PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

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As lame as this is, I think they are just really good friends, almost brother and sister type thing, and just like working together.

Plus other actresses know Adam Sandler movies have gone WAY downhill and shes the only one he get to be in them with him.

Shit, put actors at first and I hate that crap. Dude is actor, chick is actress and I was talking about chicks, man.
Makes sense when you put it that way.

I've always wondered about that though before, it seems like it's always her, although I think he did do a couple of movies with Selma Hayek if I'm not mistaken?
I'm going through the playstation now beta games and just saw they have a 4 hour option. Wtf am I going to do in Port Royale 3 in 4 hours? I know it's beta and it probably will be for some time, but $7.99 for a 90 day rental of Knytt Underground, when the full game costs $9.99 is crazy. Even at $3.99 for 7 days, I'd rather pay the $6 to get the full game to keep forever.
Lol! Yeah, we're discussing this in the other thread. I totally get there's a subset of people who will spend money on anything, but I figured Sony wanted this to have broader appeal. Last I recall they invested somewhere close to half a billion on the service. It's such a cool idea so I hope they get it figured out. I'd be all over a sensible subscription plan. You don't have to be cheap to be turned off by these current prices, though.
So when do ranked challenge maps start unlocking in batman arkham origins? I've been playing for a couple hours and still just have the two training fights.
Relax Pete. You will get them. I know I saw a couple pop but havent really been paying attention to all the unlocks as I play through the game. I am maybe 5 hours in? I know I unlocked 1 or 2 at least, probably more. I just went through the GCPD building.

I'm going through the playstation now beta games and just saw they have a 4 hour option. Wtf am I going to do in Port Royale 3 in 4 hours? I know it's beta and it probably will be for some time, but $7.99 for a 90 day rental of Knytt Underground, when the full game costs $9.99 is crazy. Even at $3.99 for 7 days, I'd rather pay the $6 to get the full game to keep forever. This may sound like a stupid obvious statement, but it seems like Sony is just trying to get game sales out of this service instead of rentals. What I mean by that to be clear is, instead of people renting and then wanting to buy, they will look at the price and say fuck it, I am just going to buy it. A 90 day rental of Saints Row 3 is $29.99 when you can purchase the game from PSN for $29.99. Okay to be fair ...Saints Row The Third is the full package for $29.99 when you can purchase it for $39.99.
I think the good Professor had an excellent point when he said this is more geared towards new PS4 owners that are non-PS3 owners. Obviously they know peeps with a PS3 can buy the game forever for the same price or just a tad more. But for former-Xbox gamer that doesn't like the new shit or first time console owner person, Now is the only way to play some of this stuff. Makes much more sense in that context. Sony's not dumb. They know we can do math.
Relax Pete. You will get them. I know I saw a couple pop but havent really been paying attention to all the unlocks as I play through the game. I am maybe 5 hours in? I know I unlocked 1 or 2 at least, probably more. I just went through the GCPD building.
honestly my biggest problem is that I started on hard instead of normal without thinking about it and it's kind of kicking my ass. I want to start over on normal, but if I'm an inch away from getting the challenge map glitch thingy unlocked I'd rather do that, patch up, and then start a real playthrough. game seems pretty cool though.

and I AM relaxed. DON'T I SEEM RELAXED
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I think the good Professor had an excellent point when he said this is more geared towards new PS4 owners that are non-PS3 owners. Obviously they know peeps with a PS3 can buy the game forever for the same price or just a tad more. But for former-Xbox gamer that doesn't like the new shit or first time console owner person, Now is the only way to play some of this stuff. Makes much more sense in that context. Sony's not dumb. They know we can do math.
I wonder what the numbers are on 1st time Playstation owners. I don't doubt they exist but I can't imagine it's some huge untapped audience.

Secondly, are Sony's first party offerings really strong/diverse enough? Not being facetious here.

Third, most of the stuff up now...isn't first-party or exclusive. So if their intent is to offer what people may have missed last gen...they've done a poor job at showcasing it.
I wonder what the numbers are on 1st time Playstation owners. I don't doubt they exist but I can't imagine it's some huge untapped audience.

Secondly, are Sony's first party offerings really strong/diverse enough? Not being facetious here.

Third, most of the stuff up now...isn't first-party or exclusive. So if their intent is to offer what people may have missed last gen...they've done a poor job at showcasing it.
it's weird that they haven't tested any of the big showstoppers - in the unveiling demos didn't they have god of war and uncharted 3 or something? I wonder if they're focusing internal testing on the heavy hitters and letting beta testers deal with the crap that's in the catalog that still needs testing.
honestly my biggest problem is that I started on hard instead of normal without thinking about it and it's kind of kicking my ass. I want to start over on normal, but if I'm an inch away from getting the challenge map glitch thingy unlocked I'd rather do that, patch up, and then start a real playthrough. game seems pretty cool though.

and I AM relaxed. DON'T I SEEM RELAXED
Is this glitch what you guys were referring to in the pm? I started on normal because I knew I wasnt going for the plat or anything. Do you just have to play to get one of those challenge maps unlocked and you auto pop some trophies?

also once they have a vita ps now client, it's all over for me if it works worth a shit. being able to pick at the backlog with vita time would be awesome and I could see myself burning some psn spacebucks just for the convenience.
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Is this glitch what you guys were referring to in the pm? I started on normal because I knew I wasnt going for the plat or anything. Do you just have to play to get one of those challenge maps unlocked and you auto pop some trophies?
1. download game
2. cancel prompt to patch to 1.06
3. play through game until a ranked challenge map is unlocked
4. play ranked challenge map
5. dlc trophies unlock even if you don't own the dlc

then you can save/close, patch up and carry on. or at least that's how I understand it.

edit - obviously if you've already played for a while just upload your save to ps+/usb, delete the game and redownload so you can cancel the patch or delete the game data if you're using the disc version.

edit 2 - fwiw a quickie glance at the trophy list implies that playing on hard is never required for the plat, just normal.
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1. download game
2. cancel prompt to patch to 1.06
3. play through game until a ranked challenge map is unlocked
4. play ranked challenge map
5. dlc trophies unlock even if you don't own the dlc

then you can save/close, patch up and carry on. or at least that's how I understand it.

edit - obviously if you've already played for a while just upload your save to ps+/usb, delete the game and redownload so you can cancel the patch or delete the game data if you're using the disc version.

edit 2 - fwiw a quickie glance at the trophy list implies that playing on hard is never required for the plat, just normal.
Thanks for the info. I wont go for the plat either way because I wont want to play through the game multiple times. I dont have the stomach for it. Oh and all those collectables are a pain since some of them have puzzles to solve etc. I am a pussy when it comes to trophy hunting. Confirmed.

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it's weird that they haven't tested any of the big showstoppers - in the unveiling demos didn't they have god of war and uncharted 3 or something? I wonder if they're focusing internal testing on the heavy hitters and letting beta testers deal with the crap that's in the catalog that still needs testing.
Well some of the big showstoppers are exactly that...big. So I wonder if their size has anything to do with them missing. GoW 3 isn't even available on PSN.

Yeah and I'm most excited to test it out on vita as well. Being able to have access to these anywhere is a huge selling point.
99.9% sure you can do that Batman glitch on one of the combat training maps. I'm pretty sure that's how I did it.
I did both the training maps, got three medals and nothing popped. is there some additional tomfoolery that I'm missing?

edit - saw one dude say that he couldn't get it to work digitally, so maybe that's the deal? I dunno. not much I can do about it sitting here in the godforsaken rat race anyways.
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This is back tracking a bit, but since I wasn't around, the salary thing irks the heck out of me!  My first job at Best Buy I was hired by the GM who I found out later was very frugal with the wages she gave out.  gave me 8.50 an hour, I worked there for a year and had to beg and plead for any raises, ended up getting 9.50 because they gave me the job of hiring and training all employees, which is usually a full time position, but they couldn't give me full time.  I loved hiring brand new cashiers and then having my manager give them 9.50-10 an hour....

Then my last job the worst thing happend mostly to someone else.  I was a loan processor for Wells Fargo, My senior loan processor who had been doing her job for 7 years was making 30000.  we hired some stupid Service manager from the branch who had left wells fargo for two years to work at a mortgage company, but when they hired her they were so desperate they gave her 35000 as a brand new person to the position.  I felt so bad mostly for my senior. I ended up in the same exact position at another financial institution and now I make nearly double... Wells Fargo sucks...

I did both the training maps, got three medals and nothing popped. is there some additional tomfoolery that I'm missing?
edit - saw one dude say that he couldn't get it to work digitally, so maybe that's the deal? I dunno. not much I can do about it sitting here in the godforsaken rat race anyways.
I got it digitally and on a training map, so I'm not sure. I'd just start over since you want to anyway. Then do it at the end of the game.
Salaries can be all over the board because, news flash, different people hired at different times by different managers wont end up with the same pay.  Once your in a corporate position its especially hard to get a raise because most of us are replaceable.  You have to prove your worth the extra pay even if your making less than others.  The company doesnt see the benefit to pay you more just because someone else makes it.  They got you.  You need to move on and learn to negotiate for more if your in a position to do so.  These are good life lessons I think.

And I cant believe how many people dont care about sharing their pay with others.  It never ends well.  I have had people tell me what they get paid and talk about others and I see them waiting for me to say what I make.  I love seeing the disappointment when I just sit there stone faced (not THAT stone face!). 

^rpg, is there a reason why you switched your trophy card from PSNP to PSN Trophy Leaders? I'm curious.

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I know it's beta and it probably will be for some time, but $7.99 for a 90 day rental of Knytt Underground, when the full game costs $9.99 is crazy. Even at $3.99 for 7 days, I'd rather pay the $6 to get the full game to keep forever.
How are you going to buy Knytt Underground on your PS4?

I got it digitally and on a training map, so I'm not sure. I'd just start over since you want to anyway. Then do it at the end of the game.
good advice. shouldn't be too bad to catch back up being on an easier difficulty and already being reaccustomed to the game (although the counter timing feels ... different both in terms of when they come at you and when you can hit the button).

that penguin character model is amazing though. the batman folks know how to make some impressive ass graphics. arkham knight is going to be nuts when it comes out in 2048.
good advice. shouldn't be too bad to catch back up being on an easier difficulty and already being reaccustomed to the game (although the counter timing feels ... different both in terms of when they come at you and when you can hit the button).

that penguin character model is amazing though. the batman folks know how to make some impressive ass graphics. arkham knight is going to be nuts when it comes out in 2048.
Congratulations, you're aware of the #1 reason I couldn't enjoy Origins as much as Asylum and City--WB Montreal or whoever didn't fine-tune the combat system like Rocksteady has done for their games, so the fighting in Origins feels almost unfair by comparison. Nearly every fight turned into a dance-off of sorts where I would punch a guy then evade/jump over other guys until no one was throwing a punch then repeat the process to keep my combo going.

Yep, combat definitely has a different feel compared to the other two games. It's frustrating at first, but you get used to it.
Agreed. By the time I was done with the game, I had gotten a better feel for the combat, but it still didn't feel as rewarding or tight as Rocksteady's games.

I am so pumped for Arkham Knight. Day one all the way. :whee:

I still need to find the secret to making long punch combos for Batman. I think I got up to 20 (maybe 30?) in an AA fighting map/challenge, but that's it. Only reason I got the 12x one in Blackgate was because I had to do a beat down on an armored dude and that's guaranteed to get you at least 20. I don't see any way I'll be able to get the 100 combo trophy.
AO definitely has a different feel to the combat but I dont find it so different that I didnt get used to it pretty quickly. 

@Zimm, you need to use the evade maneuver to jump over guys to keep the combo counter going.  Vag mentioned it.

What batman trophy glitch are you guys talking about?

and Prof I still havnt touched Ys, Im too busy doing nothing, Im gonna send it back to gamefly even tho it is highest ranked gamefly game on my queue. lol

I still need to find the secret to making long punch combos for Batman. I think I got up to 20 (maybe 30?) in an AA fighting map/challenge, but that's it. Only reason I got the 12x one in Blackgate was because I had to do a beat down on an armored dude and that's guaranteed to get you at least 20. I don't see any way I'll be able to get the 100 combo trophy.
on AA for me the secret was to download that free dlc that had the infinite combat challenge map, get a few guys on the screen and then just attack leaping across the screen (L + square, R + square). throw in takedowns when you can and eventually a rhythm presents itself. you might have to counter sometimes or if you go too fast you might not have anything to hit, but you can always leap over someone to give yourself time. I think on 360 I got up to something like 130 before I lost it.

don't mean to imply that it's easy at all, but definitely doable.
Only reason I got the 12x one in Blackgate was because I had to do a beat down on an armored dude and that's guaranteed to get you at least 20. I don't see any way I'll be able to get the 100 combo trophy.

What batman trophy glitch are you guys talking about?
DLC Pack #1: Initiation
  • Obtain all 72 medals on the original Arkham Origins ranked maps (as Bruce Wayne)
  • Obtain all 108 medals on the original Arkham Origins campaigns (as Bruce Wayne)
Thanks for the tips. I forgot about the evade maneuver keeping the combo alive. Excited to try that tonight.

Part of my trouble with combos in Blackgate is the Pete mentioned running out of dudes to hot because they're all lying on the ground after my first go round. But if I jump jive and wail they should be more spaced out and not go down as fast. I remember there was a crazy rhythm to it, but I could never find it.

I have I hopes though because a wise woman once told me the rhythm is gonna get me.
I still need to find the secret to making long punch combos for Batman. I think I got up to 20 (maybe 30?) in an AA fighting map/challenge, but that's it. Only reason I got the 12x one in Blackgate was because I had to do a beat down on an armored dude and that's guaranteed to get you at least 20. I don't see any way I'll be able to get the 100 combo trophy.
That trophy was pretty tough for me. It was mainly because half the time I would get a high number and suddenly there would be nobody on screen. I would evade one way, and of course it would be the wrong choice. I finally started going over to one wall instead of being in the middle of the walk way so that if I evaded the opposite way of the wall that I would definitely find someone.

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