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Is there any reason why game updates are so huge and not optimized for easier installs? I just noticed this initially with PAIN which took me nearly 10 minutes to update. There was one update after another that needed to be downloaded, not to mention that there's a separate wait to install them. Then I read (not sure of the validity of this) that an update to Kane and Lynch takes up a whopping 500MB and even more time to install.

What exactly is the difference between updates on Sony's machine and the 360 that makes the latter seem far more optimized. I've yet to download an update for the 360 that takes longer than a few minutes, if that, to both download and install.
The one thing the PS3 does better with that is actually let you back up the patches (I guess) whereas that's all hidden so in the future if the patch server's down you're out of luck. So long term it's probably better.

But...yeah, it's weird how you have to install stuff on the PS3, and that update process was slow. I downloaded Pain, installed, then it found and update which seemed to download the entire thing again, then installed again, then did some more patching. Terrible game IMO on top of that.
I just got the Warhawk headset and I can't get it to work. I charged it for the 2-hours and I join games that say voice enabled. I don't know how to get it to work, any help?
If you are using the optical digital out on the PS3 to your A/V receiver, is it possible to get Dolby Digital EX (6.1) as the sound format?
Friend of mine called me yesterday and said his PS3 took a shit on him. I haven't had a chance to tinker with it myself, but he said it powers on and he can use the XMB but it won't play games or DVDs (he doesn't use it with internet at all).

Not sure what else could be wrong since when I went to see him he said he downloaded an update and that didn't help, so he was formatting it when I was over. Anyone have this happen? I know it's hard to tell with so little information, but he's the type of guy who will be pissed and go out and just buy a new one in the next day or two if he can't get it working. (Probably wouldn't wait to send it in and get it back).

For what it's worth, it was an 80gb w/ Motorstorm packed in. I would think he uses it sparingly since he works something like 65-80 hours a week and still shows his face in public, so I'm not sure if overuse was a problem.
If everything still functions except for anything that he puts in the drive, then I would guess the Blu Ray Drive crapped out. Would be one of the more common things that kill the PS3.
The console isn't bricked, just that the blu-ray disc diode is either too dirty or it died. Since it's an 80GB MotorStorm bundle console, it should still be in warranty if he has the receipt (it didn't come until August of last year).

Brick is when you download a firmware or install some software that causes the XMB even to no longer function.
He can also try blowing compressed air on his system, and maybe into the disc drive to dislodge dust that may be blocking the drive laser.
Does anyone have an answer for these questions for me:

1. How hot does the PS3 run? I ask because just before I shut mine down about 20 minutes ago(after playing it for 3-5 hours), I ended up touching the top of the PS3 by the 'chrome' over the disc slot and the plastic above the disc slot was warm. Is that normal after extended use? I also noticed that the bottom part of the PS3's case(on the right hand side if viewing it from the front) gets VERY warm after even just 30 minutes. Normal as well, I assume?

2. I also have been having a problem with the triangle button function cutting out, while the rest of the controller buttons stay normal while in a game. Specifically I noticed it in GTA IV while playing online. Normal to occasionally have one or two buttons not be recognized for a bit and have to resynch the controller to the system?

Thanks for all of the help in advance....
Yeah, I went upstairs (they live 7 floors above us in our building) and had him download 2.42 but still no success. Everything functions fine but the disc drive won't read the disc (even though the blue led light comes on). A quick google of "ps3 disc won't read" revealed that it has to be sent in.

I told him just to give them a call since it doesn't seem to be fixable. In the meantime I downloaded a copy of PJM for him so that he didn't end up throwing it out the window before he called :D
^ My ps3 is cool to the touch but it pumps out the heat like opening an oven door. It seriously raises the temperature of the room its in by 5 degrees when it's on for more than 30 minutes.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Does anyone have an answer for these questions for me:

1. How hot does the PS3 run? I ask because just before I shut mine down about 20 minutes ago(after playing it for 3-5 hours), I ended up touching the top of the PS3 by the 'chrome' over the disc slot and the plastic above the disc slot was warm. Is that normal after extended use? I also noticed that the bottom part of the PS3's case(on the right hand side if viewing it from the front) gets VERY warm after even just 30 minutes. Normal as well, I assume?[/quote]

I think that sounds normal. My MGS4 80GB unit gets hot on the "top/underside" and probably in a few other places after it's been on a while. It seems to pump heat out pretty well though (and I've noticed discs stay cool...unlike my 360).

2. I also have been having a problem with the triangle button function cutting out, while the rest of the controller buttons stay normal while in a game. Specifically I noticed it in GTA IV while playing online. Normal to occasionally have one or two buttons not be recognized for a bit and have to resynch the controller to the system?

I've had no problems with the controller (Dual Shock 3), but I've never used it wirelessly so that could be why.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Maklershed']^ My ps3 is cool to the touch but it pumps out the heat like opening an oven door. It seriously raises the temperature of the room its in by 5 degrees when it's on for more than 30 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'll have my door shut and my computer and PS3 running, and it's MUCH hotter in there than in the rest of the house. During the winter it'll be good I guess!

I do seriously wonder how efficient it is to heat by your PC and console? Like can I get away with just leaving my PC/PS3 running Folding @ Home during the winter and the heat they produce will cost about the same as if my furnace is doing it? I have no idea.
this happened to me. everything seemed to be working fine except for the disc drive. it wouldn't even spin up when i put a disc in there.

i had to spend 15-20 mins on the phone describing it to the customer service rep. the rep had me try a handful of things, to verify that it's not working, and then he had a box shipped out so i could send the PS3 back to Sony. from the time i sent the box in, i'd say it took about 2 weeks or so to get the fixed unit back. annoying, but still pretty good CS when it came down to it.

a buddy of mine said that he had a similar problem, and claimed he got his PS3 back within a week, so i think the turnaround times vary, but he should expect to be down for about 2-3 weeks.
[quote name='Maklershed']Have you synced it to your ps3 unit yet D_Icon?

If not, there are instructions in your jabra headset manual on how to do that.[/QUOTE]

got it man, thanks. Im a noob with these things.
[quote name='chakan']I hope that never happens to my 60 gig. Good luck to your friend.[/quote]

x2 with my 20 gig... I would be devastated
When you back up all your files is it in a completely uncompressed state? Or is there some compression that goes on with it to make it a smaller file size? Also here's one question that really is important. IF I bought a few episodes from the playstation video store, and I do a backup. Does it backup those items too? The faq on the PSN store says you can't copy them to memory sticks, but you can copy them to the PSP. BUT one of the things about the PS backup is that there's an option to back up everything. Will those MNV video files also be part of the backup?
[quote name='Wolfpup']I think that sounds normal. My MGS4 80GB unit gets hot on the "top/underside" and probably in a few other places after it's been on a while. It seems to pump heat out pretty well though (and I've noticed discs stay cool...unlike my 360).[/quote]

I've noticed that after an extended gaming session(like last night when I did the update before playing anything)the disc is even warm when it comes out of the PS3.

The update thing started around 10:20 pm and I ended up playing the system itself till about 3-3:30 am, though I've gone as late as 4-4:30am after turning it on at 10 pm before too.
I keep the PS3 out in the open in front of the TV set standing up on the cool tile floor and on a relatively cool basement. The only place that it feels hot is from where all the cables plug in to. My discs have always been warm after playing for a while though.
I think my PS3 bricked. It's a 20GB PS3. I was playing Super Stardust HD when the game froze so I turned the system off. Now, when I turn the system on, weird shit happens. I am using a 120GB HDD, so someone told me to try using the 20GB HDD that came with it. That worked for a bit, but then it did it again. I put my 120GB HDD back in and it was working. I bought Eden for my gameshare group, then while downloading the game, it did it again. When I powered it back on, it was still acting weird. I took out the hard drive and it did it without the HDD was in, so it's not a HDD issue. I have FW 2.42.

I'm uploading a video of what happened, because I know this doesn't make much sense.

Edit: Here's the video
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I am curious how it's going to do in the winter-whether it'll be quieter.

I'd really wish someone knew if it made any financial sense to just leave a computer and PS3 running 24/7 during the winter running Folding, with the idea that they'd be generating heat that would help the furnace run less, and doing something useful at the same time. I'd assume they're somehow less efficient than a furnace, but have no idea (and I've got a gas furnace which further complicates things).
[quote name='the3rdkey']I would back up all your saves and reformat.[/quote]

He tried a entirely different hard drive and it still happened again. Ontop of that, he tried it without a hard drive and it still did the same.
Yeah, it's not a HDD issue, but looks to be more like either the firmware or the hardware which probably requires you to send it to Sony in either case.
I got Sonic the hedgehog for the PS3 today. MAN that game burns. WHY didn't I listen to the reviews? Why was my morbid curiosity so high to sample this shit sandwich?
THAT bad, eh? Though I loved them at the time, I haven't touched a Sonic game since Sega Genesis... probably a good thing.
looks like this got merged in here..

anyways im glad i took the hd to work today.. finally was able to twist off the screws with this special pliers i have..

new hd installed and working perfectly
[quote name='j1mb07']You got F'd in the A/quote]

They should slip a note with that on it into all copies of the game, used and new.
[quote name='Methadon']I must be the only person who doesn't hate this game... that being said, I'm not saying I loved it either, but it wasn't bad.[/QUOTE]

I feel pretty much the same way. I didn't love it, but I had fun with it. Even with all its technical issues, I found it to be a far better game than Shadow The Hedgehog, and that's very, very sad.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Isn't there a demo for it on PSN or is that just on Live?[/quote]

Just live since i know its not on the PS3.
I wish Sega would let Sonic die a peaceful death!
He's one of my favorite videogame characters, and they just keep dragging his name through the mud. It's a shame, really.
I just backed up my PS3 game saves on my PSP, I haven't tried doing a full backup, though. I havent bought any videos on PSN.
bread's done