[quote name='SoylentBob']You don't have to have a friend or favorite. You can use Recently Visited, provided you haven't been warping all over Home.[/QUOTE]
That sort of goes without saying... but if you recently visited any of those spaces (as they have been gone a long time ago) then most likely its because it was saved to your favorites, or joined a friend, but yes - technically speaking if you visit any space it is saved temporarily in your recently visited menu.
[quote name='goodbyetonight']Is anyone else having this problem with Winter Quest 3/3? When I go sit in the hot tub near the pier for the first part of the quest, the rewards don't pop up. I've tried clearing the cache, deleting Home altogether, removing the quest and adding it back, and getting another reward somewhere else, but none of that has helped. Is there any way to fix it or am I just screwed out of the rewards for that quest?[/QUOTE]
I have tested all these quests on several accounts and the only time there is a problem with a task not getting registered is because of an HDD data error. It's an easy fix though.
For one, as stated many times, if you are having problems, ALWAYS wait for the HDD symbol to appear, and then disappear. Going from one task to another, completing a task, changing spaces, exiting wardrobe, etc all require data to be saved. You always risk a data error (although rare), when you do something that requires data to be saved while it is already saving data to your HDD.
You may not think you were saving data, but even just talking to the snow bear or snow man or activity board to get your next clue will require saving data on your HDD - but it wont necessarily do it right away. Most of the time it wont be an issue - but I can pretty much guarantee every time there is an issue with a quest it was a data error.
So if you are having an issue, ALWAYS wait for the HDD to appear after EVERY hint and every task, and every reward, and every time you change anything on your avatar, or enter a new space. After the HDD symbol disappears it is safe to move to the next part of the task.
Another issue can be lag if you have a slow connection - also easily fixed by simply being patient and wait.
As for your situation, you do not need to reset your cache, you do not need to delete Home. Just go back to the last task that gave you the objective (which should be the snow bear). If it tells you to go to the hot tub to get the jersey and frozen mustache, then wait for the HDD symbol to appear and then disappear. Now go to the hot tub. You do not need to sit in it. Just stand anywhere inside it and wait. Most of the time you will get the rewards instantly, but occasionally there can be a delay.
When you get the rewards, wait for the HDD symbol to appear and disappear (it needs to save that you received those rewards as well as completed that part of the task). Now head back to the snow bear to receive your next clue.
If that still doesn't work, than contact Sony as you may have a more serious problem.