Project Eternity Kickstarter

The Omniscient Lemon

Project Eternity is a roleplaying game in the style of the Infinity Engine games (i.e. the Baldur's Gate series, Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale). It's in isometric perspective and is distinguished by having party-based (up to 6 characters), real-time with pause combat. It's not something a traditional publisher would be interested in because of the scale, so it's being financed by a Kickstarter like many other such games. The studio producing it is Obsidian. It includes many of the people who worked on Planescape: Torment, Fallout, etc.

They've currently raised around $3.4 million which was roughly the budget of the Infinity Engine games back when they were state of the art. They've also made available most of the trinkets and add-ons that people asked of them over the past month. Here is the full list of reward tiers and here are the add-ons.

They've also released a lot (and I do mean a lot) of information about the setting, characters, rules and so on in the form of updates. The same page also addresses various concerns about how they are going to make the game and make sure that it doesn't suffer from too many bugs (classic case of turning a weakness into a strength: they decided to make a public beta and offer keys at the higher reward tiers).

This Kickstarter ends in a little bit over 14 hours (at 6PM Pacific Standard Time) so if you're a fan of the Infinity Engine games, and you have not seen it yet, take a look.
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