PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

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I know saves dont take up much space but there is a very small chance they are ever needed again. I would rather have less clutter.
[quote name="rlm2112" post="11896154" timestamp="1404534159"]Yes. It's a PITA switching from the deals sub forum to off topic on mobile.[/quote]

Try tapatalk.
Well, aside from calling the occasional person out for being a complete moron, I'm probably done with the other thread. Honestly, I hope it dies a slow death and gets relegated to the last page of the deals forum.
No offense to Frisky or the mods, but I hope the same thing. I feel like going off topic was the heart and soul of the PSN thread. Ok not going off topic per se, but discussion.

I never saw anyone post anything truly offensive, hurtful, or malicious...unlike some other threads. I guess it was just too much for some people to handle.

Anyway, I support this thread.
Thing is, Frisky does too. Even flash sales and random sales he'd usually have up just only a few hours after they started.
I think that's basically the point I was making. The deals are all listed there for people that don't want the banter. If they want to know about a game they can ask or use the search bar, which is why I don't really see the problem with off topic stuff as long as it's not just spamming useless posts or pictures like some people do.

I think that's basically the point I was making. The deals are all listed there for people that don't want the banter. If they want to know about a game they can ask or use the search bar, which is why I don't really see the problem with off topic stuff as long as it's not just spamming useless posts or pictures like some people do.
I think that's basically the point I was making. The deals are all listed there for people that don't want the banter. If they want to know about a game they can ask or use the search bar, which is why I don't really see the problem with off topic stuff as long as it's not just spamming useless posts or pictures like some people do.
But that was our point as well. The OP was up to date, questions were answered...why police the off topic if it wasn't obscene or offensive? The situation was exactly the same. Our issue came with the response of "well, the Steam thread is different". It's all good though, we've got a good thing going here.

Oh Jesus, Rain.  First 3 chapters were decently fun and interesting.  4-6 started to drag.  7 and 8 were some of the most boring things I've ever played.  Then that ending. That drags on. And on. And on. And on.

5.5/10 do not recommend.

That guy only wants $500 dollars for that Kickstarter Goal? What does he plan on making, only one system for everyone to huddle around and use? I'm really hoping that ends up being a joke. I've had more fun with those "Plug into your TV 30+ Generic Games" from any of the retail stores that I purchased from and visited when I was younger. 

Not to mention, those concept pictures. :puke:

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Haven't read this thread yet but I can ctrlcthenctrlv the blog posts in here for you guys and we can kill Frisky's thread, you guys down?
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Oh Jesus, Rain. First 3 chapters were decently fun and interesting. 4-6 started to drag. 7 and 8 were some of the most boring things I've ever played. Then that ending. That drags on. And on. And on. And on.

Not going for 100%??

Naruto (Fighting game, perfect for Pete or Velo)

Yeah you should go for the memories while you're at it. They are super easy. You can use chapter select to get them, and just quit back to the menu after you get one.

There's a button to push in the top right corner that has a New Content option that shows threads you follow with the latest updates.
Thank you! I've been looking for something like that, but never found it.

Why don't you stop with the attempt at pleasantry when saying you hope my thread dies? No offense, but it just makes you sound petty.
Ok, I just read through this whole thread, and I would like to retract saying that I hope the original thread dies. I see the value in both threads now. I understand why you were upset with the off topic stuff drowning out people with legitimate questions. I get it now, your thread is your baby. I respect that.

Frisky, I feel like I always rub you the wrong way, and I really wish I didn't. I REALLY respect you and the work you do on every thread you maintain. I use the OPs all the time. They are my go to source for what's on sale every week.

It was really nice to see you and Stoch air your grievances with each other, and virtually *shake hands*, so to speak.

I am truly sorry for disrespecting you.
Ok, I just read through this whole thread, and I would like to retract saying that I hope the original thread dies. I see the value in both threads now. I understand why you were upset with the off topic stuff drowning out people with legitimate questions. I get it now, your thread is your baby. I respect that.

Frisky, I feel like I always rub you the wrong way, and I really wish I didn't. I REALLY respect you and the work you do on every thread you maintain. I use the OPs all the time. They are my go to source for what's on sale every week.

It was really nice to see you and Stoch air your grievances with each other, and virtually *shake hands*, so to speak.

I am truly sorry for disrespecting you.
It's cool. I've never had a problem with you, so it was odd to see such a response about the thread.

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Not going for 100%??
Yes because I'm a sorry excuse of a man who will waste an hour of his life going for two silvers and one gold trophy.

Anyways, got them and deleted the game. Kept the save file though because I'm not completely insane.

I do find it mildly amusing that the Steam thread is basically un-modable. It's like an out of control teen on a daytime talk show. "WHATEVER...I DO WHAT I WANT!"
I didn't expect to get so many Ultra Rare trophies from SASRT...Anyway, the Expert Grand Prix trophies are done. Now I have to beat a bunch of staff ghosts and get some mods to get to 100% completion (currently at 87%), make 10 successful backwards hits with weapons in a single race (much, much harder than it sounds :headache:), then get the pesky Team Sonic online trophy, and I'll have the plat, which will become the rarest of all my plats. :bouncy:

MGS2 HD VR status: 95.8% total completion, 76% MGS1 Snake completion. I hate MGS1 Snake's Hold Up missions with every fiber of my being.

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Does anyone have a PSNow Beta code for PS3 that they're not going to use?

My son and I were playing Ben10: Omniverse on PS4 but after the pricing update we get an error message stating it's "no longer available".  I had been trying to email them about the problem since I was blocked from the beta forums but never received a response.  Well, today I finally got access to the forums and found out that somebody with the same problem was still able to access the game on PS3.  Now my problem is finding a code for the PS3 beta; they only gave me access to the PS4 app. 

Pretty sure we only have a couple of days left on the rental so if I can't score a code soon my only other option will be to buy the game.  If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated!

Hey stotch how you doin in resonance of fate?

im grinding some of those 500 arena battles and it is eating my brain.
Ha! I was waiting for you guys to get to those. They are fucking brutal. And I'd have liked your post, but I hit my quota. CAG should have an emergency reserve of "likes" we can access for situations like this when new thread frontiers are forged and so many posts are worthy. Where are my rollover "likes"?

I even had to unlike one post so I could like ctrlcthenctrlv's post. Sorry to the guy I unliked.

Popped the old hard drive in. The good news is the Sly saves in question are still there. Bad news is the AC II saves must have been on my old 60 gb drive that was in my fat when I had it, because they're not on it.

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Hey stotch how you doin in resonance of fate?
im grinding some of those 500 arena battles and it is eating my brain.
Ha! I was waiting for you guys to get to those. They are fucking brutal. And I'd have liked your post, but I hit my quota. CAG should have an emergency reserve of "likes" we can access for situations like this when new thread frontiers are forged and so many posts are worthy. Where are my rollover "likes"?

I even had to unlike one post so I could like ctrlcthenctrlv's post. Sorry to the guy I unliked.
I'm on chapter 10 or 11 right now. I don't play on weekends, so I'll get back to it on Monday. The 500 battles don't seem that bad. I did just finish Rune Factory where I had to catch 2000 fish, fight 5000 monsters, etc. 500 battles seems like a walk in the park.
Why the hell did all this have to go down on a weekend (and a holuday one too)?  That is supposed to be time for playing games.  Reading pages and pages on CAG is meant for when you are working.

Finally caught up on the rest of this thread. What a roller coaster ride.

Anyone else get free fireworks shows from their neighbors last night. It was very fun to sit by a campfire in the backyard watching everyone burn their money in colorful loud fashion.
i live in stl so we went and watched fireworks at the arch. it was awesome. tonite there is a huge techno bubble floam rave. I wanna go and so does my wife, but she doesn't know if it is gonna happen cuz the whole her due date was a few days ago thing. I told her it would be epic to have a baby during a bubble laser show, but she isn't digging it as much.

also I am trying to train my 11 y/o daughter into playing rof so she can do these arena battles for me. It's gonna be laundry, dishes or rof arena battles ;)

Fireworks here got rained out last night, but a few places are doing some tonight.  Hopefully the neighbors of my parents will so we can go and watch them for free and not deal with the massive crowds.

i'm so jelly. i think we are gonna go anyway. $44 at door isn't too bad. I can try to earn that much back by the morning ;)

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