rose, just like in the U.S.

Not only does that statement not say anything about the film (not documentary) being a flop, but it actually acknowledges the fact that the thing was a box office hit. No, it doesn't say it bluntly, but that is called a partially or unstated assumption, an element of an argument that the differing parties both understand. Look closely. It "dropped out of site... as quickly as it rose...". My statement says that it vanished. In that line there, that would imply that it shot straight to number one! Don't be so quick in your fanaticism that you are blinded to truth.

Another point you may want to consider is your name calling and bomb-throwing. Calling everyone stupid over and over and not having any coherent thoughts to share immediately takes any credibility away from you which you otherwise may have had. You need to realize that you aren't trying to convince those who already agree with you. There's no quicker way in fact to get someone to disagree with you than to keep trying to drive home the point to them with which they already agree. And when you disregard through insults those you should want to convince, you only end up speaking with those who already share your view.

As far as I'm concenred, democrats... can't lose in the upcoming election.

I'm going to hold you to that. This thing is so close, that anyone (except Nader) can win.

And statistics also show that over 80% of the "elite media" are far left bomb-throwing sympathizers.
What statistics? State your source.

Sorry I've taken so long to reply to that. I've been in classes all day and have just been checking this thread when I get a chance. And you are right, I do need to tell you where I got that. I just assumed that people were familiar with that stat. I'll have to look it up when I have some more time and post it.

Oh, and BTW (to Hereticked): Just so you don't turn around and say that my mentioning your fanaticism is name calling, its not. Its a normal term used in argumentative writing and the definition is:

fa·nat·i·cism - Excessive, irrational zeal. or Excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions, on any subject, especially religion; religious frenzy.

There is a difference between a fanatic and a skeptic. A fanatic can't be reasoned with. A skeptic might ask questions, but in the pursuit of answers, not to "prove" their own skewed ideology.
Hey guys I just want to drop some info for you all. If you got to vote and they pull a "you can't vote because you don't have ID" then tell them you want an "Provisional Ballot" .

You can also use a Provisonal Ballot if your name does not appear on the lists of registered voters for your precinct.

What is a Provisional Ballot ? It's a ballot that can be entered but will not be counted untill your status to vote is verified.

The rules are a bit different for each state as to what you can use for ID, you should be able to find your state info by using google and putting in your state and the words "Provisional Ballot".

Any one who can vote in this election should vote,

bread's done