Quantum of Solace (360 - $14.99; PS3 - $10.99) @ Amazon


So I recently rented Casino Royale from Netflix and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I was curious how much the blu-ray was going for on Amazon, and in my search this cheap game came up. I just ordered the 360 version for $14.99 plus the Casino Royale blu-ray for $12.99 ($27 shipped). It has mediocre reviews, but I don't see how a game based on Casino Royale using the COD4 engine could be bad, especially for $14.99.

I got it from Best Buy for $10 a year or so ago and platinumed it. Easy platinum, but I doubt anyone is online for you to get the online trophies now.

For the posted price, it is a good deal. I enjoyed it a lot.
I dunno. I checked the Xbox QoS forum and posts that aren't too old are reporting that a decent number of people play online.
i got the ps3 version when it was around $13 i think.
for what it is, it's enjoyable.

trying to platinum it is more of a chore right now since there aren't as many people on it as i would guess back when this game first came out.
I grabbed this back for $10 when Best Buy had that sale going on, and kept putting it off till recently. In fact, I just beat it tonight...fun little game, really. Plus, the open theme? Waaaay better than the actual movie's theme. :twoguns:
picked up years ago at best buy for $10. Pretty good game but too much on multiplayer achievements.
Don't know about the :ps3: version, but there ALWAYS seems to be people playing Team Conflict on the :360:.

My buddy loves this game. He plays it in the morning &/or mid afternoon & he always find a mostly full if not completely full room.

So, yes, people are definitely still playing it online.
I got this for cheap from Gamefly awhile back, played it for about twenty minutes, and then got rid of it. It's ugly, janky, and still can't live up to Goldeneye. I was disappointed given the generally positive reviews people were giving it on boards.
bread's done