ps store, connections.... HELP!?!?


I've had no problems since I've had my PS3 (nearly 4 months) connecting to the network, downloading updates, demos, etc. via wireless.

I have the latest firmware update. Since last night I've been able to "connect" as verified by connection test, but I can't get the store to function correctly, nor can I get the www to work, or access roster updates on MLB the Show. I have a couple of KR song downloads waiting to download (paid for) but they won't work either.

Anyone have any ideas? I was thinking maybe the network was down, but haven't seen anyone else mentioning it. It seems strange that the connection is there, but not working.

Thanks in advance,

edit : now MLB roster update is working, so definitely have a connection...
hmm, I was having a few problems like this a while ago. The psn store wasn't loading and I couldn't join parties in online games. It was my nat setting, I changed it to open. I also had to turn on dmz, whatever that is on my router. But I could download things off the psn store so its probably a different problem your having.
I tried it closer to the wireless point and it worked - not sure why it suddenly doesn't reach the living room, as it always has, as does the laptop and wii.

Also, MLB the Show works from the greater distance, but still no luck w/the store!?

I thing the store requires more data to be downloaded, so it may have downloaded if you waited a while...probably not. But I think online games dont require that much internets to be technical. I can usually use up all of my internets via downloading a movie or such, and still be able to play games with no lag.

glad it worked out... sort of. My Wii was having problems too since its really really far away from my router, but since I'm using dd-wrt firmware on my router I can pump up the transmission power to max and it reaches ok now. Except I gotta pull it out of my cabinet when I want to donwload something.

Maybe dd-wrt would work for you also.
[quote name='melokeith']I tried it closer to the wireless point and it worked - not sure why it suddenly doesn't reach the living room, as it always has, as does the laptop and wii.[/quote]

That's how it is for me as well. I've moved my PS3 from my room down the to basement. My wireless is based out of the basement, I've got no problems receiving a signal with a laptop or wii in my room, but the PS3 seems to struggle to keep a stable connection in my room. The wireless works great for the PS3 in my basement though.
Thanks for the replies. Thought I was just losing my mind, and of course didn't want to call customer support from anywhere b/c they'd just tell me to try everything I've already tried.

I may try moving the wireless to the basement, more toward the center of the house.

bread's done