Project Eden (PS2) $6.90 at Amazon

This game is extremely buggy and has a ton of slow down. However if you have someone else to play through the game with it is a lot of fun if you can overlook all of the problems.
Good price. I've got the game and rarely play it. I found it extremely difficult. The 4 player co-op mode was fun, but the puzzles that we had to solve were so hard that we kept using the strategy guide the whole time.
Haha I have a good story about that game

For some reason I bought this with my dad years home and played it and was soon to be horrified at my purchase. So I had him help me return it and thank the lord I got something else out of it.
I actually kinda foundly remember the game. It was one of my first cheap ass purchases, a good 2 years before I found this site (2002). Decent game, but man was it freaking buggy! I remember some glitch half-way through pretty much had me hang this one up.
this is one of those games I've seen in the bargin bin no matter where I go but know nothing about.
I have an unopened copy of this for the PC. Picked it up from GoGamer because I heard it was a very good game. It's made by the guys that made Tomb Raider if that helps anyone make up their mind 8-P.
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