PS4 Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Black Ops Pass - $35.00 OBO
PS4 Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Pro Edition Content - $15.00 OBO

PS4 The Division 2 Gold Edition Content - $30.00 OBO

PS4 Hitman 2 Gold Edition Content - $20.00 OBO

PS4 Resident Evil 2 Deluxe Edition Content - $12.00 OBO (PENDING SALE)

PS4 Battlefield V Deluxe Edition Content - $5.00 OBO

If you buy BOTH Black Ops 4 DLC codes, I will bundle them for $45.00, unless offers are made then we can work out a price.


PayPal Friends & Family

NOT interested in trades but I am open to REASONABLE offers as well.  Payment will need to be sent first, and upon receipt, I will send the codes via PM.  Any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

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Division 2 - Year 1 Pass - $30

Fallout 76 - Tricentennial Pack - $7.50

Far Cry: New Dawn - Unicorn Trike Tricycle - $2

Metro Exodus - Dynamic Theme - $2

Overwatch - 10 Loot Boxes - $5

Overwatch: Legendary Edition - Legendary Skins (Okami Hanzo, Valkyrie Mercy, Police Officer D.Va, Mystery Man McCree, Fool Junkrat) + 5 Epic Skins (Carbon Fiber Genji, Pale Moira, Paragon Reinhardt, Winter Widowmaker, Shrike Ana) + 5 Origins Skins (Security Chief Pharah, Strike Commander Morrison Soldier: 76, Slipstream Tracer, Blackwatch Reyes Reaper, Overgrown Bastion) - $3

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Season Pass - $12.50


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:ps4: $50 PSN code - $45 Paypal please

 Destiny 2 Expansion Pass - $10  OBO

 Battlefield 1 Premium DLC Pass - $5 
 Saints Row Gat out of Hell Game code - $6 OBO
 Fallout New Vegas Mercenary Pack DLC

Paypal offers/XBL credit/AMZ credit 


PS4 Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Black Ops Pass - $35.00 OBO
PS4 Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Pro Edition Content - $15.00 OBO

PS4 The Division 2 Gold Edition Content - SOLD

PS4 Hitman 2 Gold Edition Content - $20.00 OBO

PS4 Resident Evil 2 Deluxe Edition Content - SOLD

PS4 Battlefield V Deluxe Edition Content - $5.00 OBO

If you buy BOTH Black Ops 4 DLC codes, I will bundle them for $45.00, unless offers are made then we can work out a price.


PayPal Friends & Family

NOT interested in trades but I am open to REASONABLE offers as well.  Payment will need to be sent first, and upon receipt, I will send the codes via PM.  Any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

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Saints row gat out of hell game download-$2

South Park stick of truth ps4-$4

Life is strange before storm bonus episode-$1

Trials Fusion season pass-$2

Gravel Porsche rally dlc-$1

Earthfall ps4 hazmat dlc-$1

Just Cause 4 neon racer pack-$1

Ni No Kuni 2 special sword sets-$1

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 ps4 Season Pass-$2 or make offer

Home front revolution revolutionary spirit pack-$1

UFC champions edition dlc-$1

Need for speed rivals complete dlc pack-$3

Fallout 76 Tricentenial pack-$6 or make offer

Steep Road to Olympics dlc pack-$5 or make offer

Amazon credit
Various Gift cards (target, nike, psn credit, etc?
Vudu movies
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PS4 Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Black Ops Pass - $35.00 OBO
PS4 Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Pro Edition Content - $15.00 OBO

If you buy BOTH Black Ops 4 DLC codes, I will bundle them for $45.00, unless offers are made then we can work out a price.

PS4 Hitman 2 Gold Edition Content - $20.00 OBO

PS4 Battlefield V Deluxe Edition Content - $5.00 OBO

PS4 The Division 2 Gold Edition Content - SOLD

PS4 Resident Evil 2 Deluxe Edition Content - SOLD


PayPal Friends & Family

NOT interested in trades but I am open to REASONABLE offers as well.  Payment will need to be sent first, and upon receipt, I will send the codes via PM.  Any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.


20% off PSN code (expires 6/30/19)

Bought this off someone round here, but I apparently already used one with this expiration date.

Want $5 paypal
Final Fantasy Royal edition DLC - $7

I wanna get this for XB1, what would be better to get, the Royal edition pack or the Season pass? I just happen to have this code from a PS4 copy and its on sale on XBL right now.


Battlefield V - Deluxe edition upgrade DLC -$10

GTA online 200k cash -DLC -$3

For Honor Marching fire expansion DLC -$18

Just cause 4 Neon racer pack DLC -$1

Persona 5 dancing in starlight Goro Akechi character Add on -$5

W: Paypal, PSN, GS gift/trade cred

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Final Fantasy Royal edition DLC - $7

I wanna get this for XB1, what would be better to get, the Royal edition pack or the Season pass? I just happen to have this code from a PS4 copy and its on sale on XBL right now.
If you wanted the same content from the DLC you’re selling on PS4 to be on your XB1, you’d have to buy the Royal Pack AND the Season Pass.
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If you wanted the same content from the DLC you’re selling on PS4 to be on your XB1, you’d have to buy the Royal Pack AND the Season Pass.
Or buy the Royal Edition, which is the version they are selling for the PS4 and has all that:


1 x $10 PSN sold

1 x $50 PSN sold

1 x $75 PSN sold

[W] 85% Paypal F&F each




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Have a 20% off code that came with a ps4 I purchased this week.

Code expires 6/30/2019

Looking for $5 paypal f&f

Edit 1 left.
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Multiple $25 PSN codes

$21.75 if one code, $21/code if multiple.

Prices are lowest that have been seen on the board for awhile.  Please don't waste time low  balling. 

I have >$5k in codes, I'll update as I'm running low.

bread's done