PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?


87 (100%)
PSN is coming back as we speak. Please click the following link for more info...–-psn-restoration-begins-now/

PSN has been down since April 19th after the entire network was attacked and personal info was stolen (i.e- Name, address, phone number, e-mail, ect.) However, according to Sony, they are not sure if credit card numbers were stolen, as those had a special encryption to them. Sony is trying to rebuild their network and say that some systems may comeback within a week. We shall see.

Supposedly a group called Anonymous is attacking Sony and PSN for their treatment of the jailbreak incident and GeoHot.

Written statement from them:
Congratulations! You are now receiving the attention of Anonymous. Your recent legal actions against fellow internet citizens, GeoHot and Graf_Chokolo have been deemed an unforgivable offense against free speech and internet freedom, primary sources of free lulz (and you know how we feel about lulz.)

You have abused the judicial system in an attempt to censor information about how your products work. You have victimized your own customers merely for possessing and sharing information, and continue to target those who seek this information. In doing so you have violated the privacy of thousands of innocent people who only sought the free distribution of information. Your suppression of this information is motivated by corporate greed and the desire for complete control over the actions of individuals who purchase and use your products, at least when those actions threaten to undermine the corrupt stranglehold you seek to maintain over copywrong, oops, "copyright".

Your corrupt business practices are indicative of a corporate philosophy that would deny consumers the right to use products they have paid for, and rightfully own, in the manner of their choosing. Perhaps you should alert your customers to the fact that they are apparently only renting your products? In light of this assault on both rights and free expression, Anonymous, the notoriously handsome rulers of the internet, would like to inform you that you have only been "renting" your web domains. Having trodden upon Anonymous' rights, you must now be trodden on.

If you disagree with the disciplinary actions against your private domains, then we trust you can also understand our motivations for these actions. You own your domains. You paid for them with your own money. Now Anonymous is attacking your private property because we disagree with your actions. And that seems, dare we say it, "wrong." Sound familiar?

Let Anonymous teach you a few important lessons that your mother forgot: 1. Don't do it to someone else if you don't want it to be done to you. 2. Information is free. 3. We own this. Forever.
As for the "judges" and complicit legal entities who have enabled these cowards: You are no better than SONY itself in our eyes and remain guilty of undermining the well-being of the populace and subverting your judicial mandate.
All I know is I can't get on PSN right now. Anyone else wondering too?

Video from Anonymous-
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It was a simple DDoS attack on Sony's websites. PSN is still up, has been all day (I've been playing online). Anon. is a group of script kiddies, nothing more, nothing less. This latest incident further proves that they are in it for the attention rather than fighting for what they believe in.
[quote name='SynGamer']It was a simple DDoS attack on Sony's websites. PSN is still up, has been all day (I've been playing online). Anon. is a group of script kiddies, nothing more, nothing less. This latest incident further proves that they are in it for the attention rather than fighting for what they believe in.[/QUOTE]

I would say that Anon. has script kiddies that help out, especially with DDoS attacks, but there's some good hackers in the group as well. Whether they want attention or not, I can't say, but this is definitely their 'jurisdiction'. They want to keep the free flow of information on the internet going, and attacking places like Sony and the RIAA is definitely a start. They may not be the smartest bunch of people in the world, but they sure in the hell are trying.
I love how Sony just randomly one day discussed to themselves:

Exec 1: "You know, the PS3 has been on the market for 5 years now, and it hasn't once been hacked! But hey, that OtherOS feature that allows Linux to be installed could potentially be a way into the system."

Exec 2: "Yeah... but it's been there the entire time, it has never--"

Exec 1: "Let's remove it!"

Exec 2: "... Sure, why not?"

Then irony struck, and this decision actually is what got them hacked, into a legal mess, and now the wrath of Anon. I love Sony, I've been using their products since I was a baby (walkman clipped on the diaper), but this is their own fault and they need to face the consequences of their actions.

Pity we are getting shafted in the process of it now, tho.
This won't do anything but interrupt service for people who are really far removed from either side of this whole thing and inspire Sony to attempt to come up with more counter-measures that bog it down for everyone. Good job guys, keep fighting the 'good' fight :roll:
walkman on the diaper? Thats nothing son. I had a apple 8 track player LOL

Hopefully something will get resolved with all of this. As Buuhan1 said, we the Consumers are getting the short end of the stick. I have wanted a PS3 since they came out but just couldnt afford the price tag. I finally got one from my loving wife last month and I hate to see all of this going on.
So they hack Sony now? All they are doing is keeping the average joe off the PSN. Thats hurting the average joes out there more than sony.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']re-tarded

Also as I recall Geo was effing with OtherOS and the hammer came. But I could be reverse remembering.[/QUOTE]
No, you're right. If I recall correctly he had opened the PS3 and made mods and used Linux to hack the system. Then Sony took away the Other OS.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']re-tarded

Also as I recall Geo was effing with OtherOS and the hammer came. But I could be reverse remembering.[/QUOTE]

No you're right if the ignorant punk hadn't needed patted on the back for doing something "cool" all this $#!@ wouldn't have gone done to begin with, OtherOS would still be there, PSN wouldn't be getting attacked and we wouldn't have all these pimply faced idiots having illusions of grandeur thinking they need to stick it to the man...people need to get over themselves, as it only serves to piss off and slight the people whom they all say they are trying to protect...US. :roll:

Thing is did either side actually ask US what we wanted...? (think about it)
I remember it definitely. Sony just decided to take it away and Hotz retaliated from having a feature taken away.

Also, hey! I was able to login to PSN, quite a chunk of my friends are on too.
I don't get these people. Hack away on anything you own, I really don't care.

But then don't go online showing the world how to do it. It's basically taunting Sony "I hacked your stuff, what are you going to do about it?" and then when Sony comes down on them they act surprised? Get over yourselves.
[quote name='Buuhan1']I love how Sony just randomly one day discussed to themselves:

Exec 1: "You know, the PS3 has been on the market for 5 years now, and it hasn't once been hacked! But hey, that OtherOS feature that allows Linux to be installed could potentially be a way into the system."

Exec 2: "Yeah... but it's been there the entire time, it has never--"

Exec 1: "Let's remove it!"

Exec 2: "... Sure, why not?"

Then irony struck, and this decision actually is what got them hacked, into a legal mess, and now the wrath of Anon. I love Sony, I've been using their products since I was a baby (walkman clipped on the diaper), but this is their own fault and they need to face the consequences of their actions.

Pity we are getting shafted in the process of it now, tho.[/QUOTE]

That would be quite ironic, if it were not for the fact that George Hotz actually started it all. Sony removed Linux from the PS3 after Hotz reported progress in hacking the system through Linux. If Hotz hadn't started this crap, I don't see any reason why we still wouldn't have any access to Linux installation.

It wasn't just a stupid random decision on Sony's part, it was a reaction to a hacker's threat against their system. Unfortunately removing Linux obviously didn't prevent the problem.

As for Anon, I would really like to see them just get caught and locked up at this point. They are only human, and their point of view isn't superior to everyone else's. I agree that Sony shouldn't be going after the masses, but I have no problem with them going after the Hacker that started all of this. It is one thing to hack your personal system and use it for your own uses, which Sony would have never stopped. It is another thing to release it to the masses, causing serious security concerns to all users of the PS3 and PSN, and allows hacking in online gaming to rampage through the servers. I would love nothing more than to see Hotz go to jail. His attitude about the whole situation is even more disgusting.
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I'm pretty sure that the written statement from "anon" is a bunch of script kiddies. Hackers are actually smart and probably wouldn't care that Sony is protecting it's investment. From the stories I've read about that one hacker convention, most of them just do hacks to prove they can.

Here "anon" acts all powerful, but they haven't done Jack shit. After Scientology anon got too popular now it's just full of "all powerful" 13 year olds.
anon hacked mastercard and some other places i forget awhile ago cuz of the wikileaks stuff... and then the fbi came to their door. OOPS.

id love to know the actual % of people who used the other OS feature.
If this was actually the part of "anon" that mattered, the real hackers, PSN would be down for awhile...but it's not.

The real hackers of anon only show up in serious things like exposing BoA, assisting Juliane assange, and trying to expose Scientology.
I saw this when I woke up this morning and I think the worst part is that they have the Guy Fawkes mask in the background. As an actual anarchist, stuff like this always gets me. Fawkes died because he was acting out against religious oppression brought on by government. If this is really some sort of protest or retaliation on their part, they should be looking at government laws (IP, DMMCA, contract law, etc.) which provide the grounds for Sony to act, not the company itself.

In a word, Anon is hating the player, when they should really be hating on the game.
Freedom of information? No. What Geo was doing was altering (and later distributing) software that wasn't his to distribute and ultimately what he did was illegal.
This, is what it must look like at Sony right now.
[quote name='uncle5555']No you're right if the ignorant punk hadn't needed patted on the back for doing something "cool" all this $#!@ wouldn't have gone done to begin with, OtherOS would still be there, PSN wouldn't be getting attacked and we wouldn't have all these pimply faced idiots having illusions of grandeur thinking they need to stick it to the man...people need to get over themselves, as it only serves to piss off and slight the people whom they all say they are trying to protect...US. :roll:

Thing is did either side actually ask US what we wanted...? (think about it)[/QUOTE]

Geohot never even released his OtherOS hack. He simply stated that there was one, and invited other people to take a look. And at that point it time, they only wanted it for increased linux performance, nothing more. It wasn't until Sony actually removed OtherOS out of fear that Geohot actually released the code. That's what fucked Sony. If they had just kept OtherOS and released a pathc here and there, they'd be fine right now. But hey, I'm not complaining. Developing homebrew for my PS3 has been a blast, and not having to convert from .MKV to .MPG is pretty nice too. :lol:


[quote name='SynGamer']Freedom of information? No. What Geo was doing was altering (and later distributing) software that wasn't his to distribute and ultimately what he did was illegal.[/QUOTE]

Geohot never modified any software. He was able to exploit a loophole in OtherOS using software he wrote, nothing more. And even when he released his CFW, he never distributed ANY Sony code, it was all patches. He's done absolutely nothing wrong.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']So are we playing blame the victim? Sony had it coming because they dressed like they wanted it?[/QUOTE]

To be fair. . . . To be fair. . . Those people do have it coming.
its all kinda sad if theyre such great hackers why not use that skill to put some money in their pockets instead of bothering sony and pining for attention from the nameless masses on the net? so what you took down psn for possibly 10 or 20 seconds congrats now what ? is that going to get you laid or rich?

every time they do something they feel they have the "right" to do it only screws over those of us who own ps3s that just want to freakin game. now there will be another fw dl and some other bullshit blah blah blah. why cant they all just get hook on wow and leave us all the hell alone?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']So are we playing blame the victim? Sony had it coming because they dressed like they wanted it?[/QUOTE]

Yes. :p

I could give two shits and a fuck what someone does in the privacy of their own home with their own products that they paid their own money for. People that want to pirate games will do so regardless of the countermeasures. They will just use a different system (ex: PC) if they cant pirate games on a given system. People who dont want to pay for games wont. On the other hand, there are many people that are legit consumers and want to buy games. If not for the fact that they want to legitimately own the game (AND play it online), then for the fact that they get the case and manual and all the other goodies that come with a retail game.

All sony has succeeded in doing is giving themselves a ton of negative PR by going after gamers and homebrewers. They could have embraced the homebrewing like Microsoft has done with indie games and whatnot, but they decided to chastise people for exploring their hardware. And as far as GeoHot was concerned, he did NOT condone piracy. His custom firmware specifically disallowed the playing of backup games as that is NOT what the CFW was intended for. It WAS intended for allow them to tinker with and explore the PS3 hardware.

Sony comes along and blows everything our of proportion... Then shortly thereafter we have CFW's for the PS3 that actually will play backup games. Its not exactly Sony's fault...but they sure did antagonize things quite a bit. It is understandable that they are so butt-hurt though, as the PS3 was "unhackable" for so

GeoHot did nothing wrong. He even outright said he did not support piracy and flat-out disabled the playing of backups on his CFW. Sony is being childish. Nuf said.
Microsoft didn't give homebrewers a key to the city. They have a set up for those people.

I'm betting Geohots find could let people pirate down the road whether he knows it or not.
[quote name='Access_Denied']Geohot never even released his OtherOS hack. He simply stated that there was one, and invited other people to take a look.

Geohot never modified any software. He was able to exploit a loophole in OtherOS using software he wrote, nothing more. And even when he released his CFW, he never distributed ANY Sony code, it was all patches. He's done absolutely nothing wrong.[/QUOTE]


So three wrongs make a right huh...?

[quote name='RedRingOfDeath']
GeoHot did nothing wrong. He even outright said he did not support piracy and flat-out disabled the playing of backups on his CFW. Sony is being childish. Nuf said.[/QUOTE]

Keep believing that. ;)
So their screwing out a bunch of gamers out of PSN...Way to stick it to the MAN! LOL. In any case, what they're doing is illegal and stupid. People need to grow up.

In any case, I don't think GEOhot did anything criminally illegal (I think Sony wants his charged with violating the Digital Millennium Act which is a statutory law, that has no jail time. I think you just pay damages). Everything else was a breach of contract of PSN and Playstation terms of use. Who really knows what you agree to in those terms of uses. I imagine in Sony's mind you really don't own per-say your playstation. You have rights to use it and those right transfer to the next own like how bearer paper works.
[quote name='Access_Denied']Geohot never even released his OtherOS hack. He simply stated that there was one, and invited other people to take a look. And at that point it time, they only wanted it for increased linux performance, nothing more. It wasn't until Sony actually removed OtherOS out of fear that Geohot actually released the code. That's what fucked Sony. If they had just kept OtherOS and released a pathc here and there, they'd be fine right now. But hey, I'm not complaining. Developing homebrew for my PS3 has been a blast, and not having to convert from .MKV to .MPG is pretty nice too. :lol:


Geohot never modified any software. He was able to exploit a loophole in OtherOS using software he wrote, nothing more. And even when he released his CFW, he never distributed ANY Sony code, it was all patches. He's done absolutely nothing wrong.[/QUOTE]
I think a comment on Reddit best summed it up, something along the lines of: there's a select few Anons who know their shit and then there's a legion of 12 year olds who act like a bunch of 12 year olds.

As for PSN, I couldn't access because there's a new ToS. I had to agree to that first... after that, everything worked fine.
I've been arguing for months on Ars Technica about this whole Geo Hot debacle.

The Slim was released in September '09. Hotz finished his first Hypervisor attack sometime between August and December '09 (presumably, he started the hypervisor attack vector long before the Slim was even announced). He released the first hack, and 3 months later, Sony announced that the OtherOS would be removed in the next version of the firmware (after initially saying that it would stay).

So thank GeoHot for fucking everyone out of Other OS. Thank Anon for backing up GeoHot and fucking people out of PSN access.

Here is more info on the timeline:
[quote name='RedRingOfDeath']GeoHot did nothing wrong. He even outright said he did not support piracy and flat-out disabled the playing of backups on his CFW. Sony is being childish. Nuf said.[/QUOTE]

Except he's also said in the past that he believes if you have the skill and know-how to hack a system you deserve the right to pirate games.
Since my last post got wiped for what ever reason I'll ask again ...what part of the digital millennium copyright act says it's illegal to reverse engineer a security system and post it's findings. Geohot may have released the keys and said this is the key to unlock the world but he never released the injection tools to make non jailbroken P3's run homebrew or pirate code.

I love the fact that so many want to cry what a evil person geohot is but yet I wonder how many have legal jailbroken iPhones thanks to him and the same groups supporting him in his current court case such as one of the same groups that now have helped make it legal to jailkbreak your iPhone.

As far as peoples claim about script kiddies and anonymous ...yes cause script kiddies knock out paypal , visa , chase , and Bank of America
I'm unable to sign in to PSN web pages this morning. Wonderful. About half the page loads, but then the actual sign in box times out. Thanks script kiddies!
[quote name='bubbafett4hire']Since my last post got wiped for what ever reason I'll ask again ...what part of the digital millennium copyright act says it's illegal to reverse engineer a security system and post it's findings. Geohot may have released the keys and said this is the key to unlock the world but he never released the injection tools to make non jailbroken P3's run homebrew or pirate code.

I love the fact that so many want to cry what a evil person geohot is but yet I wonder how many have legal jailbroken iPhones thanks to him and the same groups supporting him in his current court case such as one of the same groups that now have helped make it legal to jailkbreak your iPhone.

As far as peoples claim about script kiddies and anonymous ...yes cause script kiddies knock out paypal , visa , chase , and Bank of America[/QUOTE]

If you read the link below, the first obvious illegal part is near the top of the article. The part about Circumvention of Technological Protection Measures sounds about right? Then there is making or selling devices or services that are used to circumvent.... Simply making (creating) the hack could be constituted as illegal whether or not it was distributed. While I am not necessarily supporting Sony here, the hack was clearly intended to circumvent protective measures.

Now, before someone goes off again and says "yeah, but Sony removed the Other OS feature" - remember that, discounting new devices that never had the feature, there was the option to NOT install the OS update and keep the Other OS functionality.
[quote name='jmbreci']If you read the link below, the first obvious illegal part is near the top of the article. The part about Circumvention of Technological Protection Measures sounds about right? Then there is making or selling devices or services that are used to circumvent.... Simply making (creating) the hack could be constituted as illegal whether or not it was distributed. While I am not necessarily supporting Sony here, the hack was clearly intended to circumvent protective measures.

Now, before someone goes off again and says "yeah, but Sony removed the Other OS feature" - remember that, discounting new devices that never had the feature, there was the option to NOT install the OS update and keep the Other OS functionality.[/QUOTE]

yeah you can NOT install the OS, but then you can't play any new games that require the new filmware ever again.
[quote name='bubbafett4hire']
As far as peoples claim about script kiddies and anonymous ...yes cause script kiddies knock out paypal , visa , chase , and Bank of America[/QUOTE]

Actually, they do. DDOS attacks are fairly simplistic and really require nothing other than infecting some machines with scripts, something thats pretty basic. In fact, most people who take CS courses at a community college will learn how to pull off DDOS attacks in the first or second semester.

Anyways, I was reading the comments on the most recent PSLifestyle article and reading the hate from the community I thought about the delicious irony of their use of the Guy Fawkes mask. To this day, the celebration of Guy Fawkes is actually a celebration of the catching and killing of Fawkes. In other words, the majority of Britain didn't see him as a hero but as a villain. With how much much Anon is pissing off the PS3 community, it wouldn't surprise me if upon the catching of any of them, the community celebrates its own Anon Day.
Damn, getting logged out of PSN midgame. Is this causing lag and other PS3 connection issues during multiplayer? Like voice communication in game?
I was wondering why I couldnt log into PSN just a few minutes ago, decided to check here, and now have my answer. So these fuckers want to punish Sony but instead all of us gamers are being punished. Seriously, WTF!?!?!?
All I gotta say is screw these Anon guys, so what they can't get a real job and pay for games them self so they Jailbreak then QQ about it when they get in trouble for what they did. So they go and in turn screw everyone else over by messing with the PSN that just seems like, they're just a bunch of no life jack holes :p
[quote name='Brother Daz']I was wondering why I couldnt log into PSN just a few minutes ago, decided to check here, and now have my answer. So these fuckers want to punish Sony but instead all of us gamers are being punished. Seriously, WTF!?!?!?[/QUOTE] Indeed I hope some serious legal action is taken on anyone of them who is caught cause this is our money they're wasting also some people have to work 60+ hrs a work and go to school I dont want my one dang day off filled with these ass's not allowing anyone to login.
I was able to sign in fine. I played Uncharted 2 for about 25 mins maybe. Didn't notice anything different at all. No lag or connection errors like you guys mentioned. I'll play more later. I don't have much time right now to mess with it.
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