PS3 60gb available at, Non Bundle


Seems like the 60gb PS3 is available for online order at Best Buy. And it's not a bundle either. Saw it on fatwallet, figured I'd repost it here for anyone who wants one.

On the brighter side of things, Sony and other studios do have quite a few BluRays coming out soon. I guess they were all waiting for the ps3 to launch. Let's see how they do in these coming months.
I have a $100 gift card to BB, and another $300 in cash... I already have a Wii60, but am getting a PS3 for some of the exclusives (will that be a PSWii60?). I can't go without FFXIII, White Knight, and a couple others. Those 2 games alone are worth it to me.

Are there any coupons for BB that could get the system to be a little more reasonable in price (I'm going with the 60gb option, since I'm a Linux geek)? I heard a rumor once that BB would accept CC coupons... I doubt it, but if I could use that $40 off coupon, that'd be nice.
[quote name='Omatsei']I have a $100 gift card to BB, and another $300 in cash... I already have a Wii60, but am getting a PS3 for some of the exclusives (will that be a PSWii60?). I can't go without FFXIII, White Knight, and a couple others. Those 2 games alone are worth it to me.

Are there any coupons for BB that could get the system to be a little more reasonable in price (I'm going with the 60gb option, since I'm a Linux geek)? I heard a rumor once that BB would accept CC coupons... I doubt it, but if I could use that $40 off coupon, that'd be nice.[/QUOTE]

If you have reward zone(free) then buy the console is automatically a $10 GC, that's something I guess.
This is pretty bad for Sony. I hit up the local Meijer and K-Mart and both had 6 PS3s on the shelf. I went back today (still trying to find LoZ:TP for the Gamecube) and they were still there. Twelve PS3s and nobody wants them. Meanwhile I have yet to even see a Wii on any store shelf. I don't even know what the box looks like, lol. Most I've seen were the firstparty SD Cards and a Classic Controller. Everything else is just empty shelves.
I've seen no less than 4 PS3's in every store I've been in the past week. Not one Wii, and even 360's are a little low in stock. I can't recall seeing anyone at the PS3 kiosks either. Not looking good for them. Too high a price without a steller line-up. Wii is smoking and is THE thing to get right now, Gears is pushing the 360, and when Halo 3 comes out, along with Mario, Metroid, and Smash Bros for the Wii, it's going to be hard for Sony to gain much momentum. If MGS4 goes multiplatform like the rumors are stating, then they're in huge trouble.
[quote name='JohnnyDrama']Maybe it's still in stock online, but I doubt I'll find one instore (if I was looking for one).[/quote]

Then you wouldn't be looking very hard.
If the majority of interest in the PS3 is now gone when do you guys think we'll start seeing price cuts? I'm thinking by the summer, maybe the spring if things are going badly enough.
personally, i don't see how they can do price cuts when they're already selling at a 300 dollar loss...they cut the price and sell for an additional 100 dollar loss? that adds up fairly quickly (i'm obviously discounting the fact that the price for the parts to make it will decrease also). Its just not economically viable [but then again, us not buying the ps3 must be killing sony in the face]
[quote name='Collectordragon']If the majority of interest in the PS3 is now gone when do you guys think we'll start seeing price cuts? I'm thinking by the summer, maybe the spring if things are going badly enough.[/quote]

Nah, Sony's already losing enough $$$ on each system, they'll have incentives like a free game or giftcards before a straight up price cut and I doubt that will happen until next Christmas season. Sales WILL pick up once more quality games come out.
I agree that sales will pick up. But, is the difference between a 360 and PS3 big enough to convince consumer's to buy a PS3? There is no doubt, if you want a family friendly console, then the Wii is the way to go. Nintendo has the hot hand right now, but can they keep it? Another thing to consider is, you can't find DS Lites in stock at many places. Nintendo is RED HOT!!:hot:
I think if they include the new Tekken 5 game up for download and that new Gran Turismo HD concept (a free download I think) they would probably draw a lot more attention.
not looking hard? bs, i have been at a target, circuit city and best buy in the past day and none of them had a PS3 (or wii for that matter) in stock. I'm not actgively looking but that's three different chains in the same area sold out.

it's right though, the PS3 technically does suck right now, but not that much more than the other systems, with the exception of gears of war (and i guess oblivion) there seems to be no next gen killer aps out, but i tell you this much, the PS3 appears to have the most killer apps coming out in the future.
[quote name='forgrim']personally, i don't see how they can do price cuts when they're already selling at a 300 dollar loss...they cut the price and sell for an additional 100 dollar loss? that adds up fairly quickly (i'm obviously discounting the fact that the price for the parts to make it will decrease also). Its just not economically viable [but then again, us not buying the ps3 must be killing sony in the face][/QUOTE]

Sony wouldn't be doing the price cuts I'm talking about the stores. If in six months there are piles of PS3s sitting in stores collecting dust the stores will start to lower the price to free up space.
[quote name='Collectordragon']Sony wouldn't be doing the price cuts I'm talking about the stores. If in six months there are piles of PS3s sitting in stores collecting dust the stores will start to lower the price to free up space.[/quote]While things aren't flying off the shelves right now, I don't think it'll get that bad. Once some software that is worthwhile hits this Spring / Summer things'll pick up. They're not making them fast enough to pile up that much.
[quote name='spincut']not looking hard? bs, i have been at a target, circuit city and best buy in the past day and none of them had a PS3 (or wii for that matter) in stock. I'm not actgively looking but that's three different chains in the same area sold out.

it's right though, the PS3 technically does suck right now, but not that much more than the other systems, with the exception of gears of war (and i guess oblivion) there seems to be no next gen killer aps out, but i tell you this much, the PS3 appears to have the most killer apps coming out in the future.[/quote]

On that note - I think the negative press for no longer "flying off of shelves" is being blown way out of proportion, as well as the impression that your average joe is not interested in the PS3. I live in Los Angeles and frequent various game shops within 100 miles of my place(from large to small - Fry's to local dealers) and have yet to see a non-bundle PS3 for sale. I've asked plenty of non-gamers the impressions they get from all three systems and PS3 always comes out favorable. Only those who have been listening closely to the sony fuckups over the past year are super bitter about the PS3.

In bumfuck Indiana I could see them piling up - but in major cities? I have not found it to be the case. Remember, we (hardcore gamers) are an extremely tiny portion of the people who buy games.

Either way, I'm excited to see great games come out on the Wii, 360, and PS3. Not to mention the DS and PSP.
Consider MSRP of Premium 360 + HD DVD = 399 + 199 = 598

MSRP PS3 w/ Blu-Ray, wifi and bigger HD = 599.

Pretty equal value for either or.

Of course HD DVD is selling so much better than bluray... =P
[quote name='daroga']While things aren't flying off the shelves right now, I don't think it'll get that bad. Once some software that is worthwhile hits this Spring / Summer things'll pick up. They're not making them fast enough to pile up that much.[/QUOTE]

That's why I said if.
If Microsoft is smart they will drop the price of the 360 ASAP. They have the opportunity to really gain some marketshare, they just need to be aggressive while Sony is weak.
What I want to know is, how many PS3s is Sony pushing out of the factory now? If they really have resolved their manufacturing problems as they said, a lot of this can be attributed to simply having more stock available. But I doubt that they are producing more units than Nintendo is producing Wiis, and the Wii does appear to be harder to find than the PS3 now. So certainly the price and the lack of a killer app is hurting them.
[quote name='Layd Dly']i would buy one purely for the blu-ray, [/quote]

Why? Ill wait until something wins out. As far as anyone know blu-ray could be the next Beta max or laser disc. To early to tell who will win, and why pay the extra for a component that will be no good if it does not win. If blu ray does not win and HD does you no longer can watch movies on it.
There's no way they have that many in stock. Remeber before the launch when thousands of people ordered one from BB and then they cancelled all the orders, saying they didn't actually have them in stock?
[quote name='nathansu']On that note - I think the negative press for no longer "flying off of shelves" is being blown way out of proportion, as well as the impression that your average joe is not interested in the PS3. I live in Los Angeles and frequent various game shops within 100 miles of my place(from large to small - Fry's to local dealers) and have yet to see a non-bundle PS3 for sale. I've asked plenty of non-gamers the impressions they get from all three systems and PS3 always comes out favorable. Only those who have been listening closely to the sony fuckups over the past year are super bitter about the PS3.

In bumfuck Indiana I could see them piling up - but in major cities? I have not found it to be the case. Remember, we (hardcore gamers) are an extremely tiny portion of the people who buy games.

Either way, I'm excited to see great games come out on the Wii, 360, and PS3. Not to mention the DS and PSP.[/QUOTE]

I've actually experienced the opposite in talking with the non-gamers I know: they all think the PS3 is too expensive, some have actually heard the bad press about the drop in demand and aren't surprised, and most think the Wii is more fun. I've found that the PlayStation brandname remains strong in their minds but the Wii is definitely the new concept that they're associating with video games. Whether it sticks is something I'll be very interested to see.

By the way, I'm in and around the Los Angeles area, too --mostly the west and north areas of the County-- and I've seen a fair share of non-bundle PS3s in stores for the past week. I've passed by available PS3s four times already, which is definitely four times more than I expected.
[quote name='Collectordragon']If the majority of interest in the PS3 is now gone when do you guys think we'll start seeing price cuts? I'm thinking by the summer, maybe the spring if things are going badly enough.[/quote]

It could happen by summer, theoretically. We're only paying out the nose now because of the early-adopter premium for Blu-Ray. By summer, the drives might have enough of an installed userbase (in total, the console itself and both firstparty and thirdparty set-top boxes) to warrant a PS3 pricecut.
[quote name='Dkellar']This is still instock? Wow...[/quote]

I'm surprised too, but I have a feeling that it might be a glitch... Hopefully it isn't for the sake of the CAGers who jumped on this.
[quote name='rapsodist']I've actually experienced the opposite in talking with the non-gamers I know: they all think the PS3 is too expensive, some have actually heard the bad press about the drop in demand and aren't surprised, and most think the Wii is more fun. I've found that the PlayStation brandname remains strong in their minds but the Wii is definitely the new concept that they're associating with video games. Whether it sticks is something I'll be very interested to see.

By the way, I'm in and around the Los Angeles area, too --mostly the west and north areas of the County-- and I've seen a fair share of non-bundle PS3s in stores for the past week. I've passed by available PS3s four times already, which is definitely four times more than I expected.[/QUOTE]

yeah but alot of these are the same people that "oohed and ahhed" at mere videos of the kitchy wii gameplay without actually using it to see if it made sense. I was at E3 and got to play both before launch and it was obvious that people were easily swayed into their preferences by sonys price and the cool look of the wii gameplay, but werent really concerned with how well the concept was implemented, simply wagging the finger at Sony, first for the price, then the Controller concept being "copied" not really caring if games and gameplay would be better.

Not that the wii wont be good but i was wondering everyone felt all the fuss was about after actually being able to play the rather lackluster and forced on controls through the sports pack and zelda, and then i realized, people didn't need to play it, it almost was better if you hadn't.

Maybe Sony needs a price cut (and it's killer apps) just to get the exposure it needs, but despite strong sales, i'm not sure the Wii is as hot as people think, it's game all are suffering from a rather forced control scheme that doesnt always make alot of sense, whereas the PS3 at least as a more either or situation (but worked wonderfully with Warhawk when i last tried it).
[quote name='Collectordragon']If the majority of interest in the PS3 is now gone when do you guys think we'll start seeing price cuts? I'm thinking by the summer, maybe the spring if things are going badly enough.[/QUOTE]

They are losing over $200 per unit. There will be no price cuts for at least a year.
[quote name='Indiana']They are losing over $200 per unit. There will be no price cuts for at least a year.[/QUOTE]

Like I said I was talking about retailers cutting the price, not Sony.
[quote name='nathansu']On that note - I think the negative press for no longer "flying off of shelves" is being blown way out of proportion, as well as the impression that your average joe is not interested in the PS3. I live in Los Angeles and frequent various game shops within 100 miles of my place(from large to small - Fry's to local dealers) and have yet to see a non-bundle PS3 for sale. I've asked plenty of non-gamers the impressions they get from all three systems and PS3 always comes out favorable. Only those who have been listening closely to the sony fuckups over the past year are super bitter about the PS3.

In bumfuck Indiana I could see them piling up - but in major cities? I have not found it to be the case. Remember, we (hardcore gamers) are an extremely tiny portion of the people who buy games.

Either way, I'm excited to see great games come out on the Wii, 360, and PS3. Not to mention the DS and PSP.[/QUOTE]

I live in Indianapolis population 1 million. Yes it's not LA but I'm not in the middle of no where. The Wii is the hot item apparently. Had the Wii not launched at the same time as the PS3 this system would probably still be impossible to find. It appears that everyone wants a Wii and I have never seen one in a store.
[quote name='Collectordragon']Like I said I was talking about retailers cutting the price, not Sony.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately retailers won't cut the price. They will just cut their orders from Sony. The systems are not going to arrive and stack up that quick. Retailers make little profit on the system, and taking a loss on each unit only happens when the system is dead (Dreamcast). I expect Sony will package in a game in 6 months of sales are really that bad.

The reality is as soon as a Final Fantasy game comes out fanboys will buy out all the PS3s.
Wow at still being available. I'd always assumed MS would cut their price when PS3 began becoming readily available in Spring. Constant sightings, Ebay prices (the truest indicator of demand), and if those 750,000 shipped through 12/25 are correct... maybe there won't be the Spring price war I was anticipating:(
Another reason this is still in stock is why pay shipping for this when you can most likely go to a store and get one. Dont want to pay anymore than you have to.
If you're in the Chattanooga TN area, you can pretty much get one anywhere. They had 3 60gb and 1 20gb at TRU last nite. Walmart has a glass case full of both 60 and 20, and that's pretty much the story everywhere else as well.
[quote name='addicted2games']Another reason this is still in stock is why pay shipping for this when you can most likely go to a store and get one. Dont want to pay anymore than you have to.[/QUOTE]

True. But unless your BB has one locally, the shipping is so cheap you can make up the difference with the Reward Zone Points your earn (And who doesn't belong to that now? You can sign-up online. It's free. And if you try checking out instore without it, they aren't thrilled if you decline the offer... which is why I eventually relented.)

EDIT: I haven't gone shopping in a couple weeks. So if everystore is flooded like some posters area's, I guess it makes sense to just buy locally.
bread's done