Ps3 - alternative to a laptop? (stupid f'n idea?)


Hi there,

I was hoping to bounce an idea off of you. Bear with me.

I may be moving across the world in a few months (NZ to UK*) and have been recently been thinking about the fact i will need to sell my PC rig to get a laptop.

Currently i have a pretty decent pc, which i only use to: Play Team Fortress 2 online, surf the net, listen to mp3's, watch the odd tv show. In other words its surplus to my requirements but oh so sweet.

But i was going to sell this along with my 360, dvd system and tv. Leaving me with a laptop i could use to surf the net (number one priority), listen to music and maybe play the odd game like tf2.

BUT... i really want to keep my 22" widescreen monitor and take it with me.

so (here's where i get a bit crazy) what if i get a ps3 instead?


It has a internet browser right? And i have usb wireless keyboards and mice (m$ brand)

I would replace the hdd with a 320gig drive to fit all my music

And the bonus would be i have games to play (even if Orange Box is a bit glitchy i still have GTA4 :D).

Oh yeah, plus a blu-ray player i never had before.

I'd use the money from selling my 360 alone to buy the ps3, meaning the rest of my stuff is sold for savings (decent laptops cost more than ps3's here in NZ)


It would weigh 2.5kgs more than a laptop (ps3=5kgs?), so that's a negative.

Is it actually a pretty shitty replacement to a laptop?
- couldn't use msn web browser?
- internet browser is ridiculously slow/ gimped?

HDMI - DVI cables are glitchy and wouldn't be compatible with my monitor???

Can't copy music over to my ipod?

Linux? hahahahaha... no seriously, i have no idea what i'm doing there. Is that an option?

So yeah,

I have had no experience with the pc like features of a ps3, so is this a really stupid idea?

P.s. In terms of gaming I have been thinking of getting a ps3 lately, especially since my 360 Red Ring'd on me.

*or maybe Japan, or maybe Canada at the end of the year
The PS3 does have a web browser, but the memory of the PS3 is only 256 so the browser crashes alot especially on sites that have lots of plugins. But yeah it's a good overall media center.
Get a laptop. The PS3's default webbrowser is fine for doing normal looking at pictures and stuff, but it's not up to serious browsing. I also don't think you'll be able to synch/copy files to any kind of MP3 player without installing Linux on the PS3.
Get a laptop. The PS3's web browser is not designed for extensive browsing use. It's a fun gimmick but it is not going to do what you want. You can keep your 22" monitor and connect your laptop to it. If you want to take your music with you, the PS3 is not a good music player either.

Linux is installable on a PS3 but I have no idea how good it is.
linux on the ps3 is limited by the 256 of main ram and lack of direct access to the gpu. You can run firefox, openoffice and such. The cpu isn't blazingly fast either but instead strives on multiple threads. It gets stuff done, but nothing too great. The amount of apps is limited as well because it isn't a x86 architecture.
bread's done