Question about 360's out there


I'm going to buy an 360 on Friday but have read all these problems that people are having with their systems, having to have 4-5 in a year. Honestly, are most of these stories because the owners aren't taking care of their systems or because it's bad hardware on Microsoft's end?

Also, I read that quieter fans were installed after a certain date? Where should I look on the box for that date?
I take care of mine, once in place I never touch it. Its ventilated and not used more than 10hrs a week. I have had 2 break, on my 3rd. But you should still definatly buy one, and get a 2 year warranty to add on.
Does it take awhile to send it in and get one back? I heard you get refurbished, is that true? Anything else you could tell me about it would be nice, thanks.

Also, do you have to call once you get your 360 to start the free year of warranty or does it just start?
I'd say that the 360 probably has had their share of problems, but not any more than the PS2 had. I don't have any hard evidence though. I know 2 of my friends and myself including haven't had any problems.

As for the manufacturing date, it's on the back of the console. I don't know if you can see it outside of the box. I think 11/06 was the month they started using quieter drives, I'm not sure though. I heard 06/06 also. Mine was manufactured in August.

If you're goin to be playin in a big room I don't think the sound will be bothersome. I have it in my living room and only notice it when the game starts.
There's no answer. Some people have had half a dozen consoles crap out on them (very rare), some have pre-launch "Mountain Dew contest" consoles that are still running as well as they were on day 1.

I've had one exchanged - it still worked but the graphics card seemed like it had a problem since I was getting a lot of flickering textures. Since I got the replacement, it has been fine.

The fear of getting a bad one is not really a good excuse anymore with all the solid titles available. If you want one, buy it - although I don't blame you if you want to wait and see if the rumors about the "black" 360 coming out in May are true.

There has been improvement over time, but it's still not foolproof and never will be, so BUY THE WARRANTY. I'd tell you the same thing no matter what console you're purchasing, though.
[quote name='SadExchange']Does it take awhile to send it in and get one back? I heard you get refurbished, is that true? Anything else you could tell me about it would be nice, thanks.

Also, do you have to call once you get your 360 to start the free year of warranty or does it just start?[/quote]

It took about 2 weeks from me sending it in to recieving one, and yes both ones that replaced my broken ones were refurbished.
We got ours at Christmas. It sees pretty heavy use, on average 2-4 hours a day probably with weekend sessions easily going for 8-12 hours or more (there are 4 gamers in my house each wanting their turns).

Never had one problem with it. I keep it horizontal and well ventilated.

I don't expect any problems with it either - until the day the new 360 comes out (if it does) with a bigger HD and HDMI - on that day it will develop a mysterious illness and have to be replaced under my in store extended warranty don't ya know... :whistle2:#


[quote name='SadExchange']I'm going to buy an 360 on Friday but have read all these problems that people are having with their systems, having to have 4-5 in a year. Honestly, are most of these stories because the owners aren't taking care of their systems or because it's bad hardware on Microsoft's end?

Also, I read that quieter fans were installed after a certain date? Where should I look on the box for that date?[/quote]
Geez... I'm still on my first. It's only been 4 mo. though. No problems really, just complaints. Runs hot and potental to chew up disks. It's also pretty mobile too, I take it out of the house at least 3 times a week.
I've had one nearly a year and while it's had a few minor glitches it's never really died, I suggest going to a store with a high turnover rate on systems (BestBuy, CC) so you get a newer model, most of the 360s at my Costco have probably been sitting there since launch.
I had one for about 8 months and then certain games wouldn't play and it was off-on with these games. I could still play certain ones, but I wasn't going to chance it. Called them up and they sent me box after a couple of days. It's been there for about a week and I should be receiving it back tomorrow. I'll tell you afterward if it is refurbished (probably they just realigned the laser is my best bet and maybe exchanged the card/fan). Overall I'm very pleased with how their customer service has handled itself, so if something does breakdown I wouldn't be too worried about it.
Four to Five in a year!?!?! That's nuts. I went thru 4 to 5 in three days once. Honestly all these stories you here are probably will need to replace it quite often. They are kind of like diapers, you use them for a few hours then have to switch them out, kind of annoying but the games on the system are great so I put up with it. Hopefully you'll be one of the lucky ones that only has to replace your system once a week. Good luck to you and enjoy your new system!
well, i'm on my 3rd....after the 1st one crapped out i bought an intercooler and added 2 80mm pc exhaust fans to the back of that section of the wall unit (which when on there is nothing but cool air in that section...)

after my second died.... i noticed the intercooler had a dead fan...

on my 3rd one, but may call it in soon since the drive makes a grinding sound upon spindown...
For the warranty, do you have to call Microsoft when you first buy it, or does the warranty just start when it's scanned into the retailer you pay for it? Also, when you turn it in, you lose all your saves don't you?
I've had one since January of 06 and it's never missed a beat. I've carried it with me to a couple of other places. I once had a 10 second power brown out and it turned back on fine afterwards. It's in an open entertainment center and not sealed in is the only special thing about it. And I know about 7 other people with 360's and none have had one issue.
[quote name='SadExchange']For the warranty, do you have to call Microsoft when you first buy it, or does the warranty just start when it's scanned into the retailer you pay for it? Also, when you turn it in, you lose all your saves don't you?[/quote]

What about this question, with starting the warranty?
[quote name='SadExchange']What about this question, with starting the warranty?[/QUOTE]

It's too bad we don't have a FAQ stickied to the top of this forum...
I am on my 4th console. I bought it on Apr 1, 2006, and the manufacture date was sometime in Feb, so it was not a launch unit. In May a couple times it locked up playing burnout, but I didnt think much of it. A month later or so I tried playing Perfect Dark, which I had bought but not played yet. It would lock up 5 mins from starting a game every time. Then the red lights of doom.

I called MS, they UPS'ed me a box right away with a return label. I sent it back, and about 10 days later, a refurb launch unit showed up, manufactured on 11/14/2005. This one only worked fine until one day in August, when it went from locking up for the first time, to red-lights in a couple hours. I called, got another box sent to me, and send my console back again. I got #3 in a week or so.

The third one started locking up in Dec, but I was going out of town for almost a month, so I didnt send it right away, but instead was greeted with red-lights when I got back home. I sent it away again, and now I have console 4, which has been fine since. I do notice that this newest one is a little quieter (thank god), than the other ones.

So yes, I have experience that 360's break, and not just launch units. My experience is not enough to make a general statement about reliability. All consoles, or electronics in general, have failures. My roommate had a gamecube die, but he did leave it paused on a game for days at a time.

I did talk to a service rep about ventilation. I have the console vertical, with 4 in on either side and the top, with the front and back open. They said that is fine.

Here is my advice.

If your console has any problems at all, (freezing, slowdown, flickering) stress it. Try different games (perfect dark always broke mine), put in Gears and play online, play an HD-DVD if you have the drive. If you console is going to break eventually, it is better to do it all at once, then replace it, rather than slowly watch it get worse and have to baby it. This is provided you are still within the warranty period.

If you don't want it to die, then dont be like me and just ventilate it "good enough." Put it way out in the open if you want to be safe. It does make a lot of heat, so the more airflow around it, the better.

I hear that the majority of people who buy one now really dont have problems. They have probably improved quality over time, and some parts have been changed (DVD drive), for better reliability and performance.

When you call MS, sound like you know what you are talking about, and do some testing first. If it locks up, try different things, like sitting in the dashboard, playing arcade and retail games, watching videos, ect, to find out when it locks up. If you have the red lights, try unplugging the power and resetting, and removing the hard drive. Then when you get a person on the phone, tell them everything you have tried, and be patient. I never had to sit on the phone for more than 10 minutes before they decided to send me a box.

Last time I talked to them, they said I would have to pay to ship it to them with their new policy. I said that last time they sent me a box, and they caved and sent me a box with paid shipping. If you are poor, or just cheap :), then ask if they could please send you a box. I dont mean be an ass, but if you say, "I am poor and didnt do anything to break it, I dont really want to pay to ship this thing to you," they might send you a box.

I am very happy with my 360, and if you only want one of the current gen consoles (360, PS3, Wii), 360 is probably the way to go for now. Plenty of decent, and now cheap games, and plenty more coming out soon.

I hope some of this helps.

Edit* Holy crap that is long, I hope everyone likes my novel.*
[quote name='SadExchange']For the warranty, do you have to call Microsoft when you first buy it, or does the warranty just start when it's scanned into the retailer you pay for it?[/quote]

i'd also like to know the answer to this question
There is a warranty card with the 360 when you buy it, you can call them and do it over the phone.

My manufacture date is 10/05 and I've had it nearly a year without a problem.
myself and two friends each bought one on boxing day. One of them crapped out in less than a month the other two are still chugging along fine.
I'm still on my first one (it's a generation 2).

The only issues I've had are:

1. The AC cable shorted out. Not the power brick itself, just the cable that plugs into it and into the wall outlet. I got a suitable unofficial replacement on eBay for a few bucks. I tried calling MS but they wouldn't fix it under the warranty and used the excuse that the warranty doesn't cover accessories and the power supply is an "accessory", B.S.

2. About 50% of the time, if there's no disc in the drive, when I push the eject button, the tray won't pop out. It will move slightly like its trying to pop out, and then give up and move slightly again back in. My remedy is when I push eject, when the drive does its slight movement but doesn't pop out, I just gently push in on the front of the drive tray and it will pop out. It doesn't do this everytime. Definitely a flaw but not something I'm willing to deal with MS customer service and sending in my console back in to fix. I'd rather just deal with it.

I usually don't believe in such things, but if I could go back I would've bought mine at a store that sells their own extended warranty, so that way I could have just exchanged it if I had problems...
bread's done