PS3 Purchase? Now Or Later? Please Help!!


61 (100%)
I am interested in getting a PS3, but want to take advantage of getting the best possible deal. Looking at ebay sales, and some CAG'ers offers, it seems I could get a 60 GB for around $400-450 shipped. I am wondering if the desperation of those who have to sell theirs, combined with the paltry retail sales, creates the best opportunity to take advantage of. Basically, do you think that it would actually be cheaper to buy one now, at $430 say, rather wait till the price drops to $549 or $499? It seems that after a price drop, sales would go up, therefore bringing ebay/CAG prices up with them, closer to retail value.

While there aren't very many games I want right now, there will be by the end of the year, and I want to purchase the system whenever I can get the best deal.

Any info/advice would be greatly appreciated!

Well, it can always get cheaper.

If you can find a good deal on one though you might as well go for it...that is, if you'd get any use out of it.
Yeah, thats what I'm thinking. The other question I'm asking though, is that do you think its cheaper now as people hate the software? Will the pricing go up as more games become available, even with a price drop??
[quote name='TheFreshPrince']I am interested in getting a PS3, but want to take advantage of getting the best possible deal. Looking at ebay sales, and some CAG'ers offers, it seems I could get a 60 GB for around $400-450 shipped. I am wondering if the desperation of those who have to sell theirs, combined with the paltry retail sales, creates the best opportunity to take advantage of. Basically, do you think that it would actually be cheaper to buy one now, at $430 say, rather wait till the price drops to $549 or $499? It seems that after a price drop, sales would go up, therefore bringing ebay/CAG prices up with them, closer to retail value.

While there aren't very many games I want right now, there will be by the end of the year, and I want to purchase the system whenever I can get the best deal.

Any info/advice would be greatly appreciated!


I recently bought my PS3 off ebay. I feel that it's worth it despite the lack of games. I did want to jump the market before demand went up. I consider it a worthwhile purchase for several reasons:

1) I have a 100' screen/ HD projector. The Blu-Ray player functionality is a great value vs. other standalone players.

2) Backwards compatibility: I have a backlog of really good PS2 games to play and now they're upscaled! The only disadvantage is lack of rumble, but I can live with that till the end of the year (when the new rumble sixaxis is released). Another bonus of getting the system early is that you'll avoid the omission of the Emotion Engine.

3) The good exclusive games are starting to roll in. Next month you'll have Ninja Gaiden, followed by Lair, Warhawk, and all the other great games I'm sure you're aware of. I anticipate that Sony is banking on the rush of good games to drive sales towards the end of the year. My prediction is that a price drop is not coming too soon. They would want to at least test the waters and see how the price point fares when they actually have some good software on the shelves. That being said, if it's much easier to get it below MSRP now on ebay, all the better. Even when the price drops, you'll probably have bought the system at the newly reduced MSRP anyway. Additionally, once the PS3 is in more demand, you may not be able to get as good a deal on ebay.

Just my $.02, good luck.
I would go ahead and wait till a price drop. When it happens the systems will be cheaper on cags and ebay.

Also who knows what there gonna do..

drop the 599 60gig to 479 to equal the elite?
introduce the 80gig for... 549? will anything extra come with the 80gig other then a lousy 20 gig more increase?

hard to say.

I would wait and see what happens.

Ps3 = expensive.
Im glad i saved 100bucks an got the 20gig.
Waiting is never a bad thing... but I'd wait until August, and give Sony some more time to figure out if they're going to price drop. It all depends on how long you can hold out. launch day I had to get one.. I had waited a year and decided not to buy a 360... so I definitely couldn't wait.. I had to have a console.
If you can get one for $450 now, do it without hesitation. Even with a price drop, you won't get one for much less than that. With the recent firmware update and the onslaught of games coming in the next couple of months, demand will certainly increase making it harder to get a good deal on one.
[quote name='musicnoteless']I'd get one now before they remove the EE from the PS3. That way you can still have full BC with your ps2/ps1 games.[/quote]

most likely, any price drop in the USA PS3 price most certainly means, that PS3 model will not have the EE chip in it.
Got my 60gb for $420 and don't regret it. It's going to be a good system once there are decent games to get for it. For now it's been a good internet browser. BTW, if you do get one... wait for the rumble controllers, don't get one now. Also if you plan to do any auto racing and want a decent wheel the PS3 is where it's at.
I dont believe in buying something for "What it might someday become", usually by the time it "becomes" whatever that is, the price has dropped.

If you dont need a BD player now, then skip the PS3. There are no games out for it, the games that are "due" out for it keep getting pushed back, so until there are a few games out that you absolutely must have, I'd sit tight.

Unless you have a big HD display, you're not missing much by watching BD's over DVD's anyhow.
If you can get a good price and you have the money why not?

I saw a new PS3 selling for $490 new a few days ago on eBay. It's hard to beat that. I got mine new on eBay for $520. If they do drop the price later this year, you're basically paying the same price.
Also, Rainbow Six: Vegas comes out in about 2 weeks!! That is what is going to keep me occupied until the steady stream of games starts flowing towards the end of the summer.
Then you've got Lair, Warhawk, Madden 08 in August. Heavenly Sword and Assassin's Creed in September. After that it justs gets better and better.

Plus, once the PS3 officially price drops (if and when), there likely won't be any more emotion engine included, and these original PS3's will carry at least some resale premium over their newer (castrated) siblings.
I'll buy it but wait until these 3 things comes out:

Good selection of games, a larger hard drive, and a reasonable price.
[quote name='vlv723']I'll buy it but wait until these 3 things comes out:

Good selection of games, a larger hard drive, and a reasonable price.[/QUOTE]
You can just buy a bigger HDD. You don't need some special Sony Playstation brand HDD like you do with teh 360.
I see some good advice and I see some bad advice. Don't expect prices to fall even further on ebay if they ever have an MSRP price drop. I would say it'll stay the same or even go a lil bit higher because like its been mentioned already, they will likely take the Emotion Engine out.

Waiting on rumble or bigger HDD? Rumble adds little to a game, you won't die without it, plus you can just buy an extra controller when it comes out. And why on earth would you wait for a 20more gig bigger HDD? You can just buy a 2.5 HDD and stick it in like whoknows said. Does every freakin PS3 thread has to have an xbot in it?
I just purchased a 60 GB PS3 this weekend on craigslist. The guy was selling it with NBA 2K7 and Motorstorm for $450 but I talked him into selling it for $400.

Word of advice for any sellers out there. Never talk about how much you enjoy the XBOX 360 more, unpaid bills, lack of buyer interest otherwise you will get swindled in selling for lower than your asking price. ;)
[quote name='m_que01']I just purchased a 60 GB PS3 this weekend on craigslist. The guy was selling it with NBA 2K7 and Motorstorm for $450 but I talked him into selling it for $400.

Word of advice for any sellers out there. Never talk about how much you enjoy the XBOX 360 more, unpaid bills, lack of buyer interest otherwise you will get swindled in selling for lower than your asking price. ;)[/QUOTE]
Wow. Nice deal!
bread's done