Powerline Networking - DESPERATELY need help!


hey you guys, i need powerline networking to hook up my xbox 360 to my network.

i found these at compusa on sale for 79.99


i think its a great deal, reviews are pretty good too.

is there anything better out there for the price or should i just have a wait and see attitude?

im not sure if i can find decent powerline networking for this price so i dont want to pass it up

any way what do u guys (the experts) think? haha

I'm just curious, why do you think you must have powerline networking? Cable/WiFi won't work for your house?

Demand for these are not high so prices have been quite steady the past few years, and I rarely see these go on sale anywhere.
ive heard nothing but good things about the speed. i dont want to buy the microsoft wireless adapter for the 360 or something similar, my room is so far from the base router, and evne though i have a mimo router, this seems more stable. and wireless is more expensive with the 360 adapter.

this, to me, is def. the way to go.

any more thoughts?
i tried powerline networking once waay back when xbox live came out....i bought linksys powerline adapters, had it connected to a linksys router, but it just refused to work, i had a friend of mine (who happens to be a huge computer geek) look at it, and he couldnt figure it out for the life of him either

my advice, unless you're positive that it's gonna work, don't do powerline networking...

but if you really insist on it, and are interested in 1 linksys powerline adapter (i was able to return the other one), drop me a pm
Have you tried just setting up another router as a wireless bridge with custom firmware? While it may sound complicated, it's really quite simple and the folks over at DD-WRT have some really great info on their wiki about getting it running.

I installed DD-WRT v23 SP2 onto my Linksys WRT54G the other day and set it up as a client bridge using the directions on DD-WRT's website. I've now got my entire living room set up (Xbox 360, Xbox, PS2 with Broadband Adapter, Dreamcast with Broadband Adapter, and Home Theatre PC) plugged into the Linksys router and it communicates perfectly with my Belkin router hooked up to my modem, Powermac, second Xbox 360, and MacBook in the other room.

It's a nice, flexible, and cheap way to connect quite a few devices to your network. Even with 2 360s, a PS2, a Dreamcast, 2 Macs, a Windows Media Center PC, and the occassionaly DS or PSP, I have yet to run into any problems with devices communicating with each other or IP conflicts.
I bought a pair of these from a woot off one time and they still sit in the box because im too lazy to take down the 50ft cable around the room lol. Might try and get these from a woot off I think I paid 25 plus 5 for shipping. Someday maybe someday I will set these things up.
i got the netgear x102gs on sale at compusa (may u RIP). works PERFECT. yall knockin it gotta try it i got it for 60 bones, which is cheaper than a wireless adapter. and u know what? the speed is GREAT. it really is. A+++

thanks to all who responded!
bread's done