PS3 Price Increase Revealed


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
[img-l=5198]6048[/img-l]April Fools! A reliable source at a major US retailer has provided CAG with this exclusive photo of a now confirmed PS3 price increase. Two new PS3 SKUs were revealed, both containing full hardware based backwards compatibility with price and hard drive size being the only differences between. The 250 GB unit will be priced at $499.99 and the 500 GB model will return the PS3 back to its earlier $599.99 price point. When contacted for comment, SCEA's VP of Marketing, Jack DeVaney confirmed the new SKUs and prices:

"Increasing storage capacity helps us better communicate the value inherent in the PS3. Combined with built in Blu-ray, Wi-Fi, and full backwards compatibility, no other system can match our value proposition. One of the great things about the PS3 is that if you buy it today you can be confident it's going to be the centerpiece of your entertainment for the next 10 years. Economically, that's a great value."

The new PS3s will be available May 5th.
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This is a complete curveball to me....seriously.......after repairing my 60gb, i was gonna sell it (b/c the supply of lasers seems to be unreliable and very dry) for the new units with 45nm cell, and take back my do i do now, seriously
This fool spost actually made me sad... the only reason I won't buy a PS3 is the lack of backwards compatibility. Oh well. :p
I've been dodging April Fool's jokes all day, and yet for some reason I started out believing this one :lol:
Didn't even come close to falling for this. CAG Premium on the other hand, that was a good one.
Sony is so dumb. Their not going to sell another PS3 this year (except to stupid $ony fanboyz.) Console war is over! 360 WINS!!!
i hate you CAG, i posted liked i believe, mostly cause i wanted to, and you locked the edits so we can see who got fooled....quite the cleaver beaver, CheapyD
So is this supposed to coincide with their announced "full-game" download service on PSN?
This was a particularly mean joke.

Dull enough to not be an obvious joke, but BC is desired enough to make me sad that it's not true.
I was cursing Sony out for a few minutes till I realized I was punk'd! Been waiting for a price drop, then Isee price increase! Good one!
Bout time! This'll finally get Sony back on top. :lol:
[quote name='angryemu']Sony is so dumb.[/QUOTE]
I'll admit, someone is dumb.
Nice, well done but am always shady of anything on April 1st. The people that got caught by it are pretty funny though. ;)
Nice try Cheapy. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me're not gonna fool me again, heh heh heh.
bullshit WTF is Sony thinking.. I can't believe that the company that has been number 1 for two fucking generations would continue to make yet another wrong move. I love Sony, they are the best, so much better than the 360 and the Wii, and yet they struggle at number 3. you know this isn't such a bad deal.. you see you get the PS3 for 300, a 100 dollar blu ray , and a 100 dollar PS2. Yeah its a bad move, but people have to understand that there's VALUE in the box, there's so much VALUE in the PS3 box that you can't let that go unpaid for. What's the other option, 500 dollars for PS3 or a silly board game Wii, or an xbox 360 that's guaranteed to bring you back for seconds (due to failure rate.. not taste). But dammit Sony you much not disrespect the Economy by giving such a high priced product, but still people need to understand that its time to spend money to get things going and so kudos to Sony for putting a product out on the market that can help get the market going....

here's one thing that all you fanboys need to remember...
Heh, fell for it until i realized the date. But the sad thing is this joke is so unfunny because it's seems like something Sony do =(
[quote name='Roninalchemist']Honestly, with the way Sony operates, I have trouble believing this to be related to the date...[/quote]

this is why it took me until the middle of the second paragraph to say wait, whats the date? :shame:
Good April Fool's joke that and Wombat doing some work for the site would be a good one. (Just kidding Womabt.)
bread's done