Ps3 vs xbox 360

It really depends on which one has first party titles you're interested in. I have both and prefer the exclusives that the PS3 has like Uncharted and Metal Gear, but I tend to play my 360 more often because I usually get multiplayer games for because most of my friends have 360 and they tend to be cheaper than the PS3 versions. In short research which one has more games that interest you really.
Look at the exclusives and choose which one has more you are interested in. I have both and they are both good, but I play the PS3 alot more, just because of the games I have on it (MW2)
One other major factor is what you want to do beyond gaming.

I'd say the head-to-head competition between the 360 and PS3 is about even on the gaming side of things. Honestly, the day of the exclusive game is quickly coming to a close.

PS3 does have an edge as an entertainment device, however. With that one box you can:

  • Watch Blu-ray movies
  • Watch DVD movies
  • Watch Netflix streaming
  • Watch Hulu Plus
  • Rent or Buy movies & TV shows from the PSN store
  • Stream music, movies and pictures from your computer

It's darn near a Do-It-All device for watching content.

Just something to consider....
i like ps3 because of the greater sound of games and blu ray
i like xbox 360 to play multiplayer with FRIENDS, using the headset, etc. Plus i got special offers always, i cannot tell because then i will get banned from xbox.
[quote name='Chewie67']One other major factor is what you want to do beyond gaming.

I'd say the head-to-head competition between the 360 and PS3 is about even on the gaming side of things. Honestly, the day of the exclusive game is quickly coming to a close.

PS3 does have an edge as an entertainment device, however. With that one box you can:

  • Watch Blu-ray movies
  • Watch DVD movies
  • Watch Netflix streaming
  • Watch Hulu Plus
  • Rent or Buy movies & TV shows from the PSN store
  • Stream music, movies and pictures from your computer

It's darn near a Do-It-All device for watching content.

Just something to consider....[/QUOTE]

You do know the 360 can do everything you mentioned except Blurays and Hulu (for now) right???

For Hulu on PS3, you have to pay for PSN-Plus too. But the best point is that online gaming is free on PS3. The only question I ask people when they ask me whether to get a PS3 or 360 is if they plan to play online a lot, most say no, so I usually recommend PS3 as a gaming system unless you are a hardcore gamer, then 360 might be a better option for online gaming with groups cause of Xbox Party Chat.
[quote name='Kerig']One of them is black.[/QUOTE]

Both of them are black now. :)

The OP doesn't give nearly enough info to make a proper recommendation. At least tell us what exclusives you are most interested in.
1. Find out what console your friends play, so you can play online with them. If you dont care, go with PS3 for the free online gameplay
2. Do you want blu-ray? If you do, go with PS3
3. Is FPS your favorite type of game? Go with 360
4. Do you like talking with friends while playing games? Go with 360 for cross game chat
5. I dont know all the 360 exclusives, but Gears 3, Halo ODST + Reach, Fable 3, and Alan Wake are the only ones im aware of now that Mass effect 2 is comin to PS3. PS3 has Uncharted 1+2, Infamous 1+2, Heavy Rain, Killzone 2+3, Little Big Planet 1+2, Ratchet and Clank Future 1+2, God of War 1+2+3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Valkyria Chronicles, Twisted Metal, Last Gaurdian, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy XIV, Gran Turismo 5, and DEMONS SOULS (this alone is worth buying the PS3 for)
6. What interests you more, MOVE or KINECT? In terms of motion gameplay, its probably going to be MOVE > KINECT
7. My fanboy might be showing now...but unless you got alot of friends on 360, want cross game chat, or must have Gears and Halo, get a PS3. I dont want to start a fanboy war, I just don't have or know too much about 360's benefits or other exclusives. Any 360 fans know more?
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Ignore fanboy-ism. Both consoles are great. Go with the one that has the most exclusive titles that interest you. If you can afford, get both and you'll have the best of both worlds.

If you plan to play online multiplayer games, bear in mind that XBL will gonna cost you $60 per year (new pricing on November). Basic PSN is free.
[quote name='eau']Ignore fanboy-ism. Both consoles are great. Go with the one that has the most exclusive titles that interest you. If you can afford, get both and you'll have the best of both worlds.

If you plan to play online multiplayer games, bear in mind that XBL will gonna cost you $60 per year (new pricing on November). Basic PSN is free.[/QUOTE]

I admitted that I only have PS3 and not 360. But unless you or someone else can list more 360 exclusives worth having or looking foward to, don't just dismiss it as fanboyism. List more so they can make a better decision based on exclusives. If you can't, PS3 is probably better in this department, regardless of any "fanboyism". I think i was pretty objective. An exception to the PS3 having better exclusives is if you REALLY REALLY like FPS. PS3 has Killzone and Resistance to compete with Gears and Halo, but the 360's exclusive shooters are better
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Essentially, it all comes down to games. If you have a gaming capable PC, I'd recommend a PS3, as there are a lot of 360 games that are available on PC as well. Otherwise, just look at the exclusives. There are some minor advantages to both beyond gaming, but I wouldn't base a decision on those unless you deemed the gaming to be equal.

Personally, I chose a PS3, because the 360 has great shooters, but the PS3 has the best of most other genres.
Here are some other points to think about
1: The 360 has a larger library of cheap games.
2: Most, but by no means all, cross platform games look and play better on the 360.
3: Multiplayer is free on the PS3, costs money on the 360.
4: PS3 doubles as a BluRay player.
Something to throw in there as well that nobody has mentioned is the XBLA. There are quite a few GREAT Arcade games that seem to be overlooked when comparing the two consoles.

I barely have enjoyed any of the PSN titles, but I have over 70 Arcade titles for the 360 and they are all amazing.

I have both and would lean towards a 360 for a better and more active community, exclusive titles and the XBLA. I would go on and on about comparisons, but I have class in a few minutes so you get the shortened version!
[quote name='BrolyB593']Something to throw in there as well that nobody has mentioned is the XBLA. There are quite a few GREAT Arcade games that seem to be overlooked when comparing the two consoles.

I barely have enjoyed any of the PSN titles, but I have over 70 Arcade titles for the 360 and they are all amazing.

I have both and would lean towards a 360 for a better and more active community, exclusive titles and the XBLA. I would go on and on about comparisons, but I have class in a few minutes so you get the shortened version![/QUOTE]

Good point. Overall, the info is here with good opinions, it mainly depends on the person buying the system, not the system itself that's best, its the user who uses it and what he will use it for, that's how recommendations between PS3 and 360 should be kept. But yeah, some of those XBLA games are amazing, worth buying a 360 for when combined for sure over some PS3 exclusives.
[quote name='Xenogears']I admitted that I only have PS3 and not 360. But unless you or someone else can list more 360 exclusives worth having or looking foward to, don't just dismiss it as fanboyism. List more so they can make a better decision based on exclusives. If you can't, PS3 is probably better in this department, regardless of any "fanboyism". I think i was pretty objective. An exception to the PS3 having better exclusives is if you REALLY REALLY like FPS. PS3 has Killzone and Resistance to compete with Gears and Halo, but the 360's exclusive shooters are better[/QUOTE]
I own both consoles (and Wii too) but I love them all :) As I said, get the console that has the most exclusive games that interest you. Different people like Halo, Gears of War, Tales of Vesperia, Socom, Killzone, Resistance, Valkyria Chronicles, God of War, (put whatever exclusives you like here) to different degrees. You need to decide what console is the best for you.

The list may not be complete but pretty damn close. Look at the list and see which console has the most exclusives that interest you and get that.
I have both but play the PS3 90%.
In addition to the assets listed above, you can buy a 3rd party hard drive (relatively cheap) and install it without voiding the warranty (Sony even provides instructions in the PS3 manual). We did this in one of our 60's for just shy of $50 for a 500

Good luck on your decision.
[quote name='Revenantae']2: Most, but by no means all, cross platform games look and play better on the 360.[/QUOTE]

About time some one mentioned this fact. Here it is again:

[quote name='Revenantae']2: Most, but by no means all, cross platform games look and play better on the 360.[/QUOTE]

That doesn't mean the 360 is for you. It just means that is something to consider being that all anyone is mentioning is the exclusives. Its more than just the exclusives part of it and LIVE vs PSN.

IMHO what it comes down to is BLU-RAY.

If that is something you want right now, get the PS3 and dont look back.

If its not, get the 360 AND..... then a PS3 down the road.

For those fanboys out there notice I said you need to get BOTH because honestly BOTH have great games and I dont see how someone who really likes games can only have one.

Now if you play games only once in awhile then thats another matter.

EDIT: Keep in mind also your playing time. If you honestly play for long sessions...maybe the 360 isnt the right choice as it might fry on you (not as relevent as it used to be nowadays since it is more reliable than before but still something to watch out for as I am not 100% convinced just yet it isnt an issue anymore). However this is when the exclusives come in and whether the 360 games are your thing and you'll have more fun playing those than the PS3's.
[quote name='donut']I have both but play the PS3 90%.
I have all consoles as well, but for me its the opposite, I play 360 90% of the time and love it. All my games are for 360 unless its a PS3 exclusive, but that's just my personal preference since I love the 360 interface and controller, since I do play co-op tons online with friends; so it works better for people like me for example.
[quote name='nightmare452']I have all consoles as well, but for me its the opposite, I play 360 90% of the time and love it. All my games are for 360 unless its a PS3 exclusive, but that's just my personal preference since I love the 360 interface and controller, since I do play co-op tons online with friends; so it works better for people like me for example.[/QUOTE]

I was going to quite him as well and say nearly word for word what you did. Haha
[quote name='BrolyB593']I was going to quite him as well and say nearly word for word what you did. Haha[/QUOTE]

*Quiet fanboy. Saying you have both consoles and happen to play one more than the other is kind of pointless. Having a personal preference for the controller and interface isnt a reason for another to buy a console. And saying you want to "quite" anyone that has a different preference in consoles is just needlessly showing your fanboy.
Wow, um thanks newbie for the wonderful mouthful.

Sorry for the typo, I clearly meant to say 'quote.'

Plus how is that fanboyism? I own every console and buy games for everything, I was merely stating that I play the 360 more than I do the PS3. You are the one who clearly stated before that you do not even own both consoles, but okay.

Also, preference of controller and what not does matter, perhaps it would make the OP look into both more and see which is preferred for him/her. Also if they have more friends on the XBL or PSN does make a big difference, it certainly does for me.

But again, thank you for hounding this thread when you have barely been here for half of a year. We all were stating opinions and reasons why WE prefer one over another, in no way saying one is better.
[quote name='BrolyB593']Wow, um thanks newbie for the wonderful mouthful.

Sorry for the typo, I clearly meant to say 'quote.'

Plus how is that fanboyism? I own every console and buy games for everything, I was merely stating that I play the 360 more than I do the PS3. You are the one who clearly stated before that you do not even own both consoles, but okay.

Also, preference of controller and what not does matter, perhaps it would make the OP look into both more and see which is preferred for him/her. Also if they have more friends on the XBL or PSN does make a big difference, it certainly does for me.

But again, thank you for hounding this thread when you have barely been here for half of a year. We all were stating opinions and reasons why WE prefer one over another, in no way saying one is better.[/QUOTE]

Least this "newb" knows how to spellcheck. Even with more than 1 sentence! If you want people to understand what your words "clearly" mean, spell them correctly. I thought by quite the guy you were trying to say you wanted to "quiet" the guy just cause he liked PS3, by saying the exact same thing, HAHA. Which is kinda douchie and pointless. So I called you out on it. Saying you wanted to "quote" the guy isnt bad yeah, if thats what you had spelled I wouldn't have said anything.

But LOL at me "hounding" the thread. Especially doing so while "new!" Ive tried to give information that i think is accurate and informative. If its not, give an example of how its not. I get your upset, but get over your sense of being better than anyone with a more recent CAG join date. Kinda funny how often that comes up here.

I don't own a 360 because frankly there is nothing i want to play on it that I cannot play on a PC or PS3 just as well or better. There is lots i want to play on the PS3 that i cannot play anywhere else. Thats probably why you own one even though you prefer 360? I have a good gaming PC, so I dont need a 360 for now. That does sound fanboyie, but really, the 360 is still good for alot of things for a lot of people. Get it and enjoy if thats what you prefer and none of the PS3 exclusives, Blu-ray, or Free online play dont interest you.

Anyway, nothing personal broly. You misspelled, and i took it the wrong way. Thought you were trying to do a low blow on someone just cause they liked PS3.
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[quote name='IronsideGrunt']
[quote name='Revenantae']
2: Most, but by no means all, cross platform games look and play better on the 360.
About time some one mentioned this fact. Here it is again:
[quote name='Revenantae']
2: Most, but by no means all, cross platform games look and play better on the 360.

Bullshit. I play both my systems equally (and by equally I mean, I'll play a game on the 360 then play my next game on the ps3, alternating systems with each new game) and my take on cross-platform games? They play exactly the same. Just recently I played bioshock 1 on the ps3 and bioshock 2 on the 360... my opinion? They were both fucking great games and it didn't matter which system I played them on.

But here's something that hasn't been mentioned yet - I seem to find 360 games cheaper and on sale more times than ps3 games. Otherwise, listen to the more unbiased suggestions already given and consider getting both consoles down the line.
Alright Xenogears, fair enough. I apologize for going off on you, I was just annoyed.

And 5of9, I did the same and also got the same response.
Yeah, I went a little far too. I apologize. CAG can be a happy place, PS3 and 360 can coexist.

I've also heard 5of9's comment before. More demos, more robust. That does seem to be the consensus
[quote name='TheShepherdSauce']Bullshit. I play both my systems equally (and by equally I mean, I'll play a game on the 360 then play my next game on the ps3, alternating systems with each new game) and my take on cross-platform games? They play exactly the same. Just recently I played bioshock 1 on the ps3 and bioshock 2 on the 360... my opinion? They were both fucking great games and it didn't matter which system I played them on.

But here's something that hasn't been mentioned yet - I seem to find 360 games cheaper and on sale more times than ps3 games. Otherwise, listen to the more unbiased suggestions already given and consider getting both consoles down the line.[/QUOTE]

Unless by 'play exactly the sme' you are just referring to the fact that crossplatform games are largely the same game on each system, you are just wrong. Do games play well, and look good on both systems? You bet. However, in a lot of cases the 360 has less slowdown. The 360 controller is also widely considered better for FP games due to the higher stick tension.

Please exit fanboi-mode. I'm not saying anything negative about either system. As you pointed out, most games will be good on either system, however, to pretend that all things are equal when they aren't is just silly. Some games are developed on one platform and get a crappy port. Some are developed by separate teams, and one team happens to have a better handle on their hardware. Some games get the multiplatform treatment late in development. In any of these cases, the game will be noticeably better on one platform or the other. The 360 tends to win these contests simply because it's easier to develop for, and therefore ends up as the lead in many projects.

Lens of Truth's Head2Head series is an excellent source of comparison. For every tie on PS3 vs 360, the 360 wins 3.

Personally, I own both systems, and when I buy a new cross-platform title I choose which one is objectively better, if it can be determined. If not, I go for the cheaper one (lately the 360 wins that battle a lot too).
What the OP should do is go over their friends houses who have a 360 and a PS3 and watch each system in action.

If that's not possible then how about they spend a bit of money going to Rent-A-Center and renting each console for a month or so and play some of the 'better' games for each.

But by all means they should NEVER and I mean NEVER listen to opinions from people on the internet about what to buy, since not everyone is going to have an unbiased opinion.
Both are great consoles.

Pick whichever controller you think is more comfortable and look at the exclusives for each console and decide what you want to play of that.
First and foremost, take a look at the games for each system, and go with whatever has more of the games you want. Sure each system has some good exclusives, but if you aren't interested in them, it means jack.

Second, check out the controllers, especially if you're a marathon gamer. Figure out which is more comfortable to you. PS3 are wireless and have better battery life, but a bit uncomfortable to me. 360 have a generally accepted as crappy D-pad but it's only used for like 1% of games come in wired/wireless but take AA batteries or a battery pack

Third. Blue-ray or no? Sure blue ray is nice, if you have the tv for it, but if you're not running the HDMI cable your not seeing the real difference over standard DVD's

And last, Online. If you're going online, PS3's is free, 360 isn't. In my opinion the 360 has the better online service though, with a more streamlined interface for friends, messages and what not, and the big thing for me is cross game party chat on the 360.

I have all 3 systems (ps3, wii, 360 ), the wii collects dust, but even while playing my PS3 I still tend to have the 360 running just for the party chat with all of my friends.
I use my 360 as a DVR and I don't pay for cable. My wife loves that about it. We use the PS3 for netflix and playon. My wife loves that about the PS3. But when it comes time to game, she breaks out the Wii.

It's all about what you want most. Consoles are MUCH more than just game machines nowadays. Think about the total package.

If I was stuck with 1, it would be the PS3. Paying for live (even on sale) is a killer for me just on the principle of it.
I currently have a Slim PS3 and a Slim 4GB Xbox 360.

I used to have just an older 360, then I got rid of it in favor of PS3. I wanted Bluray, wifi built in, and free online play. But I ended up really missing the 360 exclusives. Now that I bought a Slim 360, I have wifi built in, better online (I don't care for PSN and have no friends with PS3) and my Halo/Gears back.

Since I bought my 360 3 weeks ago, I've turned on my PS3 maybe five times, and 4 of those were to watch Blurays. Uncharted is probably the best NextGen game I have played, but the online is just not as good as Halo or Gears. The only reason I still have my PS3 is to play Blurays.

This is just my experience. It's the games that keep me glued to my 360. Online is great and the controller, IMO, is much better than the PS3 controller. The only hardware difference these days is BluRay, cause all models have wifi now. Sure, you have to buy batteries for 360 controllers, but their controllers are usually $5-$10 cheaper anyways. Though, to be honest, Uncharted 1/2 are worth buying a PS3 alone. Greatest games of this generation.

My useless online advice: try both systems (at friends house or something) and get which one you like more.
[quote name='Xenogears']1. Find out what console your friends play, so you can play online with them. If you dont care, go with PS3 for the free online gameplay
2. Do you want blu-ray? If you do, go with PS3
3. Is FPS your favorite type of game? Go with 360
4. Do you like talking with friends while playing games? Go with 360 for cross game chat
5. I dont know all the 360 exclusives, but Gears 3, Halo ODST + Reach, Fable 3, and Alan Wake are the only ones im aware of now that Mass effect 2 is comin to PS3. PS3 has Uncharted 1+2, Infamous 1+2, Heavy Rain, Killzone 2+3, Little Big Planet 1+2, Ratchet and Clank Future 1+2, God of War 1+2+3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Valkyria Chronicles, Twisted Metal, Last Gaurdian, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy XIV, Gran Turismo 5, and DEMONS SOULS (this alone is worth buying the PS3 for)
6. What interests you more, MOVE or KINECT? In terms of motion gameplay, its probably going to be MOVE > KINECT
7. My fanboy might be showing now...but unless you got alot of friends on 360, want cross game chat, or must have Gears and Halo, get a PS3. I dont want to start a fanboy war, I just don't have or know too much about 360's benefits or other exclusives. Any 360 fans know more?[/QUOTE]

Left 4 Dead 1+2, Mass Effect, Forza series, Fable II, Gears 1+2, and Halo 3, Banjo-Kazooie, etc.

I go back and forth between the two, but at the same time feel if you can only choose one of the 2 (or 3 for that matter) at its current price point ($300), the PS3 is by far the best overall value.
[quote name='BrolyB593']Something to throw in there as well that nobody has mentioned is the XBLA. There are quite a few GREAT Arcade games that seem to be overlooked when comparing the two consoles.

I barely have enjoyed any of the PSN titles, but I have over 70 Arcade titles for the 360 and they are all amazing.

I have both and would lean towards a 360 for a better and more active community, exclusive titles and the XBLA. I would go on and on about comparisons, but I have class in a few minutes so you get the shortened version![/QUOTE]
Yeah, because Shatter, Flower, The Last Guy, Trash Panic, Pain, etc are all horrible games?

Both services have great games but I actually give the edge to PS3 for more original games and also the prices. Games on PSN seem to fluctuate greatly and are all pretty much appropriate. You have everything from $2.99 to $19.99. Whereas everything on XBLA, especially nowadays, is $15.

XBLA does have a ton of Indie games though, even though they don't have cheevo support, which I think is one of the dumbest moves by MS since the inception of the 360. I actually feel bad for the Indie developers. I can't even imagine how many more sales they would have if they could implement cheevos.
[quote name='paddlefoot']

I go back and forth between the two, but at the same time feel if you can only choose one of the 2 (or 3 for that matter) at its current price point ($300), the PS3 is by far the best overall value.[/QUOTE]

That is by far the biggest point.

I have all three consoles. Actually in my house we have two 360's, two PS3's and one Wii. My wife is mostly 360 and I play my 360 and PS3 pretty equally. The Wii? Not so much.

But the bottom line is that when anyone asks me, friend and family, what console to buy when they only want ONE, the answer is simple. PS3 wins easily. You just get a lot more for your money.

The new 360 is definitely catching up even if it took them five years, LOL.
[quote name='ravens52bears54']That is by far the biggest point.

But the bottom line is that when anyone asks me, friend and family, what console to buy when they only want ONE, the answer is simple. PS3 wins easily. You just get a lot more for your money.

The new 360 is definitely catching up even if it took them five years, LOL.[/QUOTE]

Good point. As far as actual hardware, the PS3 wins. However, the only real difference is bluray. Wifi is actually better on 360 (N vs G). If 360 had BluRay, even an external add-on, I doubt I'd even own a PS3.
I'd agree with rusty on the controller issue. I do not currently have a 360 due to RROD issues with two different 360's. That being said the 360's controller layout is better. Especially for FPS games. I'm debating getting the new 360 s. I going to wait awhile to see the failure rate. My first 360 was a launch unit. When it died I waited til the "Falcon" chip came out on the "new" elite. The hardware issues were supposedly fixed so I forked over $400 for it. It died right after the warranty expired. I had enough of throwing my money away and got a PS3. It took awhile to get used to the controller. I still do not like the controller after owning the PS3 for 9 months.

Short answer. Try both consoles. The controller is your interface with the games. I would imagine everyone has their preference.

The controller and Halo are the only things I miss from the 360.
My PS3 is the red-headed stepchild in my house. I love alot of the games and the system is pretty sick overall, but I just have never liked the Dual Shock controller. The stick and triggers suck IMHO. It feels unnatural in my hands whereas the 360 controller just feels right... unless you play alot of 2D games, the 360 controller is just better. Ya, the d-pad is horrible, but Ill take a crappy d-pad over shitty analog nubs that my thumb cannot grip and awkward triggers anyday.

There are some great games on both systems, but the PS3 exclusives such as God of War 3, Heavy Rain, and Uncharted 2 look better than anything on either console up to this point. 360 is no slouch though with games like Bayonetta and Resident Evil 5 looking absolutely awesome. 360 also trumps PS3 in the DL title dpartment. PS3 has some great DL games, but 360 has more and better (overall) titles. Although, Joe Danger is fast becoming my fave DL game ever! Also, load times and the time it takes to complete updates are generally painful on the PS3 while updates on 360 are pretty zippy comparatively. I seem to spend more time waiting to play my PS3 than actually playing it. It really pisses me off sometimes...

My advice, save as much money as you can and just buy everything like I do because its the only way to cure these game cravings! Now, back to my backlog....
I did not see anyone mention the fact that Xbox gets exclusives addons way before PS3 does (GTA IV, Fallout 3, CoD:MW2) and all the arcade games that are awesome on Xbox, come to PSN like 1 year later (ex: Braid, Castle Crashers....)

I'm not being a fanboy, I just stating the fact I think this is a HUGE advantage IMO.

For PS3 it does double as a Blu Ray player which is HUGE as well as the fact that some of the exclusives are awesome (Uncharted and LBP to name some) But this could go other way depending on which exclusives you prefer.

I have both systems and I always buy for Xbox when it comes to multi platform games (but im also somewhat a achievement whore) But i just like the whole atmosphere of xbox a little better with the whole chatting system they have going for them.

In short, if your a social butterfly I say go for Xbox but if you just want to play games then PS3.

In the end they both have positives and negatives you just need to decide which one is right for you.
ps3, you can log on and go online to as many ps3's as you like and all of your info will be there,,, xbox you have to download gamer tag from another xbox and re download all of your games, i hate that with a passion, and the ps3 network is free99, by the way i own both systems
[quote name='kalvin689']I really want a NG console but which one should i chose, what are the advantages + disadvantages of the xbox 360/Ps3? :)[/QUOTE]

Honestly I have had both and have played both extensively, sold my xbox for a ps3 sold my ps3 for an xbox.

Ps3 have 3 things going for it, Free Service + built in blu-ray + built in wifi.

I consider myself a hardcore gamer and that being said the ps3 game lobbies were way to quiet for me and the online experience is just not on par with the xbox 360 online experience. Anyone who has played both will tell you.

So if a great online experience (as far as features go) is not important to you than the PS3 is a great deal.
bread's done