Problems with Steam


3 (100%)
I just downloaded Steam on my PC. Now I never have played Half-Life or Counter-Strike or any other FPS so I'm a noob at PC gaming. So I finally to check out HL2 since console games this quarter sucks.

Anyways onto my problem with Steam. The download rate is very inconsistent. It would fluctuate from 120kb's to 10kb's every other minute. Then sometimes it would stop so I would have to pause the downloading and then resume it so it can start again. Luckily I don't have to start over. I don't even have any other program running nor downloadin anything at the same time either. Is this a common problem for Steam?
What type of internet connection do you have? Do you have a firewall installed? These questions will help me give you better answer.
I got Bellsouth DSL. It usually goes 150kb's on a regularl day. As far as I know there is no active firewalls on this pc.
yeah, took me 3 hours to DL an HL2 demo with comcast cable. Then it shut down my game and I lost my progress because I lost my internet connection for a
It could be simply that Steam's download sever's can get overwhelmed lowering your download rate. Everyone seems to have a Steam horror story and I've never had a problem with it.
Okay finally I just finished downloadin Half-Life 2 demo. Then I clicked on it to launch the demo but then they made me wait for at least 15 minutes to let me play the demo. After they finally let me play the game...the demo isn't loadin up. I clicked on it again and still not loading up. Then I went into my folders and found the half-life 2 demo and clicked on that and its still not loadin up.
Check your Steam icon. Does it have a dotted line crossing it? Check the Monitor and see what the processes are. If it's still downloading (even at 99.99999X % it won't let you play properly).

Also make sure your PC can handle it (duh).
Yes I do have all that. Dotted lines crossing it too. The status of the HL2 demo is 100% ready. When I click on launch, a window pops up and it says "Preparing to launch Half-Life 2: Demo...". Afterwards it disappears and the game doesn't load up. My pc might not be fast but it met the minumum requirements. Or unless I have to download the Source Dedicated Server too cuz I'm at least 70% done with it.
Steam has so many customers and only 30 servers to support those customers.
Look at these stats:
Average unique users per month: 2,474,998
Average player minutes per month: 4.660 billion

Give them a break.
[quote name='cyrix`']Steam has so many customers and only 30 servers to support those customers.
Look at these stats:
Average unique users per month: 2,474,998
Average player minutes per month: 4.660 billion

Give them a break.[/QUOTE]

Unless I'm required to connect to steam servers the whole time while trying the half life 2 demo out, then I really have no interest in playing Half-Life 2 online. I only downloaded their servers into my pc because I thought maybe it was required to do. All I really interested in right now is getting the demo to launch.
i have to say i recently installed half life 2 on my PC (about 3 days ago) and Steam has been incredibly fast. I'm on cable. very happy with the steam connections. i'm just annoyed at PC for the slowdown but thats my fault - i need to feed it more RAM :cold:
bread's done