[Poll] Which FF would you like to see redone on a next-gen system?

I'm going with FF2. That was probably the game that got me truly hooked on RPGs. I played the hell outta FF1 and Dragon Warrior.

But FF2 was really the first game I played that I truely cared about the characters in the game. I was pretty young playing it. Prolly seven or eight, but I remember my eyes getting a bit moist when Polom and Porom sacrificed themselves.

I would totally love to see that remade, but FF3 is a close second.
ff7 would be the only one that makes sense imo. Trying to make ffvi or earlier in 3d would just ruin the experience for me. but an update of ff7 would be kickass.
Another vote for FF7, Id like to see updated grphics.. I also like old school FFs which are in 2D.. but those 2D ones I like to keep 2D.. for me FF7 is already 3D, though outdated, I just want better graphics..
Except for the odd exclusion of FF3 all of the 8-bit and 16-bit FF games (leaving aside Mystic Quest) have already been revived with some going into their second or third revival if you include Japan only handhelds.

you can't do much to those first six game without seriously changing their character. FF 7 is a different story. It's really showing it's age in a much less attractive way than a 2D game. A graphic upgrade could bring out much more of the art direcotr's intent with no alteration to the gameplay.

I'd eventually like to see this done with all the PSone FF's, even VIII. square had announced an intention to do so when the PS2 was newly launched but has since canceled those plans. Perhaps after FF VII has its tenth anniversary.
mmm VII because i just liked it the best. and i agree with what everyone is saying about how it needs a graphics update. i also find that VII was the best to play because of materia which was the coolest thing ever
Final Fantasy VIII is the best and deserves to be remade because it has
1) Tonberry as a summon
2) Cactuar as a summon
3) the hottest version of Shiva
4) the best Shiva summoning sequence
5) Selphie, the cutest and sweetest Final Fantasy character ever
6) Quistis, the hottest blond Final Fantasy character ever
7) a woman with a whip *drool*
8) Ultimecia, the hottest final boss
9) more characters representing the number than any other ("VIII" has 4 characters)
10) the best music (IMHO) that get stuck in your head forever

And I can come up with a ton of other reasons. ^_^
Final Fantasy 7, all the way. Like it's been said already, you can't really update a 2-d game with 3-d graphics without completely altering the core gameplay and character. Final Fantasy 7 blew the shit out of both 8 and 9 (8 is the worst of all the FFs in my opinion), and I hate to admit it but I became more attached to my spiky-haired hero and his ragtag team of vigilantes than I have to any other game character(s) ever. The materia system was practically top-notch and the character designs were excellent for the most part, so improved graphics with a tweaked, better translated story would be a must-buy for me. But that's my opinion. Oh, and I would absolutely love to see Final Fantasy 6 on the GBA.
That's what got me started one video games, RPGs, and FFs all at the same time :p
I just love it, especially how you get to see Rydia grow into an adult, etc.
I think seven. Only cause it was such a turn on for people into rpgs. This game converted many non beleivers and plus the ending left you wanting more. You never found out what happened. Just xiii howing at the moon. Come on I didn't play 80= hours to have a stupid wolf howl at the moon.
Final fantasy 7 was the best of them all to me. actually its my fav game of all time period. 8 was great too but the ending kinda sucked. the only thing missing from 7 was the card game from ff8. i loved that shit. 9 was my least fav of all them, it seems like it was rushed out. ff7 had the best:

1. characters
2. story
3. magic/ability system
4. mini games (triple triad would have been the shit if it would have been in it)
5. optional bosses (cmon now, Ozma from ff9, what the hell was up with that shit?)
6. Longevity ( look at all the 7 stuff in other games. seph and company in KH, ergheiz, advent children, cloud in fft, ultima and omega weapon and the other "weapons" in other ff games and other apperances)
7. play time ( 80+ quality hours if you do all the stuff)
8. its fun!!!!!!!! ive played through it numerous times

and everything else! 7 is the shit !!!!!!!
[quote name='Misty Dawn']FF4 (SNES FF2)
That's what got me started one video games, RPGs, and FFs all at the same time :p
I just love it, especially how you get to see Rydia grow into an adult, etc.[/quote]

Doesn't the fact that Misty here has FFVII as a banner, yet selected IV, tell you rabid VII fanboys something? A remake of IV would be great, since the inner turmoil of Cecil could be portrayed in a much more powerful manner, both graphically and aurally. The sacrifice of Palom and Porom would carry greater intensity as well: hammering bass, amazing graphics (in-game or FMV would both work), orchestral score. Sweet.

And I think it is definitely possible to retain the feel and the gameplay in a move from 2D to 3D. Zelda is an excellent example of a 2D-3D move that retained the feel of its predecessors. TWW embodies the feel of Zelda. OOT showed that the SAME EXACT formula (LttP) works across the 2D-3D boundary as well.
Final Fantasy VII. It would be a great game redone. Imagining the spells redone would just be awsome, weapons, and probably see the WEAPONS (Diamond, Ruby, Ultimate, and Emerald) scaled up and even more detail than before.
No, no, no. Thou shalt not remake Final Fantasies (in 3D). There is no way it would ever work. And they're so perfect the way they are (at least the pre-VIII ones...). At any rate, I don't trust Square with such things after FF X-2.

The Chrono Trigger (my fav game) remake does look amazing. I'm really looking foward to it.

I say let the fans handle remakes (they're usually more true to the original) and let Square focus on keeping the new FF games good (which they have had trouble doing).

I do like remakes, though, if they're worthwile. Dragon Warrior V for PS2 looks great, and IV on PS1 was good, and FF Origins (and the upcoming 1+2 Advance) was sweet. See, Origins hardly counts. It was the same games with redrawn 2D graphics. I would disapprove of 3D FF remakes. If it was 3D, it wouldn't be the same game, like Origins was. I just don't think that the old FF games need big 3D remakes, or that Square would do a good job.
FF3, then FF2, they bring back childhood memories, seeing them redone in 3d or even better 2d would be crazy. FF7 already looks fine too me.
Why would I want a remake of any of them? I want a new Final Fantasy.
Which reminds me. Why the hell did they call FFXI, FFXI? It really doesn't fit in with the series. Why didn't they just make it FF:Online or something like that. They have had other offshoots of the FF series before, i.e. FF:Mystic Quest, FF:Adventure 1-3, FF:Crystal Chronicles,etc., so why did they decide to give this one the XI?
I want my FFXII, the real FFXI.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I'm going with FF2. That was probably the game that got me truly hooked on RPGs. I played the hell outta FF1 and Dragon Warrior.

But FF2 was really the first game I played that I truely cared about the characters in the game. I was pretty young playing it. Prolly seven or eight, but I remember my eyes getting a bit moist when Polom and Porom sacrificed themselves.

I would totally love to see that remade, but FF3 is a close second.[/quote]

Agreed. FF2 hooked me onto FF3 and then it just went on from there
bread's done