POLL #2: OFFICIAL CAG Presidential Election 2004 POLL: The Sequel

All I can say is that you amuse me, MorPhiend, in a sad, sad sort of way. And nice job, Hereticked. These right-wing bastards will see the error of their ways some day...I hope.
Not all right wingers are bastards.

By the way whats up with John Kerry supporting the Iraq war, then yesterday claiming invading Iraq was a dumb thing?

(I smell a flip-flop)
And personally I feel much safer with a president who seeks to protect our nation, with or without the damn UN or France.
[quote name='uncbaseballfreak'](I smell a flip-flop)[/quote]

Is it this?

I'm disappointed to see there's no Nader/Camejo option...they're a viable third-party ticket, and are on the ballot in almost all the states.
[quote name='Quackzilla']What statistics? State your source.


Are you serious? I thought his 80% was being generous. I don't know why you would need a source--it's a well known fact that the "elite media" is slanted to the left. I'd recommend the book Bias to anyone, from Bernard Goldberg, former CBS anchor who pretty much ruined his career for writing about the liberal bias in the "elite media." It was a best seller for some time.



And before you bring it up, Goldberg himself is even a liberal.
Bernard Goldberg

He calls himself a liberal? And you believe him?
Is FOX News Fair & Balanced?

How gullible are you? Did you even read that book?

Whats next, is Bill O'Riley a liberal Democrat?

Just stop posting those bullsit claims, dude. Nobody beliieves them but gullible morons such as yourself.

It's too bad that there are no pills that cure stupid, because you really need them right now.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Bernard Goldberg

He calls himself a liberal? And you believe him?
Is FOX News Fair & Balanced?

How gullible are you? Did you even read that book?

Whats next, is Bill O'Riley a liberal Democrat?

Just stop posting those bullsit claims, dude. Nobody beliieves them but gullible morons such as yourself.

It's too bad that there are no pills that cure stupid, because you really need them right now.[/quote]

The man made it on CBS for 28 years. You're going to tell me he's NOT a liberal?
Why is it that no one believes someone for who they say they affiliate themselves with if they have a differing view than them on even just one point? Are you going to say that Dick Morris is a right-wing conservative now???
If you read his books and literature it is pretty damn obvious that he is a right wing conservative.

Of course, you haven't read his works, have you?
Isn't it funny how much people hate one another. Lets see a show of hands how many of you can vote so I can know wheather or not your opinions will matter in the comming election.

I know Coffeeedge is under 18 so nothing he says matters, who else.

thats who all I am voting for this year.

More inclined to vote aganist Bush, because of what he did to the Texas economy, and the people around him

Voting for Easley, because he has done a really good job with all the problems with NC

Bowles gets my vote, because he does not vote the party line 96 percent of the time and just killed Burr in the Debate. All Burr did was smirk and try to look like George Bush
Kerry pwned bush like a school girl. Anyone who watched the debate and still wants to vote for bush is obviously missing their brain. Kerry presented clear facts and plans while bush stuttered about america is in danger america is in danger, while never stating any real intent of fixing the problem.
I agree with Defender. Kerry's "plan" is "I'll hold a summit." That's about it. I'll agree with Kerry that getting other nations involved would be nice and all, but I didn't hear him explain how he plans to do so. I don't see France or Germany coming to America's side any time soon.
Kerry spoke with with ease and conviction while bush dodged questions and resorted personal attacks. The last resort of a desperate politician. I find it ironic that the terrible storms are hitting Florida, seeing as they are acts of global warming and they were state that put george bush, who could give 2 shits about the environment, into power. The Irony is thick.
[quote name='pfunkpearl']Kerry spoke with with ease and conviction while bush dodged questions and resorted personal attacks. The last resort of a desperate politician. I find it ironic that the terrible storms are hitting Florida, seeing as they are acts of global warming and they were state that put george bush, who could give 2 shits about the environment, into power. The Irony is thick.[/quote]

1. That global warming bullshit has nothing to do with the hurricanes.
2. fuck you for associating bush with hurricanes like it is his fault.
3. I live just north of Fort Myres, one of the hardest hit, and I am damed lucky to still have a house, where as several of my friends have very little house.
4. The hurricanes were not caused by global warming and only someone who is truly ignorant would draw those conclusions.
[quote name='drunken_master'][quote name='pfunkpearl']Kerry spoke with with ease and conviction while bush dodged questions and resorted personal attacks. The last resort of a desperate politician. I find it ironic that the terrible storms are hitting Florida, seeing as they are acts of global warming and they were state that put george bush, who could give 2 shits about the environment, into power. The Irony is thick.[/quote]

1. That global warming bullshit has nothing to do with the hurricanes.
2. shaq-fu you for associating bush with hurricanes like it is his fault.
3. I live just north of Fort Myres, one of the hardest hit, and I am damed lucky to still have a house, where as several of my friends have very little house.
4. The hurricanes were not caused by global warming and only someone who is truly ignorant would draw those conclusions.[/quote]

How do you that four consecutive hurricanes are NOT caused by global warming? How are you drawing that conclusion?
[quote name='defender']I guess I must be missing my brain.

I must also be deaf since I didn't hear Kerry make any real plans either.[/quote]

I heard his plan - it was to get the international community involved with the rebuilding of iraq. He restated it over and over.

I missed BUSH's plans for iraq - must've been when I went to the fridge to get a coke.
[quote name='drunken_master']1. That global warming bullshit has nothing to do with the hurricanes.
2. shaq-fu you for associating bush with hurricanes like it is his fault.


P.S. I'm not belittling anyone who was hit hard by the recent hurricanes. I just thought this was funny.
[quote name='E-Z-B'][quote name='drunken_master'][quote name='pfunkpearl']Kerry spoke with with ease and conviction while bush dodged questions and resorted personal attacks. The last resort of a desperate politician. I find it ironic that the terrible storms are hitting Florida, seeing as they are acts of global warming and they were state that put george bush, who could give 2 shits about the environment, into power. The Irony is thick.[/quote]

1. That global warming bullshit has nothing to do with the hurricanes.
2. shaq-fu you for associating bush with hurricanes like it is his fault.
3. I live just north of Fort Myres, one of the hardest hit, and I am damed lucky to still have a house, where as several of my friends have very little house.
4. The hurricanes were not caused by global warming and only someone who is truly ignorant would draw those conclusions.[/quote]

How do you that four consecutive hurricanes are NOT caused by global warming? How are you drawing that conclusion?[/quote]

Is it that hard to realize we are destroying the planet and bush is making it easier for big corporations to pollute as much as they want? "Global warming" doesn't mean "der it's gets hotter" it actually is heating of the planet that does effect storms, water condition, precepatation etc. Not to sound like some hippie, but this planet is in very bad shape and is headed for worse if bush is reelected. Just remember that in 20 years when you can't go outside and breath fresh air. It was bushes fault, the anti-environment president.
Bush and his buddies scare us into voting for him. Didn't someone say something like "a vote for Kerry is a vote for a terrorist attack" or something similar?

I do not choose Bush because he doesn't care about America's problems. He just obsesses over Iraq and wars. Bush has done almost nothing to make America safer, and in the process of trying, he has totally ignored most of our problems. He should just become the president of Iraq. Bush destroyed what Clinton had going with the economy.

In the end, no matter who you vote for, for whatever reason, most of what they tell us isn't totally true, so we're really just voting for the lesser of two evils.

It seems people are voting for Bush because they think America has no problems, and it's all about war and keeping us safe, as if we're always being bombed or something.

First of all, we're safe. Second, we're even safer if we stop pissing off all the brown people in other countries by invading them.

One last rant. I hate it when people say that Bush is at war because he is defending our freedom. Ok, realize that NO terrorist can take away our bill of rights or anything like that. In reality, the only one who can truly take our freedom is the government.

Where is the "Screw it, I'm moving to Canada" option?
And the bush adminastration is taking our freedom and rights away in the name of "security". The patriot act, and the many smaller laws that were quickly floated through congress right after 9/11.

Bush cares about nothing but war mongerer, his education reform is fucking joke. "NO child left behind" is the biggest peice of bullshit. It doesn't encourage teaching kids anything, it encourages teachers to show kids how to take these standerized tests as opposed to actually learning anything. Maybe some kids should be left behind...because they aren't meant for school. You shouldn't punish the smart ones by turning everything into standardized testing where your not learning and retaining anything.

You bush supporters do realize at the rate bush is going there won't be any social security left if he is reelected. Which means when your parents retire they be moving in with you!

Some people are worried Kerry will raise taxes, well you do realize Bush has putt he country into debt again, when he got the country from clinton we had a huge surplus in our funding now we have a huge deficiate. "But bush gives tax cuts" like $100 to the average person. Average maning making under $60k combined house income. YOu know how much people making more than a million a year get? $150k+ tax breaks. SO you are getting long end of the stick. You're getting fucked by it.
In support of pfunkpearl's claim, here is a specific example of how Bush has put the welface of our ecosystem in his lowest level of interest. The Kyoto Protocol was a treaty aimed at reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The U.S. was one of many countries who agreed to reduce these emissions by 2010. Now under Bush's administration, the U.S. has withdrawn from the process and we have all lost yet another opportunity at reducing the factors that lead to global warming.
Pfunkpearl and Dezuria, nice posts. :) The logical, undeniable arguments against Bush are so strong, I don't see how anyone can deny it. It's just pure, blind stupidity.

The only people who would support him are probably worried about "SCARY TERRORISTS PLANTING BOMBS IN OUR PANTS!!"

Bush is a warmonger who compromises our rights (Patriot Act), disregards our government's system of checks-and-balances (Dept of Homeland Security), puts us back into debt after Clinton left us with a surplus, disregards the UN, disregards the enviroment, disregards concerns other than his own, and pretty much everything else that a president could do wrong.

I mean, come on, look at the fool he made of himself at the debate. That was utterly hilarous, and your Republicans cannot possibly, in honesty, no matter how right-wing you are, say that he did anything but fall on his face in that. Basically, his reply to everything was "TERRORISTS BAD. Gotta SMOKE EM OUT." He utterly made a joke of himself.

And yet some morons will still vote for him because of the "great things he's doing for Iraq" and "CAUSE IT'S JUST PLAIN AMERICAN." Go figure.
[quote name='drunken_master'][quote name='pfunkpearl']Kerry spoke with with ease and conviction while bush dodged questions and resorted personal attacks. The last resort of a desperate politician. I find it ironic that the terrible storms are hitting Florida, seeing as they are acts of global warming and they were state that put george bush, who could give 2 shits about the environment, into power. The Irony is thick.[/quote]

1. That global warming bullshit has nothing to do with the hurricanes.
2. shaq-fu you for associating bush with hurricanes like it is his fault.
3. I live just north of Fort Myres, one of the hardest hit, and I am damed lucky to still have a house, where as several of my friends have very little house.
4. The hurricanes were not caused by global warming and only someone who is truly ignorant would draw those conclusions.[/quote]

It is predicted that as global warming becomes more severe, the strength and intensity of hurricanes will increase. Category 5 storms are predicted to be the norm in the worst case global warming scenario. As the ocean temperature rises it could in theory produce more storms, some of which would result in hurricanes.
[quote name='E-Z-B']Is it time for a new poll?[/quote]
I think we are just going to ride this out to Election Day.
[quote name='coffman'][quote name='drunken_master'][quote name='pfunkpearl']Kerry spoke with with ease and conviction while bush dodged questions and resorted personal attacks. The last resort of a desperate politician. I find it ironic that the terrible storms are hitting Florida, seeing as they are acts of global warming and they were state that put george bush, who could give 2 shits about the environment, into power. The Irony is thick.[/quote]

1. That global warming bullshit has nothing to do with the hurricanes.
2. shaq-fu you for associating bush with hurricanes like it is his fault.
3. I live just north of Fort Myres, one of the hardest hit, and I am damed lucky to still have a house, where as several of my friends have very little house.
4. The hurricanes were not caused by global warming and only someone who is truly ignorant would draw those conclusions.[/quote]

It is predicted that as global warming becomes more severe, the strength and intensity of hurricanes will increase. Category 5 storms are predicted to be the norm in the worst case global warming scenario. As the ocean temperature rises it could in theory produce more storms, some of which would result in hurricanes.[/quote]

If you had bothered to do your reserch than you would know that the avrage rise in tepriture for the past 100 years is acualy lower than what it was 500 years ago.
[quote name='drunken_master'][quote name='coffman'][quote name='drunken_master'][quote name='pfunkpearl']Kerry spoke with with ease and conviction while bush dodged questions and resorted personal attacks. The last resort of a desperate politician. I find it ironic that the terrible storms are hitting Florida, seeing as they are acts of global warming and they were state that put george bush, who could give 2 shits about the environment, into power. The Irony is thick.[/quote]

1. That global warming bullshit has nothing to do with the hurricanes.
2. shaq-fu you for associating bush with hurricanes like it is his fault.
3. I live just north of Fort Myres, one of the hardest hit, and I am damed lucky to still have a house, where as several of my friends have very little house.
4. The hurricanes were not caused by global warming and only someone who is truly ignorant would draw those conclusions.[/quote]

It is predicted that as global warming becomes more severe, the strength and intensity of hurricanes will increase. Category 5 storms are predicted to be the norm in the worst case global warming scenario. As the ocean temperature rises it could in theory produce more storms, some of which would result in hurricanes.[/quote]

If you had bothered to do your reserch than you would know that the avrage rise in tepriture for the past 100 years is acualy lower than what it was 500 years ago.[/quote]


Since the beginning of the 20th century, the mean surface temperature of the earth has increased by about 1.1º F (0.6°Celsius).

Over the last 40 years, which is the period with most reliable data, the temperature increased by about 0.5 º F (0.2-0.3°Celsius).

Warming in the 20th century is greater than at any time during the past 400-600 years.

Seven of the ten warmest years in the 20th century occurred in the 1990s. 1998, with global temperatures spiking due to one of the strongest El Niños on record, was the hottest year since reliable instrumental temperature measurements began.


So where did you get your information from? The RNC website?
[quote name='drunken_master'][quote name='coffman'][quote name='drunken_master'][quote name='pfunkpearl']Kerry spoke with with ease and conviction while bush dodged questions and resorted personal attacks. The last resort of a desperate politician. I find it ironic that the terrible storms are hitting Florida, seeing as they are acts of global warming and they were state that put george bush, who could give 2 shits about the environment, into power. The Irony is thick.[/quote]

1. That global warming bullshit has nothing to do with the hurricanes.
2. shaq-fu you for associating bush with hurricanes like it is his fault.
3. I live just north of Fort Myres, one of the hardest hit, and I am damed lucky to still have a house, where as several of my friends have very little house.
4. The hurricanes were not caused by global warming and only someone who is truly ignorant would draw those conclusions.[/quote]

It is predicted that as global warming becomes more severe, the strength and intensity of hurricanes will increase. Category 5 storms are predicted to be the norm in the worst case global warming scenario. As the ocean temperature rises it could in theory produce more storms, some of which would result in hurricanes.[/quote]

If you had bothered to do your reserch than you would know that the avrage rise in tepriture for the past 100 years is acualy lower than what it was 500 years ago.[/quote]

You have no idea what you are talking about. I actually do volunteer work in this field. See the post by EZB to learn a little bit about the current warming trend. Core samples show that the current warming trend began at the same time as the beginning of the industrial age (i.e. when coal was starting to be burned in large quantities). If anyone cares for more information, I'll gladly provide it!
Somehow I voted to Pat Buchanan in the poll :shock: That poll is confusing. :wink: But I probably going to stick with the person that I'm voting for anyway since I've pretty much made up my mind.
There are a problem with the chads.....

The numbers that have been really counted are

Bush - 15
Kerry - 27
Other - 14
Al Gore - 6

I am sure most people here are in the drafting age and are still voting for Kerry. Don't be upset when we all get drafted if he is elected. The one thing I like about Bush is that he atleast says there won't be a draft.
[quote name='StupidFoo']I am sure most people here are in the drafting age and are still voting for Kerry. Don't be upset when we all get drafted if he is elected. The one thing I like about Bush is that he atleast says there won't be a draft.[/quote]

The Kerry campaign has said repeatedly that there will be no draft if he is elected president.
There is no way anyone would institute a draft. Its political Suicide.... Both canditates have their problems, might as well keep things simple and leave Bush in to finish his term.
[quote name='musha666']There is no way anyone would institute a draft. Its political Suicide.... Both canditates have their problems, might as well keep things simple and leave Bush in to finish his term.[/quote]

That's fine with me. His term's over in ~3 months anyway. Good riddance.
bread's done