PS3 Controller Scrapped!

[quote name='klwillis45']$100 says a 3rd party makes the boomerang controller. Another $100 says its Mad Catz.[/quote]LMAO and QFT
[quote name='Quackzilla']Immersion has a patent on a particular type of force feedback used for controllers.

They sued all three console companies. Microsoft and Nintendo settled out of court and Sony fought (and lost).

Yeah, the US patent system sucks. Nothing you can do about it, though.[/QUOTE]

Didn't Microsoft buy something like 50% of the company awhile back?

I remember reading about that awhile back.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Immersion has a patent on a particular type of force feedback used for controllers.

They sued all three console companies. Microsoft and Nintendo settled out of court and Sony fought (and lost).

Yeah, the US patent system sucks. Nothing you can do about it, though.[/QUOTE]

I don't think Nintendo was sued. From what I've read they use a different type of force feedback then what immersion patented.
Introducing the DualShock3:

[quote name='encendido5']Uh... so what's the difference?[/QUOTE]

Wireless. USB Port. Ripped Off guide button from X360

Thats all I can tell.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Wireless. USB Port. Ripped Off guide button from X360

Thats all I can tell.[/QUOTE]
Another ripoff from the Xbox360 is the L2+R2 buttons are triggers now.
[quote name='flashburn']Another ripoff from the Xbox360 is the L2+R2 buttons are triggers now.[/quote]

Actually if MS ripped the should buttons from anything, it was the Gamecube Wavebird, not the Dual Shock or Dual Shock 2.
Now it has motion sensing capabilities...who would have guessed it?

But I'm not so upset, as it's clear validation of Nintendo's new controller. What some people would call as a gimmic has been unashamedly taken in by the competition.

So MS is the only one w/o such capabilities. Think they'll release Controller V.2 with it? It'd suck to have to buy new sets when the originals already cost so much.
[quote name='Stuka']Actually if MS ripped the should buttons from anything, it was the Gamecube Wavebird, not the Dual Shock or Dual Shock 2.[/QUOTE]
Do you want to try that statement again? It doesn't make any sense. The original Xbox had trigger buttons (along with the GameCube). The PS3 is the first Sony system to have triggers (versus just 4 shoulder buttons). Between the 2 trigger/ 2 shoulder button combination and the "PS" button, these controllers are incredibly similar. Not to mention Sony ripping off Nintendo and adding motion sensors.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Now it has motion sensing capabilities...who would have guessed it?

But I'm not so upset, as it's clear validation of Nintendo's new controller. What some people would call as a gimmic has been unashamedly taken in by the competition.

So MS is the only one w/o such capabilities. Think they'll release Controller V.2 with it? It'd suck to have to buy new sets when the originals already cost so much.[/quote]

i think the motion sensor capacity can/should be easily added via the port on top of the wireless 360 controller for first gen controller and bundle newer consoles with all the V.2 controllers

and then there you go, all 3 consoles with motion sensing capabilities
Wait, so can it sense depth as well? Like if you move foward and backwards? Or is it only tilting?

'Cause if it's only tilting, then it's only an imitation and nothing more.
I personally like the new PS3 controller. Its basically the PS2 controller (best controller ever IMO) with motion sensing and that guide button. Whats not to like? I dont give a damn that they "copied" Nintendo. FYI, nintendo isnt the first company to ever use motion sensing in games. I'm not losing anything by them "copying" Nintendo, and neither is anyone else so I dont know what the big deal is.

EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound like a fanboy, but its annoying hearing everyone say "OMG, SONY copied teh Nintendoz"
Sony did copy Nintendo, and you are a fanboy.

The graphics look like shit, everything Sony says is shit, and it will be expensive shit at that.
[quote name='whoknows']

EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound like a fanboy, but its annoying hearing everyone say "OMG, SONY copied teh Nintendoz"[/QUOTE]

That's because... it's true.

Seriously, Sony made fun of Nintendo and didn't even consider them competition and now they're calling their motion sensing technology 'new'?

And what other company tried this on their console?:whistle2:k I know there were PC mice/controllers that had the feature but nothing to the potential of Nintendo's.
[quote name='Vinny']That's because... it's true.

Seriously, Sony made fun of Nintendo and didn't even consider them competition and now they're calling their motion sensing technology 'new'?

And what other company tried this on their console?:whistle2:k I know there were PC mice/controllers that had the feature but nothing to the potential of Nintendo's.[/QUOTE]
Nothing really amazing has been shown with the Wii controller yet. So far everything I have seen makes it look like a Resident Evil Dead Aim with Guncon type of experience.
[quote name='whoknows']Nothing really amazing has been shown with the Wii controller yet. So far everything I have seen makes it look like a Resident Evil Dead Aim with Guncon type of experience.[/quote]

That's what tomorrow is for, my friend.

And as for Sony copying Nintendo's controller, do you think the DualShock3 (or whatever the hell it is called) would have had motion sensing if the Wii controller had not been announced until this E3? Be honest with yourself.
[quote name='David85']Sony did copy Nintendo, and you are a fanboy.

The graphics look like shit, everything Sony says is shit, and it will be expensive shit at that.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='whoknows']Nothing really amazing has been shown with the Wii controller yet. So far everything I have seen makes it look like a Resident Evil Dead Aim with Guncon type of experience.[/QUOTE]

Just because we haven't seen anything doesn't mean the games arn't already out there. Check the Wii boards for a Times article about a highly likely non-gamer having a blast w/ the new controller.

Nintendo is taking old technology and applying it in such a way that it could be higly accepted and thus a success. In my book - that's called innovation.

What Sony did is a knee-jerk reaction to try and steal some of Nintendo's thunder. But as it cannot sense depth, it's only a immitation.

I am glad Nintendo is saving their big secret for tomorrow. I am hoping it focuses more on the Wii itself than on any potential functionality between it and the DS - they wouldn't need to hide something like that from Sony and MS IMO. Gotta be something so big that Nintendo can't risk anyone knowing so earl as to retrofit their consoles.
For those of you who are saying Sony ripped off features from Microsoft and Nintendo to improve their own controller - are you actually complaining?

I'm not saying I disagree with you, the opposite actually. I think it is obvious Sony took the guide button from MS and the motion sensor from the Wii. But what I don't understand is why a lot of you guys sound disappointed.

When I eventually snag a PS3 (sometime in 2008 / whenever it drops significantly in price) I would hope that it has a guide button similar to the 360's. While I don't know how useful it will be with the PS3's OS, the capability of shutting down the console remotely is kick ass. Additionally, I have no clue how the motion sensor will work in games, but I'm hoping that however it is used - it will be used well.

Innovation is something the gaming industry needs to survive. A lot of times innovation comes from combining great ideas into one unit.
[quote name='Swift900']Innovation is something the gaming industry needs to survive. A lot of times innovation comes from combining great ideas into one unit.[/quote]

Agreed. But it's not innovation when you steal it from someone else. It's lazy.
[quote name='Ecofreak']What does the 360's "guide" button do?[/quote]
It's pretty much like being at the console menu (The one you get before you put in the game) but in the actual game any time you want. You can also turn off the controller/system from the guide too.
Even though I will most likely get a PS3 since I'm a game addict, some of the shit Sony does just pisses me off.

Basically they just took their dual shock controller and added pieces from the 360 controller and the Wii control and call it their masterful new experience.

I can just see it now ... "The NEW Dual Shock 3 Controller featuring the exclusive Sony Guide button and revolutionary Sonii Motion Technology."

This kind of crap along with comments like "It's not next gen till we say it is" are utter bullshit.

You'll still get my money Sony, but I hope you rot in hell with it.
the whole thing is that it looks like a cheap, half assed and hastily thrown together imitation. It was a knee jerk reaction to Nintendo, that was put together in less than a year. Nintendo has probably invested a few years and a lot more money in R+D. Sony's controller is just awkward looking.

I mean, he was pressing the button to shoot and the plane was wobbling all over the place. he didn't fly steady the whole time, then couldn't land.
[quote name='David85']Sony did copy Nintendo, and you are a fanboy.

The graphics look like shit, everything Sony says is shit, and it will be expensive shit at that.[/QUOTE]
Actually anyone who is complaining about it is a fanboy. No one is losing anything by Sony having more stuff in their console, so I dont see what the big deal is.
[quote name='whoknows']Actually anyone who is complaining about it is a fanboy. No one is losing anything by Sony having more stuff in their console, so I dont see what the big deal is.[/QUOTE]

actually, I got the aids from watching sony's presentation.

I hope they can make good use of it. but as of now, i'm not convinced.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Or envy. Kinda dumb to bad mouth the competition and "borrow" their ideas.

It is clearly just an imitation and not a serious, console-selling feature. Someone earlier mentioned pressure sensitive buttons. Yeah, I think that's an accurate comparison.
[quote name='Krueger']Motion Sensor Technology! Innovative since Kirby Tilt and Tumble!! Ooh, aah!!!!


I know, and even that game had 3 dimensional movement.
[quote name='whoknows']Actually anyone who is complaining about it is a fanboy. No one is losing anything by Sony having more stuff in their console, so I dont see what the big deal is.[/QUOTE]

This is essentially the same point I was trying to get across a few threads up. It's nice to be reminded that there are other, "sound minded" individuals on these boards.
Maybe this has already been addressed (only read the first page) but i though Sony was under fire for their "dual shock" controller, specificallly the vibration aspect.
Has that suit been settled? Or is it still up in the air.

By the way, i cant stand the PS2 controller. Just cant get used to the analog sticks, even after all these years. I always find myself using the craptacular d-pad.
my only problem is that the controller no longer have vibration function. You win, M$ and Immersion, by taking us back to the stone age,
Wasn't PS3 supposed to be able to support six players?I noticed that there are only four of those light things(what ever you call them) on top of the controller.
From what I hear, the new controller has only the ability to sense tilting, which I'm pretty disappointed about. I have three PC controllers that I got more than five years ago that were $5 each that have the same tilt function. It works... but I would never prefer the tilt function over the D pad when I used to use it. I hope the games for PS3 find a way to use it well...
[quote name='motorkill']Wasn't PS3 supposed to be able to support six players?I noticed that there are only four of those light things(what ever you call them) on top of the controller.[/QUOTE]

Your right! WTF?
[quote name='flashburn']Another ripoff from the Xbox360 is the L2+R2 buttons are triggers now.[/QUOTE]

I'm confused by this, wtf are L2+R2 trigger buttons?
[quote name='motorkill']Wasn't PS3 supposed to be able to support six players?I noticed that there are only four of those light things(what ever you call them) on top of the controller.[/QUOTE]

They actually said 7 at the press conference if I'm not mistaken. Maybe more on the back? Or different colors in the LEDs? The hell if I know.
[quote name='whoknows']Actually anyone who is complaining about it is a fanboy. No one is losing anything by Sony having more stuff in their console, so I dont see what the big deal is.[/quote] It seems as if anybody voicing their opinion these days is considered a fanboy.

I agree, however, that even though what Sony did was a blatant rip-off of Microsoft and Nintendo, I really don't see how that can do anything but help us gamers. The guide button is amazing, and I think that every controller from here on out should come standard with something like it.

The only thing that bothers me here is the way Sony treated Nintendo, and then they go and rip off the controller they were bashing. If that's not desperation, I don't know what is.
[quote name='62t']my only problem is that the controller no longer have vibration function. You win, M$ and Immersion, by taking us back to the stone age,[/QUOTE]

Oh wow, Vibration!

Surely now M$ has the upper hand, not because of a ridiculous price point, dissapointing graphics, or a general "steal all the good ideas becasue we couldn't come up with anything better" mentallity, but because they stole vibration away from Sony.

Seriously, I could care less about virbration, or Sony (now), for that matter.
[quote name='gokou36']I'm confused by this, wtf are L2+R2 trigger buttons?[/QUOTE]
The L2 and R2 shoulder buttons are triggers now, though not really all that similar to the 360's triggers. They're just analog shoulder buttons now.
[quote name='David85']Sony did copy Nintendo, and you are a fanboy.

The graphics look like shit, everything Sony says is shit, and it will be expensive shit at that.[/QUOTE]

so what aspects of the motion sensitivity will we see in games? how will it work?
Apparently you can tilt the controller to move stuff in "Warhawk". That's about it. Seriously- just that. Absolutely nothing else.
Just for the record, it looks like the original boomerang controller did have the guide like button that they "stole" from Microsoft. So...Sony didnt just recently "steal" it if they did at all. They could have had it long before MS but people seem to not care since the 360 is already out...
[quote name='djkunai']Apparently you can tilt the controller to move stuff in "Warhawk". That's about it. Seriously- just that. Absolutely nothing else.[/QUOTE]
You maneuver the ship with the motion sensor. What more could you do with a flight game?

[quote name='whoknows']Just for the record, it looks like the original boomerang controller did have the guide like button that they "stole" from Microsoft. So...Sony didnt just recently "steal" it if they did at all. They could have had it long before MS but people seem to not care since the 360 is already out...[/QUOTE]
And Sony was considering motion sensors in their PSP at one point, but decided to let it go for the time being.
[quote name='Swift900']This is essentially the same point I was trying to get across a few threads up. It's nice to be reminded that there are other, "sound minded" individuals on these boards.[/QUOTE]

count me in for the same arguement
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']You maneuver the ship with the motion sensor. What more could you do with a flight game?

And Sony was considering motion sensors in their PSP at one point, but decided to let it go for the time being.[/QUOTE]

I believe the motion sensor will be coming with Mercury was supposed to be out with the first one but never was....
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']You maneuver the ship with the motion sensor. What more could you do with a flight game?

And Sony was considering motion sensors in their PSP at one point, but decided to let it go for the time being.[/QUOTE]

They have also already patented matrix like plug ins for video games... So if and when that ever comes out they will be the ones being copied!!
bread's done