ps3 games

i am getting a PS3 in a cpl weeks or so, and was wondering what everyones thoughts were on these games:

Ratchet and Clank
Time Crisis
Untold Legends
Heavenly Sword
Blade Storm

i have not played a single ps3 game, and these seem to be the better ones. I just want some opinions on the games. and also if you like, maybe a top 3 games to buy on the system.

Resistance is the best first party shooter available for PS3, with the sequel coming out this fall, it may be a good title to check out.

Uncharted has received rave reviews and won a few awards. I only played the demo, but it seemed like an Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider (minus the puzzles) kind of game.

I got Heavenly Sword through RLS, I only played it the one time and wasn't too thrilled. If you're looking for a hack and slash game like Dynasty Warriors with a cinematic storyline, then go with this game.

I don't see the draw to Folklore. I played the demo and the comic book style of developing the story held things up in my opinion. It's 2008, and we can't get voice acting in games? I think Folklore is over rated, but that's just my two cents.

Untold Legends is on every bargain bin next to the Wii's Red Steel. It can't be very good.

Top Three PS Exclusive Titles:
Resistance: Fall of Man
Heavenly Sword

Top Three Games Overall
Resistance: Fall of Man
Rock Band
The Orange Box (assuming you don't already own this game for PC or 360).

PS - If I were you, I would buy maybe just one game with the system since most of these games you mentioned have demos you can download through the PS Network onto your PS3, and then you can be the judge and decide if you want to buy the game or not based upon your first hand experience.
thanks everyone! i think i may buy 1 or 2, and then go from there. Just so many to choose from, lol. Any more help would be awesome to!
Do you own a 360?

I ask because if you don't then you might also want to try games like Assassins Creed or Devil May Cry 4.
I'd rent Heavenly Sword if I were you. Granted it's a fun game, but there wasn't enough to warrant anything beyond the first play through for me unless your a 100% completion fetishist.
Also you might want to check out the PSN demos for the games that have them first before you buy them.
[quote name='cheapfitzguy']i am getting a PS3 in a cpl weeks or so, and was wondering what everyones thoughts were on these games:

Uncharted - Buy
Folklore - Avoid
Lair - Avoid until a rumored patch appears that fixes controls
Unreal - Buy
Ratchet and Clank - Buy
Time Crisis - Avoid
Untold Legends - Buy for cheap
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']Get DMC 4, d/l Warhawk and Pixel Junk Monsters![/QUOTE]

If you download you can't sell it .

Get Uncharted .
Out of that list my top three would be:

Heavenly Sword

Unreal is also a great online game. Would not get it if you are not planning on playing online much. I also liked Resistance and Folklore. If you do not have DMC4 i would recommend that as well.
Get Motorstorm from GS this week for $20 if you enjoy racing games. It is a solid title and can't be passed up for that price.
Checking out the Target thread, you can pick up Folklore for $30 and Resistance for $40 in-store right now. Go with those first to save some $$, then go after Uncharted and Ratchet, my two favorites from your list.
PS3 "must haves"...

Blu ray:
Ratchet & Clank

PixelJunk Monsters
SuperStarDust HD

Heavenly Sword is also very good, but more of a rental due to the length/replayability.
You may want to list games that you've enjoyed in the past as a point of reference for game recommendations. Not everyone likes just games that have sold well
[quote name='neudog']Get Motorstorm from GS this week for $20 if you enjoy racing games. It is a solid title and can't be passed up for that price.[/QUOTE]

Got more info on this deal? All I see on the Gamestop website is a used copy for $35.

Edit: Nevermind, found it.
Thanks everone. I don't have any video game stores near me, except wal mart, which sucks. So i can't get any of the deals on anything. I gotta pay full price normally. As for games i like, i'm not overly picky, as long as they are fun. Especially the rpg.s
fwiw, I hated the folklore demo but absolutely love the game. I've been playing it a ton and I think it's great. Super fun RPG with a little bit different game mechanic from a lot of others and a story line that is actually compelling.
bread's done