Prince of Persia is a MASTERPIECE


20 (100%)
I've been playing this game since Christmas when I can find the time and I can't remember having this much fun in a long time. I'm only around 50% done (no spoilers, please) and I just got to the waterfall part and I am floored. The game is simply beautiful and even though it is a platform game at heart, it feels unbelievably fresh. Every time I pull off one of the crazy jumps I get the chills. I hope Ubisoft makes enough money or gets enough praise to try a sequel. I know once I'm finished, I'm going to start a new game immediately...
Yeah it was a good game. I rented it and beat in a few days, it does have some nice moments in it. Though in some places it can be frustrating with a wonky camera angle every now and again but that is a minor quibble.
better on XBOX though. GC controllers suck. Its not that the DUKE is to big, its that the others are too small.

Man hands need a man controller
The game is not better on Xbox. According to, they are both about equal. Apparently you haven't used the Wavebird, then again, you probably don't even own a GameCube.
[quote name='NintendoFanGirl']The game is not better on Xbox. According to, they are both about equal. Apparently you haven't used the Wavebird, then again, you probably don't even own a GameCube.[/quote]

does thewave burd even vibrate
Ahhh, it's such a pleasure to hear from good old space rover. Could he be the next one we go on a manhunt for and try to make him feel so dumb he'll never post again? If you are Space_Rover, and you are reading this, I'm just kidding!

If you're not space_rover, I am, in fact, not kidding.
[quote name='space_rover']
does thewave turd imean burd even vibrate[/quote]

You know I've really been trying not to accept other people's opinions about you space_rover. Unfortunately, they are right. All you do is troll. This is the fifth straight post of yours that I've read today that does nothing but degrade anything non-Xbox. I want to like you. Or at the very least respect your opinion even if I don't agree. But damn man...

Having a negative opinion is great. We all like to voice them from time to time. But you are just way out of control. I guess there must be one black sheep in the family.
I agree; the game is a masterpiece, and a modern classic.

The Xbox version of the game really is better, though. I've played all three, and the GC and PS2 versions don't quite stack up to the Xbox's in terms of graphics, sound, or control (with the S-controller, anyway).

However, the differences in the versions are superficial, so ALL of the versions are great. This is a must-own game for anyone with any of the Big Three.
I got all three systems myself and I ended up getting it for my Gamecube, because you can link it to your Gameboy advance, and I'm glad I did.
[quote name='space_rover']better on XBOX though. GC controllers suck. Its not that the DUKE is to big, its that the others are too small.

Man hands need a man controller[/quote]

You just turned a good thread into a mindless debate over which console is better. Talk about the game dammit, not which console has the best controller or graphics....
This game is really cool and is a breath of fresh air compared to what I've been playing lately. I just began playing it today, and although I'm only 17% through it now, it's already up there with some of the best games I've played on a next gen system.

My favorite thing about it is the variety of moves that our brave prince can pull off, I especially love running on the walls then pouncing off and sticking the bad guys.

My only complaint about the game is the amount of time it took me to finally give it a try.
heh, I found this old topic I started a while ago and with the new PoP coming to me this Christmas I wonder if I'll feel the same way all over again...
[quote name='javeryh']heh, I found this old topic I started a while ago and with the new PoP coming to me this Christmas I wonder if I'll feel the same way all over again...[/quote]

I'm going to bet you $5 it doesnt.

The main character has completely changed.
I'll bet it does. I just got it today and damn. Nice game, combat is unbelievable. Plays like the first only the combat is much improved. Plus there's going to be downloadable content on the Xbox version.
The prince smolder's with generic rage.

As he hunts the Empress of Time on the Island of Time to stop the Sands of Time.
I think anyone who liked the first will enjoy the second without a doubt.

The only thing I could think to complain about was that the art book that came with preordering was underwhelming.
I love the Warrior Within it brings over alot from the original PoP but also adds a much darker theme overall. The only complaint I have so far about the new PoP is that I think they tried a bit to hard to make the Prince sound bad ass and it comes of as being a bit forced.
i hated the friggen electric guitar in the backroom in the demo... can i expect just more of it for the rest of the game?
The direction they took with the character doesn't really sit well with me. I found his quips in the first to be really amusing. With his new "darker" mood though, I don't know how it'll pan out. I always did like the platforming elements more than the combat.
I really liked the 1st one, but the whole new M rated thing kinda turns me off. The 1st game felt like a dream when playing (literally), and had me engrossed from begining to end. This new one just looks to be Ubisoft cashing in on the whole new "darker=better" phase. Yes, I've heard its an excellent game, but I'm still a little weary. I'll probably rent it over Christmas Break. Also, why is it M, from those who have played it? Is it just tons of violence, or are there other things?
bread's done