PSP games sales not doing so good

[quote name='thingsfallnapart']see, nobody wants to spend 40-50 dollars on portable games.[/QUOTE]

exactly, especially after shelling out $250 + tax on the unit.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I guess Nintendogs is a system seller for the DS.[/QUOTE]

A 40/40 from Famitsu goes a long way
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']see, nobody wants to spend 40-50 dollars on portable games.[/QUOTE]

Especially when nearly everything on the PSP is out for the PS2 already.
i dunno about that, i know personally i wouldnt pay the 24.99 or 29.99 that theyre asking for on umd's right now, and a number of the movies theyve put out are older movies, i cant imagine sales on umd's picking up until they get on a schedule of new releases, and even then, i think its hard to justify the price...
this is just my luck: put two paychecks towards the psp and games, get charged a fee for missing a payment for my school housing, and now the system's bombing. maybe there's a higher power telling me that i need to start putting college ahead of video games...nah, who the hell would do that?

why can't sony just price their games at around 29.99 or 34.99...
PSP- Pricey Shiny Piece-o-crap. If Sony isn't doing well with their PSP in Japan, I can only imagine what would happen if Microsoft launched a portable over there. Of course it wouldn't be considered a portable over there anyways, cause Microsoft loves to oversize the hell outta anything normal.
Maybe if the PSP games were $35 or less they would have a easier time selling. That and the PSP has very little coming out this year compared the DS lineup, atleast as of today, so most people who own a PSP already got the games they want for the system, or are waiting for a price drop on some of the games.
This is really depressing news for me....hopefully they will just drop the prices on game and that will fix everything.

I dont want to have spent $250 for this and have it bomb :sad:
im glad i waited to see how both would come around. I plan to buy a DS in October-November

i dont see anyuse for those umd's. Id rather watch a movie on my 57" Sony Tv, rather than a shitty little lcd screen. Thats just me though.
I love my PSP but the high game prices hold me back from impulse buys I think the games should be like 30 bucks and movies 15 bucks tops . almost every game out has dropped in price because nobodys buying these expensive games
Truthfully, the only games I am intrested in for PSP would be Ridge Racers and what ever Baseball game is better, but I never spend $50 on a game. The last game I spent $50 on was NASCAR 2005 and that was with Buy 2 Get 1, and I sold the other 2 games and ended up getting NASCAR for like $15.

I think the Nintendo DS might be the equal balance in affordability and power. ALso I think the DS has more power than we are seeing with a lot of the current games. Mario 64 looks like a PSP game, but comparing the Ridge Racers would be a joke.
[quote name='Follandboy']

I think the Nintendo DS might be the equal balance in affordability and power. ALso I think the DS has more power than we are seeing with a lot of the current games. Mario 64 looks like a PSP game, but comparing the Ridge Racers would be a joke.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to throw in a big 'I don't think so' on this one. Besides for Mario 64 *that is not even that great* - DS games are pretty sad. Most even looks just like GBA games.

Guessing the PSP does not have enough dating simulators, checkers, and horse racing sims for the Japanese culture?? :)
The real test will be for the titles like FFVII - Dirge of Cerebus and other high anticpation original items. Power isn't enough. There have to be exclusive titles that make good use of it. The GTA entry will be a similar test for the US.

I don't see it as being a matter of the DS' success but as a failure of the PSP's library to date. Even if the DS didn't exist I don't think the PSP would be doing much better without more to qualify the price.
I don't own a PSP myself so I haven't really looked into this much myself, but is there any REAL MUST HAVE title that will be release soon that could save the PSP as far as software sales go??
[quote name='TheMoor']I don't own a PSP myself so I haven't really looked into this much myself, but is there any REAL MUST HAVE title that will be release soon that could save the PSP as far as software sales go??[/QUOTE]

Of course it isn't, the damn thing burns so much money. First you dish out the $250 for the PSP, then probably another $100 for a good card, and then you top it with $40 or $50 a game? Damn you Sony.
[quote name='Moxio']Of course it isn't, the damn thing burns so much money. First you dish out the $250 for the PSP, then probably another $100 for a good card, and then you top it with $40 or $50 a game? Damn you Sony.[/QUOTE]

You put it so eloquently, and yet so simply.

This is basically my take on the whole matter, which really seems to be the general consensus.

I'm even gladder now after hearing this news. Even though I was pretty sure and pretty set on getting DS, I'm very happy that I waited to compare both handhelds.

Right now there are many reasons I believe that you can attribute to the lack of PSP sales. First is the pricepoint of course. $250 for a handheld is definitely not worth it IMO. Considering that the average age of users of portable systems are children to teenagers (I'm assuming here, but this is based off of the fact of the main demographic of the GBA and past handhelds) it isn't surprising also. This is the demographic that mostly relies on their parents and others for money and gifts. Many parents know that a portable system will probably fall or break in the hands of someone younger. Secondly, the games were priced far too high. Who wants to pay $40 to $50 a game for a game on a portable, and games that are mostly rehashes of the big screen counterparts. Third, are the UMD movies. I really don't see the reason for these on the PSP and especially at the prices that they have come out for. If I owned a PSP than I personally wouldn't want to have to re-buy all the movies that I already have bought on DVD just so I could see them on a tiny screen like the PSP and on a different format. I would either just watch the DVDs I already own on my laptop or just go out and buy a portable DVD player. I'm sure it would be much cheaper than going out, re-buying all of my DVDs that I love for a $250 system and watching them on such a small screen. Lastly, I also don't like the idea of having to save the games to memory sticks and having to buy those just to save. I really wish that they would have just gone and put a HD on the system, even if it was a small one and then given us the option of buy memory sticks, or whatever memory cards.

Also, read into epobirs post earlier. He puts it very well as well. there are no true must haves nor anything that really looks like it will be. The DS doesn't have the most graphics heavy games at the moment, but it does have fun and gameplay and those are two strong aspects that make for a heavy punch in the gaming world. The DS currently has the most enjoyable games of the two IMO and I have tested a couple games on my friend's PSP. The PSP only had Lumines which I really enjoyed, but otherwise nothing really.
[quote name='soulwish2003']I'm going to throw in a big 'I don't think so' on this one. Besides for Mario 64 *that is not even that great* - DS games are pretty sad. Most even looks just like GBA games.

Guessing the PSP does not have enough dating simulators, checkers, and horse racing sims for the Japanese culture?? :)[/QUOTE]

A) who cares about how a game looks like. I only care about if I can attain enjoyment out of it. B) At least the DS has some original titles instead of rehashes of PSone/PStwo games.
to be completely honest i think the reason that is going on is because of the sheer lack of games for the system i dont know how it is in japan but here back home in the states there is not many games worth dropping 40-50 bucks for.honestly i was going to buy a game today but decided to wait for coded arms because nothing caught my eye. right now i am currently playing ridge racer and that game is just so good nothing out now will compare in my opinion.
till the system starts rolling and getting some big game titles no matter ports or what the game sales will be lacking till there is actually some good games worth buying
just my thought dont know if anyone else agrees but i think most do.
[quote name='soulwish2003']I'm going to throw in a big 'I don't think so' on this one. Besides for Mario 64 *that is not even that great* - DS games are pretty sad. Most even looks just like GBA games.

Guessing the PSP does not have enough dating simulators, checkers, and horse racing sims for the Japanese culture?? :)[/QUOTE]
The graphics for alot of DS games are simple and rely more on style and personality rather than flash. That being said, most DS games look great and really accomplish what they set out to do.
[quote name='Astinus Majere']Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories[/QUOTE]

No, he said he wanted a good game. Not the same piece of crap with a new, crappy, albeit portable coat of paint.
I have a PSP. I think the thing that upsets me more than anything is I just read an article in OPM about that new marvel fighting game rise of the imperfects and they go on and talk about how it is practically just like the PS2 game except for a few characters. Now you would think WOW cool its great the system is that powerful! It ends up being a bit of the opposite though for me because I think if I grab the game for the PS2 what's the point?

I remember also reading a review for the PSP Spider-Man 2 game and they talked about how it had more depth than the DS version. Then I played both and finished the PSP version in about 3 hours or so where it took me at least three times as long to finish the DS version. So WTF?

I think Sony has hit a weird spot because a handheld has never really matched a home console in specs in the same generation.

I'm trying to stay positive but I've been trying to decide for the past 3 or so weeks if I should keep the system.
[quote name='soulwish2003']I'm going to throw in a big 'I don't think so' on this one. Besides for Mario 64 *that is not even that great* - DS games are pretty sad. Most even looks just like GBA games.

Guessing the PSP does not have enough dating simulators, checkers, and horse racing sims for the Japanese culture?? :)[/QUOTE]

Don't forget good ol' tenticle porn.
I hope sony wakes up and starts selling the thing for cheaper. And I want to see some $20 Greatest Hits games.

At least when I took the plung with the DS I knew that even if it did bomb I could still play GBA games on it.
[quote name='Astinus Majere']Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories[/QUOTE]

Like I said, no. Fanboys will buy this game, I'm sure, for the same boring crap that has filled the past three GTA games. It's not a system seller by any means.
[quote name='Maverick CRV']Like I said, no. Fanboys will buy this game, I'm sure, for the same boring crap that has filled the past three GTA games. It's not a system seller by any means.[/QUOTE]

Try to have some objectivity. It doesn't matter if you like the game. What matters is that is the bestselling franchise of the current generation by a considerable margin. Even a bad GTA on PSP is going to draw a lot of attention. A good GTA with lots of new content will move a serious number of PSPs and encourage other developers.

I wouldn't pay a penny for Madden or any other football game, but from a publishing perspective I'd be very encouraged by what it does for PS2 sales. Installed base counts for a lot in choosing platforms.
I'll tell you why the DS is kicking the PSP's ass. 16 words:

Touhoku University's Future Technology Collaborative Research Centre's Professor Ryuuta Kawashima presents: DS Brain Training for Adults.

Or T.U.'s Future Tech Collaborative Research Centre's Prof. Kawashima presents: DS Brain Training for Adults for short.

I have neither system and haven't really been that tempted by either to this point. But then I'm not much of a portable gamer anyway. I'd probably rather have a PSP, but the price is too high for me and there aren't really any games I gotta have. I'll get one at a yard sale somewhere in 10 years for $20 :)
Why doesn't anyone put a dollar value on portability? It is worth it to me in real money to be able to take games with me on the go since most of the time I have for gaming is NOT in front of the television. I'd pay $30 easy for a straight port of a PS2 game (and probably even a PS1 game). If you have two identical $50 games, one for PS2 and one for PSP, the $50 is better spent on the PSP game because I can take it anywhere... I imagine I'm in the minotity on this though...
Well, I'd tend to agree, except the PSP "ports" are hardly that, because the controls suck, the load times are usually longer, and the games don't look as good.

It's still early, though. I'm going to give the PSP some time, but I'm not buying one now.
they better do something quick because the line up of games coming out in Japan for the DS looks really really good over the next few months (considering the summer is usually a slow period for game sales and releases, at least here in America, so I am assuming it is the same in Japan). Games like Famicon Wars, Naruto, FMA, MMBN 5, and Castlevania are all going to sell very well and its not like Nintendo is going to let up with the good games that are coming out.

Upcoming DS games in Japan:

June 04 Jissen Pachislot Hisshohou! Fist of the North Star (Sega)
June 16 Caduceus: Surgical Operation (Trauma Center: Under the Knife) (Atlus)
June 16 DS Dictionary Software (Nintendo)
June 23 Famicom Wars DS (Advance Wars: Dual Strike (Nintendo)
June 23 Ganbare Goemon: Toukai Douchuu (Konami)
June 30 DS Rakuhiki Jiten (Nintendo)
June 30 Atari Classics: Happy 10 Games (Retro Atari Classics (Atari)
June 30 Asphalt Urban GT (Taito)
June 30 Simple DS Series Vol.1: The Mahjong (D3 Publisher)
June 30 Simple DS Series Vol.2: The Billiards (D3 Publisher)
June 30 Simple DS Series Vol.3: The Mushitori Oukoku (D3 Publisher)

July 14 Naruto RPG 2: Chidori vs. Rasengan (Tomy)
July 21 FullMetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy (Bandai)
July 21 GoldenEye: Rogue Agent (Electronic Arts)
July 21 Rockman EXE 5 DS: Twin Leaders (Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team) (Capcom)
July 21 Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour (Konami)
July 28 Ouendan (Nintendo)
July 28 Pac 'n Roll (Namco)
July 28 Robots (Vivendi)

August 04 Power Pocket Koushien (Konami)
Augusr 08 Jump Superstars (Nintendo)
August 25 Akumajou Dracula: Aoitsuki no Juujika (Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow) (Konami)
August 25 Lost in Blue: Futari no Survival Life (Konami)
August 25 Puzzle Bobble Bust-a-Move DS) (Taito)
August 25 Lunar Genesis (Marvelous Interactive)

(list taken from Maxflight over at NDSF, who got it from GAF)
First you dish out the $250 for the PSP, then probably another $100 for a good card, and then you top it with $40 or $50 a game? Damn you Sony

I use the card they gave me. It's saved every game I've played and I haven't deleted anything. You don't NEED a bigger card. I use it as a game system and at the least they give you a memory card.

$50 games though, yeah, has to go.

I remember also reading a review for the PSP Spider-Man 2 game and they talked about how it had more depth than the DS version. Then I played both and finished the PSP version in about 3 hours or so where it took me at least three times as long to finish the DS version.

Both games were awful. The PSP benefited from better level design. The time limits with no idea as to where you're supposed to rescuse people was ridiuclous on the DS. At the least, I had more fun with my three hours going through the game on the PSP than being stuck trying to find one hostage for three hours on the DS.

Third, are the UMD movies. I really don't see the reason for these on the PSP and especially at the prices that they have come out for

Tell that to those who are buying them. They'll keep them priced high as long as they keep selling. I don't get it, and I'd never buy one at the current rate, but people are.

Who wants to pay $40 to $50 a game for a game on a portable, and games that are mostly rehashes of the big screen counterparts.

While I don't want to pay that much, I'd rather have it as a portable game. I can take it if I'm going on a trip, I can play it in bed and watch a basketball game, and I can head off to the bathroom, all without having to leave my console.
[quote name='gamereviewgod']

Both games were awful. The PSP benefited from better level design. The time limits with no idea as to where you're supposed to rescuse people was ridiuclous on the DS. At the least, I had more fun with my three hours going through the game on the PSP than being stuck trying to find one hostage for three hours on the DS.


Better level design? How? Because it was 3D? Most of the PSP levels were super small. The first time I played the bridge level and the burning warehouse level I thought WOW that's it? I agree the backtracking\ looking for people to rescue could be cumbersome but if you get past it the game is quite fun. I also thought Spidey moved quickly enough that going back and looking around wasn't a snail paced effort which helped. The DS game had a lot more hidden areas and the levels were quite smart. It wasn't all roses...the combat was quite weak as your punches didn't always land but for a launch game I really dug it. As always to each his own.
No, no, it has nothing to do with being 3-D. Hell, the engine used in the DS version is more impressive.

The simple fact is in the DS, there was no care or logical thought as to where the people should be. Why is a hostage being held at the very top of a crane? That's just bad, illogical design, not to mention they give no help at all with a tight time limit. The burning building was even more frustrating. Combat was fine, basically the classic combat used since the PS One version.

Keep in mind I didn't care for the PSP version either, but if I had to choose, it's the PSP version. At least I knew where I had to be and where I needed to go. None of us should have to replay a level 50 times to find the one freakin' hostage that's missing.

Glad you enjoyed it, though.
That is why I am keeping an eye on Craigslist. I almost nabbed a PSP with Darkstalkers, and a 512, 256, and 32MB Mem Card for $175. That's definitely a sweet-spot price for me. :)

The DS just doesn't do it for me.
Well PSP's are nice, but a few problems I had:

- Pixel problems (3 Units with at least five missing pixels)
- Expensive Memory (If you want to watch videos)
- Expensive UMDs (C'mon, there's no reason they should be priced more than DVD's; I'd rather by a DVD I can watch at home and rip to a MP4 format)
- Lack of Great games besides Lumines and Hot Shots Golf
- Short battery life, (I take the train to work on the weekends, Two 2hr train rides leaves no extra life)

I finally got a DS, and am happy. Sure, the graphics aren't as nice, and I'm worring about scratching the touch screen, but I'm having a lot of fun with the system...
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']At least the DS has some original titles instead of rehashes of PSone/PStwo games.[/QUOTE]

Metal Gear AC!D

Those are three great PSP games that I have played that are nothing like I have ever seen before.

The DS lineup is also full of ports, rehashes, sequels, and total ripoffs (Zoo Keeper).

In fact, the PSP has more original games than DS.
I know that I am in the minority but here it goes: *puts up flame shield*
I bought my DS at launch and... I think it is a piece of shit. I got it basically for free after trade-ins but I think it is junk.
I have the demo that it came with and Mario 64(which I admit I do enjoy) but absolutely no games other that is out other than the Bond one (which I'm betting is a piece of shit itself) even makes me want to think about buying it.
I am only keeping it until there is a trade-in special at EB or Gamestop. I think Mario Kart and a couple other games sound great but I'm sick of seeing Japeneese screenshots and delayed shipping dates.
I also know that I'm probably gonna be shreded by everyone who dearly loves their DS but I really don't care. The concept and the promised games sound great but I really don't give a shaq-fu.
[quote name='daphatty']That is why I am keeping an eye on Craigslist. I almost nabbed a PSP with Darkstalkers, and a 512, 256, and 32MB Mem Card for $175. That's definitely a sweet-spot price for me. :)

The DS just doesn't do it for me.[/QUOTE]

Saw that listing.

How about the guy currently trying to get $200 for his 2600 :rofl: I e-mailed him an offer of $10 cash.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Mercury
Metal Gear AC!D

Those are three great PSP games that I have played that are nothing like I have ever seen before.


You must not play games that often.

plus I don't count a PS2 game with 3 extra levels as "original".
bread's done