Problems with Neighbors - Need Advice


I'm looking for some advice here. I've lived at my house-apartment for about 3 years now and we are having some major problems with the neighbors at the house beside us. They have been harassing us and some other shit. It basically started when they were using our backyard as a cut-through, our backyard as their own, and were looking in our cars. Our landlord posted "No Trespassing" signs and put up a fence after two of them jumped on my car and dented the hood. They promptedly tried to run the fence over so it's uneven on the one side now. I just got the car a week ago when that happened and it looked like lots of little hailstones hit it, so I got it replaced because it was my NEW car. I had a police report filed and called up my insurance and told them what happened.

It ended up being around $3,000 to replace the hood and get it painted and they didn't like it when they started getting letters from my insurance company demanding payment. So, the winter came and everything was fine. Heard nothing from the losers on the otherside, but today they started it up again. They kept going around the house and into our backyard, supposively to get a ball or something, about 5 times, I didn't say anything though. Then, I open the front door to get some potted plants and I see that one of the stones we have on the side of the driveway to prevent them from turfing our treelawn was smashed against the front steps. It looked like they tried to throw it at the window but missed. Another stone was in the middle of the tree lawn, so I picked it up and moved it back, but there is still crushed stone on our front steps though.

Now, I'm seriously ticked off. Me and my roomie didn't do anything wrong but yet we are the target of vandalism and crap. Other than mailing them a dead horsehead (a la Godfather style, I'm kidding btw) what else should I do? They are immature and rather dumb, we lived here longer than they have so I'd prefer they leave. Any lawyers on the site with advice? Talking to them won't help as I have been the target of many ethnic slurs.
It's all about the evidence baby! Ya gotta get it on film. Only way the cops will do anything nowadays. Suspicion can only go so far. If you can figure out the time that they generally do their shit then you can set up a recorder and you've got proof of their activities. Make more than one copy. Probably 3 - one for the cops, one for the insurance company and one for you (just in case).
^^ Right. Start taking pictures of your property and cars, and make sure they are dated or you get them developed right away (if they aren't digital). Have a camera ready near a window so that you can try to catch them. Make police reports as often as you can (these document the occurrences, and will help your case). Do not retaliate. With proof, you can sue successfully for damages. Just remember to be the better person. Don't let them know you are taking pictures or monitoring them if at all possible.
[quote name='jaykrue']It's all about the evidence baby! Ya gotta get it on film. Only way the cops will do anything nowadays. Suspicion can only go so far. If you can figure out the time that they generally do their shit then you can set up a recorder and you've got proof of their activities. Make more than one copy. Probably 3 - one for the cops, one for the insurance company and one for you (just in case).[/QUOTE]

I saw them jump on my car, so that's how I got them the first time. We've been trying to get the landlord to put in a camera though. They are the only people that we have had a problem with recently and there's a lot of circumstantial stuff. They the only one with a motive too. Somehow they think we are getting part of the insurance money (no, it was just to fix my car).

They are pretty dumb, I hope they end up killing themselves on accident. They were having a BBQ today and I saw a kid dump a ton of lighter fluid on a grill that was already lit.
See, I got a 40 year old woman downstairs, and a creepy mid 30 year hermit like guy who scares me, but he seems harmless. Sometimes I wish there were people my age instead of just those 2, but then stories like this make me happy that it is the way it is. My neighbors next door are jerks, I said hi to the guy when I first moved in and he laughed and had no idea why I did that. I think the one of the guys may have tapped my car, since there was blue paint on it one day (no damage though) which is the color of his car, and that was the only day he has ever acted nice at all to me, he never says anything normally though I see him a lot. He got into a few arguments with the woman downstairs though, for some odd reason he was trying to put his garbage with our on garbage day, even though there was plenty of space on his side. I don't even know any of my other neighbors, never met them, never got within 20 feet of them, don't know what the hell they look like or their names.

Though, like everyone said, try to get evidence and report it to the police.
Get pictures, or beat the shit out of them. Personally I'd get pictures, and then beat the shit out of them. Nobody fucks with my home, afterall if your can't feel safe in your own home then you're going to lose your sanity.
Total bummer man, but catching them in the act is def. the way to go. Good luck with beating the sh*t out of their wallet. Once they start living off of bread and balogna, they'll learn to calm the Fuk' down.

BTW, your rabbit looks just like mine - Black, Large, and in Charge. =^_________^=
I found out that nearly every time I try to do the right thing law-wise, the other party who is actually in the wrong wins. I am going to tell you what to do. Wait a few weeks and go out on a late night walk. Have a big coke bottle with you and pour it all over their car. It should eat away the paint.
Sounds good to me :)
Of course, I'm not one someone should be taking advice on conflict resolution at the moment.
[quote name='manofpeace20']I found out that nearly every time I try to do the right thing law-wise, the other party who is actually in the wrong wins. I am going to tell you what to do. Wait a few weeks and go out on a late night walk. Have a big coke bottle with you and pour it all over their car. It should eat away the paint.[/QUOTE]

Great alternative. My only fear is if they do the same thing to my car... Or, just catch them in the act. Ha ha!
[quote name='Ecofreak']Great alternative. My only fear is if they do the same thing to my car... Or, just catch them in the act. Ha ha![/QUOTE]

That is why an alibi is key. Then you catch them in the act and you can press charges.
Lol, thanks guys. Right now I'm trying to call my landlord and tell him I'm going to take pictures of the mess on the porch and then clean it up. I haven't been successful contacting him though. I have sooo much homework to do.

Primarily, I needed to rant. Neighbors suck, at least I'm going to be getting a better job soon (hopefully) :)
Similar thing happened to me. I eventually ended up moving. I didn't want to, but people like that just don't care about anything. I deal with 22 knuckleheads like that everyday and they just flat ass don't care. You'll probably end up getting pissed and do something to them and they'll sue you and win.
- Get a PC you can leave running close to one of the windows they keep doing this crap.
- Get a good resolution web cam.
- Go to MS's Site and download the 'WebCam Timershot' applet
- Post a sign (with permission) stating that 'These premises are now monitored'
- Wait...
- When you snag the bastards, send them an 'anonomous' letter with a photo of them caught in the act. ;)
[quote name='Ecofreak']BTW, your rabbit looks just like mine - Black, Large, and in Charge. =^_________^=[/QUOTE]

Lol, thanks. He's going to be 3 soon. I've had him for 2 years. He's pretty shy, but if he wants pets or sees that you are holding a bagful of craisins (dried cranberries) he'll be VERY pushy. Rabbits are worse then dogs when it comes to begging I think. :)

[quote name='CappyCobra']- Get a PC you can leave running close to one of the windows they keep doing this crap.
- Get a good resolution web cam.
- Go to MS's Site and download the 'WebCam Timershot' applet
- Post a sign (with permission) stating that 'These premises are now monitored'
- Wait...
- When you snag the bastards, send them an 'anonomous' letter with a photo of them caught in the act. ;)[/QUOTE]

Thanks ;-), I have a webcamera around here somewhere...
[quote name='SadieDee']Lol, thanks. He's going to be 3 soon. I've had him for 2 years. He's pretty shy, but if he wants pets or sees that you are holding a bagful of craisins (dried cranberries) he'll be VERY pushy. Rabbits are worse then dogs when it comes to begging I think. :)

I'm pretty pushy when it comes to craisins
your neighbors suck. you should get a bunch of pitbulls in your back yard and starve them. then when your neighbors go into your backyard your pitbulls will take care of the problem.
[quote name='SadieDee']Lol, thanks. He's going to be 3 soon. I've had him for 2 years. He's pretty shy, but if he wants pets or sees that you are holding a bagful of craisins (dried cranberries) he'll be VERY pushy. Rabbits are worse then dogs when it comes to begging I think. :)


Dude! I know exactly what you mean! Crasins are like crack for my bunny. She'll walk on her hind legs to get some, and bite your fingers if they smell like them. She'll even go so far as to bite my feet in hopes of getting some. And boy golly, does she have teeth.

Maybe my bunny should meet your bunny sometime, they sound so strikingly similar and may hit it off... ;)
[quote name='CappyCobra']- Get a PC you can leave running close to one of the windows they keep doing this crap.
- Get a good resolution web cam.
- Go to MS's Site and download the 'WebCam Timershot' applet
- Post a sign (with permission) stating that 'These premises are now monitored'
- Wait...
- When you snag the bastards, send them an 'anonomous' letter with a photo of them caught in the act. ;)[/QUOTE]

I agree with everything except posting the monitored sign. You want to catch these guys right? Not just dissuade them from doing anymore shit?
[quote name='jaykrue']I agree with everything except posting the monitored sign. You want to catch these guys right? Not just dissuade them from doing anymore shit?[/QUOTE]

I don't think using taped material that doesn't give the person taped at least some sort of warning is not usable in court. At the very least, it strengthens the evidence as they had fair warning.
[quote name='Ecofreak']I don't think using taped material that doesn't give the person taped at least some sort of warning is not usable in court. At the very least, it strengthens the evidence as they had fair warning.[/QUOTE]

They've already had evidence of warning remember? He said that the cops and insurance ppl have been previously been called as well as attempts to talk to the landlord about security monitors. These can be verified from insurance receipts, phone transcripts, etc. which I think are still usable in court.
[quote name='jaykrue']I agree with everything except posting the monitored sign. You want to catch these guys right? Not just dissuade them from doing anymore shit?[/QUOTE]

Nah, you'd still want to post a sign~ and post it in a spot where you could see it on the camera. worse case senario they do something and you have it on camera available for use in court ~ *best* case senario your sign and a web cam sticking out of your window disuades them enough not to have to go through the mess of pressing charges or contacting insurance companies because of anything they might do in retaliation.

for the cheapass solution throw a web cam in the bottom of your front window (pointed towards your car), a teeny red led light, then follow step 4 posting signage of doom. :lol:
[quote name='tauruskatt'] for the cheapass solution throw a web cam in the bottom of your front window (pointed towards your car), a teeny red led light, then follow step 4 posting signage of doom. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Didn;t think of the red 'recording' LED. Good idea ;) I think you can get those at car audio/alarm places maybe even WalMart
I would suggest getting an IP camera, especially if you have a LAN in your townhouse, I have one in my apartment that records on motion just in case someone broke in and grabbed something I would have it on a hard drive. A good toshiba like I have cost about $600 bucks or right around there, kinda pricey but it beats having to setup and record for only 2 hours.
The thing with the cameras guys, is that, in some states it is illegal to record somebody without their permission. I would make sure you know the laws, and yes, post a sign or something. It would really suck for you Sadie to record them, and then you be the one to get in trouble... Good luck, and keep us informed!
[quote name='mmercer131']Similar thing happened to me. I eventually ended up moving. I didn't want to, but people like that just don't care about anything. I deal with 22 knuckleheads like that everyday and they just flat ass don't care. You'll probably end up getting pissed and do something to them and they'll sue you and win.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, i'd move too. There is no reason to stay and deal with that kind of shit if you are just RENTING. You could probably hire a moving company to move your stuff for you and would spend almost the same amount of money as for the webcam suggestions people are making. (Not that the webcam idea is a bad one, but when you start getting into the hundred dollar ranges to solve this problem, you could hire a mover).

If it were me, I'd up and move as soon as possible. I'd also call my landlord and explain the situation... the neighbors are bothering me, and I fear for the safety of both myself and my personal property. You have the records that you called the police, reports from the insurance company, so if your landlord goes after you for breaking your lease too early...i'd like to see that mess go down in court. (Personally I don't think most landlords would bother after seeing this kind of mess, they'd be more worried about finding new tenants to pay the mortgage on their rental property).

Seriously, MOVE! Things are going to escalate to the point where your insurance company is going to stop paying for the shit they break. If they don't just completely drop you from the insurance policy. (And once again at that point it becomes often cheaper to hire a mover than replace/fix a damaged car). If things don't get worse.
Here's my solution.

Set up a camera, leave it recording and tape the evidence...and then anal rape his grandma. Bam! He'd never see it coming.
[quote name='ZForce915']Here's my solution.

... then anal rape his grandma. Bam! He'd never see it coming.[/QUOTE]
That was too visual a visual! Why you gotta bring in innocent Grandmothers? :0)
bread's done