PS3 Street Fighter IV CE: Read This Now!


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I've just talked to a half dozen EBGames Stores, 2 Futureshops and One BestBuy trying to hunt down the Collector's Edition of Street Fighter IV for PS3, and they have all recieved emails from Capcom to say that it is permanently discontinued.
I preordered at the Gamestop in Edmonton and had to rush there on launch day to make sure I got my CE. I don't think they got enough to cover preorders and when I showed up there were only 2 left.

This is one CE I'm glad I preordered.
I also preordered the PS3 CE version at EB in Edmonton.
I showed up when they had CEs in stock, but they said they were selling them in the order that people signed up for preorders, which is fair, so I don't have a problem with that.

They didn't have enough to fill their first preorders, so I'm on the waiting list for their next shipment... I just hope they're still getting a next shipment :/
For sure there weren't enough CE's in Edmonton at some locations at launch. A friend of mine didn't get his. Didn't even offer him a next shipment dibs though.
[quote name='chrisryans']Got an email from Amazon saying they don't have any right now but will ship when they do, wonder if they will actually get more :/[/quote]
I ordered from them on the first day it was listed, they sent me the same email on Saturday so I went out and bought a standard edition at Blockbuster for $59.99.
Wow. Sounds like I shoulda picked it up while I was in Calgary on launch day :D If I find any CE's (hahah I can be optimistic) I'll let you Edmonton homies know.
I pre-ordered the CE at EB in Calgary, called the first day of release and they said they had them, showed up a few hours later and they only ended up getting limited (3?) copies which were sold by the time I got there... Hopefully to others who had pre-ordered.

Any word on if Capcom is sending out more? I don't want to get the regular edition to find out a week later that there was another run of CE's :cry:.

It's even hard to find the regular edition around here.
This is how these "Edition" games should be handled. When they say "Limited", then it should be LIMITED! One run and that's it. Not like other stuff where you can still buy them a year after they were released.
[quote name='poxsc']This is how these "Edition" games should be handled. When they say "Limited", then it should be LIMITED! One run and that's it. Not like other stuff where you can still buy them a year after they were released.[/quote]

Really? How about the fact that at my local EB store, I had a preorder for the PS3LE since December 10th and the store only got in 3 copies. The workers took all 3 copies for themselves. Guess what? These employees are all new faces with the the oldest employee starting in January. Do you think they had a preorder in the store before me?

So, should this have really been that "limited"?!?!
I think if you want a CE, you should have a right to get it. Or, companies should let stores know how many copies they will each be receiving, so that people don't expect to get a CE from X store and then find out *on launch day* that they have ran out. If I were in that situation, I'd be choked -- it'd be too late to find another source for the CE and then I'd be left in limbo, as it appears some of our fellow CAG's have been.

All pre-orders made before launch should either be filled or I think EB should give the difference between CE/Regular price off on the regular edition of the game.
[quote name='Rocky071']I think if you want a CE, you should have a right to get it. ...

All pre-orders made before launch should either be filled or I think EB should give the difference between CE/Regular price off on the regular edition of the game.[/quote]

Yeah... no.

It's a Collector's Edition people, you guys have been way too spoiled by the publishers making way more than needed copies of CEs and LEs to make more money, listen my CE copy of SF4 is sitting pretty on my shelf, while my Halo 3 "LE" helmet is being used to prop something up in my room because I know for a fact that it's not special, it's just another lame cash out my Microsoft.

I'm glad Capcom did this, I was glad when I didn't have SF4 CE (I just got it yesterday) 'cause I knew if I was a little more persistant [sp?] with my love of SF I would've gotten it. I preordered my RE5 CE hoping it wouldn't come to this.

So again, Collector's Edition, for collectors. If you didn't get it, tough noggies, that's what makes it a CE. DEAL WITH IT.
If you're a collector, and want to get the CE, and go out and do the necessary steps (i.e. pre-order) to grab a copy, doesn't it seem reasonable that you should be able to get it? I'm not saying it should be available after one production run, but I don't think people who took the proper precautions to get a copy should have to go without just because 1. EB take as many pre-orders as they can and don't have any requirement to fill them, 2. Capcom undersupplies when demand is clearly quite high for CE's.

You can be the most conscientious and committed collector ever, but in the case of some companies, unless you were waiting by the phone and then sped over to your local retailer immediately on launch day you wouldn't have gotten the CE anyway. Personally, I don't think that's fair.
EB games preorder is terrible because employee gets the priority over everyone else. Even if you paid full amount, there is no guarantee you will get them. Their store policy changes from time to time without informing their customers.

Sometimes they don't call you when your game arrived. Most of the time you waited until you ask them. When you ask, you find that your game was sold to someone else because the store policy only gave customer 48 hours to pick up their game.
If anyone in Ottawa is still looking for the Collector's Edition I saw one 360 and one PS3 copy today at a store. PM me for location.
i just managed to pick it up new and sealed (ps3 version) off kijiji for $35. The dude won it in a draw where he works, and didn't have a ps3.
Hey I was wondering, since the ps3 edition is the thing on peoples minds, how rare is the 360 edition? Is there that much of a difference? Really doesn't make all that much sense to me.
i would think the 360 would be more saught after making it rarer, if possible. No one i know likes te 360 dpad and quite the opposite for the ps3 making the game somewhat playable with a dual shock / sixaxis rather than just a normal 360 controller.

however if it goes like the game, the ps3 will be rarer
[quote name='tymcg']Hey I was wondering, since the ps3 edition is the thing on peoples minds, how rare is the 360 edition? Is there that much of a difference? Really doesn't make all that much sense to me.[/quote]
They were both limited production. Both are hard to find. I would assume 360 is harder to find due to the larger install base of 360 users vs ps3.
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