PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!

Playstation cancelled Powers after 2 seasons. Did any of you even watch it? I didn't.
Both seasons, but in each Season it took too long to get interesting, S1 got really good for the last 3 episodes or so, and S2 it started picking up around episode 5 or 6. If you ignore the S2 finale after credits scene (every episode has after credit scenes) then the series has a proper conclusion. I started watching it not knowing what to expect, and I was surprised that it had premium cable levels of profanity and violence.

All episodes are free with PS+.

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Arcade Archives: Soldier Girl Amazon

Blade Ballet


Caladrius Blaze

Emily Want to Play

Indigo Prophecy (PS2 to PS4)

No Man's Sky

Olli Olli Epic Combo Edition (retail)

Remember in Batman v. Superman where they show people in Metropolis as Superman and Zod are fighting?? That's pretty much what Powers is. You know there's superhero action stuff going on, but you really don't see it and instead watch boring characters go about their lives at a police station.

And when you do see some action, it's pretty brief. 

I like what Bendis did with Daredevil comics, but here it just doesn't work.

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Ultratron was pretty fun, but it would have been slightly less annoying if enemies weren't the same color as the background in later levels.

Suicide Squad thoughts:

(No actual plot spoilers below, just long and some peeps don't like to read reviews so spoiler'd)

I'm glad I saw it.  It's not bad by any means, and can be quite enjoyable, but it could have been way better.  I didn't read any reviews besides whatever headlines/blurbs went along with them on Facebook posts, but I saw a lot of them mention how it's a tonal mess.  I can see where they're coming from on that and the comment that it's like two different movies mushed together.  It has the playful who gives a fuck attitude from that one Ballroom Blitz trailer in some parts, then tries to be a big serious action movie with heart in others.  I feel it needed to veer more into playful bad guy hi-jinks territory for the type of movie it was.  Maybe they were trying to consciously stay away from Guardians of the Galaxy comparisons, but they could have taken some notes from that movie on how to not take themselves so serious.

I thought Jared Leto's joker was fine and perhaps showed him more as an actual gangster (vs a cartoon character) more than any other Joker (besides maybe Ledger but it's been awhile since I've seen that one).  Harley Quinn showed a little too much normal emotion for me though.  I want my Harley all crazy all the time.  Will Smith of course was good and Viola Davis too.  I would have liked Killer Croc to be a bit bigger, but don't want him all CGI, so not sure what solution is for that.

Overall I'd say see it if you're a fan of the Bat and his adversaries.  I had a good time, but I feel I could have had a way gooder one.

Suicide Squad thoughts:

(No actual plot spoilers below, just long and some peeps don't like to read reviews so spoiler'd)

I'm glad I saw it. It's not bad by any means, and can be quite enjoyable, but it could have been way better. I didn't read any reviews besides whatever headlines/blurbs went along with them on Facebook posts, but I saw a lot of them mention how it's a tonal mess. I can see where they're coming from on that and the comment that it's like two different movies mushed together. It has the playful who gives a fuck attitude from that one Ballroom Blitz trailer in some parts, then tries to be a big serious action movie with heart in others. I feel it needed to veer more into playful bad guy hi-jinks territory for the type of movie it was. Maybe they were trying to consciously stay away from Guardians of the Galaxy comparisons, but they could have taken some notes from that movie on how to not take themselves so serious.

I thought Jared Leto's joker was fine and perhaps showed him more as an actual gangster (vs a cartoon character) more than any other Joker (besides maybe Ledger but it's been awhile since I've seen that one). Harley Quinn showed a little too much normal emotion for me though. I want my Harley all crazy all the time. Will Smith of course was good and Viola Davis too. I would have liked Killer Croc to be a bit bigger, but don't want him all CGI, so not sure what solution is for that.

Overall I'd say see it if you're a fan of the Bat and his adversaries. I had a good time, but I feel I could have had a way gooder one.
Liked for "gooder".

Suicide Squad thoughts:

(No actual plot spoilers below, just long and some peeps don't like to read reviews so spoiler'd)

I'm glad I saw it. It's not bad by any means, and can be quite enjoyable, but it could have been way better. I didn't read any reviews besides whatever headlines/blurbs went along with them on Facebook posts, but I saw a lot of them mention how it's a tonal mess. I can see where they're coming from on that and the comment that it's like two different movies mushed together. It has the playful who gives a fuck attitude from that one Ballroom Blitz trailer in some parts, then tries to be a big serious action movie with heart in others. I feel it needed to veer more into playful bad guy hi-jinks territory for the type of movie it was. Maybe they were trying to consciously stay away from Guardians of the Galaxy comparisons, but they could have taken some notes from that movie on how to not take themselves so serious.

I thought Jared Leto's joker was fine and perhaps showed him more as an actual gangster (vs a cartoon character) more than any other Joker (besides maybe Ledger but it's been awhile since I've seen that one). Harley Quinn showed a little too much normal emotion for me though. I want my Harley all crazy all the time. Will Smith of course was good and Viola Davis too. I would have liked Killer Croc to be a bit bigger, but don't want him all CGI, so not sure what solution is for that.

Overall I'd say see it if you're a fan of the Bat and his adversaries. I had a good time, but I feel I could have had a way gooder one.
That would make sense as apparently there was a bit of a schism between the director who wanted something more serious, and the studio, who wanted something more like the tone of the first trailer set to Bohemian Rhapsody. To the point that they had the company who made that trailer do a separate edit on the film (and they later did some reshoots), and the two cuts went head to head. So I would imagine eventually we'll see the other edit on video at some point and we can judge for ourselves.

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That would make sense as apparently there was a bit of a schism between the director who wanted something more serious, and the studio, who wanted something more like the tone of the first trailer set to Bohemian Rhapsody. To the point that they had the company who made that trailer do a separate edit on the film (and they later did some reshoots), and the two cuts went head to head. So I would imagine eventually we'll see the other edit on video at some point and we can judge for ourselves.
Studio bigwig 4 months ago: "BvS isn't making us as much money as I'd like. People are saying it's too dark and long. Make sure the next DC movie is a short, lighthearted romp."

Intern: "The one about a bunch of hardened criminals and villains that most of the public haven't heard of who are forced against their will to work as a team for a government agency and that has "Suicide" right in the title?"

Bigwig: "I SAID DO IT!"

Hey Kilik and Stotch.

How are you guys liking Project Fi?  I am thinking (again) of getting my wife switched over.  Probably just the 5x.  

I see the 16gb is on sale for $199 and the 32gb for $249 for a few more days (although it looks like they repeat or extend the sale often).

The animated Suicide Squad movie was really good and is pretty similar to the tone of that first trailer. They should've just did a straight adaptation of that (I haven't seen the new one).

The animated Suicide Squad movie was really good and is pretty similar to the tone of that first trailer. They should've just did a straight adaptation of that (I haven't seen the new one).
How's TT Batman? Seeing much of this new engine freshness that TT had been talking about?

How's TT Batman? Seeing much of this new engine freshness that TT had been talking about?
Just finished it. Great start. I'm excited to see them build on some of the stuff (e.g., connecting evidence at a crime scene to figure out what happened). I'm a Batman shill so take that with a grain of salt, I guess. Is there supposed to be a new engine? Didn't feel all that different than Borderlands. I experienced a few audio/video oddities, but maybe less than usual? I dunno.

Hey Kilik and Stotch.

How are you guys liking Project Fi? I am thinking (again) of getting my wife switched over. Probably just the 5x.

I see the 16gb is on sale for $199 and the 32gb for $249 for a few more days (although it looks like they repeat or extend the sale often).
Love it, best cell service ive ever had.

Nexus 5x is a pretty solid phone for the price. I got the 32gb for the same 250. No issues with it, running anroid 7 beta (Nougat) and not had any issues with that either. If she doesnt use a ton of apps or store music on her phone, the 16gb should be ok, you're just stuck with that size though as no sd slot on phone, why I went with 32gb.

Ive not had a single major issue with either phone or service.

Love it, best cell service ive ever had.

Nexus 5x is a pretty solid phone for the price. I got the 32gb for the same 250. No issues with it, running anroid 7 beta (Nougat) and not had any issues with that either. If she doesnt use a ton of apps or store music on her phone, the 16gb should be ok, you're just stuck with that size though as no sd slot on phone, why I went with 32gb.

Ive not had a single major issue with either phone or service.
Thanks, I will probably go with the 32GB even though as you said for her 16GB should be plenty but if it isn't you are stuck. Although she used to have an old iPod so I could load up the music from that. Will discuss with her this weekend and see if she wants to move to a new phone finally.

Also probably just run Marshmellow as she will not care about Nougat.

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I don't think they make it to Q. What candy or sugary snack starts with Q?

Came back from seeing Suicide Squad. I'm shocked that people are actually liking it. It's pretty bad and full of problems.

I will say, however, that the best parts are NOT in the commercials. Deadshot, Waller, and Diablo
even though it takes forever to focus on him. Why couldn't the flashback with Diablo's family dying show up sooner?
are the best parts of the movie with Harley not far behind (her antics were very hit or miss).

If it was edited down to maybe 90 minutes, Suicide Squad would probably be better.

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Also I have the wrong mindset when playing that game. Especially on the races. I play it like tetris where ever piece has to fit 100% perfect so I can build a stable tower for when they throw some bullshit at me.
I also saw Suicide Squad tonight...

I pretty much thought the same as Zimm, but I probably would've been upset if I hadn't gotten the tickets for free.  I was thinking "hey, this ain't  bad" during the first half of the movie but the second half everything fell apart.  So many groan worthy bad lines and shitty cliches.  Margot showed flashes of a pretty badass Harley... shame they couldn't keep her consistent.  And like Zimm said, they tried too hard to have some heartfelt moments that just didn't work at all.  And for the record, the 3d was pretty shitty.

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I'm still on Furi. Beat The Song this morning and then went a few runs against the next boss. Great game but I can't play it for more than a couple hours before getting frustrated. Definitely a game that you have to earn your wins in. Learning the patterns is key and until you figure those out and which attack types to use for each wave you're not going to have much luck. Fair game, though, and feels really rewarding to progress in.

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I'm still on Furi. Beat The Song this morning and then went a few runs against the next boss. Great game but I can't play it for more than a couple hours before getting frustrated. Definitely a game that you have to earn your wins in. Learning the patterns is key and until you figure those out and which attack types to use for each wave you're not going to have much luck. Fair game, though, and feels really rewarding to progress in.
The Burst is probably the hardest boss of them all, so it should feel particularly good to win against her.

FYI, if you had uploaded your save to PS+ before fighting The Song, you could have earned an easy trophy:

Don't touch the controller when she asks you to stay, and after 3-5 minutes, you'll get a different ending and the credits will roll. You're then kicked back to the beginning of the game, so that's why it's best to upload your save beforehand and avoid having to fight the first 5 bosses again.

The Burst is probably the hardest boss of them all, so it should feel particularly good to win against her.

FYI, if you had uploaded your save to PS+ before fighting The Song, you could have earned an easy trophy:

Don't touch the controller when she asks you to stay, and after 3-5 minutes, you'll get a different ending and the credits will roll. You're then kicked back to the beginning of the game, so that's why it's best to upload your save beforehand and avoid having to fight the first 5 bosses again.
Yeah, I missed that one. There are 2 trophy lists for the game and neither does a good job of providing a walkthrough approach IMO.

Since some of you can't follow on discord. I got in an accident Wednesday. Car totaled. See silver car pic. Today I bought a new car. The white audi. #facebook[attachment=23199:IMG_20160803_124250.jpg][attachment=23200:IMG_20160806_134527.jpg]
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My neck and back are sore. When I touch my collarbone where the seatbelt was its tender. I have had a slight headache for a while where my neck is sore. I'm goig to my doc Monday. I dont think its bad but will get x rays. Insurance is paying me out and giving medical and lost work time money so I should be covered. Thanks.
bread's done