Pre Order - Mass Effect, Bioshock (X360) 39.99 GTA IV 42.99 (X360) @

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[quote name='littlenicky']Now to play the other side of the coin...

What guarantee do we have? It appears there is no limit on these pre-orders? Most of these more popular games are released in the last quarter of this year.

Assuming you get 10,000 preorders... (example)

10,000 x $10 = $100,000

So, you have $100k at your disposal to invest in any vehicle you wish? Even at a high yield savings, thats $2500 for half a year.

Has anyone actually paid for games? There are so many scams out there. Whats to say you take all this money in for half a year and then simply say, sorry, we didn't receive any games and return everyones money?

This is not intended to damge your reputation in any way. I'd just like to know just in case things don't fall through or what you would do.[/quote]

Hello Little Nicky. I will give you the long version to try to address your post. I have no problems answering questions, especially when they are presented politely like yours.

First of all there are really no guarantees in life except for death and taxes. What we have to do is to take a look at as many facts that get presented to us, and weigh the risk reward ratio on anything we do in life. I think there is plenty of information available to make an informed decision about doing business with my website. Here are some of the facts that I think should be considered.

How do I run my business and how is my website presented? To help answer this question lets compare Liongames to say a Gamestop. I believe I present things to my customers in a very straight forward no bull manner. Go to my home page and click on the used specials button below the big banners. Take a look at the prices of my used games. Gears of War $54.99 vs $37.99 Ghost Recon 1 $26.99 vs $14.99 Just to name a few. Sure you can get discounts when they have specials, and when you use the edge card, but to me it is not a straight forward business practice to start with high prices and offer 10 or 20 percent off. Same thing on trades ins. Why wont they list all the trade in prices on the website? What happened with the Halo 3 Legendary Edition. All their customers got phone calls saying the price went up. I am honoring my customers price of $79.99. While you may feel safe doing business with big corporations because of their name, are you really safe? Look at what Best buy did with their secret website. I feel that I am a very straight forward person who actually cares about the person on the other side of the transaction. I see threads started every day on this website, and I feel my every day prices beat the heck out of most of these deals. I think it would be wise to do the math and compare. Amazon has been offering some really good deals lately. I admit that. The difference there is most of their games on special are older. I try to offer deals on some of the great titles that are coming in the future. I don't see to many places out there catering to gamers in this area. Frys did have a nice price on Graw 2 though.

You ask what happens if I can't deliver? I ask why wouldn't I be able to deliver? If you read my faq, I have been in the video business for 20 years. I have a strong relationship with my distributor. I can't see any reason why I would not be able to deliver as good as anyone else. If I get shorted on a title, then chances are so will best Buy and everyone else. Places are taking pre-orders on the Legenday edition right now. They really have no idea how many pieces they can sell. I stopped selling mine, until I can find out how many more I can sell, and not have to worry about filling orders.

Next I want to address the issue of me taking in all this money to possibly invest and then give everyone their money back. To start with, it takes a lot of time to run a business like this. No way would I worked 50 to 60 hours a week to try and make $2500 dollars in six months. There would be much easier ways of making money. As far as me taking pre-orders and having peoples money in my bank account. I am no different then a Gamestop, kid buys games all the time there, and pay them off before they come in.

A few others things to keep in mind is that many people have stated they ordered games, and received the games, along with good service. I wouldn't still be in business after 4 months if I screwed people, because paypal wouldn't put up with that. Like I said in the beginning of my post there are plenty of facts out there to see that Liongames is the real deal. I am sure there is still plenty of non believers out there, I am just not sure there is anything I can do to change that at this moment. I do feel that time itself will help that situation out. I hope this post addressing your questions.
[quote name='Pravus']I have multiple pre-orders with the company. I just cancelled my pre-order for Halo 3 Limited Edition because I got an order with CD Universe with google checkout when it was $98, which I confirmed is the fixed price I will be charged.

I emailed Liongames for a store credit which was done promptly. I placed a new order for GTA IV and Guitar Hero and the credit was applied with ease.

Great customer service and the refund/credit was easy and quick. My first shipped game will be Guitar Hero II bundle, which will be the finishing touch for my full opinion on the company. So far I am very pleased.[/quote]

I might add this all took place between midnight and 2am on a saturday night. I can't promise that all the time but I answer emails 7 days a week. Golf season is coming, So there may be some emails that take a a few hours longer to get answered.
[quote name='Leggo']Ok, I bit the bullet and put in a $124 preorder for Mass Effect, Bioshock, GTA, and Halo 3:CE, and just because my heart couldn't take not knowing what would happen, I also ordered Rogue Galaxy so I'd get something right away.

I am a little confused about how you folks figure out shipping. I had to go through about 5 pages of confirmations before I got up to a page with shipping info, which ended up being 8-11 bucks for everything.

Now, is that for my preorders as well, or only for the one title that isn't a preorder? Shipping should be right there on the front page next to the FAQ, it's a big deal.

Thanks, and if I get everything I ordered, you guys will probably become one of my main sites to order from, I'd rather put money into the hands of the little guys than soulless corporations. Good luck with your promo.[/quote]

Leggo, The shipping isn't included on deposits. I am changing the shipping rates over the next few days to $5.00 per game or $6.50 or $8.00. The $5.00 for the first game and $1.00 for each additional was meant for people who ordered games getting shipped at the same time. Most of my invoices have games shipping at different times so I am Losing money on my shipping and handling fees. All past invoices will be grandfathered in at the old rates.
[quote name='pchea']Any word on the Halo 3 Legendary Edition, lion?[/quote]

I checked on thursday and still nothing. Microsoft sent a notice out about 10 days ago with the probable price of the Legendary Edition, but there gave no indication how many units will be available for sale. I will check again this week.
[quote name='ReturnofBoltz']I'll probably do a few pre-orders myself, but Tony will you be doing a special on Madden as well?[/quote]

I will start looking into Madden, and I will have some type of special on it. I think next up may be Half life or Assassins Creed.
In for Mass Effect. Probably Bioshock too after payday.

edit: Just checked the bank account, in for Bioshock as well.
I emailed Tony yesterday, figuring he'd take a day or two to get back to me. Within like 30 minutes I had a reply. I was impressed. He dished out alot of information that I researched and it is all true. I said to myself, "I bet this guy wont call me at work to get my busienss." Wrong! He actually is such a customer service oriented person, that he took a couple minutes out of his day (witch I'm sure is hectic like mine) to call me and talk one on one. This really impressed me. Also, he didn't just try to toss a sales pitch, he asked me about a thing I had refered to in the email I sent him, seeing what happened with that. We then talked about his business some, and he explained his stance on customer service, and basically (and I DO NOT qoute), that he follows the golden rule. Sounds like I'm moving my gaming budget of about $3,500 a year to I'll keep you all posted on my orders.

I might have to get in on this. While Bioshock, GTA4 & Mass Effect are all games I don't think I could wait to get in the mail, it's kind of hard to argue with saving $20 each.
Was about to bite on GTA IV and maybe Halo 3 but since im in CT that would include tax and shipping >.< Good deals otherwise though.
I have to say I'm impressed with the Liongames guy that he's STILL doing this. He's under no obligation to and you guys are asking way too much of him to be *this* accountable and accessible to you.

I'm sure he's spending more time posting on forums than running his business. Arguably they are one and the same thing though ;)
[quote name='Weedy649']Was about to bite on GTA IV and maybe Halo 3 but since im in CT that would include tax and shipping >.< Good deals otherwise though.[/quote]

What's the shipping rate? I couldn't find it on the site.
[quote name='ReturnofBoltz']What's the shipping rate? I couldn't find it on the site.[/quote]

I believe it's $5 for the first game, $1 for each additional. Previously the $1 for each additional also applied to future pre-orders, but I believe Tony has fixed this so that you need to pay the $5 for each shipment (if the games you order ship seperately).
Given all of this positive feedback and the fact that LG is about as active here and as helpful as, say, Shawn Kleckner is over at AnimeonDVD (he's the head of Right Stuf International), I'm probably going to jump in on this and throw some money towards Mass Effect in the very near future.

Honestly, it's wonderful to see another online retailer actually seem to get back to basics about customer service. If LG ends up being the video game equivalent of TRSI's CS department I'll be in heaven!
[quote name='liongames']I checked on thursday and still nothing. Microsoft sent a notice out about 10 days ago with the probable price of the Legendary Edition, but there gave no indication how many units will be available for sale. I will check again this week.[/quote]

Thanks Lion, no rush. If you're getting anymore LE's in, I'm definitely in for one. I'll also pick up Mass Effect from you as well, and if you get some blu-rays too, I'll be buying from you regularly. Thanks again!
[quote name='Kapwanil']Given all of this positive feedback and the fact that LG is about as active here and as helpful as, say, Shawne Kleckner is over at AnimeonDVD (he's the head of Right Stuf International),[/quote]
Hey, thats not a bad comparison. We love Shawne. He's awesome. I'm pretty sure Lion Games doesn't do Canada, so I have no interest. It'll be interesting to see what goes on when these games come out.
In for Mass Effect and Halo 3 Collector's (only not Bioshock because I'm debating whether or not I want to play it on PC). Thanks, Tony!
[quote name='Darkarts']Hey if i preorder halo 3 off your site will it come the day of?[/quote]

I would say no. I probably will get my halo 3's a day or two early. I won't take a chance on breaking street date. So the earliest halo 3 ships is the day before street date. Maybe some people close to me will get it on street, but that is something I would never promise.
[quote name='liongames']I would say no. I probably will get my halo 3's a day or two early. I won't take a chance on breaking street date. So the earliest halo 3 ships is the day before street date. Maybe some people close to me will get it on street, but that is something I would never promise.[/quote]

horray for new england-ers :lol:
[quote name='liongames']I would say no. I probably will get my halo 3's a day or two early. I won't take a chance on breaking street date. So the earliest halo 3 ships is the day before street date. Maybe some people close to me will get it on street, but that is something I would never promise.[/quote]Gah. thanks for the fast response... how long do you think this price will stand i might pick one up for a friend or something idk.
[quote name='liongames']I would say no. I probably will get my halo 3's a day or two early. I won't take a chance on breaking street date. So the earliest halo 3 ships is the day before street date. Maybe some people close to me will get it on street, but that is something I would never promise.[/QUOTE]

Where are you located, and what type of shipping will be used? And will there be a limited amount preorders available &/or a preorder cut off date?
[quote name='Darkarts']Gah. thanks for the fast response... how long do you think this price will stand i might pick one up for a friend or something idk.[/quote]

I am inclined to let this Halo 3 promotion run to at least a street date announcement, maybe a bit longer. I am getting ready for my next deal, so I need to make room on the hompage. I can't have too many deals running at once.
[quote name='retail sucks']Where are you located, and what type of shipping will be used? And will there be a limited amount preorders available &/or a preorder cut off date?[/quote]

I ship out of Conn. most of the time. I drop ship out of my distributors warehouse sometimes. you now have 3 choices for shipping $5.00 first class and $6.50 priority and $8.00 UPS ground. The halo deal will be around till at least a street date announcement.
[quote name='liongames']I ship out of Conn. most of the time. I drop ship out of my distributors warehouse sometimes. you now have 3 choices for shipping $5.00 first class and $6.50 priority and $8.00 UPS ground. The halo deal will be around till at least a street date announcement.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info & quick reply. I was just making sure it wasn't going to be sent via Media Mail. For some reason 2 out 3 packages shipped that way seem to get lost, and if I do actually receive the package it's 2-3 weeks later. I'm in TN, and it would take about 5 days for me to receive via 1st from Conn. I'd go with Priority myself for just a $1.50 more. I'm willing to wait a week longer than release in order to save $20. Halo 3 is definitely on my preorder list, and I'm really considering GTA 4.

and if you get any info/preorder price on Shadowrun, or The Darkness (June 25) please LMK.
[quote name='Darkarts']Liongames, I just preordered halo 3, I'm trusting everyones word hahah![/quote]

I haven't even recieved a product from Tony or Liongames, but I'll vouch for 'em. Great customer service and very prompt replies. I'll post again in a week as to how shipping is once my games arrive, but so far, WAY above and beyond any retail website OR store I've ever been in.
[quote name='thearmo']LionGames, you need to start selling Xbox Live subscriptions!![/quote]

I can get them just email me. Probably around $40 bucks for the year subscriptions.
[quote name='Rockbot']and DS games...considering[/quote]

This may be possible. If you want one badly email me and I can check the price out for you. On a $20 game there is very little wiggle room. I am working on Blu-ray and Hd dvd right now. after I am set there maybe I can look into DS more.
[quote name='liongames']This may be possible. If you want one badly email me and I can check the price out for you. On a $20 game there is very little wiggle room. I am working on Blu-ray and Hd dvd right now. after I am set there maybe I can look into DS more.[/quote]

How about a PS3? :lol:
[quote name='Number83']How about a PS3? :lol:[/quote]

My Ps3 prices are pretty good such as VR5 for $49.99 and MLB2k7 $49.99.
Since you asked, what PS3 games would you be excited about if there was a great deal on them?
[quote name='liongames']My Ps3 prices are pretty good such as VR5 for $49.99 and MLB2k7 $49.99.
Since you asked, what PS3 games would you be excited about if there was a great deal on them?[/quote]

I think he meant the console itself.
[quote name='liongames']I am inclined to let this Halo 3 promotion run to at least a street date announcement, maybe a bit longer. I am getting ready for my next deal, so I need to make room on the hompage. I can't have too many deals running at once.[/QUOTE]

Crap! Been wanting to pull the trigger on Mass Effect for sure and possibly Bioshock & GTA4 as well. But being a married man with a slush fund, I have to convert my cold, hard cash into a money order or visa gift card or something of the like soon. :)
[quote name='Birbo']Crap! Been wanting to pull the trigger on Mass Effect for sure and possibly Bioshock & GTA4 as well. But being a married man with a slush fund, I have to convert my cold, hard cash into a money order or visa gift card or something of the like soon. :)[/quote]

We accept money orders. there is a drop down menu at check out. Paypal isn't fantastic when it comes to gift cards. I think they hold a dollar on the gift card to make sure the funds are available or something like that. so if you had a $45.00 gift card and you total charge was $44.99 it might not process. If your gift card was for $46.00 then I think it would process.
[quote name='Kayden']I think he meant the console itself.[/quote]

I don't think it is worth the head ache to sell consoles. To many things can go wrong.
[quote name='striker199']In for Mass Effect!![/quote]
Yeah, I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on this too. Essentially $45 shipped is DAMN good, plus Tony's getting a pretty good rep on this site ... OH THE HUMANITY!
[quote name='liongames']If collectors editions come out and people want to upgrade, that isn't a problem. I will still offer something along the same lines as a discount.[/QUOTE]

CE is contingent on this petition getting signed by at least 5000 people. Go sign up--it has 6200, but more signatures means more LE copies!
[quote name='liongames']If collectors editions come out and people want to upgrade, that isn't a problem. I will still offer something along the same lines as a discount.[/quote]

That's something I'm really glad to hear, because I'll definitely be upgrading.
okay so I jsut pre-ordered GTAIV with the 10 dollar deposit,question, since I only did the deposit, when the promotion ends will I still be able to get it for the 42?
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