Portal 2 (PS3) to include PC version (on Steam) FREE -- $54.99 at Amazon


5 (100%)
This is on both Kotaku and Joystiq: Valve announces that the PS3 version of Portal 2 will feature "full cross-platform compatibility: PS3 users can chat with Steam users, play multiplayer with them and even partake in cloud-based storage. The disparity between the PS3 and PC/Mac versions appears to be about non-existent now."

"If you play Portal 2 on PS3, you can play with people on a PC. Neat! And to make sure as many people as possible are doing just that, the PS3 version of the game will include the PC version.

"All players have to do once they get the game is link their PlayStation Network and Steam accounts. Once that's done, they'll have a Steam Play (so, PC and/or Mac) version of the game ready to download in their library list."

Amazon has Portal 2 :ps3: for $54.99 as I write this: http://www.amazon.com/Portal-2-Playstation-3/dp/B003O6E3C8?tag=cheapassgam08-20
To be fair, it appears that all retail purchases of the PS3 version quality -- not just simply those sold through Amazon. They just have the best pre-order price right now.

Valve's press release:

January 18, 2011 -- Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Half-Life and Counter-Strike) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced the Steam features shipping with the PlayStation 3 (PS3) version of Portal 2.

Marking the debut of Steam functioning on any next generation console, the features shipping in the PS3 version of Portal 2 include cross platform play (PC/Mac vs. PS3) for multiplayer games, persistent cloud-based storage of PS3 saved games, and cross platform chat (PC/Mac and PS3).

In addition, those who purchase Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 may unlock a Steam Play (PC & Mac) copy of Portal 2 at no additional cost by linking their PSN and Steam accounts.

"We made a promise to gamers at E3 that Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 would be the best console version of the product," said Gabe Newell, co-founder and president of Valve. "Working together with Sony we have identified a set of features we believe are very compelling to gamers. We hope to expand upon the foundation being laid in Portal 2 with more Steam features and functionality in DLC and future content releases."

"We designed the Portal 2 PS3 experience to be very straightforward for gamers," said Josh Weier, project lead on Portal 2 at Valve. "PS3 gamers will be able to simply drop the Blu-Ray disc in the PS3, link to their Steam account from inside the game, and all their Steam friends (on PC and Mac) will be visible and accessible for chat and game invites."

These features are made possible thru the use of Steam, Valve's platform for the delivery and management of games and digital content.

Portal 2 is due for release on the PlayStation 3, PC, Mac and Xbox 360 this April.

For more information, please visit www.thinkingwithportals.com
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I have both Steam and PS3, but my computer wouldn't be able to able Portal 2's graphics. Maybe I'd give the PC version away to a friend (or a lucky CAG) :)
Do we know how it works yet? Is it going to be a cd key activation for both ps3 and pc copy? They'll be crazy if anyone that "owns" the ps3 disc can activate the pc copy.

Either way, I hope they find a middle ground. Or else it either suck for valve (people renting the game to get free portal 2 on steam), or gamers (renting/buying used portal 2 on ps3 missing online features without the key)

Wonder how much Sony paid for this...
[quote name='ssjmichael']You know what would be awesome? If Valve added PS Move support. I imagine that would be a very accurate way to play and would match up better against KB/Mouse users. Plus how cool would it be to have the move controller be a portal gun and the orb change from blue to orange when making portals?[/QUOTE]

Amen. If Portal 2 had Move support I would definitely get a Move Bundle and nav controller.

They did it for the Razer Hydra motion controller for PC so I would assume they could do it for Move...

[quote name='Gourd']You are being unfair. They were patiently explaining why most people won't buy the PS3 version and immediately flip it, keeping the PC copy for themselves. You realize that the person you are saying this to was commenting on /this post?/

Originally Posted by Salamando3000
Allow me to rephrase...if they simply include (1) a PS3 disc for Portal 2, and (2) a process with key to unlock Portal 2 on your steam account, why would anyone buy just the PC version? If they buy the PS3 version for $55, unlock Portal 2 for Steam, and sell the PS3 version for $30, they effectively just bought the PC version for $25.[/QUOTE]

because a lot more people are lazy and wouldn't bother going through the process of buying a game just to sell it. i believe valve's intent is to get people to sign up for steam who don't have steam accounts (ps3 users). giving up a game is worth it to them to get them logged on steam and buying from their store.

[quote name='LottaGames']Oh hell no, owning a 360 is just as bad a solution. Why can't they just make the Steam free 360 version for the PS3? That's all everyone wants. Or perhaps this game will run even if I don't link accounts. Hell I doubt it still works anyway. They probably purged it.

Then you're not using it right. Steam installs without permission, I had to DL HL2 when I bought the retail disc to avoid such a wait, it refused to start the game when my internet went out for a day or two, refused to let me play because I didn't want the update and when it DID update it broke the game (my ammo counter moved to the middle of the screen and the backgrounds were all rainbow colored), and it ran in the background when I didn't want it to. Do you see anything positive in that list? How am I losing out on all that 'fun'? I should mention too that I'm a game collector and prefer physical media, so that's not a match either.

People only use the term troll when they're proven wrong without a better comeback. Save it. I asked a Q and don't need your nonsense.[/QUOTE]

you're behind the times man. steam justifies itself with it's great sales and steamplay. your other complaints aren't even issues any more. i understand you hated steam 7 years ago, but so did everyone else.
[quote name='cRodz']pay for what?[/QUOTE]

day 1 cod dlc?

ms and sony with platform exclusives in multi-platform games? whether it's in forms of ads deal or incentives?
[quote name='supaet'] Wonder how much Sony paid for this...[/QUOTE]

It is most likely the other way around, Valve paying Sony for this. Valve is on record saying they hate the way Microsoft has an Iron Fist over Xbox Live and how much you can update a game. Just look at Orange Box and TF2 on 360 compared to PC.
[quote name='CountChoculitis']It is most likely the other way around, Valve paying Sony for this. Valve is on record saying they hate the way Microsoft has an Iron Fist over Xbox Live and how much you can update a game. Just look at Orange Box and TF2 on 360 compared to PC.[/QUOTE]

So you're saying that Valves pays Sony just give Microsoft the middle finger?
They have no reason to get between this console bs as a pc developer.

How is this different from other platform exclusive bs on multi-platform games these days?
[quote name='LottaGames']Oh hell no, owning a 360 is just as bad a solution. Why can't they just make the Steam free 360 version for the PS3? That's all everyone wants. Or perhaps this game will run even if I don't link accounts. Hell I doubt it still works anyway. They probably purged it.

Then you're not using it right. Steam installs without permission, I had to DL HL2 when I bought the retail disc to avoid such a wait, it refused to start the game when my internet went out for a day or two, refused to let me play because I didn't want the update and when it DID update it broke the game (my ammo counter moved to the middle of the screen and the backgrounds were all rainbow colored), and it ran in the background when I didn't want it to. Do you see anything positive in that list? How am I losing out on all that 'fun'? I should mention too that I'm a game collector and prefer physical media, so that's not a match either.

People only use the term troll when they're proven wrong without a better comeback. Save it. I asked a Q and don't need your nonsense.[/QUOTE]

I totally understand you LottaGames. One time 7 years ago I was having soup and it was way too hot and I burned the inside of my mouth. It did it with out permission and soup just doesn't work for me. I never want to try soup again because I know it'll never get better, soup will never work.

On a serious note I totally Pre-Ordered. Sorry 360 I love you but I'm buying this on PS3
[quote name='emperordahc']Steam was released in 2003. Half-Life 2 in 2004.

Steam was buggy... *7 years ago*. It works great *now*.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Steam during the HL2 release and even a few years after that was a steamy pile of shit. It was unstable, slow, and the friends list/offline features were rather broken. It has come a long ways though and while it still has its quirks, I can find little fault in it compared to other similar services these days.

I can understand being jaded by a product or service that was as atrocious as it was at the time. But technology evolves and if a person is unwilling to try it again, especially after so much time... well that's just a shame.
[quote name='smoger']this is perfect.. i can't play first person games with a controller and my girlfriend can't play them on a keyboard... so we'll split the cost and both get the copy of the game that we want :)

..and get to play together![/QUOTE]

Dude, you have a girlfriend that plays fps puzzler and you can't cover her part of the game which is just 1 game which you would have bought yourself anyway? What's wrong with you?! :lol:
I remember in the Steam thread I was called crazy for saying Sony's and Steam's relationship would go beyond what was initially rumored. I hope one day Sony just turns over its digital distribution of games to Steam. I realize we are a long ways away from that, but in a world that a PS3 Blu-Ray will include a PC copy of a game you start to wonder how far that distance actually is.
Valve doesnt have a reason to chose between the consoles

In fact, i know that Valve doesnt care for the console gamers.
Steam caters to the pc gamers and that is that.
Simple as that.
They are their priority as consumers..

Valve LOVES to release DLC and update their games constantly. They actually care for the pc community...
I was spoiled on my CS days to be given out maps by Valve and even play those custom created maps by people on CS.
When i jumped in on the 360, i was disgusted by the way i was charged for every little thing.
Next thing you know, i was hit with with the..
"HURR You are not entitled to anything on Xbox Live and stop asking for free stuff! DURR"
argument on the internet...


i am glad those days are over.

Steamworks is going to update the ps3 version and keep it up to date.
Sony, i believe, will not charge anything for this service. In fact, Sony likes the ideas of user-created content.
See LittleBigPlanet.
Where MS will love to charge for whatever content whether it's user created or developer created.
So yeah...
Valve practically dumped MS and decided to go with Sony.
If the ps3 will allow Valve to introduce updates and DLC as many times as they want...then Valve becomes delighted cause that is what they like to do and so do i...
because i like to receive free content

The future is looking bright from my point of view and i am glad Valve will do what they do best if Sony allows them to do so.
[quote name='Crazyhowie']Yeah, Steam during the HL2 release and even a few years after that was a steamy pile of shit. It was unstable, slow, and the friends list/offline features were rather broken. It has come a long ways though and while it still has its quirks, I can find little fault in it compared to other similar services these days.

I can understand being jaded by a product or service that was as atrocious as it was at the time. But technology evolves and if a person is unwilling to try it again, especially after so much time... well that's just a shame.[/QUOTE]

So many say the same then flame me for it. If everyone knows exactly what I'm talking about then is it so hard to not flame since you agree with me, and simply answer the question (if anyone knows it at this point)? Yes it pissed me off and I've avoided their games ever since. Will the PS3 version force me into a Steam account and will I be able to avoid DL'ing it if I don't play it online? I still don't care for automatic updates but maybe this time they won't break a functional game.
I don't think it should be either or when it comes to Steam and PSN. I think the perfect solution would be to have a steam app available for the PS3 that basically emulates the PC experience. They could essentially make it like OnLive and just have Steam games stream through the cloud. I really hope something like that happens in the future but it'd be a huge undertaking. I still think Microsoft will buy out Onlive one day and create "Xbox Onlive" as an app allowing 360 users to play PC games.
Why is this game $55? I've read that it's supposed to be quadruple the length of the first one, but even if that's true it would still only be 8-10 hours in length. Very few games are worth their initial retail price, in my opinion. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into making them, but It's almost impossible for me to justify spending so much on a single game.

Does anyone else think Portal 2 would fit better at a $40 price point?
[quote name='Uracat']Why is this game $55? I've read that it's supposed to be quadruple the length of the first one, but even if that's true it would still only be 8-10 hours in length. Very few games are worth their initial retail price, in my opinion. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into making them, but It's almost impossible for me to justify spending so much on a single game. [/QUOTE]

Reason = Multiplayer. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/111/1118382p1.html

Most games are only 8-10 hours in length for the campaign, but their multiplayer adds the rest of the value. (Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, etc.) Portal 2 adding some wicked great co-op will round it out.

Also, Valve supports their games w/ *free* content (non-360) for a long long long time. This should be no different.
This is probably the biggest gaming news announcement in the last couple of years. Possibly the entire generation.

I'm sure anyone who games on both consoles and PC realizes this. Steam cloud? Bundled cross platform games (like PC+Mac)? Steam free patches? Weekend deals? Account linking?
[quote name='MPoWeRM3']Dude, you have a girlfriend that plays fps puzzler and you can't cover her part of the game which is just 1 game which you would have bought yourself anyway? What's wrong with you?! :lol:[/QUOTE]

hey, lay off me,.. i JUST bought her Fable 3 and Fallout 3 :)
[quote name='Uracat']Why is this game $55? I've read that it's supposed to be quadruple the length of the first one, but even if that's true it would still only be 8-10 hours in length. Very few games are worth their initial retail price, in my opinion. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into making them, but It's almost impossible for me to justify spending so much on a single game.

Does anyone else think Portal 2 would fit better at a $40 price point?[/QUOTE]

There are many other games that have had much less gameplay than that and didn't even include multiplayer. Star Wars the Force Unleashed II is only 5 hours long for instance.
It's a shame that the Orange Box on PS3 is the worst version, otherwise could justify getting both Portal 1 and 2 for PS3. I have it for PC already, but would be nice to have for a console. Maybe I'll get a 360 someday...
[quote name='LottaGames']So many say the same then flame me for it. If everyone knows exactly what I'm talking about then is it so hard to not flame since you agree with me, and simply answer the question (if anyone knows it at this point)? Yes it pissed me off and I've avoided their games ever since. Will the PS3 version force me into a Steam account and will I be able to avoid DL'ing it if I don't play it online? I still don't care for automatic updates but maybe this time they won't break a functional game.[/QUOTE]

Dude, how can you not love automatic updates? Did you used to play games on the pc way back when? Do you have any idea how hard it was to find somewhere to download the latest HL1 patches or Age of Empires patch? It was THE FRIGGIN WORST.

Waiting in hour+ long queues just to get skipped or miss it when it was your turn, people hosting patches on thier personal sites with viruses etc etc. It was torture everytime a new patch came out.

Im really not trying to argue but MAN, automatic updates without having to do a thing is one of my favorite things you just dont think to appreciate.
[quote name='Fabrizo']It's a shame that the Orange Box on PS3 is the worst version, otherwise could justify getting both Portal 1 and 2 for PS3. I have it for PC already, but would be nice to have for a console. Maybe I'll get a 360 someday...[/QUOTE]

Orange Box on PS3 wasn't developed by Valve; they didn't support the PS3 at all. EA developed the port internally at EA-UK, and it was garbage. It had a few patches, but was still buggy and lacked much of the TF2 upgrades that even the 360 received.

Check the section on the PS3 version. It's pretty sad.

Don't judge Valve-developed Portal 2 based on that orphaned garbage. :)
Have they said how this is gonna work with trade ins? B/c I want this on the PC so all I would do is buy it on PS3 link it to my steam and trade it in. Are you going to have a code in the box or something to activate it for PC because this is easily abusable.
[quote name='supaet']Is there a reason why they can't include a redeemable code for pc steam version inside the 360 version?[/QUOTE]

Because Valve don't get along with MS
[quote name='supaet']Is there a reason why they can't include a redeemable code for pc steam version inside the 360 version?[/QUOTE]

It easily could, but the point was that they said the PS3 was going to be the definitive version to get (not sure why).

My only question is, they say you log into your steam account through the game and it automaticly adds it to your account. So how does this stop people from say, just giving their PS3 copy to every person they know with a PS3, letting them log in, then just passing it along till everyone gets a copy? Or just logging in with multiple Steam accounts? Not that Im complaining or anything, but Im just curious how this is going to work. Oh well, either way, good deal. Im def in.
Nice gesture by Valve, but it makes no sense at all from a business standpoint. You have PS3 owners who don't want to play the PC version selling their code for the Steam download. Or you have PC people who could just buy the PS3 version, get the code and sell the PS3 copy. Perhaps I am missing something or there's more to it than it seems. Actually, I would assume there has to be something more to the equation.
I own a nice PC and a PS3, but my preference would be the PC version. Outside of perhaps playing on my laptop, I have no need or desire for multiple versions of the same game. If this is what they're going to do, I would buy the PS3 version, get the code for the PC version and sell the PS3 copy.
[quote name='tankass']It easily could, but the point was that they said the PS3 was going to be the definitive version to get (not sure why).

My only question is, they say you log into your steam account through the game and it automaticly adds it to your account. So how does this stop people from say, just giving their PS3 copy to every person they know with a PS3, letting them log in, then just passing it along till everyone gets a copy? Or just logging in with multiple Steam accounts? Not that Im complaining or anything, but Im just curious how this is going to work. Oh well, either way, good deal. Im def in.[/QUOTE]

Probably we'll need a code for the PC activation. Like most of PC games.
Spectacular news. I love you Ps3. I love you Valve! :applause:
[quote name='62t']Because Valve don't get along with MS[/QUOTE]

then they should make all valves games mac and ps3 exclusive.

if it's Sony's doing, trying to get people to buy the ps3 version, I can understand that.
If it's anything that's technically impossible, like more content on blu-ray, I can understand that.

Cut all those steam cloud stuff if you can't do it on xbox live. But why not include a retail steam key in the box for the 360 version as well? Does Valve want to piss off MS or xbox owners with this move? I think it's the latter.
[quote name='LottaGames']So many say the same then flame me for it. If everyone knows exactly what I'm talking about then is it so hard to not flame since you agree with me, and simply answer the question (if anyone knows it at this point)? Yes it pissed me off and I've avoided their games ever since. Will the PS3 version force me into a Steam account and will I be able to avoid DL'ing it if I don't play it online? I still don't care for automatic updates but maybe this time they won't break a functional game.[/QUOTE]

Steam works fine now.
A Steam account works fine now.
Steam updates work fine now.
Steam doesn't break functional games now.

Yes, it was broken in the past. And yes, with this new ps3 push I'd *expect* problems the day portal 2 goes live.

If you went, *right now*, and downloaded the steam client and reinstalled your copy of HL2 (which, you still have since it is tied to your account and is yours forever even if you lost your CDs or don't have them handy), you would run into 0 problems with Steam itself.

It would:
1) Install
2) Log-in your account
3) Go to your Games page, and set to download the latest version of HL2 with all patches
4) When download finishes, double click. You may get a DirectX setup prompt. Go through the MS setup wizard.
5) Play the game.

All future attempts would be:
1) Log-in
2) Go to your games page
3) Play the game.

Honestly, the only problem I've run into with steam in the last 5 years was the day Empire:Total War and Dawn of War 2 launched on the same day. I got both on day1 and got home and the authentication servers were jammed from people activating their keys from the CD Case and downloading simultaneously. The recent Civ5 launch went without a hitch (as have all others (l4d2, l4d1, orange box, etc) for me minus the HL2 launch).

Yes. Steam used to suck. But computers have gotten better, and if you have a machine that can run Portal 2, steam is a tiny little app that doesn't get in the way anymore.
[quote name='supergrass']Nice gesture by Valve, but it makes no sense at all from a business standpoint. You have PS3 owners who don't want to play the PC version selling their code for the Steam download. Or you have PC people who could just buy the PS3 version, get the code and sell the PS3 copy. Perhaps I am missing something or there's more to it than it seems. Actually, I would assume there has to be something more to the equation.
I own a nice PC and a PS3, but my preference would be the PC version. Outside of perhaps playing on my laptop, I have no need or desire for multiple versions of the same game. If this is what they're going to do, I would buy the PS3 version, get the code for the PC version and sell the PS3 copy.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to guess the act of Linking the account is required before you can activate the code, and only linked accounts can activate a code. This way, you could still *maybe* sell it and whatnot, but both Sony and Valve have gained two users using both services, pushing the tech forward, instead of just 1.
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[quote name='supergrass']Nice gesture by Valve, but it makes no sense at all from a business standpoint. You have PS3 owners who don't want to play the PC version selling their code for the Steam download. Or you have PC people who could just buy the PS3 version, get the code and sell the PS3 copy. Perhaps I am missing something or there's more to it than it seems. Actually, I would assume there has to be something more to the equation.
I own a nice PC and a PS3, but my preference would be the PC version. Outside of perhaps playing on my laptop, I have no need or desire for multiple versions of the same game. If this is what they're going to do, I would buy the PS3 version, get the code for the PC version and sell the PS3 copy.[/QUOTE]

You'll probably need the disc to activate the pc copy, and the goal is probably to get ps3 owners to setup steam accounts. (new customers, and they aren't losing much considering very few would choose to buy both versions anyway)

heck, they may even just want to ensure the 360 version flops, who knows. maybe they're in a spat with MS.
I am guessing it will work like this: It will comes with a code you have to enter on PSN. That way if you dont have a PS3 you can't play it on PC, and only buying it new will get the code.
[quote name='Ribkage']Dude, how can you not love automatic updates? Did you used to play games on the pc way back when? Do you have any idea how hard it was to find somewhere to download the latest HL1 patches or Age of Empires patch? It was THE FRIGGIN WORST.

Waiting in hour+ long queues just to get skipped or miss it when it was your turn, people hosting patches on thier personal sites with viruses etc etc. It was torture everytime a new patch came out.

Im really not trying to argue but MAN, automatic updates without having to do a thing is one of my favorite things you just dont think to appreciate.[/QUOTE]

Yes, mostly FPS's since they're meant to be played with M/KB. Consoles are for everything else. Hard? No. Need a patch, find a mirror. Long queues were rare. The question to ask is do you really need the patch? If I had zero intention of playing HL2 online (never liked CS, preferred the UT/Quake style games) and the game works then why fix it? That's why I make sure to explain how forced patches are wrong because they can make a functional game less functional. I managed to struggle through a broken HL2 (after it wouldn't run without the patch) to finish it before wiping the Steam virus from my drive.

Physical media and optional updates are the smart way to go. Steam sales or freebies are not enough to compensate. Sorry you don't feel the same way.
[quote name='LottaGames']Oh hell no, owning a 360 is just as bad a solution. Why can't they just make the Steam free 360 version for the PS3? That's all everyone wants. Or perhaps this game will run even if I don't link accounts. Hell I doubt it still works anyway. They probably purged it.[/QUOTE]That's all everyone wants?

Umm... no. You seem to be suffering under the delusion that you're actually not in an extremely small minority.

Then you're not using it right. Steam installs without permission, I had to DL HL2 when I bought the retail disc to avoid such a wait, it refused to start the game when my internet went out for a day or two, refused to let me play because I didn't want the update and when it DID update it broke the game (my ammo counter moved to the middle of the screen and the backgrounds were all rainbow colored), and it ran in the background when I didn't want it to. Do you see anything positive in that list? How am I losing out on all that 'fun'? I should mention too that I'm a game collector and prefer physical media, so that's not a match either.

People only use the term troll when they're proven wrong without a better comeback. Save it. I asked a Q and don't need your nonsense.
I have close to a hundred games on steam. I have played and beaten many of them and I have not had a single problem with Steam "corrupting" anything. Steam is a godsend.

You ARE wrong.
[quote name='smoger']hey, lay off me,.. i JUST bought her Fable 3 and Fallout 3 :)[/QUOTE]

hmm.. you sure about that? ;) btw, does she have a sister? :)
I think the problem that most people would have with your statements, LottaGames, is the fact that you keep referring to Steam as a virus.

They had an unsuccessful launch with it nearly 8 years ago, like a lot of products do.

You seem to want to try and convince others that your opinion is the right one, based off of information from a time in the past, that has no reflection on the current state of affairs. When people point out to you that things are different, your comeback is to state that things were really bad when you tried it then. (The statement that you had to format your drive to remove it tells us all a great deal about your prowess when working on the PC platform.) In my entire career as an IT professional, there have only been 2 times where I've had to format a system to remove a root kit.... and that was for a root kit, not a piece of software that I didn't like.

Patches are a way of life. No PC game could been able to be configured for every single video card, motherboard chipset or audio chipset right out of the box (try as they may) and when a company will continue to try and work on the game and update it to provide broader support to everyone that has the game (not just the subset of people who might have had no problems on it at launch) they should be applauded, not derided.

I guess I'm confused that a person who states that they would want to play FPS's on a PC wouldn't want patches to be introduced into those games when so many players online seem to strive to want to find exploits that break the online functionality.

On topic, kudos to Steam for offering something like this. I have friends that will never be interested in PC gaming and will be picking this game up for the PS3. Now I can play with them on either my PC or PS3 without any issues. This is something I've been hoping to see for years... true multiplatform multiplayer gaming. I can't wait to see what Steam and Sony do after this.
I wonder how they're planning on managing trophies and steam achievements for those of us who link our accounts.

I'm in for a pre-order at 55, best case scenario is that a 10/20 dollar credit will also be applied and with the Amazon credit I typically have revolving, I'll end up getting this at 35 bucks and (hopefully) get more credit.

I think this'll be a great experiment for Valve as well as the consumer base to try out Steamworks integration onto other platforms outside of the PC. Having the ability to pick up the game on one platform, save, go to the other platform, pick up where you left off, then play and chat with those on the other platform, that's a great model to go for future technology integration. Can't wait to play this on my PC (or PS3) with my PS3 friends who aren't PC gamers (their loss :))
[quote name='supaet']Does Valve want to piss off MS or xbox owners with this move? I think it's the latter.[/QUOTE]
They want to piss off MS.

For good reason too.
[quote name='supaet']then they should make all valves games mac and ps3 exclusive.

if it's Sony's doing, trying to get people to buy the ps3 version, I can understand that.
If it's anything that's technically impossible, like more content on blu-ray, I can understand that.

Cut all those steam cloud stuff if you can't do it on xbox live. But why not include a retail steam key in the box for the 360 version as well? Does Valve want to piss off MS or xbox owners with this move? I think it's the latter.[/QUOTE]
I was under the impression that Microsoft refused to let Valve use Steam with XBL, hence the Sony/Valve partnership.
bread's done