PS3 yellow'd from update today.


3 (100%)
Edit: seems to not be the reason for my ylod. My mistake. I jumped the gun on that.

never had this happen before. I have NEVER had problems with the machine. It even turned on today. i want to check the store and it said i needed to update. sure fine whatever.
updated went back to check on system saw it was off. when to turn it on and it loops and blinks yellow for a fraction of a second and stays red.
anyone else?
i'm about to go ape shit on sony.
I need to finish star wars tonight!
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I have the same unit.

I just called sony and they will fix it for 120 bucks. fuckers. there has to be a way to fix this.

any ideas?
[quote name='IRHari']What version did (do) you have? I've got an 80 GB BC (the MGS4 bundle one) and I'm worried about this...[/QUOTE]

as long as you keep your console clean ( inside and out) and take the time to change out you thermal paste youll be fine.
I have no idea if its from the update or just a coincidence. I'm looking online now about it. I might just be screwed. Something about thermal paste and shitty soldering. I think i might try and crack this thing open to see if i can fix it instead to paying out to sony. anyone done this before?
It's probably just coincidence, but it doesn't hurt any less. My 60gb PS3 died a few months back from the same thing.
[quote name='PotatoGuy']Can i change whatever the paste is now or am i already screwed?[/QUOTE]

if you do the reflow trick you can get it back up and running in most cases but its a temporary fix once your ps3 ylod. its easy enough to do youll need thermal paste, a heat gun and rubbing alcohol and the tools to open up your ps3.

heres a link to the youtube video i used to fix mine.
I agree with Thongsy, my 80gb B/C motor storm bundle died back in march, i toke it to work where they repair laptop/motherboard and also they have a reflow machine. So did that and put that artic silver thermal paste on it works like a charm but the unit didn't last that long not even a month maybe more like 3 weeks. So basically you can at least try to get it going and backup your stuff, which i shouldv'e done when i had it going for the moment but it was too late so all of my sh** is gone. So at the end i had to shell out extra money to get a new one. From what i have read on forum and such i mean i did lots of reading and getting people opinion, you can send in the system but they won't give you the full year warrantys more like 90 days and i think if you want to upgrade to a slim model, a refurb one that is, its going to cost you abit more, i say find some deals out there for a new one so that way your not taking a big risk on a refurb.
Yeah I never changed out the thermal paste...bought it in June 2008. Hasn't failed me so far. Should I bother doing this? I'm not sure how to do it though I found a lot of tutorials.

If I wait too long and I get YLOD, can I still do the thermal paste afterwards?
Definitely just a coincidence when it broke.

You can fix it yourself, I did with my launch one, but it only lasted about 2 months before dying again. Depending on how long the warranty is from Sony, it might be worth just sending it to them to get it fixed.
I have the 80GB MGSIV bundle too but haven't updated yet. I changed the thermal paste a few months back after seeing how Sony applies it (they basically pour it on when it's supposed to be a thin layer). It didn't really help with anything but I did it as a preventative measure.

Let me forewarn you that opening the 80GB model is a bit different than what most videos and guides show at some points but it's still fairly easy to do. It took me 3 hours and the only difficulty is in keeping track of all the small screws/parts (just keep a log as you're taking it apart).
[quote name='PotatoGuy']how long has your machine lasted after giving it a fix?[/QUOTE]

it would keep working for a month or 2 then itd die again and id have to relow again. i ended up getting a slim and havent had any issues since.
I had a 80MGS unit as well that bit the dust earlier this year. I did the YLOD fix that you'll find on Youtube and the unit lasted about 6 more days. Long enough to deactivate my PSN accounts and transfer my saves.
Try propping it up on its side. That's how I got my PS2 to work for a few extra months.

Agree with other posters - your system is basically almost dead.
My sister is an engineer and I might ship it to her. She knows how to pop out the gpu and put new solder on it. Has anyone gone that far before?
You don't really need to be an engineer to do this, just need to know how to use tools and follow instructions. You probably have all the tools needed except for the Heat Gun which is about $30 on amazon.

This is the Gun I used on mine:

Just search you tube for GILSKY YLOD and you should be fine, and as everyone has said your PS3 is basically dead. The REFLOW thing will put your PS3 on borrowed time. I reflowed my 60GB launch PS3 3 times, ranging from 1 week to 1 month in between reflows, before I bought a slim but YMMV. It is wise to REFLOW and BUY a new one at the same time so you can transfer your old PS3 data to the new one coz at this point you just have to accept your PS3 is dead.
I had this same thing happen to my 360 just before the slim came out. My system for the most part worked fine. From time to time it would lock up depending on the game. For example I could play Mass Effect 2 fine but Fable 3 would lock up. Not even a minute after that big update I started having issues with it locking up when booting up. It looked up on me 3 of 4 times before I was able to get into the game and then locked up on my after started to play ME2. After that I got the RROD.

I say all this because like I was told when all this happened it is just a coincident. An update could never cause something to fail. It was just bad timing that's all.

With the sarcasm out of my system I guess I wont be updating my 60gig PS3 for some time now. I was going to watch my Star Wars BluRays on it this weekend but will just use the player in the other room no. I don't want to deal with this with my PS3 that is full backwards compatible. At least not with the luck I have. 360 updated and got the RROD and I got the Gingerbread update on my EVO 4G and after that I had to download other apps to even be able to text and take pictures.
Fixed my 80 gig mgs4 myself for around $35. Thought I did a good job but it only lasted a week. Lemme know if you want a heart gun that's only been used once, we can work out a deal.
[quote name='PotatoGuy']Thinking about going the oven route. 350 for 8mins. Anyone have thoughts?[/QUOTE]

wtf is the oven route?lol i looked it up and yeah youre probably going to destroy your motherboard doing that.the point of using the heatgun method is youre applying heat to the section of the ps3 where the gpu is loose not trying to cook the whole board. its like that hair dryer method people were touting doing that will only heat up other things but its yours so goodluck.
I'm guessing put the mother board in the oven. As a chef, I'm not sure a full 8 mins is necessary.[quote name='lokizz']wtf is the oven route?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='shadowkast']I'm guessing put the mother board in the oven. As a chef, I'm not sure a full 8 mins is necessary.[/QUOTE]

lol only if you want the circuits nice and crispy.
Yah after looking more into it I think ill try the heat gun. My buddy has one. I have a feeling im going to wreck this thing. Shit I just want to deactivate my psn account. I don't care about saves. Lame.
If you just want to deactivate your PSN account and get data off I would do the blowdryer trick. That's what I did since I didn't have a heat gun and just wanted to get what I can off the system. Whatever you do, the system is as good as dead anyways unless you send it into Sony but even than, that's a temporary fix as it will probably yellow light in a year or two.
[quote name='PotatoGuy']Yah after looking more into it I think ill try the heat gun. My buddy has one. I have a feeling im going to wreck this thing. Shit I just want to deactivate my psn account. I don't care about saves. Lame.[/QUOTE]

i believe you can deactivate the account through qrocity or even better call up sony and have them do it. if you dont care about saves thats the quickest way to go besides if you send in your console to sony youre not gauranteed to get the same one back.
[quote name='lokizz']i believe you can deactivate the account through qrocity or even better call up sony and have them do it. if you dont care about saves thats the quickest way to go besides if you send in your console to sony youre not gauranteed to get the same one back.[/QUOTE]

Mine YLOD again (60GB Launch model) (after a reflow that lasted 9 days) and the refurb unit will be here tomorrow, I did a backup at the beginning of Aug, but still ended up loosing a 55 hour Trinity Souls save) annoying as it was, it could have been worse and I lost everything.

Going to buy a slim during BF, but I'm going to work this "new" 60 GB during its 90 day warranty like a pack mule so I know its going to last, then if it does bust they send another. (and another, until I get a decent one)

But I think it was bad timing for the OP, nothing more or less, mine has been on borrowed time, I was shocked it lasted this long personally, compared to some of the stories I've read since it died the first time last month. With some systems only lasting 2-3 years, I was lucky mine made it almost to the 5 year mark with no issues.
So...are the 80 gb BC mgs4 PS3s kicking out now and ylodding right about now? Less than 4 year lifespan on these things???
[quote name='IRHari']So...are the 80 gb BC mgs4 PS3s kicking out now and ylodding right about now? Less than 4 year lifespan on these things???[/QUOTE]

a good chunk of all phats are dying a small portion due to the power source failing and the majority due to the shitty thermal paste sony used drying up. no matter how good you clean them youll be amazed at how much dust is inside when you open them up.
I don't know. My launch PS3 lasted close to 5 years, and I wasn't mad because I used that thing much more heavily than any console I owned before it.
my ps3 y'lod back in december of 09 i think it was while playing bioshock. sony said it'd be $150 for either a fixed system or a "refurbished" system. i paid it and they obviously sent me a "refurbished" system and it has been working fine since. i try to keep it as clean as possible (without actually opeing the thing up to clean it)

original 60gig
My launch PS3 lasted about 4 years and I am fine with that, I know my PS2 and PS1 both lasted 5+ years and my Original Xbox was still working after I sold it which was already entering its 7th year of service.. but I know I have used my PS3 more than any of those consoles in between SOCOM:Conf, MW and Battlefield multiplayer games and countless single player games.. that thing was a work horse!

IRHari..just be thankful you don't have a 360.. :) I am already on my 3rd one since it launch and I dont use it that much either, I just had to buy a new power supply too for my Slim 360.
I have a 2007 80GB PS3 that I bought on ebay in summer of 2008 and it still works well, though I play on average 10-15 hours a week. I do the vacuum cleaning the vents and I keep the console away from obstacles so the vents can do their thing.
[quote name='IRHari']
I dunno, Slims are effing cheap right now right? I feel like buying one though, would be rewarding bad behavior on Sony's part.[/QUOTE]

If you watch the Warehouse Deals thread you can score a like new Slim for around 180. I picked one up recently and it was actually new.
yeah someone posted there was an infamous 2 bundle up for 2 something. wharehouse deals is a section thats very much worth watching especially if youre looking to get a cheap console.
This is the first I'm hearing of this. Guess it's a good thing I rarely use mine.

[quote name='lokizz']
heres a link to the youtube video i used to fix mine.

Good lord.
[quote name='lokizz']a good chunk of all phats are dying a small portion due to the power source failing and the majority due to the shitty thermal paste sony used drying up. no matter how good you clean them youll be amazed at how much dust is inside when you open them up.[/QUOTE]

I hear you on the thermal paste, when we reflowed my other, now dead system it was more like thermal putty...:hot:

And yeah it was dusty in there, the air flow design, sucked. The refurb unit moves air really nicely, but I believe they put a new, more powerful cooling fan in the unit to keep it running cooler. The bottom still gets warm (mine is sitting vertical now), but the top exhaust port was nice and cold literally 60 seconds after powering down after being on for 3 hours tonight, my old one was still very warm/hot after being on for times like that.

[quote name='IRHari']I haven't turned mine on since the update...but I think it's absurd that the longevity is
My launch 60GB ate it a few hours ago. I tried putting new thermal paste hoping that it might work, but it looks like I'll need a heat gun or try the hairdyer trick. fucking have Resistance 3 in the damn thing.:cry:

The thing that sucks is that I got it fixed by Sony 2.5 years ago because the BR drive ate it too. I can kinda deal with the saves, but I do not want to lose BC. Options are limited.:cry:
I installed it the day it came out (the patch). I vacuumed the vents this morning and cleaned the dust off it.

Had the PS3 on for about 4-5 hours straight. Watching movies and playing Deus Ex. Seems to be okay...
So I just updated my 80GB MGSIV bundle PS3 and everything's fine. Sounds like you just got unlucky OP...

I'm always worried about it happening to me since there's no easy way to back up all the saves, not to mention some saves being fucking locked to the system.
:bomb:[quote name='Vinny']So I just updated my 80GB MGSIV bundle PS3 and everything's fine. Sounds like you just got unlucky OP...

I'm always worried about it happening to me since there's no easy way to back up all the saves, not to mention some saves being fucking locked to the system.[/QUOTE]
Apparently, you can transfer them console to console through a network cable and/or upload them to PS+. Other than that, you're borked.

I just used the hairdryer for 15 minutes and am hoping I can at least get the game out and deactivate the console. If I get REALLY lucky, maybe I'll be able to back up some of the saves.

edit: Welp, hairdryer didn't work so off to sony it goes...along with all my saves...:bomb:
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[quote name='lokizz']wtf is the oven route?lol i looked it up and yeah youre probably going to destroy your motherboard doing that.the point of using the heatgun method is youre applying heat to the section of the ps3 where the gpu is loose not trying to cook the whole board. its like that hair dryer method people were touting doing that will only heat up other things but its yours so goodluck.[/QUOTE]

Reflowing with an oven works. I've done it on a few Laptops and video cards even.

It's same idea but tends to work better / last longer.

I've bought a few YLOD PS3's off craigslist and ebay baked them tested for a week or so and resold them as refurbs for decent profits.
mine just died too a day after the update, for the 2nd time.
its a 60gb ps3 with 500gb swap..
im gona buy the 320gb bundle since its bound to die again.
bread's done