PS Vita 32GB Memory Card - $82.99 + Free S&H @

[quote name='Vader582']No he does. It comes naturally.[/QUOTE]

And you accusing someone of being pro- Hitler is perfectly reasonable.
[quote name='sukTHEfac']Interesting...I wouldn't know. But if that's true, then any reasonable person should be disgusted that Sony is making us pay for their mission to make more money.


Wow if that's the case Sony wouldn't be...oh I don't know a business. Here's the thing if you can't afford it or don't think its worth, vote with your wallet and don't buy it. For some of us looking to get a deal to save some cash on WHAT WE DEEM is worth then it's a decent deal. People have linked to discussion threads on this already and that's where people should go if they want to discuss it further.
[quote name='sukTHEfac']And you pushing that someone likes Hitler is perfectly reasonable.[/QUOTE]

I am Pavlov; ringin' that bell. :)
[quote name='Draknight']Wow if that's the case Sony wouldn't be...oh I don't know a business. Here's the thing if you can't afford it or don't think its worth, vote with your wallet and don't buy it. For some of us looking to get a deal to save some cash on WHAT WE DEEM is worth then it's a decent deal. People have linked to discussion threads on this already and that's where people should go if they want to discuss it further.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for segmenting off my entire point and only posting the words that make you seem smart.

Did you read anything after that? It would be in their best interest to not do what theyre doing. You can't run a business with the only goal to make money. Nope.

You need to go beyond that - that includes providing consumers with loyal service, listening to consumers, and thinking about the bigger picture rather than making a quick buck.

But sony? Pathetic vita and ps3 exclusive sales. 6 straight years of losses. 6.4 billion loss to follow. 10,000 employees canned. why? Sony CEO, canned. Because of the same business practices you're defending.

Fans didn't want 3dtv's. They kept making them. We need better marketing and product awareness for the great games they make. Nope. We are sick of proprietary formats. Oh well, they make them anyway.

This is not rocket science. It's business 101.

You're right - busineses need to make money. Sony hasn't made a dime.
[quote name='sukTHEfac']Thank you for segmenting off my entire point and only posting the words that make you seem smart.

Did you read anything after that? It would be in their best interest to not do what theyre doing. You can't run a business with the only goal to make money. Nope.

You need to go beyond that - that includes providing consumers with loyal service, listening to consumers, abs thinking about the bigger picture rather than making a quick buck.

But sony? Pathetic vita and ps3 exclusive sales. 6 straight years of losses. 6.4 billion loss to follow. 10,000 employees canned. why? Sony CEO, canned. Because of the same business practices you're defending.

Fans didn't want 3dtv's. They kept making them. We need better marketing and product awareness for the great games they make. Nope. We are sick of proprietary formats. Oh well, they make them anyway.

This is not rocket science. It's business 101.[/QUOTE]

We get it, you hate Sony.
[quote name='bdb2m']We get it, you hate Sony.[/QUOTE]

No I don't. I hate their business practices. And apparently Sony does too, you know, firing the ceo and all...

I own ps3 and vita, so when a company I'm invested in fucks up, I say's called being a good consumer
[quote name='chimpmeister']If you didn't like the PS3, and don't care much for the Vita, then maybe you just don't care for video games? Seriously, the PS3 has tons of great games, many to be found very cheaply, so how could you not care for it?

As for the Vita, it just launched 2 months ago, and with a very good selection of games for a new console. Sounds like you need to find another hobby if neither system excites you. Just saying.[/QUOTE]

Well, you know there are other systems out there other than Sony ones right? :) There is one other PS3 in the house along with a Wii, PSP and 2 Xbox360s.

I just did not care for having to update the system everytime I turned it on and then having the game needing an up date as well. They took forever to download. On top of that have the damn thing tell me it needs to install stuff onto the hard drive. ugh! Just things like that made it not worth my while. I am no xbox "fanboy" but I do enjoy playing games on there more than on PS3.

Oh and I have a ton of others hobbies as well.... :)
[quote name='sukTHEfac']I own ps3 and vita, so when a company I'm invested in fucks up, I say's called being a good consumer[/QUOTE]
I find this hard to believe.
God help Sony if you're a good consumer.
[quote name='Vader582']I find this hard to believe.
God help Sony if you're a good consumer.[/QUOTE]

so listing factual based complaints is bad now eh? sounds like fanboyism at its finest.
[quote name='sukTHEfac']Thank you for segmenting off my entire point and only posting the words that make you seem smart.

Did you read anything after that? It would be in their best interest to not do what theyre doing. You can't run a business with the only goal to make money. Nope.

You need to go beyond that - that includes providing consumers with loyal service, listening to consumers, and thinking about the bigger picture rather than making a quick buck.

But sony? Pathetic vita and ps3 exclusive sales. 6 straight years of losses. 6.4 billion loss to follow. 10,000 employees canned. why? Sony CEO, canned. Because of the same business practices you're defending.

Fans didn't want 3dtv's. They kept making them. We need better marketing and product awareness for the great games they make. Nope. We are sick of proprietary formats. Oh well, they make them anyway.

This is not rocket science. It's business 101.

You're right - busineses need to make money. Sony hasn't made a dime.[/QUOTE]

Do you have stock in this company? That's the only way I can see anyone caring about their business practice. Also that's what stockholders meetings are about to determine their companies business practice. I am not here to debate a companies business practice, which clearly you are. I'm here to find deals.
[quote name='Draknight']Do you have stock in this company? That's the only way I can see anyone caring about their business practice. Also that's what stockholders meetings are about to determine their companies business practice. I am not here to debate a companies business practice, which clearly you are. I'm here to find deals.[/QUOTE]

Don't bother arguing with him; he's one of the worst trolls in the forums.

And can you imagine a company actually trying to make money off its customers? Outrageous!! :roll:

Wait, that's how all companies work . . . never mind. :lol:
[quote name='kayne2000']so listing factual based complaints is bad now eh? sounds like fanboyism at its finest.[/QUOTE]

I smell nothing but opinions coming from your (or sukTHEfac's) anus...I mean mouth. Whoopsie! My bad. Perhaps you should view my XBL GamerScore before calling me a fanboy, hater. :D I just don't have the same sense of entitlement that you two do.
[quote name='Vader582']I smell nothing but opinions coming from your (or sukTHEfac's) anus...I mean mouth. Whoopsie! My bad. Perhaps you should view my XBL GamerScore before calling me a fanboy, hater. :D I just don't have the same sense of entitlement that you two do.[/QUOTE]

except it is fact sony has had some trouble lately as was pointed out.
[quote name='kayne2000']except it is fact sony has had some trouble lately as was pointed out.[/QUOTE]

You certainly live up to your namesake. College dropout indeed (that's not a compliment btw).
So you admit to vomiting crap all over this thread, except for that one fact? Good.
[quote name='sukTHEfac']Interesting...I wouldn't know. But if that's true, then any reasonable person should be disgusted that Sony is making us pay for their mission to make more money.

And if it's true, then Sony and their vita devs would make more money, right? Wouldn't it be in their best interest to give then out at an affordable price, or even free?

Also, them not putting a measly 250mb internal storage for save files or allowing saves to live on cartridge as well- requiring us to buy one just for that simple purpose - leads me to believe it's purely for additional revenue and nothing more.

This anti piracy thing is nothing more than a cheap cop-out justification[/QUOTE]

I can agree with a lot of what you're saying but hacking and piracy issues did actually hurt the PSP. Not so much as it did with the Dreamcast but enough to have an effect on developer support
Worth getting ... I got mine for $70 off a Sony employee, now going to sell my 8GB that was packaged with my system ... you know your going to need the space
[quote name='sbains']Worth getting ... I got mine for $70 off a Sony employee, now going to sell my 8GB that was packaged with my system ... you know your going to need the space[/QUOTE]

You can get this for 72.99 if you use the coupon I posted earlier, so it's a pretty good deal. It's just too bad this thread has devolved into argument over Sony's business practices.

There are a couple of posters on here that seem to think this is GameFAQs.
[quote name='cRodz']So this adapter works?

I am about to bite

Class 2 is not going to be a problem with games?[/QUOTE]

They are almost certainly knock offs. The problem with this is that there will be a a higher fail rate and you probably won't get the full 16 GB capacity. Some knock offs are slower cards as well, so if you have games loaded on there they may take longer to load or stutter at points.

Generally you should avoid any memory that comes from Hong Kong as almost all of it is fake.
[quote name='TheBomb69']This is the reason why I have still not purchased a Vita.[/QUOTE]

Same here.

In fact, with those prices, I hope that Vita sales tank.
[quote name='Busyman']Same here.

In fact, with those prices, I hope that Vita sales tank.[/QUOTE]

If Vita sales tank and it "fails", you'll be left with only the 3DS for this generation of dedicated handhelds. A pretty poor option, as I'm sure most would agree.
[quote name='chimpmeister']If Vita sales tank and it "fails", you'll be left with only the 3DS for this generation of dedicated handhelds. A pretty poor option, as I'm sure most would agree.[/QUOTE]

3DS games (resident evil, mario kart, mario land, kid icarus) are awesome, especially with the 3DS technical limitations. No need to bash the 3DS.
[quote name='chimpmeister']Don't bother arguing with him; he's one of the worst trolls in the forums.

And can you imagine a company actually trying to make money off its customers? Outrageous!! :roll:

Wait, that's how all companies work . . . never mind. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Clearly you have not read my statement completely obliterating your "businesses only make money" argument.

At least I read what people say before arguing against it. You know who doesn't read but posts disagreement anyway? A troll.

[quote name='chimpmeister']If Vita sales tank and it "fails", you'll be left with only the 3DS for this generation of dedicated handhelds. A pretty poor option, as I'm sure most would agree.[/QUOTE]

Most? Who? The nearly 10 times more people buying 3ds? Fanboy at its finest. There's no reasoning with a fanboy.
[quote name='sukTHEfac']There's no reasoning with a fanboy.[/QUOTE]
You don't say?!??! lol
Thanks for the irony-induced giggle.
[quote name='Vader582']I smell nothing but opinions coming from your (or sukTHEfac's) anus...I mean mouth. Whoopsie! My bad. Perhaps you should view my XBL GamerScore before calling me a fanboy, hater. :D I just don't have the same sense of entitlement that you two do.[/QUOTE]

Sony firing ceo, laying off 10k ppl, and losing billions...opinions, eh?

K dude, keep believing what you want.
[quote name='Vader582']You don't say?!??! lol
Thanks for the irony-induced giggle.[/QUOTE]

I own every single platform this gen and play all. I make objective opinions based on pure facts. Just because the facts go against sony means I'm a fanboy? Umm...

Did I mention nintendo or ms? nope. This is only about sony, so idk what proof you have of me being a fanboy, but id like to hear it.

Go on... :)
[quote name='sukTHEfac']Sony firing ceo, laying off 10k ppl, and losing billions...opinions, eh?

K dude, keep believing what you want.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry dudebro, I will. I know you will too. :D
I know your type all too well. Sony could send you a free Vita and you'd still find something to bitch about.
[quote name='Vader582']Don't worry dudebro, I will. I know you will too. :D
I know your type all too well. Sony could send you a free Vita and you'd still find something to bitch about.[/QUOTE]

You're right! Sony sending me a free product doesn't erase the facts.
[quote name='sukTHEfac']You're right! Sony sending me a free product doesn't erase the facts.[/QUOTE]
Indeed! A free Vita wouldn't erase your obvious ignorance either.

My 2 year old reasons better than you. lol
[quote name='cRodz']So this adapter works?

I am about to bite

Class 2 is not going to be a problem with games?[/QUOTE]

The class rating refers to minimum write speed. Some manufactures seem to be rather generous when it comes to assigning a particular class value as I've seen class 4 devices struggle to write at 2MB a second. Games are far more concerned with the read speed than anything else, and read speeds are almost always faster than write speeds, so the class is not a best means of judging the cards performance for gaming. I would think that just about any card would provide much faster access time than a UMD would.
[quote name='sukTHEfac']I make objective opinions based on pure facts. :)[/QUOTE]

LOL, that's the biggest joke I've seen in a long time. Go look up these words:

1) Objective
2) Opinion

They are mutually exclusive. I think you need to re-learn your English, dude. :lol:
[quote name='Vader582']Indeed! A free Vita wouldn't erase your obvious ignorance either.

My 2 year old reasons better than you. lol[/QUOTE]

Lol you yet again fail acknowledge my facts and points in exchange for cheap insults. Its clear you have nothing to say.
[quote name='sukTHEfac']Lol you yet again fail acknowledge my facts and points in exchange for cheap insults. Its clear you have nothing to say.[/QUOTE]

No one cares about your "facts", people here are into games, not your endless garbage posts. Those of us who bought a Vita and like it are fine with it; your trash isn't going to change that. So just STFU and go back to gamefaqs, where you belong.
[quote name='sukTHEfac']Lol you yet again fail acknowledge my facts and points in exchange for cheap insults. Its clear you have nothing to say.[/QUOTE]

It's true. I do have nothing to say to you. :)
Your obvious lack of rational thought and blind hate makes you useless to me. I'm just trolling your dumbass at this point.
[quote name='chimpmeister']LOL, that's the biggest joke I've seen in a long time. Go look up these words:

1) Objective
2) Opinion

They are mutually exclusive. I think you need to re-learn your English, dude. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Nope, in this context I used it right. I mean im not basing my opinion on personal bias (objective) but pure fact. Saying "the banana will taste gross because it's old and moldy" is objective.

More importantly however is your nitpicking my English instead of discussing the subject at hand and my points against you.

It's pretty clear you both have nothing. I've said my piece, and clearly there's no more logical discussion here anymore, so I'm done :)
[quote name='sukTHEfac']Nope, in this context I used it right. I mean im not basing my opinion on personal bias (objective) but pure fact. Saying "the banana will taste gross because it's old and moldy" is objective.

More importantly however is your nitpicking my English instead of discussing the subject at hand and my points against you.

It's pretty clear you both have nothing. I've said my piece, and clearly there's no more logical discussion here anymore, so I'm done :)[/QUOTE]

Great! So you're "out of here" too, like the other troll jamesesdad? AMEN!! :applause:
[quote name='sukTHEfac'] I'm done :)[/QUOTE]

You've been "done" since you typed your first word in this thread. If only you'd keep this promise.
[quote name='SteveChiller']Well, you know there are other systems out there other than Sony ones right? :) There is one other PS3 in the house along with a Wii, PSP and 2 Xbox360s.

I just did not care for having to update the system everytime I turned it on and then having the game needing an up date as well. They took forever to download. On top of that have the damn thing tell me it needs to install stuff onto the hard drive. ugh! Just things like that made it not worth my while. I am no xbox "fanboy" but I do enjoy playing games on there more than on PS3.

Oh and I have a ton of others hobbies as well.... :)[/QUOTE]

You can do either things while the system updates...grab some food, chat with friends, do something. I wish the PS3 allowed all of their games to have an install option. I have a 750GB HDD so I would install of my games. That's just me though. I install all of my current games on my Xbox 360. It's nice having a system that runs quietly.
[quote name='jamesesdad']Gotta love all the overly defensive early adopters, trying to justify their purchase to everyone else. Sony IS screwing you, no two ways about it. Charging almost 100 dollars for 32 gigabytes of flash memory is outrageous. The fact that sony intentionally designed this thing with absolutely no internal storage in todays market is obscene. If you honestly believe that sony isn't trying to take advantage of its customers, by using a completely new format of memory stick, which seemingly offer no clear advantage over previous versions (just a new plastic casing, which they "coincidentally" did for the pspgo as well), then you are fucking delusional. These new memory sticks aren't going to keep people from hacking their psp's. Give people a reason to constantly connect to your store, have great sales, keep people playing online with their friends AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. This is how you keep people from running custom firmware and pirating your games. Not blowing a bunch of proprietary bullshit formats up consumers asses, all the while deluding morons into believing they do it for copyright protection....[/QUOTE]

[quote name='sukTHEfac']THIS!

I love how people telling ppl complaining about high prices to shut up...on a site that promotes being cheap!

If you don't think the memory cards over priced then then u arent cheap (just stupid) so therefore why do u visit this site, or even this thread for that matter?[/QUOTE]

ya'll $$$$as need to get out from your poor bitchass cardboards and write Chaddaddy up cause he is willing to give ya'll $$$$as money just to shut the hell up :lol:
[quote name='chimpmeister']If Vita sales tank and it "fails", you'll be left with only the 3DS for this generation of dedicated handhelds. A pretty poor option, as I'm sure most would agree.[/QUOTE]
Yeah and I like the Vita too but I'm a little older and I'm not going to pay any everything asked.

Those memory card prices are a travesty and it's a shame that the topic price is considered a deal due to the ridiculous start price.

Also, it's not like handhelds consoles are necessary for life.

I really think when console manufacturers make stupid choices they should be rewarded with failure. Otherwise, they'll think they are on the right track.
[quote name='Busyman']Yeah and I like the Vita too but I'm a little older and I'm not going to pay any everything asked.

Those memory card prices are a travesty and it's a shame that the topic price is considered a deal due to the ridiculous start price.

Also, it's not like handhelds consoles are necessary for life.

I really think when console manufacturers make stupid choices they should be rewarded with failure. Otherwise, they'll think they are on the right track.[/QUOTE]

We all know handhelds are not "necessary for life". Neither are home consoles, so this means nothing.

The Vita itself is a very high-end, well designed console. Its specs blow away any other handheld on the market. Sony chose to not include any onboard memory to save costs on the handheld, and to offer proprietary memory cards instead. These cards are designed to hamper hacking of the system, to allow people to have as much storage as they want (multiple cards), and yes to make a profit. There is no reason to bash a manufacturer for trying to make a profit; if they don't, you won't see future handhelds from that manufacturer.

Ultimately this isn't a "stupid choice", its a calculated decision to lower the cost of the handheld itself, and to prevent piracy, and to make a profit. There is nothing wrong with any of those objectives.

People who complain and whine about the memory cards should just not buy the product and move on; really there isn't anything more to say about it. If you can't afford a Vita, then don't try to buy one. If you hate the proprietary memory cards and their inflated prices, then don't buy it. Its as simple as that. Not much more to say about it.
Also, there's a difference between wanting cheap games/accessories and constantly whining in every thread about how a game/accessory you want isn't cheap.
Bought one. Choose free shipping (5-8 business days) so that I will have a couple of days to buy my Vita. I should get my memory stick the same day I by my Vita so it will all work out, lol.

bread's done