PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

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Thing that drives me nuts about Clerks, some other Kevin Smith movies, and lots of other movies in general is when the dialogue is spit out way too quickly. As if these characters have something that witty to say a split second after another character finishes their sentence.

Drives me insane. Lots of TV shows do it too to fit all their dialogue into 21/42 minute timeframes.
That's the problem with comedy in general though. I've actually thought about that with movies and shows that it's unrealistic for the responses to come so quickly. I feel like It's Always Sunny does a good job at avoiding this trap because most of the dialogue isn't super witty and clever responses, but rather people talking about things that are also funny.
How's that Velocity Ultra plat coming along? I'm sure Hyperdimensions Neptunia 2 and Hatsune Mika Project Diva are taking all of your time, but surely you can squeeze in a couple hours for non-terrible Japanese games.
I told you I gave up on that because I couldn't figure out how you cheated. Once I figure that out, I'll finish it.
Thing that drives me nuts about Clerks, some other Kevin Smith movies, and lots of other movies in general is when the dialogue is spit out way too quickly. As if these characters have something that witty to say a split second after another character finishes their sentence.

Drives me insane. Lots of TV shows do it too to fit all their dialogue into 21/42 minute timeframes.
Yea, that pretty much sums up every Kevin Smith movie. I liked Clerks and Mallrats though.
How's that Velocity Ultra plat coming along? I'm sure Hyperdimensions Neptunia 2 and Hatsune Mika Project Diva are taking all of your time, but surely you can squeeze in a couple hours for non-terrible Japanese games.
Now why on earth would Stotch go back to that when he already platted it? :shame:

I like some HST..Fear & Loathing and rum diary..that may be some hippie shit though
Haven't read any of his books, but if it's anything like the Fear and Loathing movie it would be an absolute waste of several precious hours of life.

All done with the Tanker's dogtags. Now to go for the Plant's on Normal, Hard, and Extreme.

...What, are we not discussing games now? :roll:
Go hang out with this dude.

Much, much simpler this way. Wish I'd done it sooner.

As for your ps4, I'd suggest selling *things* but that'd be saying too much now wouldn't it? Resale values for said things can be crazy around my parts.
Sell what? Games? I have some rare LEs that I no longer care about so I was planning on getting rid of them too.
Haven't read any of his books, but if it's anything like the Fear and Loathing movie it would be an absolute waste of several precious hours of life.

Go hang out with this dude.
The movie actually did a really good job with the book. Johnny Depp and Hunter were apparently pretty close so he was able to do a good portrayal of him. With that said, don't bother with any of his work if you didn't like fear and loathing. I can see it as an acquired taste. I enjoy them or at least find them entertaining. Rum Diary is more of the same. He wrote a book on the Hells Angels that was pretty decent even though I don't give a shit about the biker lifestyle.
The movie actually did a really good job with the book. Johnny Depp and Hunter were apparently pretty close so he was able to do a good portrayal of him. With that said, don't bother with any of his work if you didn't like fear and loathing. I can see it as an acquired taste. I enjoy them or at least find them entertaining. Rum Diary is more of the same. He wrote a book on the Hells Angels that was pretty decent even though I don't give a shit about the biker lifestyle.
Yeah, the same with Wolf of Wall Street and many other games and movies, but dream/hallucination stuff doesn't appeal to me at all. I just feel like it's such a waste of my time to watch or play something that later in the same show gets canceled out.

Yeah, the same with Wolf of Wall Street and many other games and movies, but dream/hallucination stuff doesn't appeal to me at all. I just feel like it's such a waste of my time to watch or play something that later in the same show gets canceled out.
Yea...and that's why you hate Spelunky. No matter what you do, it all gets cancelled out and you start all over again.
Thing that drives me nuts about Clerks, some other Kevin Smith movies, and lots of other movies in general is when the dialogue is spit out way too quickly. As if these characters have something that witty to say a split second after another character finishes their sentence.

Drives me insane. Lots of TV shows do it too to fit all their dialogue into 21/42 minute timeframes.
I generally do that when I have something witty to say. It's called being witty.
Edit: goddamn it, the image won't work.

I will kill you.

Ok I'll bite. I love doing top fives. Here are movies and books, limited to one from each director and author in no order.


Grand Budapest Hotel, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Pulp Fiction, Citizen Kane, and Spirited Away (maybe?)


Ender's Game, Anthem, Slaughterhouse 5, A Clockwork Orange, 1984

Oh sweet sweet irony...

Colin Moriarty (@notaxation)
7/22/14, 12:53 PM

The Internet is so toxic; embarrassingly so. Talk to people with respect, even if you disagree with them. It goes a long way, I think.
Ok I'll bite. I love doing top fives. Here are movies and books, limited to one from each director and author in no order.

Grand Budapest Hotel, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Pulp Fiction, Citizen Kane, and Spirited Away (maybe?)

Ender's Game, Anthem, Slaughterhouse 5, A Clockwork Orange, 1984
I think we should be friends :)
E3? You have to be insider to go that. You know someone in the industry?

Apparently I now do and since I'm a fellow "geek" he'll hook it up
You looked like a bouncing ball, with detached arms flailing around? The mental picture to me is disturbing.

And to snakey, well...
I know, I get excited easy.

I was bouncing all over the place in happiness, didn't mean to disturb
I would never go to E3, gross. Way too many nerds and Snakeys walking around. Cool for you, but I couldn't do it.
I bet in less than ten minutes either Snakey or Moose...or both, will announce they're going to E3 next year.
E3 is one of the things I wanted to go to before I either a. Die or b. get old, so I'm super happy right now. I'm not worried about the Snakeys since my hubby would be going with me and God be with whoever tries to perv on me with him around.

dude that's super rad. I have always wanted to go. Grats!
i know!!! I'm so excited :D

He also said he'd get me a Pokemon master card from the google event since I missed out woohoo!
Sell what? Games? I have some rare LEs that I no longer care about so I was planning on getting rid of them too.


In all seriousness, though, I had a friend who used to work at one of the outlets here and would make a killing on the shit he took home. If you're decided on the ipad, better do it soon since the update is coming shortly.
Oh sweet sweet irony...

Colin Moriarty (@notaxation)
7/22/14, 12:53 PM

The Internet is so toxic; embarrassingly so. Talk to people with respect, even if you disagree with them. It goes a long way, I think.
Not sure what's ironic about it. Unless by that you meant something else. What he's saying is absolutely true, especially within gaming circles. The cynicism directed toward the press is awful, but of course we won't get into that again. They're not real people with real careers after all! :)
Not sure what's ironic about it. Unless by that you meant something else. What he's saying is absolutely true, especially within gaming circles. The cynicism directed toward the press is awful, but of course we won't get into that again. They're not real people with real careers after all! :)
Don't you know, I'm only happy when careers are ruined and people fired. Poly... Wait a minute. Phew, catched myself before people woke up later today to pages of worthless debate in comparison to the usual stupid drivel they write here.
I don't know if we are talking about books and shit still, but here is an unrelated post. I know as gamers we suspend logical beliefs in video games like pain killers cure wounds, you can get shot 15 times and still live, head on car collisions don't matter, if I just chill for a sec the red around my vision eventually goes away, I'll be fine! But something about God of War that has always bugged me. You have this bad ass dude, who climbs on monsters and gods and shit swings around gigantic flaming swords on the ends of chains, takes the most incredible ass kickings at times (depending on difficulty possibly) and all these other things, but when he is confronted by a fucking concrete block, he can barely move it? Unless these concrete blocks are skin flakes from Zeus' testicles, I don't believe Kratos would have a problem moving them. It drives me fuck ing insane that he has all this power, but when it comes to certain puzzles he loses all of his strength to complete them. He should be throwing this shit a hundred feet at a time, or better yet break the fuck ing wall down that is preventing him from continuing on. Oh metal grate? Sure let me rip that shit off the wall!  50-60% of the game you are the ultimate super saiyan god, throwing around fire and having electricity pump through your body and what not, but the other 40-50% you are a little bitch.

If you like Wes Andersen, don't sleep on Fantastic Mr. Fox. Rushmore is his best, IMO, but I can't believe how much I enjoyed Fox.

My favorites:

Children of Men
City of God
Hoop Dreams
The Godfather
Annie Hall
Spirited Away

Edit: goddamn it, the image won't work.

I will kill you.
I saw a really good interview with him last week. This entire time I never knew he and Shatner don't get along. Like, he really dislikes him. Also didn't know that he's gay (not that it matters). I don't mean just gay, but like a political advocate for gay rights type. Crazy. I'm sure most of you know Star Trek is one big ass allegory for social issues, so he talked about trying to have that addressed in one of the episodes. Never happened, lol...but yeah.
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Kubrick is my all time favorite. Ya know how I constantly rag on artsy stories in video games? Well apparently that does not translate at all to movies. 2001 is my 3rd favorite movie of all time. It's so serene and beautiful. And to think that movie was made in 1968 just blows my mind. Clockwork Orange is probably Top 10. Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, and Dr Strangelove are both awesome too. Didn't love Lolita or Eyes Wide Shut quite as much. Haven't got around to the rest yet.

And I thought we figured out that you were gonna be in Vegas a week or two after me? Anyways, I'm definitely a pervert but I'm definitely straight so unless you brought your wife or something we probably would have been cool to meet up.
Kubrick is my fav all time too. 2001 is beautiful. If you like Pink Floyd, watch the Echoes/2001 matchup (starts with the hyperspace part), should be simple to find.

I saw FMJ in the theater with my dad. Good times. I've seen it countless times since then, it's also a top film of mine. I know Clockwork Orange inside and out, I've read the book a couple times too. Oh, I recently watched a strange little documentary on The Shining that i found on netflix watch it now. It's worthwhile in a 'hmm' sort of way. People dig DEEP into the film and it's visual composition, because Kubrick was actually known to put so much planning into everything.

You should finish up his filmography; The Killing is particularly good. Barry Lyndon is... interesting. It's a strange film, part of me always wants to hate it but there's just so much there that I end up liking anyway.

Oh, and you really should give Fear and Loathing another chance. It's Terry Gilliam (Brazil, Time Bandits, etc) so it's certainly fringe taste... I love that film. But I also like Hunter S. Thompson, Depp, and Gilliam.

Hoop Dreamz? C'mon son

Haha. I know it seems out of place. But not lying when I say it changed my life. Shit is powerful, son.

And your excessive use of "doe" belies your taste. Those are a great movies. Just saw Raging Bull.

@affa 2001 is easily one of the most boring movies I have ever seen and it pains me to admit it. Had to watch in 3 sittings. I want to "get" Kubrick but I don't. Not Clockwork, not The Shining, and certainly not Eyes Wide Shut. It sucks because I can recognize the skill and erudition required to make movies like that but they put to me to sleep.

Only thing I can agree with is Barry Lyndon. It's wonderfully quirky. I started off not liking it but for some reason it drew me in.
Species? First thing I thought of when I saw the trailer.

I should see if this free Redbox rental code works for movies and rent The Raid 2.
I've seen Species and that was a lot more entertaining than Under the Skin.

But she naked in it doe
I figured it was a body double and not really her. Still I'd rather watch porn. Not worth watching that shitty movie to see her naked for a tiny part of it. I'm sure you can look up those scenes online.

I'm definitely down. I dont know how late you'll be up but I have some things to take care of before hopping on. I'm off tomorrow though so I'll likely be around most of the night. Khris will be on in a bit as well.
I was playing with buddies on XB1 tonight. I work tomorrow and am off the 2 days after so we can play then.

E3 is one of the things I wanted to go to before I either a. Die or b. get old, so I'm super happy right now.
Congrats! I was the same way and grew up reading about E3 from back in the original EGM days. I'd always dreamed of going and after writing for a tiny gaming website for a year I got the opportunity to go. It was amazing. We scheduled a bunch of appointments so there was no waiting in line like at PAX. You get treated like VIPs, especially at the conferences and parties every night.

That first year was the best back when Activision still had the Hero games. Black Ops was releasing so they had Eminem headline a concert with a shitload of artists from Guitar Hero and DJ Hero. They had Usher, Deadmau5 and all sorts of people.

I believe Microsoft announced the 360 Slim at their conference. Then they gave everyone in attendance the new console. Nothing could top that first year.

Most the time they have free food and drinks too at the conferences and parties. I got to go 2 years in a row before I stopped writing. You're gonna have a lot of fun!

All this movie and book talk is great. Children of Men is awesome. I like Gattaca a lot. I'm really into sci-fi and fantasy so gotta love Star Wars, LOTR, and shit. Jurassic Park never gets old. Guillermo del Toro is amazing and I love most of his films like Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy and Pacific Rim. I have so many favorites. And I enjoy foreign films too.

Dystopian is my favorite genre so a lot of my fave books are from it:

The Catcher in the Rye, 1984, A Clockwork Orange, Animal Farm, A Brave New World, Watchmen.

For Wes Anderson I really enjoyed The Grand Budapest Hotel, Moonrise Kingdom and Fantastic Mr. Fox but haven't seen many others.

Okay I'm done catching up. It was a wall of text, but at least it wasn't an argument :)
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fuck, how can i forget Goodfellas, make that my number 6. Whoever puts a movie from this year in their top 5 of all time is a dirty frickin hipster. 

Since I don't have a true top 5 for books and movies since I average a book read a week and 3-4 movies watched this is what jumps out to me as if its on I'll watch it every time.


Dirty Dancing 

Forest Gump

The Princess Bride

Terminator 2

Godfather 2



The Stand

Lemony Snickett Series

Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series

Maze Runner Series 

So I don't hate QTEs usually... But rotating the god damn analog stick in god of war is getting on my fucking nerves. the rotate prompt often shows up in the lower left corner and is so quick that by the time I notice it and realize what direction to spin I've failed. That's the real problem with QTEs for me; most games don't do a good job with consistency and so you don't know until you've missed one to even expect them. There's been quite a few times in GoW II where I expected a QTE and there wasn't one, and tons of times when I wasn't expecting anything and then didn't respond in time when one popped. It's super annoying.

QTEs are just bad IMO. I don't feel that they add anything to a game at all.

So I know you guys here probably get tickets to this all the time so it's not a big deal for you, but I'm so excited and I told my hubby and his response was so lackluster that I had to tell someone who would appreciate it. I am getting tickets for E3 next year!!! I'm so excited, I literally looked like this emote when I was told -> :whee:
You're probably not even a real gamer. Do you know who Mario is? I thought not. Quit trying so hard to get our attention.

Thing that drives me nuts about Clerks, some other Kevin Smith movies, and lots of other movies in general is when the dialogue is spit out way too quickly. As if these characters have something that witty to say a split second after another character finishes their sentence.

Drives me insane. Lots of TV shows do it too to fit all their dialogue into 21/42 minute timeframes.
My sister watched Gilmore Girls and I would catch a bit of it here and there. It had the same problem except that every response was too stupid to have been thought of that quickly rather than too witty.

Wow, I just noticed a completely douchebag approach IGN has to reviews. I'd been looking for a Vita review for CoL since I haven't seen any comments about it yet. Came across IGN's review:

Here's what it says on top:

Reviewed on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360 and Xbox One
The review was posted April 28. There's no way the Vita version got reviewed. Those lying assholes.

BTW...anybody play the Vita port yet? I don't recall seeing a single comment about it.

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