PS3 Move on sale early at Best Buy (YMMV)


The Best Buy in Duluth, MN has the PS3 Move motion controller, the navigation controller and the official Move charging station on sale as of today.
i'm considering going to check. i've had move pre-ordered from amazon forever figuring i'd pick up some sort of promotion over that time.... and nothing. so i have no loyalty to that pre-order should a deal surface... which includes getting them early.
[quote name='affa']i'm considering going to check. i've had move pre-ordered from amazon forever figuring i'd pick up some sort of promotion over that time.... and nothing. so i have no loyalty to that pre-order should a deal surface... which includes getting them early.[/QUOTE]
Yeah getting Move today sounds worth the sales tax when comparing it to waiting until Friday whenever UPS can deliver it.
[quote name='Game_Dude_3']So has anybody bought the thing yet?[/QUOTE]
I am waiting for it to be supported/made for more games than just Eye Pet and mini-games.
[quote name='akiraburn']I called my local Best Buy in Dekalb, IL, they told me that they had them in-stock and that they were ready to be sold. I asked multiple times and asked for specifics to make sure that this wasn't going to be a wasted trip. However when I went there, nothing was on shelves, and when I asked about it, they told me that they were sorry that an employee mistakenly told me that they were available, and that technically they were "in-stock" in their back room, but they couldn't be sold until the 17th, due to signs all over their shipment which indicated that the street date was the 17th. So that sucks.[/QUOTE]

Same exact thing happened to me, except that it wasn't in Dekalb, and I didn't get an apology.
[quote name='affa']i'm considering going to check. i've had move pre-ordered from amazon forever figuring i'd pick up some sort of promotion over that time.... and nothing. so i have no loyalty to that pre-order should a deal surface... which includes getting them early.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I am a little bit surprised by Amazon's lack of promotion on Move. I've had it pre ordered for a while but have no dedication to that order since it is full MSRP.
checked the 3 in memphis. One of the guys tried to change the subject to the Kinect, the other had no idea what I was talking about, and a 3rd said "yea, we've got them. I know they aren't street dated, but our manager told us not to put them out until the 17th."

They were selling a mount to lock the PSeye in place for $14.99 though.
Just a case of the employees not knowing any better. All the items in the first post did not come with a street date sticker on the cases like the system bundles and Move bundles did. The inventory system shows a street date of 9/17 on all this stuff. Even the website shows when you "check store" to try to do an in-store pickup it says you can "pick up 9/17/2010".
[quote name='akiraburn']I called my local Best Buy in Dekalb, IL, they told me that they had them in-stock and that they were ready to be sold. I asked multiple times and asked for specifics to make sure that this wasn't going to be a wasted trip. However when I went there, nothing was on shelves, and when I asked about it, they told me that they were sorry that an employee mistakenly told me that they were available, and that technically they were "in-stock" in their back room, but they couldn't be sold until the 17th, due to signs all over their shipment which indicated that the street date was the 17th. So that sucks.[/QUOTE]

Same with me! I called. He confirmed. I asked, "Are you sure? These aren't dated til Friday!" He said come on down... I drove to the store and I got told no.

After that, I called the store (from my car) and he said on the phone, "we got em!" After explaining that I am AT THE STORE and they said "no," what can I do. After a few minutes, he apologized that he was mistaken. Apparently their computers have a release date for the products dated in JULY so he thought it was all systems go.

Article and picture (not mine)

NOT MY PIC (Courtesy of Engadget)


I'm looking forward to Mr. fucknuckles from the first page to come and argue/deny this.

Btw, not sure if calling BB helps. Then if they see it, they might pull it before you get there.
I was at the Vernon Hills store in IL and a happen to see 2 wands and 1 navigation controller. They weren't placed on a peg and priced, but on a shelf with misc. stuff on it. I didn't pick one up since I am not sold on the them just yet. Besides I don't remember seeing any games anywhere. If these were leaked out a month earlier or so I would have bought all 3 to sell on Ebay, but with them coming out in a few days it wasn't worth it.
[quote name='Grinchy']Went to BB in Columbus, OH (the one by Tuttle Mall). No Move stuff, just posters with the date 9/17 on them. I saw the poster and get excited for a second lol[/QUOTE]

I called my friend who works at that BB in the games department and he said no. Did you happen to check the adjacent walmart? That store really sucks though..
[quote name='Grinchy']Yeah getting Move today sounds worth the sales tax when comparing it to waiting until Friday whenever UPS can deliver it.[/QUOTE]

I'm fortunate -- i live in a tax free state and have amazon prime... so there's no price differential. amazon saves me gas and time, i guess. But i'd still like it early, lol, even though i don't have much time for it anyway this week.

[quote name='polishpride212']I am waiting for it to be supported/made for more games than just Eye Pet and mini-games.[/QUOTE]

I really enjoyed the RUSE demo so am excited for that, and it's out now. And I'm itching to replay RE5, also already out. Those two, plus sports champions, should get me through until Dead Space Extraction, Time Crisis, Killzone 3, Sorcery, etc.
[quote name='jacobeid']I called my friend who works at that BB in the games department and he said no. Did you happen to check the adjacent walmart? That store really sucks though..[/QUOTE]
haha nice so you live in the area? No I didn't bother checking out the walmart. I figured I wouldn't have any luck.
From the Playstation Blog...

"Q: When will PlayStation Move be released in the U.S.?
A: PlayStation Move and PlayStation Move games will be available on September 19, 2010 in the U.S., though some retailers may have it in stock earlier."
I think they pushed it back because of Halo being launched this week. This way, the retailers can focus on the Move next week.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']From the Playstation Blog...

"Q: When will PlayStation Move be released in the U.S.?
A: PlayStation Move and PlayStation Move games will be available on September 19, 2010 in the U.S., though some retailers may have it in stock earlier."[/QUOTE]

So does that mean Kmart will not have the PS3 move on sale till the 19th? Or will they still be selling it on the 17th?
I have seen the boxes that the controllers come in and they say the 17th. Walmarts have them already, but the one I'm at is not selling them.
[quote name='marcand']Same with me! I called. He confirmed. I asked, "Are you sure? These aren't dated til Friday!" He said come on down... I drove to the store and I got told no.

After that, I called the store (from my car) and he said on the phone, "we got em!" After explaining that I am AT THE STORE and they said "no," what can I do. After a few minutes, he apologized that he was mistaken. Apparently their computers have a release date for the products dated in JULY so he thought it was all systems go.


That's when you say "I need to speak to a manager then". And say "Look, I just wasted time AND gas driving here because I was told that they were available for purchase." If at that point they don't offer you SOMETHING (a discount off Move when it comes out, a gift card, a coupon, SOMETHING), then you throw a bit more of a hissy fit until they do.
[quote name='JKSonic']That's when you say "I need to speak to a manager then". And say "Look, I just wasted time AND gas driving here because I was told that they were available for purchase." If at that point they don't offer you SOMETHING (a discount off Move when it comes out, a gift card, a coupon, SOMETHING), then you throw a bit more of a hissy fit until they do.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha, wow, this is why I hate people.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']I never understood the gamer obsession with getting games as soon as possible. Is it really that hard to wait?[/QUOTE]

in this case i think it might have to do with the built up anticipation of finally getting an "HD Wii." i played a couple games at PAX (archery, heavy rain) and i have to admit that having HD graphics + motion controls really makes the experience better (i.e. more real, or realer :)
[quote name='gettinmoney662']I never understood the gamer obsession with getting games as soon as possible. Is it really that hard to wait?[/QUOTE]
If you're going to buy it at full price anyway, why wait? Not necessarily related to getting it "pre-street date," but a lot of the time there are incentives for buying right away or preordering that vanish once the game has been out for a day/week.

[quote name='gettinmoney662']Hahaha, wow, this is why I hate people.[/QUOTE]
I hope by "people" you mean "idiot employees." Nothing wrong with being compensated when a moron wastes your time and money by giving you incorrect information - especially if the employee is asked "ARE YOU SURE?" and they insist it's available.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I hope by "people" you mean "idiot employees." Nothing wrong with being compensated when a moron wastes your time and money by giving you incorrect information - especially if the employee is asked "ARE YOU SURE?" and they insist it's available.[/QUOTE]

I hope he's talking about the person that said to throw a tantrum until you get something. You aren't owed anything if you go to store looking for something that you know is not supposed to be out yet, whether you listened to a misinformed employee or not. I can't believe how entitled people think they are.
I do think it's funny that for all the hate slung at our acidic new member....he has been correct so far. Yeah, he was a jerk about it, but his post said that few would be put out for sale and of those put out we would be denied at the register. That exactly what happened throughout this entire thread. Several times over. :whistle2:\"

I don't want a Move just yet, but for my fellow CAGs I'll trek back out to the store and try to buy a wand. I want to see if I'm denied as well.

(Edit--and before anyone asks, yes, I saw the pic from Engadget. If one slipped out, it doesn't wipe out the 4 pages of failed attempts here on CAG.) ;)
[quote name='Zippon']I do think it's funny that for all the hate slung at our acidic new member....he has been correct so far. Yeah, he was a jerk about it, but his post said that few would be put out for sale and of those put out we would be denied at the register. That exactly what happened throughout this entire thread. Several times over. :whistle2:\"

I don't want a Move just yet, but for my fellow CAGs I'll trek back out to the store and try to buy a wand. I want to see if I'm denied as well.[/QUOTE]

Of course I'm right. I never said anything about anyone not being able to obtain one, I just said that the only way possible is by the retailer breaking street-date. The street date was originally set for September 19th (as was announced at E3 and in subsequent interviews), but Sony has moved the street-date up to the 17th to attempt to put a little dent in Halo Reach's sales figures for the first week. The front page of Sony's Playstation website does not say September 19th; it says the 17th.

But honestly, who really cares about Move at this point? You will always have the early adopters who want to be the first ones to have the latest and greatest new thing. Me personally, I'm going to wait for some decent Move compatible games and a couple of updates to work out the kinks until I buy one. In the mean time, if I really want to play motion-controlled shovel-ware, I'll just play my Wii and save the $100.

As far as me being a jerk goes, it doesn't bother me at all. I'm not a babysitter, so I don't care about crybabies and hurt feelings in the anonymous CAG sandbox. If you spout off your mouth with some garbage BS, and I happen to be around, I'm going to call you out on it and correct you. If that makes me a jerk, so be it. People who use adjectives tied to slang usually do so as a guise to cover up being misinformed, or unable to string together a valid argument.

With that being said, good luck to the CAG's attempting to snag a Move at their local Best Buy.
[quote name='JKSonic']That's when you say "I need to speak to a manager then". And say "Look, I just wasted time AND gas driving here because I was told that they were available for purchase." If at that point they don't offer you SOMETHING (a discount off Move when it comes out, a gift card, a coupon, SOMETHING), then you throw a bit more of a hissy fit until they do.[/QUOTE]

I really thought about this when I sat in the car and wondered if I was really owed something. In the end, I just accepted the apology and moved on. I was trying to get the MOVE early so I could review it in the paper (see my link below) since I normally don't receive demo products from Sony.

To clarify, I wasn't trying to take advantage of anyone else since I talked to the person on the phone and asked "Are you SURE I can buy it today? It isn't supposed to be released yet!" What bothers me is that after I was turned away in the store AND told them to talk w/the guy answering the phone or manager (same person?) I called back and they STILL were saying "Come on down" until I pushed them a bit further to get an answer. Chain of communication breakdown, I guess...

I'll still shop there. I do like Best Buy better than other stores and the Reward Zone (and all of the CAG tips) really add up. You all save me a lot of money when I have to get a new game every week.
[quote name='SteveGo']I hope he's talking about the person that said to throw a tantrum until you get something. You aren't owed anything if you go to store looking for something that you know is not supposed to be out yet, whether you listened to a misinformed employee or not. I can't believe how entitled people think they are.[/QUOTE]


But I guess being a little bitch is the CAG way.
Well, I tried. The store that had 8 wands and 8 navigation controllers, with shelf tags for both, has removed everything. Safe to assume they were put out in error and pulled. If they sold out, the shelf tags would likely remain.

[quote name='acidraine']
As far as me being a jerk goes, it doesn't bother me at all. [/QUOTE]

Ah, another brave soul who doesn't care if he's acting like a jerk. How refreshing. :roll:

FWIW, I often speak out against CAGs acting entitled and taking advantage of dubious loopholes. But in your case, I think you would have been totally in the right to demand a little compensation for your time and trouble. You did everything right by calling in advance, and the store gave you a definite answer. That's essentially bait-and-switch. They got you out to the store on false pretenses.

To use another BB example, I'd contrast this with someone going in for a penny game and pitching a fit when they either say they can't sell it or when they agree to sell it but for the actual MSRP. Completely different situation since that CAG wasn't misled.
lol so this thread just keeps getting longer and longer...

Gets my hopes up every time, yet it's just a bunch of bickering at this point.
[quote name='Grinchy']haha nice so you live in the area? No I didn't bother checking out the walmart. I figured I wouldn't have any luck.[/QUOTE]

Born and raised a few minutes from Tuttle. Now I'm on the other side of Dublin toward Muirfield.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Sorry to derail.... but...

At launch, does anyone know if the Playstation Move on sale anywhere?[/QUOTE]

Kmart is having a deal (check the sticky), but... it is Kmart. YMMV if they actually have it at launch and are actually participating in the sale.
[quote name='Grinchy']lol so this thread just keeps getting longer and longer...

Gets my hopes up every time, yet it's just a bunch of bickering at this point.[/QUOTE]

And here I drove way out of my way just to post an update... :p

At this point, don't we have a clear picture?
1) We've confirmed stores have stock. CAGs have been told this by employees, and some of us have seen the items.
2) We've confirmed BB is respecting the street date. Going so far as to turn away customers who have been verbally promised items and pulling down displays and shelf tags.

What more is there to tell? If any Moves get sold now, it's pure YMMV crapshoot. :)

Come for the info.
Stay for the bickering.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Sorry to derail.... but...

At launch, does anyone know if the Playstation Move on sale anywhere?[/QUOTE]

Best Buy's ad next week is MSRP city sans a couple older games (RE5, Tiger 11, TS3) that are now move compatible for $10 off.

Target is the same I hear (haven't seen it myself yet though). So Kmart's $25 coupon thing is about it.
So if I were to place an order for the 320GB PS3 console + Move bundle which shows as in stock for every store in my area, and set it for store pickup... They'd presumably cancel my order?
Called my Best Buy and they said it's street dated for the 17th. The woman I spoke with over the phone had apparently pulled out the PS3 bundle and said it'll be priced at "$999.99". My response was "Oh okay, thank you". Knew I wasn't going to get far there.
[quote name='Chris Welch']So if I were to place an order for the 320GB PS3 console + Move bundle which shows as in stock for every store in my area, and set it for store pickup... They'd presumably cancel my order?[/QUOTE]

No, they'd hold it til the 17th and let you pick it up then.
[quote name='Game_Dude_3']Called my Best Buy and they said it's street dated for the 17th. The woman I spoke with over the phone had apparently pulled out the PS3 bundle and said it'll be priced at "$999.99". My response was "Oh okay, thank you". Knew I wasn't going to get far there.[/QUOTE]

LOL! That's hilarious. I was reading the comments on the engadget story and some people there said they bought a few. Not sure if that's legit or not. I will be checking local stores around Oklahoma City area tomorrow. Gonna try Toys R US, they seem like they might sell it early.
i went to the Best Buy in Duluth Mn and found no playstation move anywhere to be found i looked in the ps3 section and the whole video game section.
Can someone explain how this is a deal? Or am I sensing Sony fanboys wetting their pants about a broken street date?
[quote name='oasisboy']Can someone explain how this is a deal? Or am I sensing Sony fanboys wetting their pants about a broken street date?[/QUOTE]

you don't have to be a dick, this isn't n4g.
bread's done