PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

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this is my friends list from last night:

- playing Destiny Beta
- playing Destiny Beta
- playing Destiny Beta
- PS Home (wtf)
- playing Destiny Beta
- playing Destiny Beta
- playing Hotline Miami {---- me
- playing Destiny Beta

I am such a hipster.
I was playing Narco Terror. I am not on Pete's friends list. Just call me sadcrest.

I just watched this Spring Breakers movie and holy shit was it dumb. I can't believe I stuck it out through the whole thing. I think it's mostly because I was partly distracted by the boobs. If that movie had no boobs, it would be the worst movie ever.
I heard someone talk about this movie recently and decided I wanted to see it for that reason alone. Sometimes I wonder if I am still 13 like Snakeybro.

Assuming my cross referencing was done correctly, here is the list of people that have not liked the OP, but have posted in the thread.  There was one new like after I started, so maybe someone here should have their name off the list.  I didnt go back to search for who that was.

EldritchOnRye 223
rpg 166
Stellar Inertia 98
ctrlcthenctrlv 82
YBX87 75
breakfuss 64
affa 47
GamerDude316 35
eldergamer 30
FriskyTanuki 27
Brother Daz 22
TheCro 22
DietCokeJunkey 21
MyWorstNightmare 20
AoA 15
Blabadon 12
whoknows 11
Kameleon 9
abbabaab 8
chriscolbert 6
Indignate 4
io 4
@FIF 3
pitfallharry219 3
Blue Arcana 1
RPGPredictions 1
needavacation 1
Soma_Cruz 1
teslow 1
kelo360 1
TYmaster50 1
ETA: Looks like we already hit 50 and got the * though.
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Assuming my cross referencing was done correctly, here is the list of people that have not liked the OP, but have posted in the thread. There was one new like after I started, so maybe someone here should have their name off the list. I didnt go back to search for who that was.

EldritchOnRye 223
rpg 166
Stellar Inertia 98
ctrlcthenctrlv 82
YBX87 75
breakfuss 64
affa 47
jkam 35
GamerDude316 35
jcondon 34
eldergamer 30
FriskyTanuki 27
Brother Daz 22
TheCro 22
DietCokeJunkey 21
MyWorstNightmare 20
AoA 15
Blabadon 12
whoknows 11
Kameleon 9
abbabaab 8
chriscolbert 6
Indignate 4
io 4
@FIF 3
pitfallharry219 3
Blue Arcana 1
RPGPredictions 1
needavacation 1
Soma_Cruz 1
teslow 1
kelo360 1
TYmaster50 1

ETA: Looks like we already hit 50 and got the * though.

Anyone else have problems with the PS3 beta download yesterday? I had it fail on me several times last night, then woke up today to about 7 copies all installed this morning...
No problems here. Took a bit, maybe a couple of hours, but played fine. The transition and loading times were a bit annoying but hopefully that'll be optimized further. Oh, and it's kinda ugly. Controls and plays well, though.

Boobs are awesome.

Anyone play Minerva's Den, the Bioshock 2 dlc? I'm thinking of starting that up.

I still haven't even finished Bioshock 1. I should get back to that...

I finished the Water Temple. That end boss was lame. On to victory over this game!
What game are you referring to here? There's more than one Water Temple... :D/

And that will show everything for Vita/PS3 and PS4 even if I don't have the game anymore? A few things seem to be missing so I wasn't sure if they weren't showing up because I didn't have the game installed anymore (different PS3) or maybe I really didn't cloud save some of the games I thought I did.
I think it shows the saves for that respective system. PS3\PS3, Vita\Vita, etc.

Everyone gets ignored if they didn't like the OP.
I liked the OP, you guys are so demanding! It is Friday after all!

We still only had 35 people vote on the topic though.  And some jackass must have rated it one or two star since we don have an overall 5 star rating.

Assuming my cross referencing was done correctly, here is the list of people that have not liked the OP, but have posted in the thread. There was one new like after I started, so maybe someone here should have their name off the list. I didnt go back to search for who that was.

EldritchOnRye 223
rpg 166
Stellar Inertia 98
ctrlcthenctrlv 82
YBX87 75
breakfuss 64
affa 47
GamerDude316 35
eldergamer 30
FriskyTanuki 27
Brother Daz 22
TheCro 22
DietCokeJunkey 21
MyWorstNightmare 20
AoA 15
Blabadon 12
whoknows 11
Kameleon 9
abbabaab 8
chriscolbert 6
Indignate 4
io 4
@FIF 3
pitfallharry219 3
Blue Arcana 1
RPGPredictions 1
needavacation 1
Soma_Cruz 1
teslow 1
kelo360 1
TYmaster50 1

ETA: Looks like we already hit 50 and got the * though.
Nice, like shaming is where it's at.

And WTF eld, rpg, and Stellar, ctrlv, DietCoke, and WorstNightmare?

Removed you guys from the list.

Who created the like_booster account? lol
Haha just realized that was the name that put us at 50!

Doesn't matter, we got the star!

Only about 4 likes away from Top 3.  But we got the star, that's all that matters to me right now.

On a scale of 1-10, I'd say the success of this thread is about a 14.  I mean, we got the star!

I just 5-starred the thread...all these options for liking...I still really want that dislike button too though.

:evil: :bomb:  DISLIKE!!! :bomb: :evil:

Only about 4 likes away from Top 3. But we got the star, that's all that matters to me right now.

On a scale of 1-10, I'd say the success of this thread is about a 14. I mean, we got the star!
I'd say the success of the thread is closer to 15 or 20 since it gave Stotch another new avatar.

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I liked the OP, you guys are so demanding! It is Friday after all!
Last week the naming and shaming happened at about 7pm Eastern on a Friday. I just happened to check CAG in between beers to see I was getting called out for lack of a like. I thought at least by doing it this early, people could take care of it while at work. Beer time is too important.

Conversation this Monday:

Coworkers: What'd you do on vacation? Anything fun?

Me: Totally got a thread on CAG to be in the top 5 most popular threads of all time.

Coworkers: Um...have you thought about seeing a therapist? 

Conversation this Monday:

Coworkers: What'd you do on vacation? Anything fun?

Me: Totally got a thread on CAG to be in the top 5 most popular threads of all time.

Coworkers: Um...have you thought about seeing a therapist?
You: Only if he posts in the thread and likes the OP to keep us popular.

I think it shows the saves for that respective system. PS3\PS3, Vita\Vita, etc.

I liked the OP, you guys are so demanding! It is Friday after all!
Then I guess my PS3 Walking Dead Season 1 saves are gone. Not a big deal but would have liked to recover them if possible. Thanks for the help.

no they would say nes as in Elliot ness or loch ness I stead of saying the letters n e s.
I can't tell anymore, your original post made it sound like you were Pro-"En Eee Ess", but your follow-up makes it sound like you are Anti-"En Eee Ess"? I fall on the Pro-NESS side, but don't begrudge people who use "En Eee Ess" because it IS an acronym.

Ugh. I'm exhausted. Having my mom visit and trying to arrange activities with her and the kids (and a niece) every day for 4 days gets to be a little much. And it's not just one thing, we have to have something to do in the morning and evening.

I need a vacation from my vacation.

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