*Possibly Dead* Xbox 360 holiday bundle $199 at Newegg 11/24


9 (100%)
Didn't see it posted.

(NewEgg.com) - Xbox 360 250GB HOLIDAY BUNDLE - Halo: Reach download code, Fable III, 3 months of Xbox Live GOLD = $199.99 + Free Shipping

@New customers: $10 off orders over $50 with "newcustomer10"

free 2 day shipping with shoprunner
free 3 day UPS without shoprunner (least I think as I clicked through quickly)


People are reporting checking out but receiving cancellations.
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Got it, woot! So happy for the newegg free shipping and not having to hassle with the other guys. :) Hope everyone else who wants one gets one!
Can't beat this one for $189.99.

Now to figure out what to do with $200 of Amazon credit as I was sure the deal would be matched there.
[quote name='Adamu Kuezada']My black friday shopping is pretty much done. It amazes me how many people actually compete with crowds.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, if I can't get it from behind my computer screen, I'm too lazy to fight crowds. :D

Oh yeah, and thanks OP! :applause:
[quote name='DertyFoot']Can't beat this one for $189.99.

Now to figure out what to do with $200 of Amazon credit as I was sure the deal would be matched there.[/QUOTE]

aw no, does newcustomer10 still work?
Got one. Used my free 1 year of shoprunner to upgrade to 2-day and used my credit card that gets 3% back at Newegg so $194 total is awesome.
[quote name='DertyFoot']Worked for me. Made a new account before the deal went live.[/QUOTE]
:/ Canceled and reordered to get that. Hope I still get the deal. First order email says I was successful but second order confirmation doesn't say anything except the new price.
[quote name='ViPeR']So now what's the best kinect deal out there besides the Target one?[/QUOTE]

Wal-Mart has the 4GB Kinect with $50 gift card for $199 in store only.
[quote name='Rokam']Of course now the wait begins to make sure there's no problems in processing.[/QUOTE]

I was just charged. Good to go it seems.
[quote name='DertyFoot']I was just charged. Good to go it seems.[/QUOTE]

It's nice knowing I'm not going to have to go stand in lines tomorrow, just relax and get fat.
Bingo, Bango, Bongo. Got one. Got that one out of the way early. Gotta love that. Plus now I can sell my Hale Reach physical copy on eBay.
[quote name='Rokam']It's nice knowing I'm not going to have to go stand in lines tomorrow, just relax and get fat.[/QUOTE]

Amen brother. In all honesty I never understood the whole get in line 2 days early kind of people. I wouldnt miss out on Thanksgiving dinner for a free Xbox 360. Well.....nope, just wouldn't do it. My family cooks up one of the most amazing feasts of all time. We all play football and after were all exhausted and banged up....well, then we eat all day long.
Now that it's plus +30 mins, anyone who orders after, can you verify you got charged just so I feel safe that I reordered 10 mins ago (I used the $10 new customer promo code: newcustomer10)? Thanks.
Got one as well. I tried using the new customer coupon but it wouldn't let me for some reason. I didn't want to miss out so I switched to my old account to be safe. I was able to use my $100 credit from June (when I bought my son's Xbox) so I am not going to complain about not getting the 10 bucks off.

I panicked at first since I am doing this on my phone and tried going thru their phone app with the new account. Wouldnt accept the coupon thru it and there was no place to input the $100 promo code. I thought I might run out of time so I switched to the regular Verizon with the old account for time purposes since it had alll my info prefilled.

Anyway...thanks OP!
well i couldnt help myself, i went ahead and ordered one.

this will make a friend happy since theyll get my old 360.

now to find the best deal on a kinect.
bread's done