Working codes for
1) Sackboy's Prehistoic PSN game - please note, this particular code is for EU accounts (will accept $5 PayPal)
2) Mafia 2 Fedora hat code for use in Playstation HOME (will accept $2 PayPal)
3) Call of Duty Black Ops Flight Suit for use in Playstation HOME (will accept $1 PayPal)
4) Schick GT5 Racing Suit for use in Playstation HOME (will accept $1 PayPal)
5) Schick GT5 dynamic theme (will accept $1 PayPal)
6) Sports Champions dynamic theme (will accept $1 PayPal)
7) Top Gun movie (FULL, NOT rental)
psn OR xbla games (but NOT DLC codes from Subway contest before but I can take Pain or High Velocity Bowling depending on the trade)
Psn card codes from Canada, USA, UK, Hong Kong or Japan
no game shares please