PS Vita memory cards


18 (95%)
I would like to find a decent deal on PS vita memory cards. I was hoping to get a 64gb but they seem way to expensive. Anybody know of a deal or a place to get them cheap, maybe even a 32 gb one. Also how does switching between 2 memory cards work on the vita? Is it a hassle or simply pop one out, pop another in deal?

It's a hassle because the Vita has to "rebuild the database" or something everytime you swap cards.

The key is to buy a card that fits as many games as you need. Most people are fine with a 16GB card, but the ones who game heavily like with PS Plus should aim for the 64GB card which is $90 on Amazon and eBay.

you won't be able to find good deals on ps vita/tv memory cards any time soon.  the cheapest for a 32GB should be $40 but that was during black friday.  the most recent deal on the memory cards were at target.  i assume they were getting rid of them so people were able to snag 16GB for about $15.  i snagged 3 16GB for $8 each

Its not much hassle to switch between memory cards as all you have to do is turn off the system, switch the cards and then boot it up again to avoid corrupting any data. Really the amount of data you need depends if you plan on downloading games more than buying the game cartridges. Like if you have PS Plus then I would strongly recommend you get a larger Memory card. Buying a memory card right now can be a bit pricey though. 

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