POLL: Do you still tip even after getting bad service?

[quote name='Allnatural']
I stopped going there when my girlfriend and I broke up. A few months later they went out of business. True story.[/quote]

So, really, it's your ex-girlfriend's fault that the business collapsed, huh? :p

[quote name='zewone']http://youtube.com/watch?v=6NcjPxkv7vA

Mr. Pink is a God amongst men.[/QUOTE]

dude I have no idea where that scene is from what movie...but Mr. Pink has a lot of points.

I don't like the idea that the government TAXES tips
I don't like the idea that you have to *SHARE* your tips with the rest of the house
[quote name='ITDEFX']dude I have no idea where that scene is from what movie...but Mr. Pink has a lot of points.

I don't like the idea that the government TAXES tips
I don't like the idea that you have to *SHARE* your tips with the rest of the house[/QUOTE]
Reservoir Dogs.

You should check it out, great movie.
[quote name='ITDEFX']dude I have no idea where that scene is from what movie...but Mr. Pink has a lot of points.

I don't like the idea that the government TAXES tips
I don't like the idea that you have to *SHARE* your tips with the rest of the house[/QUOTE]

so that means I have to share my tips with some chick who stands in the from and says "Welcome to #(@((!)! how many?"
The Server can take the order down by memory without pen and paper
The Server gives extra of something without charging for it (like an extra tortilla or something) THATS CALLED STEALING AND DOESN'T LOOK GOOD ON A RESUME
The Server knows who you are and greets you by name- CAUSE WE'RE ALL fucking PSYCHIC
The Server DOES NOT RUSH US!!! Just cause the couple in the table near us woofed down their food in 15 minutes, doesn't mean we have to choak on our food.. I don't see a 30 minute dining limit!! WELL I DON'T SEE THE NEED TO SIT FOR 3 HOURS AND THEN LEAVE 5 ON 50 CAUSE YOUR SO DAMN CHEAP

Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... fuck with us.
[quote name='ITDEFX']so that means I have to share my tips with some chick who stands in the from and says "Welcome to #(@((!)! how many?"[/quote]
Yeah, the way tips are shared seems kind of off, to me.

If they had separate boxes at the door for the waiters and the chefs, that would be great! That way, if the food was great but the service lousy, I could give a full tip straight to the chef, and give the lousy waiter a $0.34 cent tip!

Wait, I think I see why this hasn't caught on.... ;)

Also, if things were done that way (or just about any other non-tip sharing method), the dishwashers would get shafted.

I would make sure to tip them, but nobody really appreciates the dishwashers. They would get the change. :cry:

Edit: Taking the order down by memory, huh.... I've always heard that was a mark of an excellent waiter. And I don't doubt it; the handful of times I've seen a waiter do it, I was always impressed by their service in other respects as well. But I'm curious, besides being extremely impressive, why is taking an order any better if you do it by memory rather than by paper? I'm not mocking the idea, I'm just wondering how the idea got started. I guess it must just represent the waiter's investment of energy into serving you. Huh.
Besides if I go out and get shitty service I'm not a little puss I let the server or manager know that the service sucked, and then tip accordingly. What you don't understand is if you don't tip or under tip then the server loses money because they have to tip out to the Bar/Bus boys/Hosts. it's a scam cause the restaurant only pays $2 and change an hour in NJ for at least the past 15 years and then they (the bosses) treat you like crap and expect you to clean all their DUMB knick knacks. SERIOUSLY DON"T PISS OFF YOUR SERVERS EVEN THE GIRLS CAUSE I'VE SEEN AND BEEN PART OF SOME NASTY SH**
[quote name='ITDEFX']See people are afraid of that shit.

If you were to get sick (food poisoning), you could go to the hospital, get the medical report, contact the manager, Department of Health, district manager, the POLICE AND a lawyer. Yes it's a lot of work, but it's a civil and criminal case and chances are the judge is going to throw the book at them, not to mention the DoH will probably slap them with a heavy fine or shut them down.[/QUOTE]

Have you ever had food poisoning. I mean, real, fucking food poisoning. The kind where everything inside your body is shooting out from your mouth and ass for like 4 days. It's not worth the agony to "prove" that you were dissatisfied.

About ten years ago, I went on a Caribbean cruise with my parents and came down with the most virulant food poisoning of my life. For days I was stuck in bed minus sprints to the tiny bathroom. It was hell, I wanted to slip into a coma just so I could sleep through it all.
[quote name='veedubkid']The Server can take the order down by memory without pen and paper
The Server gives extra of something without charging for it (like an extra tortilla or something) THATS CALLED STEALING AND DOESN'T LOOK GOOD ON A RESUME
The Server knows who you are and greets you by name- CAUSE WE'RE ALL fucking PSYCHIC
The Server DOES NOT RUSH US!!! Just cause the couple in the table near us woofed down their food in 15 minutes, doesn't mean we have to choak on our food.. I don't see a 30 minute dining limit!! WELL I DON'T SEE THE NEED TO SIT FOR 3 HOURS AND THEN LEAVE 5 ON 50 CAUSE YOUR SO DAMN CHEAP

Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... fuck with us.[/QUOTE]

Someone needs to stop watching Fight Club.
[quote name='Halo05']Have you ever had food poisoning. I mean, real, fucking food poisoning. The kind where everything inside your body is shooting out from your mouth and ass for like 4 days. It's not worth the agony to "prove" that you were dissatisfied.

About ten years ago, I went on a Caribbean cruise with my parents and came down with the most virulant food poisoning of my life. For days I was stuck in bed minus sprints to the tiny bathroom. It was hell, I wanted to slip into a coma just so I could sleep through it all.[/QUOTE]

yea by taco bell... go figure right?
[quote name='ITDEFX']i've rarely eaten in DC, but don't they automatically charge 15% on the final total? last year I had chinese food at some place called Ti Shan restaurant and the bill came out to 80 bucks for 3 people..holy shit!

I think I over tipped :([/QUOTE]

DC has about 10% in tax on restaurant bills IIRC, but I don't think there is any regulation that the tip must be included. Although I'm sure some places there do just like anywhere else. (Don't include the tax in your tip calculation of course.
i know a lot of restaurants out here will had a gratuity of about 18% if you have a certain number of people in your party or spend a certain amount of money. once we double tipped at a sushi joint because nobody paid attention to the bill (hell who would after that many sake bombs and california rolls) there was about 15 of us, lulz.
I agree on the tipping 18% or better on parties of more then 5. That I have no problem with because i've seen better service when I am in a party of 5 or more.

What's funny is that the server was sneaky and put 6 people instead of 5 the other night. I guess he was trying to get that extra 3%.
if the service is bad, no tip, but im talking attitude, leaving us hanging, or just plain ignoring us.....one time a fat waitress just sat down, after leaving my family and i waiting for awhile and just went "WHA?!" yes, pulled up a chair, sat down, and did that...we wound up walking out and she came after us cursing at us, screaming at us in the parking lot.
eh whatever
its a people-job! have people-skills!
[quote name='greydemise']if the service is bad, no tip, but im talking attitude, leaving us hanging, or just plain ignoring us.....one time a fat waitress just sat down, after leaving my family and i waiting for awhile and just went "WHA?!" yes, pulled up a chair, sat down, and did that...we wound up walking out and she came after us cursing at us, screaming at us in the parking lot.
eh whatever
its a people-job! have people-skills![/QUOTE]

I've felt like that at Ruby Tuesday's... I have given them too many chances in different locations, thinking one RT has bad servers, but all the ones we have been to all had bad servers (All four of them!!) so we don't go back to any RT.

You should have gone back to the manager, reported that you were cussed at and harassed by that server.... After the manager says sorry to you a(and if your lucky you might get a gift card for the trouble.), most likely that server would be written up or let go.. By now that server has probably gotten the boot.
Me and my wife wen to Bennigan's a few days ago since we were both off for the day. We decided to go when there was little crowd between the lunch and dinner rush.

The hostess seated us in a booth behind a group of young employees who were sitting at the table laughing and cutting up. We sat there for 15 minutes, when finally, one of the girls from the table behind us got up and took our drink order. A few minutes later she returned with our drink.

We said that we were ready to order and she told us to hold on and disappeared into the back. She came back about 10 minutes later and took our food order. When she finished taking the order, she immediately turned around and sat down and starting back in with her friends at the table behind us. She didn't take our order up until there was a break in their little conversation.

Once she had taken our order up guess what she did? That's right, back to the table to chat some more. 20 minutes later my wife complains to her about checking on our food since she hasn't moved at all. She grudingly gets up and goes to the back and proceeds to bring out our food which at this point is mildly warm.

During the remainder of the experience, we receive no re-fill, no check-ups, nothing.

So for you people who are saying that must always leave a tip, you really believe that I should be paying her extra to ignore me and talk to her friends ? Very seldom do I not leave a tip but in a situation like this, not only do they not get a tip but a nice little complaint to the manager or general office.

And as far as retaliation goes, thats enough to make me not go back there again anyway so I don't really care.
[quote name='AdvOfJet']Me and my wife wen to Bennigan's a few days ago since we were both off for the day. We decided to go when there was little crowd between the lunch and dinner rush.

The hostess seated us in a booth behind a group of young employees who were sitting at the table laughing and cutting up. We sat there for 15 minutes, when finally, one of the girls from the table behind us got up and took our drink order. A few minutes later she returned with our drink.

We said that we were ready to order and she told us to hold on and disappeared into the back. She came back about 10 minutes later and took our food order. When she finished taking the order, she immediately turned around and sat down and starting back in with her friends at the table behind us. She didn't take our order up until there was a break in their little conversation.

Once she had taken our order up guess what she did? That's right, back to the table to chat some more. 20 minutes later my wife complains to her about checking on our food since she hasn't moved at all. She grudingly gets up and goes to the back and proceeds to bring out our food which at this point is mildly warm.

During the remainder of the experience, we receive no re-fill, no check-ups, nothing.

So for you people who are saying that must always leave a tip, you really believe that I should be paying her extra to ignore me and talk to her friends ? Very seldom do I not leave a tip but in a situation like this, not only do they not get a tip but a nice little complaint to the manager or general office.

And as far as retaliation goes, thats enough to make me not go back there again anyway so I don't really care.[/QUOTE]

That's a case where the manager is to blame more then the employees. Unless the manager doesn't give a shit and is in the back counting his money.
The manager should be very active in the restaurant. I would find the number of regional manager or district manager and give a full report, including the name of the server AND her friends (if you got the names) and what you heard.
If you really want to burn them, say they were using language no appropriate in a restaurant environment and that your wife was insulted.
I worked in a fine dining restaurant for three years. I think everybody should be a server at one point in their lives. It really gives you an appreciation for how difficult the job is. Only a server can relate to this.

I usually tip 20% and dont ever go higher than that. If the service is shitty I will tip only 15% at the least. I can see some exceptional circumstance happening where I wouldnt tip anything like if i got into an argument or was insulted by the server but this has never happened.

Many times factors outside that of the server's control is responsible for the shitty service, like other servers calling off of work, the kitchen sucking, managers sucking, hosts sucking, etc... So I only ever just lower the tip to 15%. People who never tip or rarely tip are just assholes.
[quote name='Liquid 2']I generally only tip when the server is going above and beyond the call of duty.
Otherwise, either no tip or a small one (I like getting the bill to a round dollar for some reason, go figure).
The way I see it, they shouldn't get extra money from me for simply doing their job, they have to earn it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, asshole, YOUR TIP IS THEIR PAY, most servers only get paid a dollar an hour in wages, and their job depends on YOUR TIP, so next time, tell your server you aren't planning on tipping them, so they can focus their time on people who are actually interested in giving them enough money to degrade themselves for, you lowlife piece of shit!!
[quote name='mykevermin']It's pricks like you that make me glad I left the service industry. Though, to be fair, I doubt you would have ever come into the places I worked; I never served at "Hobie's Dipshit Hut, featuring bacon-wrapped bacon bacon bacon hamburgers."

Let me be perfectly clear: IF YOU GO INTO A RESTAURANT THAT HAS WAITSTAFF, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO TIP. If you don't want to tip, either (1) go to a Taco Bell, you skint bastard, or (2) order food to go. By sitting down and being served, you enter into an implicit agreement that, in exchange for said service, you will provide a tip. It's not "extra money" (as if they're making megabucks already); it's extra money you pay for the difference in labor cost for having your fat asses fed instead of taking it home and stuffing your maws there.

There is NO excuse. NONE. You're a cheap bitch, a lazy fuck, and an embarrassment. If you can't even tip, you're not even good enough for a Waffle House.

All that ranting aside, bad service (I don't want a conversation with the server, but I do want someone who knows the menu, can recommend items, won't lie to me if I ask what days they get fish deliveries, can recommend a good wine and/or beer; I want the food delivered on time and hot; I want them to ensure everything is to our liking within 3 minutes of bringing the entrees to the table, and that's about it) will result in a lower tip. No less than 10% - any less and I'm taking advantage of them (only a damn fool would think of 10% as anything other than an intentionally shitty tip). I usually indicate my displeasure through my demeanor and questions, however. In a constructive way entirely, and not as a grouse (like I did above).[/QUOTE]

Terrific post, couldn't have said it better myself...
[quote name='goatindaruffness']Yeah, asshole, YOUR TIP IS THEIR PAY, most servers only get paid a dollar an hour in wages, and their job depends on YOUR TIP, so next time, tell your server you aren't planning on tipping them, so they can focus their time on people who are actually interested in giving them enough money to degrade themselves for, you lowlife piece of shit!!
-Goatman[/QUOTE]I really have a problem with this. I'm not saying this is the server's fault or anything. I don't totally understand how the food industry work. I know that the government assumes a 15% tip on all bills for tax purposes, right? (Please correct me if I'm mistaken.) Is this why some restaurants pay their servers so little?

I get tired of hearing of the "they don't get paid enough argument", because I really don't think patrons should be expected to know how much servers get paid. (This goes the same with anything that expect tips, not just food service.) In my perfect world, restaurants should just pay their workers proper wages, and gratuity would actually be gratuity. I just find the tipping culture in this country insanely confusing.

And I don't see how servers are degrading themselves.
Tipping is so Shaqfuing dumb.

When I worked at Best Buy I didn't get a fricken tip for climbing up to the third level of the warehouse to get a little girls Little Miss Ponies carrying case for her DS and having to go back 5 times for the different colors. But, I have to tip people that walk 3 feet from the kitchen with my food? Lame.

I like how Japan adds the tip and the tax to the menu price. So much easier. Tipping is getting way out of hand. I hate having to tip people that do things I can do myself. Like park my car, or carry my bags... I DIDNT ASK! I CAN DO IT!

Dwight Schrute says it best, "The only person I tip is my doctors. Because I am unable to pulverise my own kidney stones."
someone here on CAG has to know the exact reason why restaurants pay so little to their servers and *hope* the difference is made up in tips. I've heard various stories where some days a person can average 8 dollars an hour, and other days they can average 15-20 dollars an hour. I hate unstable dollars per hour jobs. If I want to make 8 dollars per hour, I'll work at game stop or target, if I want to make 20 dollars an hour, I'll work construction.

If there was this sudden change in the industry where servers minimum pay was 12 dollars an hour, would it affect the prices of meals ?
[quote name='ITDEFX']someone here on CAG has to know the exact reason why restaurants pay so little to their servers and *hope* the difference is made up in tips. [/quote]

Minimum wage for "commission" jobs is not the same as "minimum wage." It was, last I checked, $2.15/hour. Restaurants do it because it's the law - they aren't required to pay them any more than that. The way they see it, they run a business, not a charity. You want a business that respects its employees and pays them well? Go to Costco; they're about the only business on that side of the street.

I hate unstable dollars per hour jobs. If I want to make 8 dollars per hour, I'll work at game stop or target, if I want to make 20 dollars an hour, I'll work construction.

If there was this sudden change in the industry where servers minimum pay was 12 dollars an hour, would it affect the prices of meals ?

:rofl: 75% of restaurants don't last their first year of operation - margins at (most) restaurants are paper thin. What kind of moron question is that? "Would it affect the prices of meals?" You're asking business owners to put up 6 times the cost of labor for servers, and *wonder* if they'll try to pass the cost onto the consumer? Christ a'mighty kid.
Please remember that part of your tip goes to busboys as well at most restaurants.

That being said, if you don't want to tip, then don't tip, but don't be surprised if next time you come in your service isn't very good. Wage-based restaurants work gives employees an incentive to offer uniformly good service. Tip-based restaurants (most) offer employees incentive only through gratuity. Maybe you don't like it, but that's the way it works.
so it breaks down to tips go to...

Bus boys
and uncle sam

Did I miss anything?

So the only way to make any real money in a restaurant is to be a manager right?
[quote name='mykevermin']Minimum wage for "commission" jobs is not the same as "minimum wage." It was, last I checked, $2.15/hour.[/QUOTE]I guess that's the part I don't like. And I think it's not true in some states, like California. Here it says:

[quote name='CA Law'] Q. I work in a restaurant as a waitperson. Can my employer use my tips as a credit toward its obligation to pay me the minimum wage?

A. No. An employer may not use an employee's tips as a credit toward its obligation to pay the minimum wage.[/QUOTE]

If that's the case, isn't that even MORE confusing for patrons?
[quote name='mykevermin']Minimum wage for "commission" jobs is not the same as "minimum wage." It was, last I checked, $2.15/hour. Restaurants do it because it's the law - they aren't required to pay them any more than that. The way they see it, they run a business, not a charity. You want a business that respects its employees and pays them well? Go to Costco; they're about the only business on that side of the street.[/quote]Makes me wonder how much the minimum commission wage moves upwards in comparison to the federal minimum wage upward changes. I know that it's gone up almost a dollar an hour in the last year, and looks to do the same thing again next year. I can't see the commission wage moving upwards in a similar fashion.
First off, 20% is the customary tip percentage.

I tip based solely on the level of service that is provided. If the food is cold, or otherwise tastes horrible, then you take it up with the chef. The server should not be penalized for bad food.

I love going to countries where it's not customary to tip.:)
At the restaurant I worked at, at the end of every night we had to tip out 10% of our tips to the bar, and 10% to the bussers and that was it.

So if we made 200 in tips, we take home 160 and cuz the bar gets 20 bucks and the busboys get 20bucks.

If you work for the IRS, STOP READING IMMEDIATELY!!! As to the tax liability, In theory it is all taxable but uncle sam only knows about the tips on the credit cards, and what uncle sam doesnt know WILL hurt him.

So here is a lesson to all of you out there who have never served: Servers prefer to get tipped in cash! You can pay the bill on the credit card, but if you can, tip in cash so they dont have to pay tax on it.

Regarding the minimum wage calculations, I think restaurants can only pay you 2.15 an hour so long as, with tips included, you make more than the federal minimum wage. So the tips do go into the min wage calculation or it would be illegal to pay 2.15.

Anywher from 15-20% is customary, but pretty much anybody who has ever served tips 20%.
As an aside, it looks like I may be able to get a Busboy job at the restaurants ina nice hotel downtown. We get tipped by waitresses at the end of the night, and I get a mandatory 20% on room service. Knowing this, does anyone who has any experience waiting tables in this environment have any frame of what I can expect to make on that?
[quote name='ITDEFX']so it breaks down to tips go to...

Bus boys
and uncle sam

Did I miss anything?

So the only way to make any real money in a restaurant is to be a manager right?[/QUOTE]

I work in the restaurant as an apprentice. Here only the servers and busboys collect the tips. I usually tip 15%. Its hard for me not to.
Reality's Fringe;3293078 said:
As an aside, it looks like I may be able to get a Busboy job at the restaurants ina nice hotel downtown. We get tipped by waitresses at the end of the night, and I get a mandatory 20% on room service. Knowing this, does anyone who has any experience waiting tables in this environment have any frame of what I can expect to make on that?
A lot of fucking in said hotel :)
First off, I tip. I'm not a cheap ass bastard when it comes to tipping. I feel the need to point this out, because, for whatever reason, waitstaff people go nuts on this topic.

Tipping is a custom that really needs to go away. I would love to see a restaurant pay their waitstaff a fair price, and then go from there. That being said, if that happened, the waitstaff wouldn't work hard. So, we're stuck with this method.

Really, I have no issue with "expecting" a tip (and I'm sorry, 15% is customary, as much as the waitstaff has been pushing for 20%, you get 20% if your exceptional. That is over and beyond expectations, not just getting a refill when we need it and making a small joke).

Also, like it or hate it, I tip on the entire experience. Sorry if you feel it isn't your fault if the food is cold. If I have the best meal of my life, I'll tip huge, and you have no issues with that. So, you don't get it one way, but your exempt the other way.

I really wish waitstaff people could see it from the other side. You aren't the only job that gets shit on. I'm sorry that some people stiff you when you work hard, but you know that going in. Honestly, your job probably doesn't deserve $20 an hour on average (or whatever you get), when we see comparable pay at other places. So, you get some great days, you have to deal with some crap days. It just happens.
Having worked in the food industry pretty much until i finished college i understand how it all works. Ive worked in the kitchens and as busboy. My tip is solely based on performance. i typically tip 15-17% for you average attentive service. Anyone who i feel does an impecable job is prompt and can answer questions well will get 20-25% easily.

Im not some cheap stiff like alot of other people who fell its there job to have people wait on them for free because they took said job.

You also have to be able to distinguish between said server f'up and said kitchen f'up. Its usually not hard to tell, but like someone else said dont blame the server if its not their f'up, cuz If your server is good they will have no problem trying to fix th eproblem or at least getting a manger or the likes to help mediate the situation.

With all the being said. If i truely, i mean truely get shitty garbage ass service i have left $0.00 before. However its not typical cuz i think by leaving a really insulting tip sends a stronger message (than not leaving one at all) by saying maybe you should get a different job you lazy fuck. Because being busy and being lazy are completley differet as well.
I quit going to Hooters due to one shitty shitty waitress. Great wings but she didn't bring us refills ONCE. This is with Three Mile Island wings, the spiciest available. And she never brought us our second order of fries yet still charged us for it. She saw us going up to the soda fountain ourselves and just said "oh, that one is turned off already."
My friends left 4 dollars but I took three and gave it back to them on the way out.
[quote name='crazytalkx']My friends left 4 dollars but I took three and gave it back to them on the way out.[/quote]

Sneaky sneaky sneaky.
bread's done