PS4 Battlefield 4 or COD Ghosts


So my friend insisted that I should exchange Ghosts for BF4

Many told me BF4 isnt really as good

its not about gameplay/engines...i think bf4 is superior

however, im not too into all the vehicles (copters,jets, tanks) anymore since they made so many and now its less of a FPS than a war game.

i was a huge bfbc2 fan and i liked it much more than COD, but BF3 was a big disappointment, because the hit detection was horrible and all it was was vehicular warfare

i prefer the fast paced FPS of COD but i heard ghosts wasnt that great. BF4 graphics were said to be excellent. and ghosts graphics werent that great. graphics are a big deal to me, but i dont want a game that im disappinted with because of gameply

 so all in all im confused on which to go with. I just got the ps4, i have killzone 4, and i want either BF4 or ghosts, altho ghosts is already in my posession

so if you have any advice or input on which to go with, please let me know.


Just play Killzone. BF4 is so broken right now. Only been playing for about four days and not having a good time. I say wait on BF4 and play Killzone. Play Killzone.

yeah bf4 is beyond broken. either CoD or killzone. im a huge fan of bad company 2. my 1st battlefield game ever and absolutely loved it. these last 2 iterations cant compare.

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so playin on the ps4 psn and reading the latest articles and updates, bf4 is indeed a broken mp as far as servers go, so im glad i avoided that disappointment, and i hope they fix it soon, cuz id love to play it, it sounds amazing

Are the mp servers the only issue in BF4? I heard there was some game save issues as well.
some people were getting corrupted saves in SP that would lose everything. not sure if the newest patch fixed that. i played SP and didnt touch MP until i got all the trophies for SP. then just did MP.

I suck at mp so not sure If I ever experience the one hit kill bug as I wouldnt know it if I saw it, but played the SP more and have had it crash 2-3 times while playing that. Also had it eat my save file once, luckily I was only part way through the first mission. If my file went poof at this point I would be irate.

I have noitced the pretty bad lag on a large map, 64 players map. Very jittyer and stuttery while moving around. Doubt it was my internet as other games before and after on smaller maps were just fine.

This was all after the latest patch too.

Ghosts if you like to just run and gun, horrible spawns, and listen to all the trash talk. BF4 if you like team work, mostly adult atmosphere, and a great experience. True, they are having issues with servers. But let's not act like this has never happened before. They will get it fixed and all will be good.

Far as Killzone, personally I did not like it at all. The MP in that game did nothing for me.

im trying to play battlefield 4 but the crashes do kill your experience ive spent more time dealing with crashes then being in actual mp gameplay i do hope it gets fixed because this can be a lot of fun! if it worked most of the time

If you guys have spent more time dealing with crashes than playing then you are doing something wrong. BF4 certainly needs to be fixed but it is great. OP would probably really enjoy domination in BF.

I have put in 30+ hours in BF.

Also no one plays killzone online.
Yes, I do love battlefield. BFBC2 is IMO perhaps the best shooter, only contender being KZ3. (homefront was also great, but underdeveloped). but because of all the crashing, I am waiting for BF4, because I want them to fix the bugs and crashes and servers. EA really doesn't take care of their servers, and I won't get frustrated to play a game , or rather , not play because of technical difficulties. By the beginning of next year, Ill be on BF4, trust me. My favorite was Rush btw.

I LOVE BF4 but there are some major fixes that need to happen. mainly game crashes and no option to squad up before a game.
Just play Killzone. BF4 is so broken right now. Only been playing for about four days and not having a good time. I say wait on BF4 and play Killzone. Play Killzone.
If your a big COD fan then pick up it up as it is practically just like all the others before it.

BF4 is like BF3.5, its prettier (depending on system) and has a few newer things but basically its a beefed up BF3. Many, including me don't think thats a bad thing, but you didn't like BF3 so I doubt you will like BF4 now. Especially now because people report that its broken and DICE made a press release on how they are stopping all current development on everything else they are working on until they fix up BF4 issues. Way to go, releasing a game before its been optimized and play tested enough. I bet that DICE asked EA for more time for QA and EA was like "NO! WE WANT THEM MONIES RIGHT NOW!". Now DICE is struggling to help customers and EA is just sitting there, piling up the dough.

Yeah, EA is my least favorite of...all.

Thinking about finding a used copy of Ghosts.  I love COD but it's gotten such a bad rap that I'm considering just skipping this gen totally. 

Ghost is not the worst COD out there and doesn't crash (BF4).  However there are still a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds on there who make it annoying with their chatter.  I try not to be sexist and enjoy females playing but the last few that I have been on with have been nothing but annoying chatter boxes that I had to mute.

Two most annoying things - people with crap music coming through their mic and people who constantly talk while playing a map.

Ghosts is horrible if you have fast internet. Hop on some crappy DSL and you will have a better game. The lag compensation and hit markers are a total joke. Battlefield 4 still has it's issues from time to time, but I can actually play more than 2 matches without raging lol

Did they fix the crashing in Battlefield?  I tend to like the feel of COD more than Battlefield.  It just felt more real and on the 360 (not so much on the PC) Battlefield seemed to float (kind of like old FPS).  I was hoping with the extra power of the PS4 I'd see more dynamics with Battlefield.  Any change in that?

Kill Zone not a contender compared to the other two?

yeah kid. get bf4....

DO NOT GET GHOSTS. COD is the worst fucking series in the world of gaming history. I only play it to quickscope, which I find really fun with my astro a50, but aside from quickscoping, which is literally ALL I do (unless my friends/clan want me to play with them ), that's all I do, just free for all quickscope.

now as far as cod series goes, ghosts is a great game. but as a franchise, COD is the worst fucking thing to plague the gaming world.

point: get BF4 (premium if you can so u get china rising, otherwise get the season pass)

Oh, I just noticed the killzone question, Killzone is excellent, maybe the best FPS franchise there is/was, tough contender with battleifield series.

since ur a ps4 owner, id recommend getting killzone because it has the feel of COD, but the articulate and refinement of actually thought out development.

So its tough, but if it was me, id get Killzone over all, but bf4 is just as good. depends on what u want. if u wanna ask more questions to see which ud like better, let me know

wrong, u played it at launch and gave up within  a few days/, Its totally excellent. its been patched and the developers have so much updates/patches they are about to release, that its gonna be beyond excellent. u gave up on it at launch, now its a totally different ballgame. just like bf4 had crashes in the beginning, now its fine and stable, killzone is amazing

[On PS4] I gave COD: Ghost a spin last night.  I'm not sure if it is the difference between moving from Xbox to PS, but Ghost is not good.  I'll give it another go round but I thought the graphics looked very boxy, the movement is little more than early FPS; completely lacking the dynamics that even Black Ops II just had.   Can anyone that played on 360 and PS4 comment on the difference?  I think I'm going to return it if my opinion doesn't change after one more play.  

Very strange to me considering I've played every COD since the first, thousands of hours.  Even was in a COD clan for years.  This is the first time I felt like it's not working and I wonder if it's related to the console change.  

Battlefield 4 has been a blast.  Literally.  The best BF I've ever played on console.  The series never lived up to the PC experience for me until this one.  I'm definitely keeping it.

Next to play is KZ, just got that last night. 

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[On PS4] I gave COD: Ghost a spin last night. I'm not sure if it is the difference between moving from Xbox to PS, but Ghost is not good. I'll give it another go round but I thought the graphics looked very boxy, the movement is little more than early FPS; completely lacking the dynamics that even Black Ops II just had. Can anyone that played on 360 and PS4 comment on the difference? I think I'm going to return it if my opinion doesn't change after one more play.

Very strange to me considering I've played every COD since the first, thousands of hours. Even was in a COD clan for years. This is the first time I felt like it's not working and I wonder if it's related to the console change.

Battlefield 4 has been a blast. Literally. The best BF I've ever played on console. The series never lived up to the PC experience for me until this one. I'm definitely keeping it.

Next to play is KZ, just got that last night.
The fluidity and gameplay on CoD Ghosts is excellent, better graphically and gameplay than the ps3/xbox version. my main gripe with Cod, besides it being Cod, is that the spawning is outright ridiculous. you can get spawn in front of a spawntrapper and get killed time after time or u can just spawn and get killed cuz of bad spawning...that said, the gameplay and graphics are quite better on ps4 than the last gen. the gameplay is supposed to be more mw2 style than black ops style btw, that's purposefully done, and I actually don't mind it because I didn't like treyarch cod as much as infinity ward, but that's my preference, I say as far as Cod's go, maybe cuz of the imrpvoement seeing it on ps3 to ps4, ghosts is my favorite since mw2. if ur a Cod fan, keep it, if not, and u wanan have only 2, get rid and keep KZ and bf4

bf4 is a blast, far far better than any other shooter except killzone, especially better than any cod, so glad u like it, get premium ifu haven't, the map packs and upgrade kits are excellent, laggy as of late, but still the best overall war game there is

killzone and bf4 are the best FPS right now, and considering kz is getting a HUGE patch soon, the close tie between the two for my favorite is going to be an easy choice. right now, bf4 is the better overall wargame, and bf is the best wargame ever, but its more team tactical than kz (and def more than cod) as a whole, I consider KZ more of a run n gun + team tactical mix, somewhere in between ghosts and bf4, but with a style all its own....anyway, glad u got kz, and I highly encourage you to keep it, even if ur initial impressions aren't amazed because as I said, it just finished "beign out of beta" and the big patch is coming soon

wrong, u played it at launch and gave up within a few days/, Its totally excellent. its been patched and the developers have so much updates/patches they are about to release, that its gonna be beyond excellent. u gave up on it at launch, now its a totally different ballgame. just like bf4 had crashes in the beginning, now its fine and stable, killzone is amazing
Yeah, I did give up on it pretty quick. I may pick it up again once I finish Thief.

i hate when people compare bf to cod ghost they are two complete dif games only thing the same is both are fps games. For me bf series is for when i want to play larger maps with tanks and what not. Call of duty is great with friends and not looking to do much and just run and gun.  I doudt i will ever play killzone when i get my ps4 some time in march i just hated kz 3 online.

i have given up on bf4 it's still nothing like how amazing bf3 was on pc and now play that for my bf fix.

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The fluidity and gameplay on CoD Ghosts is excellent, better graphically and gameplay than the ps3/xbox version.
Really? You think it's better? I don't see it. I took another chance last night and I can see the issue. It lacks much detail modeling though the colors are more vivid. But they aren't going to fool me with pretty colors. All the environment is created with big 3D models, but lacks the finer details. Everything looks like big, colorful boxes. And it's really noticeable on the big screen & higher resolution. And the movement when I watch side-by-side with Black Ops II is more stilted.

Maybe it's the difference between Playstation vs. Xbox? Maybe it's a next gen. issue. But in my eyes, flipping back and forth, Ghosts definitely does not have better graphics or gameplay than Black Ops II. It's a giant step back. And that's pretty sad considering that I'm playing the next gen version.

I'm going to get rid of it. This is the first time I won't have a season pass/elite version of COD. I have until now loved the game but with BOII, Killzone and BF4 I have enough to hold me until some of the new games come out. Here's hoping COD comes out great next time.

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i have given up on bf4 it's still nothing like how amazing bf3 was on pc and now play that for my bf fix.
BF is great on PC, but I got tired of the arms race all the time (buying new computers just to keep up). The great thing about consoles is that they are a sort of equalizer. You can't spend $4000 for the fastest internet/computer to get an edge, everyone starts on the same field. I definitely think BF4 on PS4 is closer to BF3 on PC than BF3 was on PS3. I've only been playing a couple weeks and haven't expreienced any of the reported glitches.

Yeah, I did give up on it pretty quick. I may pick it up again once I finish Thief.
see i knew it ;) like i said before the patches and season pass ($20 bucks but free promo from bestbuy for me :) )its great, and thanks again for showing theif gameplay, i watched you again and i really dont think its gonna be replayed by me, and with ps4 games, im not lookin/trying not to start trading yet, i wanna keep whati have atm, cuz i bought everything for them already.

question is: its my bday so what do i get or preorder because i got $100 gift certificate for my bday today (BIRTHDAY TODAY) at BB and i have gamers clun unlocked. i wanted to get infamous ($50 w tax), so i wanna spend another 20-25 on network cards maybe? or is there another game i shoud preorder or get?

Really? You think it's better? I don't see it. I took another chance last night and I can see the issue. It lacks much detail modeling though the colors are more vivid. But they aren't going to fool me with pretty colors. All the environment is created with big 3D models, but lacks the finer details. Everything looks like big, colorful boxes. And it's really noticeable on the big screen & higher resolution. And the movement when I watch side-by-side with Black Ops II is more stilted.

Maybe it's the difference between Playstation vs. Xbox? Maybe it's a next gen. issue. But in my eyes, flipping back and forth, Ghosts definitely does not have better graphics or gameplay than Black Ops II. It's a giant step back. And that's pretty sad considering that I'm playing the next gen version.

I'm going to get rid of it. This is the first time I won't have a season pass/elite version of COD. I have until now loved the game but with BOII, Killzone and BF4 I have enough to hold me until some of the new games come out. Here's hoping COD comes out great next time.
hello, yeah man i do, i think, well compared to my ps3,(and i use a high end samsung led 40" and 55" as well as the ASUS VG278H, which is considered by a few to be the best [3d] gaming monitor atm) and i think its not bad at all. remind me oof mw2 really. its perhaps ps4 vs xbox1 issue, i really cant say as i didnt try it. ahh get rid of it tho, i think BF4 and KZ shadows is all you need for shooters, i only got COD Ghosts because at the time, BF4 was having major glitches, and I just got my ps4, and i was given $100 card to trus, they had the bogo 40 off, so ieven the gamer dudes at trus were like "yeah man, bf4 isnt workin for ps4 right now, so youre really better off with ghosts only cuz its working). ......... so i waited, they fixed the servers, i got a 50Mbps plan so now im getting 20+ mbs ps, so BF4 isnt an issue (tho servers lately ar werid) and its excellent. along with that, my 40% game was kz and at first i was jarred and thrown off by it coming from kz3, but i gotused to its different nice, excellent game, esp now

i hate when people compare bf to cod ghost they are two complete dif games only thing the same is both are fps games. For me bf series is for when i want to play larger maps with tanks and what not. Call of duty is great with friends and not looking to do much and just run and gun. I doudt i will ever play killzone when i get my ps4 some time in march i just hated kz 3 online.

i have given up on bf4 it's still nothing like how amazing bf3 was on pc and now play that for my bf fix.
i dont either. BF is a wargame, set as a FPS. of course you have mods/attachments/etc for your weapons, but its a wargame, meaning there are vehicles (LOTS of vehicles) and you have to choose classes to complement your squad or team. its tactical and it has to be semi strategic and also you have to deal with destrucble environments and again, VEHICLES. lol but bf4 is excellent, very great wargamer/fps/

now COD is more a pure Run n gun classic FPS (ala goldeneye) which i like for different reasons: as timbo just said, all i do in COD now is just quick scope. i dont do nothin else. i love it for that. ghosts is like mw2 and i really got into, so if im playin with friends, i uisially use my k7 or honey badger, but alone, always snipers...and the new maps are nice btw but anyway, COD is not a wargame, its just a shooter, as you can tell by customizing your perks and your support or specials.

killzone 3 is nothing like kz4, its kz shadows fall, or something, so its not really a sequel, its totally different in many ways, only thing is some familiar maps, but kz is freeeeeeeeeeUCKING amazing. after the upcoming long talked about patch, its really gonna be something, plus the coop mode thats coming out, and the new more advanced maps too, kz sf will soon be regarded as highly as bf4 i think.

When BF4's servers are running efficiently, it's a very fun game and is my all time favorite FPS. However, when I start rubber-banding, and get random jitters from the servers, I get really frustrated with the game. I spent an hour or so last week trying to find a decent running server, but couldn't, so I said F-it and stopped playing and haven't played it for a week and a half. It's not worth the stress. Once DICE finally figures out the issues with the servers I'll start playing again.

BF4 was obviously not ready for Prime Time, and it is apparent to me that EA forced DICE to release a bugged game for next gen release and to compete head on with COD Ghosts. Had DICE been given the time they needed, there wouldn't be these issues. Despite what EA says about BF4s issues not hurting the franchise, it may not immediately hurt sales, but when BF5 releases I think EA is going to see that a lot of people are going to be hesitant to buy it, or are just flat out never going to buy another BF title because they got burned with BF4 or have read all of the bad press.

I think EA would have been better served if they just came right out and admitted that they are concerned about the impression that people may now have about the franchise, and then laid out the groundwork for whatever it is they intend to do to change people's minds and make them happy.

I think some sort of loyalty discount would make some people happier. My Origin account has been linked to BF since Bad Company 2, and I have purchased the Premium subscription since they introduced it. Based on a number of things such as number of titles played, total online playtime logged, Premium subscriptions bought, and whatever else, that you should get some sort of substantial monetary discount on BF5 or another future Premium subscription. I don't want worthless in-game crap like knives or dog tags, I want something real. I personally don't give a crap about these stupid "Premium only" dog tags, camo, or knives. It has no bearing on the game play.

Sorry I got off topic there and it turned into a rant.

EA server maintenance is an oxymoron, if there ever was one in games (kinda like great with call of duty, e.g. Remember that great call of duty game, black ops?") lol

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