PS3 users get Lovefilm next month!


Well, since the US users get Netflix to stream films etc the only service which comes close enough for us British users is BBC iPlayer. UNTIL NOW! Lovefilm is coming to the PS3 next month!

The video in the article was from the Playstation UK channel and has been taken down. Either way, this will make me sign up for Lovefilm once it comes out (depending on the range of films etc).
As an existing lovefilm customer and PS3 owner, I just heard my BT homehub creak in terror at this news.
Awesome news. Shame that they don't have as much available online as Netflix, but better than nothing!
I think SkyPlayer on the xbox will still kill it for content. Theres soo many movies on there its crazy.... shame you need a Gold subscription to use it though...
[quote name='TheResistance']I think SkyPlayer on the xbox will still kill it for content. Theres soo many movies on there its crazy.... shame you need a Gold subscription to use it though...[/QUOTE]

But the fact is you need to pay £40 on top of your sky bill so I'd say for a tenner a month it's more than worth the subscription and plus the amount of movies on Lovefilm will crush the skyplayers content.
Hmm I highly doubt there will be as many Movies as on Skyplayer. Yes, its a bitch you have to have Gold but usually LoveFilm just has crappy indie releases or straight-to-dvd releases.. not many huge blockbusters. Skymovies is the biggest movie broadcasting service in the I doubt there will be a crush like you said...
I'm hoping the library of films will be really good. This is handy as I've just signed up for 3 months for the price of 1 with LoveFilm.
Not sure if anyone is doing HD. Most people dont have the connection for it... unless its a download and play situation. Only ZUNE thru xbox does the 1080p stream if you download it... unless you have a sweet connection.
Eventually everything will be HD though surely.
Anyone think this will end up coming to 360 eventually. Like Netflix went to PS3 and Wii in the US?
[quote name='Mayday']Anyone think this will end up coming to 360 eventually. Like Netflix went to PS3 and Wii in the US?[/QUOTE]

bread's done